Lousy neighbors

On another post, and in the usual style of the bartender serving up bizarre gripes about people of faith, a self-described decon while sitting on the bar stool, and in a moment of careless honesty, made this following observation about a few believers:

‘I totally understand. I live in the thick of it, literally. Imagine having Colorstorm, Wally, IB, James and the Militant as your neighbors.’

Ok, let’s forget about me, since my testimony would no doubt be arrogant, self-serving, ridiculous, full of lies, and just outright evil………….yep, I am rotten to the core and bad to the bone.

Image result for borrow a cup of sugar

But let’s have a quick look at some of these other believers, and I would like to add a few more, whose names are irrelevant. Let’s see if the myopic comment by the professional decon has any semblance with reality.

It snowed. The blizzard brought three feet of the white magic layed inconveniently at two o’clock in the morning. The believer shared a driveway with a non believer, and the non-believers garage was 90 feet from his house; totally blocked.

The believer put his boots on at three am, and yep, shoveled the driveway, taking five hours, then went inside, warmed up, and got ready for work. The unbeliever arose at 8 am, and upon prepping for a work delay, saw that the driveway was already finished, and he proceeded to bring his believer neighbor friend, ‘Samuel,’ a fresh cup of coffee.

They laughed about the beautiful snow, the delays of buses, the cold, the trucks and the damage they cause to the roads, they spoke of the weekend games, and they enjoyed each others company for 30 minutes, and guess what? Not one mention of God.

Samuel was thanked for the third time by Mike, and bid each other a good day. These were the very best of neighbors, and no, Samuel did not have 6 heads, he did not breath fire, and his feet were not size 37. Nor was Mike 9 ft tall, he did not have 4 thumbs or hands the size of a catcher’s mitt, and his tongue was not 6 ft long. Even if Mike was otherwise a bit freakish, so what.

If you saw these two from a distance, their behaviour did not betray their spiritual self, or lack thereof. Both were decent people, and the inference by a decon that somehow the believer is automatically a ‘defective’ neighbor reveals the very darkest of the human heart. Sorry folks, there is no other conclusion.

‘Imagine having ………….Insanitybytes as your neighbor. Imagine having Wally as your neighbor. Imagine having James as your neighbor………..’   Hmm, here’s a triple play of caution to be sure.  Wontcha be my neighbor? Could ya, would ya?

Yeah, you may want to have 911 on speed dial, as they are a threat to your children and dogs. Watch out, there may be lighter fluid in the hot chocolate, or the banana bread may be spiked with poison ivy. Make sure you notify the Borough that they have matches in the kitchen. Be sure to file a report that Dad has a chain saw. Please.

It is the highest of intellectual treason, to suggest that because a person is a believer, that he is somehow a threat to his ‘neighbors.’ Let’s see. I know a man who will lay a roof, build a wall, deliver a cord of wood, install brakes on a car not his………skin a deer to feed a friend, and just simply mind his own business, and I dare anybody on Word Press to honestly find fault with such a good man, and wish that he was not your neighbor.

A ‘good neighbor’ acts regardless to the spiritual sense of another. A good neighbor does what is good. Simply. The snow needed removed. There was no preaching. A good neighbor does not play rock music at airport levels at three in the morning. A good neighbor respects the barking of a dog that he does not appreciate.

A good neighbor is a good person, and the inference by the woman who with brass stated that she pities the neighbors of believers is well, to be pitied.

And I may add, that what I described here is the norm, and not the exception. Dare the decon find fault with the farmer who rises with the cock crowing, and thanks God for his hands to plow the field. Dare a person fault a woman who blesses God for her daily bread.

Dare a person chastise believers for being good, honest, decent people who just so happen to believe in One greater who has given senses to see His obvious glory. Dare a person complain that if they were to have a ‘christian’ neighbor, then their entire life would be ruined or subject to daily harassment. Please.

Sooo, who then after this report, has the improper view of ‘neighbors,’ as well as an exaggerated opinion of themselves. Just sayin.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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51 Responses to Lousy neighbors

  1. atimetoshare says:

    I’d like to be your neighbor!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ColorStorm says:

    Yay, there is hope!
    Tkx for being the first comment that is decent here.


  3. violetwisp says:

    “It is the highest of intellectual treason, to suggest that because a person is a believer, that he is somehow a threat to his ‘neighbors.’”
    Well, let’s think about that Colorstorm. I wouldn’t like to live near someone who tried to control and curtail the rights of women by comparing abortion to genocide (Wally) – neighbours campaigning to shame women who maybe had no other options available to them, neighbours campaigning to remove the right to abortion as a legal option, would be a frightening prospect for me. I wouldn’t like to live near someone who thinks anti-homosexual laws, even going as far as imprisoning gay people for having relationships, can be defended (Insanitybytes) – that would be a frightening prospect for me and every gay person I know. Do you get the picture? I really do understand why people might think beyond relatively harmless snow and feel threatened by neighbours like that.


    • ColorStorm says:

      CS sighs here……….meanwhile Violet, I have no issue with thoughtless godless neighbors………. 😉 so it appears you have missed the larger point.

      (Btw, I saw those comments, and unfortunately, you came up short)

      Liked by 1 person

    • madblog says:

      Correction: The outrageous blogger who compared abortion to genocide was female…it was me. You should read firsthand. here ya go:

      Liked by 5 people

      • violetwisp says:

        Indeed Madblog, and Wally, who I follow, reblogged it. Please feel free to pop over to my response:

        why do you champion oppression?


        • Citizen Tom says:

          What people call oppression can rather strange. To be “pro-life,” we now have to participate in the killing of the unborn. To support equality, we have pretend the fantasy marriages of same-sex couples are real. To support free speech, we have to pay for the speech of our opponents. To…… To respect the “rights” of others, do we have to give up all of our own rights?

          Have you considered the possibility you don’t understand what it means to have rights? Have you considered what Jefferson meant by the Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

          To have rights, we must first accept responsibility for our own actions, not what another person wants or has done. For example, when a man and a woman choose to conceive a child, they must accept responsibility for what they done, not deny the fact they have produced a child.

          Remember what Al Gore called Global Warming, “an inconvenient truth.” Without any evidence we are suppose to believe the globe is overheating. A baby, however? That we can pretend is just a lump of insignificant flesh.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Citizen Tom says:


      I find your reaction to ColorStorm’s quite curious. Christians don’t demand agreement, but you do. Otherwise, the Christian is hostile.

      My personal reaction to abortion is that it is murder. However, I concede that a legal solution is problematic. So I am content to let each state work out its own solution until some states hits upon a satisfactory solution and the other states decide to adopt it. Unfortunately, abortion advocates decided to lie and claim there is some sort of right to an abortion in the Constitution. In addition, to make us all accomplices, the abortion advocates want to force taxpayers to fund abortions. Outrages building upon outrages.

      My personal reaction to homosexuality is that it is a disorder. Is homosexuality spiritual or biological disorder? The Bible suggests a spiritual component. However, the Bible does not make homosexuality out to be a special sin, just another sin we should oppose.

      How have Christians opposed homosexuality in the modern era? We forced homosexuals to keep their perverse behavior out everyone’s faces, and we kept admitted homosexuals out of the military. Unfortunately, too many in now neglect Bible instruction. So younger generations are ignorant of Biblical teachings. Hence, to many don’t respect what the Bible says. In addition, few consider the health issues associated sodomy and multiple sex partners. So sexual perverts of every sort now strive to be in everyone’s face. They say it demonstrates their pride. The Bible just calls such foolishness shameless.

      And where has such “pride” taken us? “Same-sex marriage,” an obvious oxymoron, is now a “right.” That is, perverts can now use force to coerce Christians to participate in their marriage farces.

      Who then is the better neighbor, the shameless or those who would to feel shame if they were selfishly kill the unborn and misuse their bodies? You have stated your preference, but can you logically defend it?

      Liked by 3 people

      • violetwisp says:

        “That is, perverts can now use force to coerce Christians to participate in their marriage farces.”
        How many gay people do you know Tom? This is exactly the kind of harmful attitude I’m talking about. Of course decent people who believe in equality of treatment for their fellow human beings would not choose to have people with such hateful attitudes like this as their neighbours.


        • Citizen Tom says:


          I suggest you look up the definition of pervert. Whether straight or “gay,” I am saddened by the fact that some people have sex out of wedlock, but most such people don’t set out to deliberately pervert the institution of marriage; most do not flaunt their sinfulness as some kind of grand triumph. Such unrepentant, shameless foolishness, whether done by nearly nude participants in a gay “pride” parade or porn “stars” on a movie set is designed to pervert the morals of others. Because such people deliberately set out to pervert the morals of others, we can rightfully call such people perverts.

          Properly used, the mere usage of the word “pervert” is not mean. It is not name calling. The word just fits the deed.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Tom makes a strong point Violet about perverting the institution of marriage, as well as the inappropriateness of flaunting sinfulness………..ANY kind of sinfulness.

          True, you may have issue with this if ‘sin’ is a fabrication, but if it is real………..and there appears to be a ton of proof, then………..

          But you are asking for a special dispensation allotted to people that the laws of nature, as well as common sense protest against. Then there is always the scriptures if you will.

          Anyway, your idea of ‘hateful attitudes’ bears no semblance with the topic about lousy neighbors; you seriously think think ms bytes, Wally, CT, madblog, any of us here, or even myself would not be the best neighbor ever? I believe in your heart you know the answer.


  4. Bahaha! Oh my, I do love a bit of synchronicity. Why am I not surprised? We serve the same Father don’t we? Yeah, Mr Rogers was on my mind too, Colorstorm 😉

    For Miss Violet above, I haven’t imprisioned any gays yet, but I did hug a young man torn up inside, uncertain if he hates gays or if he’s gay himself, on account of the fact that he was molested and raped by an uncle. Is there no room in your world for people such as him Violet? Would you demand he embrace homosexuality or allow him to grieve his own exploitation? Do tell me Violet, how do you presume to fix a broken world, to heal the wounding, beyond spreading false memes about people you don’t even know?

    Liked by 4 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Skipped over to your place ms bytes. Unbelievable. No, actually it is not.

      Let’s save that word for things really hard, like rain or snow or ice or steam……. or his grace extended to the ungodly………..or here’s a biggie: His patience..

      Btw, Fred Rogers was a good man. His credentials and his life in Pennsylvania were stellar.

      Yeah, I suppose people would fault him too for being a minister and a believer in the God of heaven; thus making him a lousy neighbor……….

      Liked by 3 people

    • violetwisp says:

      “Do tell me Violet, how do you presume to fix a broken world, to heal the wounding, beyond spreading false memes about people you don’t even know?”

      What false meme Insanity? You publicly published your support for the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill, claiming it was about sexual abuse, when the amendments proposed would have put any gay person in jail for life. If your young friend was indeed gay would you be happy to see him jail for life?


      • Ai yi yi, you’re like trying to talk to a wall sometimes, Violet. Set aside your ideology for a moment and actually think. Also, spreading false info about me is called disqualifying. When people can’t refute the logic, they just try to disqualify the messenger.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I like all of you as my neighbors and by choice I actually brought you into my neighborhood by “following” your blogs. Now let’s say that for whatever reason, when I first visited your blogs I didn’t exactly like or “agree” with what you wrote about. If I was “normal” I probably wouldn’t be back to visit. Maybe I would stop in every now and then just to see if things had changed, but if they hadn’t I would most likely move on.
    I’m of the thought that we visit, read and follow the blogs of people we enjoy. They may be different from ourselves…different sex, different age, different parts of the country or world, different denomination, different culture, different religion…but if we found what they shared enjoyable, we’d hang around….why is it, those who seem to be constantly commenting to the negative, hanging around here and on other sites if they don’t like what they’re reading??? For heaven’s sake, I’ve said this before….if you don’t like or agree with a person’s thoughts, opinions, blog…go find a place likeminded to yourself and allow those of us who find things worthy to chew on and savor the opportunity to do so in peace.
    Or is there some sort of off and odd behavior causing you, those who seem to hate these blogs and bloggers, to follow and troll around on these blogs of those you seem to despise?
    Doesn’t seem at all healthy to me.
    I like all of your aforementioned neighbors CS and I love learning from each and everyone.
    Oh and by the way, as a person who was not aborted but was actually adopted back in the late 50’s, I am thankful that birthmother saw in the accidental and bad timed accident of pregnancy that there was indeed a human being, being formed there, and made the very difficult decision to be that stigma ridden woman in the 50’s, going into a home for unwed mothers and having her baby to in turn walk away from it (me) that very same day…allowing a couple who could not have children the opportunity to raise her “mistake”
    So Wally isn’t so “ignorant” after all— but I digress….
    Time to close as I feel my blood pressure rising—
    Thank you for allowing me to be apart of the neighborhood…

    Liked by 4 people

    • archaeopteryx1 says:

      …why is it, those who seem to be constantly commenting to the negative, hanging around here and on other sites if they don’t like what they’re reading???

      I can’t speak for anyone but myself, Julie, but I came here because CS appeared on the blogs of my friends, ********************REJECTED********* In the process, I then began noticing just how far off-center from the truth and established fact some of the things were that he mentioned in his posts, so I stayed to help show him the error of his ways, as it were – it’s the kinda guy I am, always available to help the needy —

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Arch—long time no see…and we really need to stop meeting like this 🙂
        well, then I suppose I should bake a cake, welcoming you to the neighborhood 🙂


        • Arch you and I are each part of opposing camps I suppose…I believe in God as the Omnipotent Creator and that His Son over came death on the cross…you in turn do not believe that—we can disagree…and yes, I glean insight and new perspectives while visiting CS’s neighborhood as each “resident” professes the Truth of our faith–albeit differently from one to the other—and I can greatly appreciate such–it is all food for the soul—be it adoration and praise or discerning hidden nuggets of truth—it’s all good stuff that only adds to the Glory we each find in the Love expressed by God through Jesus Christ…
          I need to go bake that cake 🙂


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          I believe CS has just, via his censorship of my perfectly innocent response to you, proven my point, Julie.

          Innocent? No, not now, have not seen it. Feigned maybe, but not innocent. If you had your way, you would be content with 500 comments, each one being a shipwreck of irrelevance to the point at hand. Stop it.)


        • archaeopteryx1 says:


          I was responding to Julies comment to me – did you accuse her of failing to address the content of the post? Nah, you wouldn’t, as she would likely stop telling you what a good boy you are, and that’s what you really need to hear, isn’t it?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Seriously? Uh, read her first comment here about ‘lousy neighbors.’ Spot on.

          It was YOU who (as I have accurately observed) have tried to take the convo into the weeds.

          She stands blameless. And one more wasted comment. Stop it please.

          (And for somebody who finds fault with this site in general, and this host in particular, it sure doesn’t speak well for a person who finds so much fault and spends so much time addressing what he despises.

          So who is worse? Me and my poor writing, or the person who frequents the ‘tavern’ daily, while complaining of the lousy drink……….and ordering drink after drink….day after day……

          Or maybe you just have an odd way of showing appreciation for the ‘hood.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          I just want everyone to see you as you really are, CS, and I think you’re doing an ADMIRAL job of showing them.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Seven sighs. Btw, I am under no obligation to host your bizarre charges, to give you a platform for the promotion of godlessness, or to answer commenting that is so far out of the universe………

          Please refer to ONE, just one comment of yours on this thread that addresses the lame claims about certain believers being the worst neighbors…………..

          If you cannot, then I bid you a good day.


        • God’s word is God’s word.
          I can’t tweak that for my own comfort or desires—He has laid the foundation in my heart and I have spent a lifetime on His journey–I’ve gotten distracted, neglectful as well as disobedient along the way, but by His Grace, I always find my way again—as I age, that “way” has become much more keen.
          I do believe in the same Truth that CS, Wally and others claim as their own…making us all members of the family of believers and followers of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
          God’s word is the period to the sentence for me Arch. He spelled it all out, as it should be, we are the ones who deviate while we attempt to “rewrite” it all to suit our own misguided sinful ways….if adhering to the the word of an unseen and in your mind, unprovable God, makes me, marks me as one who is ignorant, naive or lacking intelligence, then I am indeed guilty.
          My evidence is not the tangible evidence that you so crave Arch. There is not a nice neat equation that I can offer.
          You say that you do not necessarily “not” believe in God…which I applaud. You are still on your journey as well…not shutting the door to anything being possible—good.
          There will be signs and miracles my friend.
          Just be observant to His hand….
          and devil’s food it will be as I do love chocolate—
          and may I thank CS for allowing his space to be sublet to our discussion…..

          Liked by 2 people

        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          …not shutting the door to anything being possible—good.

          That’s merely the sign of a rational mind, more on this blog should try it.

          Liked by 1 person

        • I think maybe that’s the thing—those of us who Believe and are followers of God’s word and that of His son, have found the truth in His word—His word being both the beginning as well as the end. There can be no other truths.
          That is not to say that the laws of physics don’t pertain to life or that science and it’s discoveries are not a part of His marvelous creation—it all has its place—no one is disputing the place that all things have within the majesty of God’s creation—it’s just that we, the believers of God and of His son, know who the Creator of all of Heaven and Earth is….I believe in the creation and subsequent explosion of both Adam and Eve from Eden.
          I believe that God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush, I believe that God spared Noah and his family, I believe that Abraham was obedient to the point of sacrificing his son and I believe that a God did just that for both you and I…’I believe that Yeshua was a real man yet born of a virgin, I believe that He bore my sins and yours upon the cross that fateful day. I believe He rose from the dead and I believe that He prepares to return…
          If that makes me blind to what you see as truth then, I can’t change that. For that is my truth.
          Once you, me, we open our heart(s) to Him and can allow the ego of self, the desires of self, the self fulfillment to each step aside, humbling the heart as it were, it is then and only then that it any of it can make sense. I know that I will never be able to fully grasp God and all of his awesome overwhelming majesty…because I as created and I am limited—I am not and cannot ever be God—but that does not ever stop our minds from seeking, discovering and learning….
          just saying….there is no argument in that for me—for I am to the place where I know it to be Him and only Him….

          Liked by 2 people

        • ColorStorm says:

          And so to make your connection jules, others who believe the same as you, while admitting allegiance to One greater, are thought to be repulsive neighbors………..a truly distressing thought, in light of the benefit they bring as being simply decent people.

          And for what it’s worth, there are many believers, (neighbors too) who believe what you have written, and do not lecture their neighbors………but are more than willing to instruct………..when they are asked.

          Sadly, people make incorrect conclusions not having all the facts.

          Liked by 1 person

        • and that CS brings this fractured conversation back full circle—that of the family of the faithful.
          Just because I believe that marriage is between a man and woman only, that I believe that abortion is wrong, that I believe that God created man and gave His son as a living sacrifice…if that makes me repulsive, then that is a shame… because if I remember correctly…. this overtly politically correct world of our continues screaming tolerance, yet somehow believes that the believers in God’s word and of those of His only begotten son are to be exempt from the whole tolerance issue.
          It is not ok that I am to be maligned for believing in and worshiping God while everything else is all a ok.
          I am honored to be a part of a blogging family of Christians.
          That’s the thing about a family—each member has his or her own uniques “gifts”, some teach, some offer praise, some study, some sing, some proclaim, some fight in the trenches—but each one has his or her place around the collective family….
          And I apologize CS for running on so in sub conversations on your blog—I appreciate you sharing and allowing the fellowship as it were 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          …………like spokes in a wheel ……or members of a body………

          And da_n with political correctness. (darn 😉

          All good stuff by you today jewels. Tkx!!

          (But fractured? Ha. Even God appreciates our broken hallelujahs)

          Liked by 1 person

        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          So, Julie, you applaud me for being open to other options (“…not shutting the door to anything being possible—good.”), but in your next breath, admit that you’re not. I really don’t see how much of a conversation can come from that.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Here ya go arch, on behalf of the ‘hood……(Jules won’t mind either)

          It is precisely because all other options were explored…………..that led to the ultimate truth of One supremely Good, above all. You and I? Eh, a little bit good every so often.

          The question for you remains: when ALL YOUR options expire, and you tire of one excuse after another, will you join the neighborhood of God Almighty? After all, He owns everything, and without this admittance, you are but a tresspasser on another mans property.

          Liked by 1 person

        • I’ve already quested as it were Arch…spent the time digging and sorting…I have found the end of my search in God’s word…and now I work becoming who it is He has created me to be—which is a life long process. The conversation for me is one of still being hungry for and after His God’s word. I’ve found my proof in the pudding so to speak…you’re the one still searching.
          I merely hope to reflect His radiant light…

          Liked by 3 people

        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          …you’re the one still searching.

          No, I’m not still searching, but I AM still open, awaiting evidence.

          Liked by 1 person

        • keeps those eyes peeled 🙂


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          I’d wish the same thing for you, but you’ve already made it clear that you don’t have an open mind.



        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          I’m simply responding to her comment to me, had she not made them, I’d have no reason to respond, yet I don’t see you admonishing her.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Admonish her? Did you actually READ her first comment on this thread. 100% spot on. And yours? In the weeds. Julie answered your foolishness with kindness and you brought another degree of foolishness, but you can’t see it.

          Now please, I’m asking you politely, try to think about what good people are telling you. Engage the God given brain, consider daylight, good neighbors, and if you have anything else to say on this, please visit julie, she will be happy to entertain you at her leisure, and with much more patience than I.


        • Arch—it’s like the hymn Amazing Grace…”I was blind but now I see..”
          It is my belief that each of us will have our own road to Damascus…at some point during the course of our lifetime.
          That single moment that strikes us, knocking us off our feet, when we were in the middle of whatever quest or event of our lives in which we were determined and hell bent…going at it with full force, when bam, we are struck. And suddenly, what we were once so blinded to, slowly becomes clear. Yet the thing is that not all of us will be transformed, and that will be by our own choice. For each of us has those things that we so desperately hold on to..be it for security sake, pride sake, image sake, you name it…we are unable to let go of…
          I was blinded, by my own ego and strong sense of self. My whole “I want what I want and I won’t rest till I get it” sort of thing… I still wrestle with that as I tend to be head strong and want to be the one in control…giving up that strong grip on control is not easy.
          Yet God has knocked from my horse…and thankfully has knocked me off repeatedly as I can be a slow learner…
          so as for my eyes not being opened as you believe–they have been opened. I know my God…there is no going back to the old self…I love Him too much to let go…call me ignorant or naive or ill informed all you wish…I rest in my relationship with Him and I will spend the rest of my life listening to His directions…I’ve got a long way to go, for none of us are works complete…not as long as we are apart of this life, this realm….I will fall, more times than I will care to see, but if I fall trying to follow Him, I know He’ll continue offering me His hand….
          so my eyes now are open, to Him….

          Liked by 2 people

        • ColorStorm says:

          Jules: tkx and just a heads up.
          Arch responded to this………and I say with all candor it is so far ‘in the bushes’ from your comment here, and this post, that I’d rather you address it at your place. 🙂

          If you want, I’ll pass it along, and you can in your gracious way, deal as you see fit.


        • Yes, I responded one last time, as it is unfair to you that things just keep spiraling…I do apologize as it is not my intent to “steal ones thunder” so to speak…the time and place seems to have exhausted itself–but where the Lord sends the hungry, who am I to deny sustenance 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Yea, jules, if that were only true as to the hungry part. 😉

          Discernment is also a valuable tool, and if one reads the progression of comments, one may conclude that it is possible for a pirate to steal a ship and take it to the rocks 😉

          Don’t apologize though. No thunder problem. Heck, it’s God’s storms anyway. But wontcha be my neighbor?? 😉


      • ColorStorm says:

        Hate to break it to you there neighbor……..but a man that says ‘there is no God,’ at the very least…….has issues with TRUTH.

        But I notice you find no fault with the premise of this post as to what constitutes a good neighbor policy. How could you? Common sense goes a long way.

        Liked by 1 person

        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          I’ve never said ‘there is no God,’ I’ve said I’ve yet to see any evidence that a god exists. Care to show me some?

          I notice you find no fault with the premise of this post

          Nah, some of your posts aren’t worth commenting on, despite the handful of head pats you get from others of your ilk.


        • ColorStorm says:

          So then this is your last comment here; tkx for the heads up, and maybe you can visit some of your other neighbors, and party at the feet of godlessness and worship the golden calf of humanism.

          But be sure to shovel the three ft. of snow first, and be a good neighbor.


  6. Pingback: My Article Read (3-3-2016) – My Daily Musing

  7. Wally Fry says:

    Hey Brother

    Catching up and missed this one. Shame, as I was called out by name LOL. Being a day late and a dollar short I don’t have anything to add really except to say to ARch and Violet.

    You don’t know me, or any of these other people you fling your mud against. You know a caricature you have built in your mind about Christians. Try actually talking to somebody and find out their humanity and put away the broad brush.

    Especially you Violet. You basically stated that I am out “campaigning” against things. False hood. How would you know that? Seriously. I write about them, and will gladly share my thought on them with you or anybody. But, am I coming to your house as a neighbor to yell at you about them? um…no. The only time I will beat on your door and yell is when your house is burning. That’s a neighbor. I am one and these fine people probably are as well.

    Arch…grow up.

    Liked by 2 people

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