
As long as the motives are pure, hard questions are good. When a child asks ‘why’ mama robin feeds her little one worms, this is a legitimate query. When the same child asks ‘why’ the sun and moon move overhead and appear identical in size, these are most certainly  excellent questions, (which answers by the way embarrass false science and godlessness)

So the adult infidel ‘asks’ questions of the Creator, NOT out of pure motives to truly understand, but to reveal the innate disdain for the Creator, period. IF God created man and woman for instance, WHY did God allow Cain to kill his brother, or WHY did God create at all, if He knew the family tree would grow some bad apples?

Of course the narrative is designed to allow self-made-smart people and all fools to be king of the playground, and to ASK questions which supposedly display their superior position of artificial intelligence, that is, a world without a Creator. Yes, artificial is the correct word for all things atheistic when dealing with God.

I stand by this with all the proof of heaven and earth.

Artificial pretends to be something it is not. A gold painted gutter is hardly the real McCoy. A man would starve to death if he tried to survive eating apples from a Monet painting. Godlessness is 100% artificial intelligence which offers zero calories. It is the great pretender. It operates on fumes and borrowed power. Godlessness asks a million poisoned questions, and ignores rock solid answers already given.  Have any examples? Sure, tkx for asking.

But do allow me to say right out of the gate: God’s questions are the finest, so I shall simply borrow from He who holds the keys to every letter, number, design, trademark, and copyrights. God owns all Intelligence, so it would make sense if His questions put us in our rightful place.

Aside from God’s first recorded question to man: ‘Adam, where are you?’ God’s power and wisdom is on display for the sole purpose of Him allowing us to remember who He is, and who we are. The Creator, and the created. His questions, and our answers, are age old, and reveal the identical concerns that all humans have, including doubts, fear, wonder, wander, life, death, nature, astronomy, all science, true religion, false religion, and everything under the sun.

But first I suggest you immediately read Job 38 from the excellent language of the KJV for the most powerful effect.  So God asks:

‘Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?’ He then adds:  ‘Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.’

Uh oh. Can you see the proverbial shaking in the boots? Men do not have this posture regarding God today. We think our questions to God trap Him, but we miss the DEMANDING by God which instantly shuts our mouths. But no, we do not pay attention, neither do we care. God then thunders this:

‘Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?
Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;
When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?’

Forget your ungodly and borrowed science guesswork, and DECLARE, IF thou hast understanding…… Stop right there buster, and consider the ramifications of this statement by the Creator.  You DO NOT have understanding. You are clueless as to how the Creator made the measurements down to the inch, and made the foundations on which the earth is hung.

All quality buildings have foundations, and oh, that corner stone thing. Where were you, you whippersnapper when creation took its orders?  Where were you and your science friends when these jeweled stars took their place in the setting of God’s creation?

Where were you when the Seas were issued their stopping places at the shores, when they did not overflow their banks? Hmmmm? Answer if you can? The fact is, you can’t.

But if you continue through Job, you will see each question by the Creator adds a death-blow to man’s pride. There is no literature on earth, and never will be which presents God’s overall majesty and power as we find here in Job. ‘Have you entered into the treasures of the snow?’  I DEMAND OF YOU, ANSWER IF YOU CAN.  And this:

Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth? declare if thou knowest it all.
Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for darkness, where is the place thereof,   That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house thereof?
Knowest thou it, because thou wast then born? or because the number of thy days is great?
Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,
Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?

God anticipates the complete arrogance of man, and asks questions to all for all times, and if man would only be humbled at His glory.  Do you think you have answers because you have experience as a human? Do you think your old age and your reading of the dry works of infidels help you ‘understand?’

Have you perceived the breadth of the earth? No, you have not. You do not know. Your imagination stops at the ice walls. Do you know the treasure houses of snow and hail? Of course you don’t, as you think this is fictional poetry.

Are you beginning to see the pattern of these questions, asked to the heart and conscience of men? It’s no wonder God’s word says men are without excuse, and that nature has revealed His handiwork.  It’s no wonder that men are proven liars.

God asks further and men should faint in such goodness:

‘Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?
Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover thee?
Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go and say unto thee, Here we are?’

Oh boy, the waters above all ordered aright, as well as the directives followed by the lightning. This portion of Job alone demolishes godlessness, infidelity, and atheism of course quicker than lightning, and resounded by its thunder in agreement.  Job was a good man, his friends, eh, debatable, but these are questions for you and I, young and old.

And of course, more of God’s intrinsic glory revealed in 39. The ostrich. He deprived her of wisdom, yet gave her great wings, yet so unable to match this:

Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings toward the south?
Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high?
She dwelleth and abideth on the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and the strong place.
From thence she seeketh the prey, and her eyes behold afar off.

There is no knowledge greater than God’s, there is no power greater than His, and there is no glory outside of Him. Truly the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.  And His questions are heavier than sand.

Apart from the twin towers of wisdom and understanding, all else is but artificial. (I really hope the eyes that have taken the time to read this, have considered how small man is, and how great God is.)

To the believer, this clear and certain peal is for thee. To the unbeliever, you hear the same thing. What will you now do? To ignore the clear sound, is to act like an unreasoning animal. We are better than that.  To hear God’s questions and not be arrested and humbled, we just may have become immune to life, and just may have considered all things miraculous as only ordinary. Tis a shame.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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69 Responses to Declare!

  1. Well, I certainly know all about the bullying and demand for dominance on the playground as of late as I’ve kind of been forced out on to the field just to get pushed around a hit by the folly of others.
    But there is a purpose in all of that as God’s hand remains true.

    The words of this Truth CS, which you share so starkly yet so precise and succinctly,
    could not be more timely.

    God poses the hard questions to man…yet man has learned so well how to deflect those pointed questions. This in an effort to simply, and what man foolishly thinks, is to ignore the Truth. Because if we can just ignore it, maybe it will go away and leave us alone.

    This is where man has tried, futilely I might add, to make God small while building himself up to be large. If we are large and God is then small…we have no need of worry, concern or yielding of self…because the ego of man cannot stand to yield.

    But that is the thing… in the end, it is the yielding of ourselves to that which is so much larger and so much greater than ourselves which is the key to our Salvation…

    A wonderful offering my friend.

    Liked by 4 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      I do agree jules that there are certain ‘Barnabas like’ posts that come along to aid us…….at the right moment……perfectly timed.

      We see it all the time; glad this was helpful to your spirit. The ‘bullying’ that you speak of truly makes people small as they appear goliath like, headless and stupid, and in the end, always fallen because of Truth.

      And tks too for the right hand of fellowship. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      The beauty of a bully interaction comes when witnessing someone communicate with them with Godly grace and wisdom. This puts them in their place better than any harsh words, which they thrive on. Your conversations with Ark are a fine example of this Julie.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks Tricia…I call it Southern hospitlaity 🙂

        Actually years ago I came across the little instruction book by St Benedict. The Rule of Benedict. (yep, you can buy it on Amazon)
        It was a booklet that he wrote (circa 500AD) for those early members of the Benedictine Order…the ways in which he thought a Benedictine Monk should conduct themselves.
        The tiny ancient book has had tremendous staying power.
        In fact Fortune 500 companies have had their upper management read the book as a lesson on how to treat people.

        One of the first “lessons” is on being gracious to those who come your way.

        He was admonishing monks to unlock and open their doors to the monasteries well after hours in order to allow wayward and weary travelers a place of respite.
        Never mind what hour they come, turn no one away.
        If they are dirty, clean them.
        If they are hungry, feed them.
        Be a gracious host.
        It matters not the inconvenince to yourself.

        That has had a huge impact on me as I tend to grumble when and if I feel put out by say surprise guests or last minute news from my husband that a buddy of his from out of state is coming in town, say tomorrow…leaving me barely time to scramble to clean and cook.
        I would grouse to myself…
        forgetting that such opportunities to be open, kind and gracious to others is a form of ministry…
        I see the same thing here in little cookieland—a place to be a gracious host / hostess..
        kind and offering what I can in way of humiltiy and graciousness.
        I don’t always succed and can still fall back to grousing and feeling perturbed or put upon…but I continually have to draw myself back that God would have me take in any and all as we are all sinners falling woefully short of His Grace…

        Liked by 3 people

      • Arkenaten says:

        Julie is indeed gracious. The disgraceful behaviour of Wally and Colorstorm smacked of cowardice.It seems to be how they react when faced with truth.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Oh I can’t wait til trish has a few words of daylight.

          But my cowardice? Ha! The Lord Jesus Christ was accused of having a devil; Paul a madman, and the apostles simply ignorant and unlearned. So your attempt at an insult flows like water off a ducks back.

          Based on your history doug of biblical recalcitrance, I’m certain most believers worth their salt, understand that you confuse confidence in scripture and the living God, with arrogance.

          Perhaps you should re-read my heading on my site: ‘the unapologetic truth of scripture.’ Maybe I need to repeat: ‘without apology………..’ And this I declare.


        • Arkenaten says:

          That you continually insult me I can handle, and really could not care less, to be honest.

          That you lie through your teeth concerning Francis Collins and other scientists merely demonstrates just how willfully ignorant and disingenuous you truly are.

          By their fruits shall you know them …


        • ColorStorm says:

          Here you are on THIS blog, again, with another attempt at
          1. avoiding the content about God’s questions per the post.
          2. creating an attempted smokescreen of irrelevance
          3. trying to set one believer against another.
          4. repeat your cut and paste arguments.
          5. accuse a man of lying
          6. defame good people.
          7. cite scripture when it suits you……….(the most egregious of all)

          I’ll repeat what I said to mikey. Please stop.

          (if you have a beef with the premise about DECLARE!, have at it, if not, salute.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          I stand by everything I write concerning your faith, and its followers.
          If you are unable to deal with the truth of the fallacious biblical text, its accompanying christian doctrine and the science that refutes every scrap of creationist nonsense – from top to bottom – that, I’m afraid is a problem you have to deal with.

          Francis Collins deals with it. Why don’t you?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Some people give me credit for how I deal with sideshows such as yours. You tried this at Cookies place, you are trying it again here. I will not have it. I will not allow you to derail an otherwise fine post regarding the Creator and HIS questions to man.

          Please take your nonsense elsewhere. Adam lived. Deal with it. And tell Collins to read my blog; maybe he will agree that he is missing some critical information regarding his ‘science.’

          And yes, this is gracious. Christians are not expected to be doormats for atheists.


        • Arkenaten says:

          And I am sure Francis Collins and the hundreds if not thousands of scientists around the globe involved in this work, a great many of whom are most definitely Christian to the core, upon reading of the amazing Colorstorm and his view will immediately accept the word of an unschooled YEC like you and ditch their work without further ado.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Maybe you recall young David standing before the 9 foot goon goliath……….maybe you recall reading that everybody thought David had zero chance of surviving, let alone killing the big dummy.

          Here’s a newsflash for ya: You have use for Collins because he agrees with your godless premise, but have no use for him regarding His thoughts on Christ, or any thing else scriptural. Wise people know your game.

          You sir, are the very worse of doubleminded charlatans. Me? A simple believer who takes God to heart, maybe more so than your new evangelistic friend.

          Maybe shoot him a quick e-mail, ask him if King Solomon lived, Noah, Daniel, Ruth, Boaz ,the Baptist, ask him if Methuselah died at 969; ask him if Moses died at 120…….. ask him if 75 is a ripe age for death today, and ask him WHY the discrepancies.

          He is missing a few doughnuts from the box, but you are missing the whole box. Read paragraph one in this post, and note the observation regarding ‘false science and godlessness..

          You see, I am waaaaaay ahead of all wisecracks such as you or anybody else brings. 😉 😉


        • Arkenaten says:

          You have use for Collins because he agrees with your godless premise,

          No, he doesn’t.
          He is a devout Christian, and firmly believes in creation, and evolution.; albeit guided.
          He simply does not side with the idiotic fringe elements of Christianity that considers every single word of the bible to be literally true.
          You, and a few others here in their rush to condemn all-things-atheist believe such balderdash is the view of mainstream Christianity.
          News flash!
          Most Christians consider people like Ken Ham, and Hovind and their idiotic ilk to be an acute embarrassment, and it would appear that you fall within the boundaries of the Ham-Hovind camp.

          While is true that the Clowns run the circus the circus eventually leaves town. So enjoy your time pouring whitewash down your trousers ans throwing custard pies at all and sundry.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Here ya go, Collins own doctrine which should make you happy:

          ‘Humans are part of this process, sharing a common ancestor with the great apes.’

          So yeah, I know what I am talking about. If he is esteemed by you and all other godless scientists, you can be sure he is off track somewhere. 😉

          But you have yet to address my post. The questions of the Creator are most inconvenient, I can understand your avoidance of them.

          And readers of this know I am correct. Maybe you should also shoot an e-mail to some of your friends; maybe they can help you out of your own self made dilemma.



        • Arkenaten says:

          So? All sensible people accept the fact of evolution.
          Collins merely considers Yahweh laid down the building blocks and set the entire process in motion,( Created the universe etc etc) and guides it along the way.

          he still believes in a Creator (Yahweh) and believes that the character Jesus of Nazareth is part of the godhead.
          What questions (of the creator) do you consider I have not answered?
          Please be specific.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I am probably more familiar with Collins background, history and progress, than you. So what.

          You are doubleminded doug. Period. All my believer friends know this, and your own atheist friends must feel embarrassed that you need a Christian (Collins) to support your evo.

          And don’t insult me by asking me to cater to your irrelevant queries. How about YOU address the content of this post regarding the Creator’s questions to man?

          As in Job as clearly delineated above.

          ‘Does the eagle mount up by YOUR command?

          Do the oceans stop at the shore because of you, DeGrasse, or even Collins?

          Did Collins create water? Did you? Did you or him place the stars above? Declare if you are able.

          DECLARE! if you are able.


        • Arkenaten says:

          So you rushed off and Googled Collins did you, and so now you’re an expert. well done!
          I don’t need Collins from an atheist perspective at all. How silly would that be? I admire and respect the man for his science, just as I respect and admire George Lemaitre for his work in cosmology.
          In actual fact it is Collins’ Christian foundations that are challenged and have to be adjusted according to the science he brings to the table.

          How about YOU address the content of this post regarding the Creator’s questions to man?

          What darn questions?
          You write such rambling rhetorical prose I can’t find any questions the creator asks, so YOU ask me the question you want answered and I’ll do my best.


        • ColorStorm says:


          Do you ever consider your own sideshows? I googled nothing. I am well aware of CS Lewis influence on Collins, and I am more aware that sir Collins is missing crucial information from his mapping sequence etc.

          God’s word is above and beyond any scientist, whether he be Christian, atheist, Hindu, Boodu, Voodu, Gita, Pita, or Frito, or who ever else. God does not need our help in ascribing or approving Him His creatorial construction of the first man named Mr. Adam.

          Maybe one day you will wake up, but tkx for again proving the premise of this post: that men ask a million questions, and avoid answers already given. Humility is a wonderful thing doug; try it, you may like it.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Missing mapping info? Really?
          Maybe in your humbleness you would like to share with us all exactly what this … excuse the pun … missing link is, John?

          So, not able to be honest enough to ask a single question.
          Don’t your arms ever get tired with all that hand waving?


        • ColorStorm says:

          God created Adam. Sir Collins is wrong. It really is that simple.

          One day he may ‘learn’ new data that proves him incorrect; meanwhile, God’s word will not have changed one bit, and will remain just as actual and factual. I am distinctly Christian. I bow to the Creator, not any scientist, however good their intentions are.

          The genealogies of Mathew and Luke are fine and dandy. Did you happen to read this post yet, you know, the one where God asks the questions?


        • Arkenaten says:

          God created Adam. Sir Collins is wrong. It really is that simple.

          Did he?
          How do you know, John?

          The genealogies contradict each other and are considered historically worthless.

          Yes I read the post.
          Again, I cannot find what you keep asking so simply ask a question and I will do my best to answer it .
          How hard is that for you to do?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Tks ark doug- we are done for now. Your commentary regarding the alleged weakness of scripture is just too boring for me. Really, it is.

          Take a break; maybe someone else would like to tear your excuses to shreds. Be patient, and don’t waste another comment.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Smile. And as usual, you curtail discussion when you feel a little panic coming on.

          You are disingenuous as always , John, and never fail to disappoint.


        • ColorStorm says:

          5 sighs aimed at you. ‘Recalcitrance’ is the word for the day.


        • Wally Fry says:

          And, as usual, you flail away impotently at the God you KNOW exists. How do we know that you know? Because it seems like most of your waking life is devoted to talking about Him. Many Christians should think about God as much as you do, Ark. You constantly question both the truth and goodness of God, but you are proof of that goodness too. The fact that you are still breathing and able to rail away proves God’s love for you. So many chances, yet so many wasted.

          Thump, thump.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Which god,Wally? Yahweh?

          The Color guy sez simply:
          Good gravy.


        • Wally Fry says:

          @Colorstorm. I know right?

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Wally Fry says:

    Words of truth my friend. We have forgotten who exactly was made in whose image.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. ColorStorm says:

    It’s like all the cracked pots sitting on the shelf……..moaning about the master potter. Meanwhile, they do not consider that they even have mouths and where the tongue came from… lol


  4. Tricia says:

    Great words ColorStorm. The fear of God is definitely the beginning of wisdom, but I would say that even a slight acknowledgment that perhaps He even exists would be a good start for many. They can’t even bring themselves to do that though, which displays a stunning amount of of pride and arrogance. Their loss.


  5. Oh, beautiful Colorstorm. Well said.

    Very convicting, too. Atheists are another matter entirely, but I truly am the master of all poisonous questions. The Lord can truly dance, He can take it, there is nothing we can throw at Him that He cannot handle. I don’t regret learning that truth at all, it is glorious. He is glorious and more patient then we can even imagine. I just regret what has sometimes been my poisonous tone.

    I love the way the Lord questions us too, as we see in Job, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” The Lord doesn’t “need” our answers, He asks us questions to lead us to the truth, to help us discover it for ourselves. Jesus was amazing that way too, as we read in the bible. He is not condemning, He is not imparting truth on us, so much as He is telling parables and asking us questions. One cannot even become a Christian without a willingness to engage in some critical thought, perhaps even some critical self-reflection.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Yep, convict me first msb. As it should be. But yes, God’s questions are not punitive, but punishing if we are stubborn. We create our own evil.

      Yeah, like we can threaten God with ‘hard’ questions. How about giving Him the benefit of the doubt since He owns it all.

      Of course love the ‘sweet influences……’ Man left to himself cannot write nor inspire like this. The heathen should pay attention to such beauty.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Citizen Tom says:


    We are in a universe far too big for us, totally lost if we refuse knowledge of our Creator. Still, the pride of some demands mastery of their own fate. Need proof? Obviously not. Nonetheless, consider the popularity of this song.

    Frank Sinatra – My Way Lyrics
    And now, the end is near
    And so I face the final curtain
    My friend, I’ll say it clear
    I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain
    I’ve lived a life that’s full
    I traveled each and ev’ry highway
    And more, much more than this, I did it my way

    Regrets, I’ve had a few
    But then again, too few to mention
    I did what I had to do , I saw it through without exemption
    I planned each charted course, each careful step along the highway
    And more, much more than this, I did it my way

    Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew
    When I bit off more than I could chew
    And through it all, when there was doubt
    I ate it up and spit it out
    I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way

    I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried
    I’ve had my fill, my share of losing
    And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing
    To think I did all that
    And may I say, not in a shy way,
    “Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way”

    For what is a man, what has he got?
    If not himself, then he has naught
    The right to say the things he feels and not the words of one who kneels
    The record shows I took the blows and did it my way!

    We are clay pots. Did Sinatra fashion himself. Did he take the blows without cracking? Thanks to whom?

    Did Sinatra choose his parents or the place of his birth? If he achieve what the world calls success, how much did he achieve due to gifts he never earned?

    Before he was born God knew him. God gave him life, and He numbered his days. If he did it his way instead of His way, then he settled for second best.

    1 Corinthians 3:19-20 New King James Version (NKJV)

    19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      I can hear the singing. Beautiful song In a way, but sad too.

      He did ask a good question: what is a man?

      As we know, apart from the Creator, there is no satisfactory answer to that, nor any other question really.

      Did he take the blows without cracking? Thanks to whom? Another fine question!

      I wish there was reblog or highlight for comments; yours is a dandy Ctom. tkx for the time putting it together.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Citizen Tom says:


        If you enjoyed the comment, that’s enough. I attached it to a good post.

        You are right. That song did ask a good question. King David asked it too (Psalm 8 and Psalm 144). Sinatra’s song provides such a sad and feeble answer.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. KIA says:

    So, John. About the moon and the sun looking approximately the same size. Are you still a believer that the earth is flat and both the moon and the sun rotate above the earth?


    • ColorStorm says:

      Well let’s see mike; since I am a complete idiot in your eyes, one has to wonder what purpose an answer would serve, so there being no wood for your fire, the idiocy possibility will go out.

      So enjoy what I will not tell you. But I rather like God’s questions far better, such as found in Job 38.

      But study the life and times of the ant. There you will find my answer.


      • KIA says:

        You’re not an idiot, complete or otherwise. But if you would answer my question, it would be appreciated. I did ask nicely


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yes you actually did. But I have seen your behavior enough on such topics that there be no need to fuel your misunderstanding on things you have actually never thought about.

          And please do not tell me you have thought about them.


        • KIA says:

          You could answer my question


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yes I could. However.

          Your question proves the essence of my post. While many intelligent people have varying opinions on things that differ, I have said here that God’s questions are far better, and the answers to His questions are far more worthier of our time.

          For instance, look at how easy my posts are derailed by visitors who only want to argue against God, scripture, and people of faith, all the while avoiding settled facts about such things as the nature and purpose of Israel, whether Solomon lived, was David his father, was there an exile, Did Daniel live, did Herod and Pilate make an alliance, in other words, settled facts about the credibility of scripture speaks to the heart of God Himself and His ability to keep His word. He can. He does.

          So while opinions vary about many things, I have proved that only God’s word settles all disputes, be they moral, spiritual, and yes, sometimes scientific, and that He can be trusted.

          The shape of the earth has long been argued, and good people vehemently disagree. It’s an issue that I find interesting but hardly worthy of doing battle on WP for many reasons, but the trifecta of nature and the exact sciences do not lie: the compass, the plumb line, and the carpenter’s level.

          Then there is that ant and the lessons he brings. That said, I prefer God’s questions to yours. You should too.

          Like this one: ‘Mike, where are you?’


        • KIA says:

          Im at home, in my front room. Getting ready for work.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Where are you mike, in relation to the Creator?

          ….according to the nature of this post.

          ‘Doth the eagle mount up at thy command?’ Are you beginning to get the picture?


        • KIA says:

          I am where I am.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yet you deny that; I am that I am— is above and beyond all men, and that He owns the dirt you walk on.

          So you fail to see the irony of your own words. Btw, you don’t even know what day of the week it is without the Creator’s gift.


        • KIA says:

          Which day of the week is named for the God of the bible? None actually. In fact, Thor got his day, Odin yesterday, and even the Indominatable Sun and the supposedly ‘supernatural because it doesn’t have grandchildren’ Moon got theirs coming in a couple of days. None of them actually exist. Why do you think the God of the Bible doesn’t have a day of His own?
          No, I can tell the days of week just fine without referencing the God of the Bible at all.


        • ColorStorm says:


          You are missing entirely the essence of DECLARE!

          You know what day of the week it is,, whether it be the Sabbath (Saturday) because God gave you a brain. Use it already.

          I saw hailstones the other day the size of baseballs. Was that natural, or ‘supernatural….’ Hmmm.

          Then there are the hundred lb. stones falling from the sky. Maybe you will get the memo that God’s word is waaaay ahead of you.

          Perhaps you should read again Job 38 and allow the Creator to have His say.

          Btw mike, it was God who named man, and it was /he who set in motion the days of the week. Time to wake up.


        • KIA says:

          Hailstones are natural. What 100lb stones(plural) are falling(currently) from the sky? Or are you just imagining things again?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yeah mike. They are real natural. Ice balls falling from the sky on a summer day.
          Maybe you never read this:

          –And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. —

          This truth is just as reliable as ‘in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.’

          Soooo, small stones differ from hundred pound stones how? Just because you have not seen any YET?

          Perhaps you will remember this post and comment when that day arrives. Will you still blaspheme God? Will you still display your arrogance against Him?

          (As to your other comment regarding the authorship of Job, forget it mike. No games here about linking/proving/disproving your endless distractions)


        • KIA says:

          Got a picture of that actually happening? It’s fiction, buddy. May as well rave about how Frodo fought Gollum at the edge of the volcano at my doom


        • ColorStorm says:

          Why don’t you display a little patience mike and wait for another believer to come along and perhaps talk some sense to you.

          Yeah, like I need to stick my hand in my word stove to see if it’s really hot……….

          You really can’t be that dense. Atheists have an excuse. A lousy one, but they have one.


        • Wally Fry says:

          So if there’s no picture it never happened? Lol. Mikey…….that wins asinine comment of the month. That actually rules out most history and sciences. As in where the heck is your pictures of kinds becoming other kinds.


        • KIA says:

          It’s called the fossil record, brother wally.


        • Wally Fry says:

          We aren’t brothers Mike. We have different fathers.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I always thought that condescending from a former believer W; maybe it appears harmless from another point of view, but yes, there is a seriousness to the word bro. that is abused.

          The context obviously shows some kind of relationship, but if there is no spirit or no God, we may as well be brothers with apes or jackals, simply because we are alive. In that, you would be correct, and mike out to lunch.

          Maybe mike would splain himself.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Or, Maybe he won’t. He’s pretty good at asking but not so good at answering eh?


        • ColorStorm says:

          True. Just like the guy from Pharaoh’s day who wears the cement lid, has yet to address the questions I posed by God Himself. here in this post.

          Endless distractions and smokescreens. The entire point is about how God’s questions are far better than ours. And of course, God’s questions are avoided at every cost.

          Liked by 1 person

        • KIA says:

          We are all related wally.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Mike. Understand this. Your reference to Christians habitually as brother is not a term of endearment to them, and you know it. It is a subterfuge. You posture and preen and go on about your ministerial qualifications, and use that word, in an intentional ruse to lure and trick believers. Yours is a very special kind of evil. No, we do not have the same Father. I come here working for mine, and you come here working for yours.


        • KIA says:

          2e are all related wally. Like it or not. And for one who says they are so concerned with offensive references, it’s interesting that your precious comment inferred I was a son of the devil… a la gospel of John, yes I know the reference… and this one continues to call me evil.
          Maybe your Faith in the ‘loving God of the bible’, the ‘gentle Jesus meek and mild’ has enabled you to ‘use the same tongue to both bless God and curse men… brothers these things must not be’.
          Don’t you remember you did a series of posts on that very passage?
          Amazing wally. Please try to put into practice what you encourage others to. Regardless, yes wally. We are all related.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sorry mike, I have to agree with wally.

          From the moment you pretended to ‘ask’ questions of believers years ago, while using their ‘answers’ for your sole reason to ‘decon,’ you have been nothing but stubborn, and rebellious, blaming people of faith, scripture, and assessing evil to God, as if He was responsible for your own disappointments.

          At every opportunity, you use a believer’s blog post to not engage with the essence of the post, but to evangelize your new found atheism. That’s what it is, even if it does not sound pretty. The fact that you align yourself with the notables of godlessness says enough, especially when they spit out vile pornography.

          And you quoting scripture to a believer is hilarious, while you deny what scripture says to you. Truly doubleminded. Sorry for the hard words, but somebody has to tell you the truth. The truth of scripture stings, and that is a good thing. The balm of Gilead, and all that.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Wally Fry says:

          Mike. To clarify. I did not call you evil. I actually said you are a special evil ,and that because you intentionally decieve having heard the truth. And if the truth offends you then good. Final note and you may scurry back to your blog and write your post. Your meek Jesus, in whom you don’t even believe, did not watch idly while wolves devoured the flock. Nor will I

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Choosing blindness pt 3: The level of hypocrisy… Brother Wally | The Recovering Know It All

  9. Wally Fry says:

    Just as predicted eh? Love me some free advertising LOL

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