Why mock that which we do not understand?

They tell us it is not important. ‘They’ said the earth and all its fulness is no more special than a black hole. After all, ‘they’ did the math for us, while ‘they’ relied on others. Others told ‘them’ to disbelieve what their eyes saw, that their senses were not trustworthy, and that only a ‘few’ were reliable sources to interpret the apparent stillness of Mt. Everest, Kilimanjaro, Whitney, K-2, the Rockies, Shasta, and the gorgeous Adirondacks. And we believed them. But not all.

There is an old hymn that suggests we ‘cast our deadly doings down,’ but we greatly err when we think it never applies to me. It’s loaded with practical insight, all coming from five words of health and prosperity. Anyway.

For years, we were convinced that where we live on terra firma is ancillary to things really important, such as politics, entertainment, sports, commerce, family, fashion, hunting, amusements, vacations, evolution, stamp collecting, atheism, gospel preaching, and just plain life, but because of the lack of interest in God’s cosmology, certain things seem strange to our ears, not because they are strange, but only because it’s a song we have never heard. Our hearts were never tuned to hear that grace so to speak, and we unfortunately assumed that yesterday’s conclusions were somehow erroneous or irrelevant.

I love what Paul sings here: ‘I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness,’ and would appreciate the same courteous hearing.

Why do we as humans attach virtue or importance to certain things, yet neglect others, while berate other good people for simply walking to the beat of a different drummer? Who has a more important work, George Whitefield, or the woman who works night shift in the hospital wing of the 7th floor tending to the forgotten familyless and infirmed?

Being told by others I am relatively fair-minded, imagine my elation when an opportunity presented itself by way of blogsville to prove it further, especially on a topic that is extremely popular and unpopular at the same time.  I include below a snippet from a blog pal that assumes people who hold to various cosmologies are missing a few doughnuts from the box, and while the writer is a believer, he takes issue with certain  ministries, and assigns unnecessary criticism instead of the right hand of fellowship.  Why?

‘Sure, engaging with the mentally imbalanced online isn’t sexual sin but, in all honestly, how is getting down in the mess and drama of people who are clearly not well much better? Think about it. People you don’t even know are angering you, frustrating you, stealing time from you, and you are letting them do it. Flat Earthers are literally living rent-free in your head.’   (for context, see the link below)  

Truth be told, many could be hurt by such language, fortunately I am much more tolerant of basic ignorance, but it is worthwhile to point out a few areas of weakness that need not be. If a brother has an affinity for birds lets say, and he uses his John Muirish affection for God’s winged creatures, who am I to challenge his gospel telling through nature? Nor would the sparrow protest either.

If a man has a rare sewing and tailor gift, who am I to tell him he is wasting his time talking to people about the ‘camel going through the eye of the needle,’ and reaching people in a way that I cannot?

So when I read of believers speaking of brothers in Christ and their affinity for science in general, and God’s cosmology in particular, is it not then equally unusual to assume that said believer’s are wasting their time, and are also mentally challenged for not only thinking such things, but promoting views well within the range of scripture?

I’m afraid far too many believers are simply intolerant because of things perhaps they never thought of. Am I exaggerating?

You may have heard that believers who enjoy God’s word are ‘a retardation of the species,’ and I quote from an atheistic evolutionary point of view, but they who ascribe to a stationary earth are ‘mentally imbalanced’ and are no different from porn addicts? Really? You going with that?  Personally, I am not insulted, for I understand the trappings of science falsely so-called and its sharp clutches that grip the minds of far too many.

Since when MUST believers tow a party line as to things scientific, political, religious, or even humorous, especially when alleged science is dubious?  Are we to be that shallow and walk like the zombie Stepford’s or act like a thousand cattle without distinction? Since when MUST believers wear the same color tie lest we be ousted from the club? Hath God not made the jackal as well as the frog?

So when I read Paul’s admonition and excellent word to ‘think on things lovely and pure,’ who is another man to berate such an one for thinking that ‘He stretcheth out the earth upon the waters’ is an impure occupation? Who is he who dares to chastise a man for considering: ‘It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in,’ and thereby say that this is unlovely, impure, or useless to think upon?

Is it also then impure and not lovely to consider He who ‘hath laid the foundations of the earth,’ and in this consideration, true science is revealed? Since when are believers ALL at the same mile markers of spiritual understanding? They are not. We are not. Thus, the scriptures are here to help us mature, but rest assured, it is far from mature to maim that which we do not understand, and cite believers as idiots for their knowing things we do not, or to not understand things that are clear to us or them. 

Is it worse than pornography to think upon God’s created earth, which hath foundations, which earth was made BEFORE the sun and moon, and to consider the extreme wonderment of God’s power and wisdom, and to further consider what exactly the earth was doing, and where it was going……….for what purpose? Are these thoughts not pure and lovely, and is such cogitation really pornography, or simply, proving all things, as the good book says we are to do?  Can we not employ the lessons of Martha and Mary? I believe so.

Should our lack of interest in other believers interest be cause for our trying to cut them down to size? I have found that the most thoughtful of believers are tolerant and considerate of others views, even upon disagreement, for it has been proven through scripture and experience, that far too often the 1, and not the 99, is correct. God specializes in the minority. We should thus pay attention.

But note I said this topic is both pop and unpopular. If blogging is a small picture of the whole, this proves correct, for on any given day, DeGrasse and Nye are promoting their world view, others are aping their words, others are enjoying thoughts of the universe, space, time, and hundreds of thousands more are thinking about a 1,067 mph spinning earth, while orbiting at 66,000 mph, while some say ‘who cares?’ while just as many more are saying: ‘hold the fort pilgrim, where is your proof?’

The popular view that instigated new math, oops, I mean globe/ball theory was the visual of the ‘disappearing ships over the horizon,’ and had people actually studied the eternal properties of water, they would have remained happy, but nope, the ships supposedly disappear ‘because of the curve.’ Yikes! And hence, Mr. Copernicus took the suggestion and the ball and ran. Men have been hitting foul balls ever since.

Or they could have consulted God and His word, and not been led astray by vain imaginations, they could have forsaken the wisdom of this world which always leaves out God, and learned about refraction, lensing, mirroring, the vanishing point, perspective, the human eye, and the fact that water Always seeks its own level, (true science doncha know) but nope, we must have others tell us how to think. We need new math in every age. We must alter truth to our liking. We must pretend we have the ability of insects to walk on ceilings.

But I have digressed enough already, so the unpopular view is how dare any man question what is popular and assumed? But eh, who am I, just another fine example of retardation of the species. This is okay coming from an atheist, but quite unbecoming hearing this from a fellow believer. I give believers a wide berth, and on this I will be silent.

I am perfectly aware how this specific area of interest scares people. Some are afraid to engage/comment because a price needs paid. Do I agree with the evolutionist or atheistic world view of an insignificant creation, which of necessity makes the earth one of many, and scripture irrelevant, or do I disagree with believers who seem strange for parting company with the norm? Ah, there’s the rub.

How does an axe head float? How did Peter walk on water? How was it that a blind man saw the color blue for the first time? How do bones grow within the womb? How did Christ rise from the dead?  (The flower bulb is a fine perennial teacher) How did God make foundations for the earth? How did He stretch the line upon it? How does He measure the breadth of the earth? How did He scribe a compass upon it? How do railroads work on a balled surface? How does a helicopter hover like a bumblebee while a MIG fighter rips the sky on a moving surface? How is the 100 mile Suez canal dead level on a ball?

Dare any man say these are not lovely thoughts of life to consider, sooo unlike pornography which kills and destroys. But these things need not separate friends, and we should actually be thankful that God hath not made us as Xerox copies.

Further. The greatest proof of the strength of my arguments is the opposition against it. From every corner the insults arrive, (except for the cool and steady heads of some). The atheist despises the cosmology of scripture, and the believer cannot fathom any other doctrine which challenges age-old assumptions. Traditions can be tighter than an eagles talons holding a snake and flying high. He will not let go.

When I mention a hundred mile horizontal Suez canal connecting the Mediterranean with the Red sea, I am cited as a delusional idiot, YET, the pure science of how water acts is ignored, and I am assumed to have ten heads. Opposition to true science is not my problem, but I dare any man to prove the science wrong. Truth accepts all dares.

When I mention Kansas and the state of Florida are plains, I am laughed to scorn, yet God’s earth remains as testament, immoveable, steady, having foundations, just as He said, and just as they appear. I’m pretty sure God knows more about dirt and architecture than DeGrasse who says there is no God. Are we beginning to see that the science of the godless is not the science of nature, but pure fabrication with the intention to place God into oblivion as if His own word cannot be trusted?

Cosmology IS important. It IS relevant. It only appears strange because we have been fed the gospel of the godless for entirely too long. 1 Corinthians 15 is only as relevant as Genesis 1. Assumptions are not facts. Theories are not facts. Wishful thinking is not a twin of reality. And scripture is always correct.

So when I am reminded by God through Paul to think on things virtuous, pure, and lovely, what man can deny that ‘the beginning of all things’ is not a pure and lovely pursuit? Who can argue that God’s wisdom in creating the heaven and the earth BEFORE the sun and moon are not thoughts worthy of consideration?

Finally, my credibility should be interpreted in light of the singular reason that I do not ask for allies. It’s kind of like the meandering stream that does not ask for permission. It just is.  And water never lies.   😉


As in this excellent example of how to forbear:

A Fun One: A Reaction to ColorStorm


About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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67 Responses to Why mock that which we do not understand?

  1. Arkenaten says:

    I think the point James is trying to make( and I would not want to presume on his behalf) is that continuing a dialogue with people who simply refuse to listen to reason (context:) – that the earth is most certainly not flat – even when presented with evidence (as Tom did on x’s blog) then it becomes a fruitless exercise and maybe the best thing to do is walk away?

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      Others can walk away. I’m not going anywhere. The topic is too important- and I think I have proved it’s necessary relevance by virtue of all opposition.

      Both world views cannot be correct, and fortunately, true science is on my side- and to have a silent ally like the mighty Everest is enough.


    • Running the Race says:

      You aren’t far off base Ark but there are dozens of kinds of people who are not worth a sane person’s time, not just flat earthers who were just used in the post as an example because they are a special breed.


      • Arkenaten says:

        Indeed they are, James. Probably in the same league as those who consider the earth no more than 10K years old and dinosaurs co/existed with humans.
        But your point is noted.


        • ColorStorm says:

          An interesting arbiter I must become. Lol

          To referee an unlikely alliance between atheists who aren’t quite sane…… and believers who have convinced themselves that a 66,000 mph orbiting ball is mainstream,

          Now who is it that believes such things by faith without proof?

          Hilarious. Your assumptions are my doubts, and rightly so.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Tom already demonstrated that your stationary flat earth hypothesis in untenable, and the scientific and engineering examples he offered prove why

          Your behaviour reminds me of when my daughter was a little girl and she used to put her hands in front of her eyes and say:
          ”Daddy … you can’t see me!”


        • ColorStorm says:

          Why must you continually use the term ‘flat earth’ when I do not? Geez.

          As to what other people believe , especially believers, my faith is secure- so I can have the very best of fellowship- while disagreeing- this extends my credibility- so unlike others.

          But to be fair, I would ask anybody including Ct, James, you, Wally, Zande, trish, Julie, nan, etc, etc,

          Please defend the hundred mile horizontal Suez Canal with no locks…….. which by your very own curvature chart, NEEDS to be hidden behind 1.27 miles of drop.

          It IS non existent- and proves the theory, YOUR THEORY, as impossiball.

          Water does not lie. I have science on my side, and truth be told, most people have not thought about this seriously, as I have proved many times.


        • Arkenaten says:

          The more you try to demonstrate the veracity of your claims the more you confirm you are an idiot.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I appreciate the insults- they are proof positive you have ignored EVERY point I have made so thanks- it is you who is on trial- not me.

          SUEZ Canal? Cough cough. Elementary Watson.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Sir Francis Drake


        • ColorStorm says:

          And the reason you persist is you know my cause is worthy. Surely you would not waste your time with such obvious nonsense.

          Unless of course it is neither obvious nor nonsense.

          And your hero Drake is subject to water. Water is not subject to him.


        • Arkenaten says:

          … and he was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.


        • ColorStorm says:

          That’s nice. If you would research honestly and properly- you would learn how he did not do that on a ball.

          For the third time: Suez Canal.


        • Arkenaten says:

          sail or travel all the way around (something, especially the world).
          “he undertook to circumnavigate the globe in 80 days or less”

          Game, set and match.


        • ColorStorm says:

          What is most fascinating Doug- is how you find Christians delusional/ until such time as they agree with you- all of a sudden the deluded are instantaneous geniuses.

          Too funny


        • Arkenaten says:

          You Christians are always fighting among yourselves – you will surely remember your little tiff with SOM? so you hardly need me to worry about who among you is a ”genius”.
          It is simply a matter of degree with regard the delusion.

          So while you lot can’t even decide what a True Christian is , ordinary people stand on the touchline and shake their heads at the stupidity you lot display.
          Seriously, is it really any wonder your religion has not advanced humanity one iota and is hemorrhaging ”believers” like a second rate dam wall?

          Now that is what is really funny.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Since when Doug is the property of water a Christian issue?

          It is natural. Period.

          And for your information, the cosmology of believers is hardly a matter of fellowship- and unlike you- I do not base others worth in how much they agree with me.

          I am far more tolerant- and am well aware of differences, differences which have not been examined properly- like your ASSUMED 66,000 mph wobbly imagination.


        • Arkenaten says:

          … like your ASSUMED 66,000 mph wobbly imagination.

          I assume nothing. Take your lack of intellect and understanding up with Tom.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Oh how you love trying to drive wedges between believers. Unlike the Xerox atheist club, we can and do differ regarding things. So what.

          And where are these alleged battles on my site? Do CTom, trish, Wally, Julie, ib22, -Xp, james, etc fight here?

          Or are you forgetting that we all AGREE as to God creating all things, that He created the whale, the eagle, the monkey, and that we all agree that He made man as the pinnacle of His creation?

          Of course this escapes you, for you would rather seek to destroy than to enjoy.

          Most readers are aware of this, and we have much liberty to consider various cosmologies, until such time that we choose to change views.

          You can actually learn something if you pay attention. Btw, Mr Drake sailed around, so what.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Actually in 5 billion years your god will destroy humanity when our sun comes to the end of its life.

          In the meantime, the vast majority of Christians accept evolution and they certainly accept the earth is an oblate spheroid.
          No atheist ever destroyed a Christian’s faith – Christians come to this revelation all by themselves – ask any deconvert.
          Blogs like yours’ are merely sometime- humorous distractions of the inevitable outcome of denying reality.
          Maybe Jesus will turn up and educate you?
          You never know, right?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Your alleged ‘proof’ of the next 5 billion years is equally moronic as your last 5 billion year guess. Not a drop of proof, nor even a teaspoon of proof.

          But Tkx for your consistent ignorance.


        • Arkenaten says:

          I’m sure Tom would cringe.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Perhaps your greater concern should be the cringe he feels toward any man who navigates life without ever looking up to the Chief Captain of life itself.

          Now you may see just exactly the importance of context.


        • Arkenaten says:

          And it gets funnier ….


        • ColorStorm says:

          Like a bee, I have found the mark precisely- and it stings- Truth does that.

          Ever been stung by DeGrasse or Dillahunty? Didn’t think so, as they peddle yesterday’s news and stale bread.


        • Arkenaten says:

          …….. walking away.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Citizen Tom says:

      The irony of you lecturing ColorStorm on this subject…….

      When we don’t want to be convinced, we cannot be convinced.

      Proof” doesn’t always convince, does it? A patient thought he was dead. His psychiatrist stood him before a mirror and had him repeat many times, “Dead men don’t bleed.” Then the doctor stuck a pin in the patient’s finger and made it bleed a little. “See?” the doctor said triumphantly. The patient exclaimed, “Yes, I see — dead men bleed after all!” (www.smithvillechurch.org/html/upbraided_for_unbelief.html)

      There are more elaborate versions of the joke. In some the fellow who ridiculously believes he is dead is even taken to a morgue and shown a dead body that doesn’t bleed, but no proof (or evidence) is sufficient for him.

      That’s apparently why God only requires Christians to instruct their children and spread the Gospel. We can provide evidence for the Gospel, but we cannot prove something to another person’s satisfaction, not when they refuse to believe.

      So what about ColorStorm’s refusal to believe that the earth is a sphere orbiting the sun? Since that matter has no eternal significance, it doesn’t merit much concern. The fate of your soul, however, merits great concern. Still, whether you can be convinced is ultimately between you and God. Therefore, there is a point when debate serves no purpose.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Arkenaten says:

        It certainly highlights that such idiots should not be allowed to indoctrinate children.

        EDIT NOTE: Meanwhile back in reality, they who boast of Godless creation, and pure guesswork such as bazillions of years….. have a drop of credibility?
        Beep- no.


  2. Oh yes! I highly approve of this whole post, Colorstorm. Not sure what parts I like most, but it’s all good stuff and I shall ponder some of these ideas.

    Also, it occurs to me that some of my more strident, uh “discernment ministers,” who insist on pure reason, science, and logic, really are promoting something that starts to resemble pornography to me. Flat, two dimensional, devoid of meaning, lacking intimacy, a cheap substitute for the real deal.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      Tkx a lot msb- the initial post that inspired mine was so lopsided that I had to act. Lol

      Contrast that to -xp’s outstanding rendition, and they are poles apart- but at the end of the day, not all world views have merit.

      I’m pretty sure I have the edge on Degrasse and friends. Lol

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Melissa Zelniker-Presser says:

    Hi friend, hope you are well! I am back in blogland! Missed you guys

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Something I really like, the Body of Christ is made up of many parts. You wouldn’t want all hands or all feet or all of us marching in lockstep. So a bit of diversity of thought is good, too. A big problem with us Christians is that fear, pride, legalism, tribalism, whatever, tends to make us “mock that which we don’t understand.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      That’s an important point msb. Others may be correct and I should not mock- I may be correct and others should not mock.

      But the simple value is in HOW we handle such things- and the brutal fact that I raise such doubt- and the immediate scorn returned- gives one pause to consider further- especially since Mt Everest for example is called upon as witness for the defense. Lol

      But indeed- the body of Christ has many members- and we should pay attention to the lesser parts.

      Liked by 1 person

      • LOL, well scorn and contempt is often a really good sign, if you’re walking with the Lord, anyway. The first time He spoke publicly, in His hometown no less, the villagers all got together to throw Him off a cliff.

        I used to know this pastor who when you would shake his hand and say “well done” or “I am blessed by your words” his shoulders would just sink and he would say, “then I have completely failed.” A bit funny, but I soon learned to say, “Well actually, I’m emotionally devastated and totally wrung out.” It’s a fond memory and he would always high five me.

        I think something we of the parts need to do more often is to understand we aren’t on this planet to remain in the “fine zone,” all totally comfortable and assured we have all the answers.

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          I would like to commend you in front of a world-wide audience for your fearlessness in engaging in topics that scare the daylights out of most. 😂

          Not only is the place where we live a serious subject, but important, vital even, especially knowing that the godless have controlled the narrative for far too long. This alone should make our ears perk.

          When the sun went backwards 10 degrees, it did so because it went forward- but this also startles us- because we do not like the apparent contradiction according to DeGrasse and friends.

          I say: Begone! God knows full well the maintenance of His creation, but that aside, your candor and willingness to engage at the expense of scorn is also much appreciated.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Tricia says:

    I thought your post was well done ColorStorm and an appropriate response to the flat earth portion of Jame’s post. I don’t agree with you about a flat earth but that doesn’t invalidate your views on it. By all means it’s a worthy thing to ponder and discuss.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      You did good trish- certainly believers will not agree in everything- we are not cookie cutters- but the manner in how we carry our points may be even more important than the doctrines we hold to.

      But yes, I’ll forbear with others until such time as I receive more light, and the opposite should be true- just as you say. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tricia says:

        And knowing you, you could turn out the be the one that’s right! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          That’s a sweet answer trish.

          I told the other good lady ib22 that this topic/commentary scares the daylights out of people- more so than Freddie Kruger. Lol

          It is a most fascinating and rewarding modern day endeavor- and I can only scratch the surface in blog format.

          For what it’s worth, if the atheistic/evolutionary point of view is for something……. theres a good chance the math is missing some numbers; like the ape/human thing. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

        • Tricia says:

          Well I’m always good for a conversation on scary stuff!

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Haha well this is scary, and pretend u didn’t hear this from me:

          To date, when I mention this to friend and foe, I am mocked or laughed at. Using the necessary curvature chart of 8” per mile squared, how can the Suez Canal be dead horizontal at 100 miles; when according to the ‘Theory,’ the ports at either end should be hidden behind 1.27 miles of curvage.

          There is none- it is in fact dead level- Again, forgetting you heard this from me lest I cloud your judgment, consider the greater ramifications when the so called science guy Nye allegedly sees a ‘curve’ at 3 miles. Ouch.

          Scary huh T? lol.
          Take your time and ponder this- and weigh it against what you know. Water is a wonderful teacher. 😊

          Liked by 1 person

    • Arkenaten says:

      And don’t get suckered in with his ridiculous Suez Canal example.
      He is yanking your chain as well, Tricia.
      If not then he truly is mentally unbalanced.


      • ColorStorm says:

        Yeah, like I can tamper with a hundred miles of evidence known as water. It is embarrassing to watch you squirm- especially when you said u were ‘walking away.’

        Any fair minded judge would throw u out of his courtroom, not only for your childish behavior, but for you trying to ‘influence a witness by appearing to be helpful.’ Perhaps you are fearful people will actually think for themselves, unaided by DeGrasse it Nye. Still, CT is correct in his answer to you.

        Christ died for our sins According To The Scriptures. Full agreement here- and it matters most.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Your ignorance of the basic geography is demonstrative of just how silly you are. The canal l isn’t even straight. I’ll leave to to figure out why this makes your ridiculous assertion look so stupid.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Why mock that which you don’t understand?

          ‘Straight’ and ‘level’ apparently escape you. But thanks for proving my observations are worthy of consideration.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Even if it were ”straight”, do you truly believe you would be able t see the end of the canal?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Thank you for pointing out WHY people cannot conceive such basic ignorance.

          It’s the same reason you can’t see Everest from your front porch- and the same reason you can’t see 5 miles in a straight line.

          But rest assured, your ignorance does not change the properties of water. It is tiresome to explain this to an adult.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Same thing for canals. Some flat Earthers like to point out that the Suez canal is 100 miles long with no locks, and that the water in the middle would be over 1500 feet high based on the curvature of the Earth and would all flow out of the canal. You can’t think about it that way – gravity is constant across the curved surface of the Earth, except for hills, of which there are none on the surface of the canal. The surface of the water is convex, not flat, and is at a constant height (ignoring tides and currents) across the length of the Canal.

          Saves me the job of writing it out …

          EDIT NOTE: Please do not include the LINKED propaganda Doug. I have neither time nor desire to answer line upon line the nonsense.


        • ColorStorm says:

          You are going through an awful lot of trouble to try to convince people that water is a liar.

          Water does not lie. I agree with water.


        • Arkenaten says:

          neither does gravity …


  6. LOL! I heard a great one about “gravity” on the radio today and thought of this thread, Colorstorm. “Gravity is science. Gravity has mass. Don’t be weighed down by the gravity of your mass.” Gave me a chuckle. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      Tkx for the heads up. 😊
      I think we too often over complicate things. Simple does not necessarily mean lack of depth.

      When we say ‘the situation is grave,’ we take that as ‘serious.’

      The ‘grave’ of Lazarus is equally serious.

      But what is further astounding is our lack of appreciation for how water NATURALLY acts. I like to say water does not lie, and this thread has garnered lots of good commentary.


  7. Pingback: WHY DEBATE? – Citizen Tom

  8. Arkenaten says:

    EDIT NOTE: Any mind that denies its Creator is impossibly balanced. Just sayin.

    Any mind that claims a creator yet cannot identify it is living in a delusion. Just sayin’


  9. sklyjd says:

    The Bible implies that the Earth is flat, so it must be true.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Steve, I really don’t want to embarrass you, but why must you refer to a term that I do not?
      Ever heard of Everest? K-2? the depths of the oceans? What do you mean flat?

      Do you ever think about what you say? Not repeating like a parrot what you have been told, but do you actually think about what you cling to? Have YOU ever seen the earth move one inch? You have seen this alleged movement first hand, or are you happy relying in the faith of others? Are you equipped like an ant to walk upside down on a ceiling? Didn’t think so.

      Geez, what great faith you must have. And please don’t bring your links/and endless ‘proofs,’ maybe you can write your own post and prove to yourself what you are trying to convince others of. Prove a stationary earth wrong. Prove it. Prove an alleged 67,000 spinning ball that resembles an amusement park carnival ride.

      Make a post.


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