World Cup op-ed

So Rapinoe for the stellar women’s soccer team decided not to honor the USA anthem at the  -19 WORLD cup, where she represents not herself but the United States? Hmm. Now the emphasis is on HER, and her politics, instead of individuals playing their hearts out for their countries.Why people can’t set aside their egos is beyond me, but I digress.

But why will the US team win it all, and the Cup?  I will play the fool to make a point.  On any given day, and with a lousy bounce here, a missed ref penalty call there, a lesser team can always win the day. That said, some crazy good European teams stand in the way, but the US will win the Cup.

Call me a fool, that’s okay, I have cited myself as far worse, just to make this point. I can be entirely wrong, I can be mistaken, but my OPINION is irrelevant as to the outcome. I will be no more be excited if I am proven correct, and no more disappointed if they lose…. to make a point.

My opinion is irrelevant. People will lose homes and businesses, some will lose their character for betting wrong, win or lose. Gambling is big business and is a drug that has snared many a life in many a way.

Now consider this. People have OPINIONS regarding the sacred scriptures, the holy bible, the word of God, and be entirely wrong, yet it changes not the contents of the good book. Scripture does not care if you read the pages with a true heart, or if you line your canary cage. Scripture is not hurt by the aloofness and mental shortcomings of men.

God’s word is not a book of opinions. It is THE source material for the only valid. credible, and accurate account of creation, which then follows the true history of man’s ways, his vice and virtue, with perfect accounting of names, dates, places, archaeology, prophecy, geography, true science of course, with every act recorded verified, and the attempts by true fools to dismiss its contents. Foolishness rewards many disciples.

So while I may be wrong since I am not a prophet in the ‘guessing’ part of soccer, (which true prophecy is never wrong nor is it guesswork) I am never wrong when I say quite candidly that God’s word is never wrong. How could it be? He knows the end from the beginning, and  yet He allows us to  ‘play on.’

Men cannot tolerate such confidence and therefore confuse such dogmatism with arrogance. No wonder Paul the apostle was despised then, even more so today, as he wrote with heaven’s pen that ‘I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded, that HE IS ABLE…………..’

Now there’s un understatement, as to God’s ability. He is able, and even willing to turn one from rags to riches, from pauper to prince, from eating in a dirty basement to dining with kings, but the question is: are YOU willing to trust His ability? Of course He knows the outcome of the World Cup, but we play on. He understands my ‘opinion’ regarding the result, and my willingness to be proven wrong to make the larger point, which I enjoy.

God’s word can be trusted, entirely, and win or lose, girls’ soccer is represented well this year, (except maybe for Megan) and may the best team prevail, and may I remind you again that God’s word is always good. So enjoy the stoppage time and extra minutes that God has bestowed upon you and your life. God is not that man waiting to throw you a red card. He is good after all, just like His original creation.


About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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115 Responses to World Cup op-ed

  1. my opinion is also of little to no importance but I think if you are an American and you are representing your nation on a world stage…then you pay respect and homage to your flag and anthem—I only watched one game…the game with Sweden…all those gals sang their anthem…
    Why be an American if you don’t like America?
    Why represent an American team if you don’t like America….
    I think there are other ways she could go about things.
    It seems to be an issue of “more about me” then that which is bigger than myself…

    And speaking of bigger than myslef…well, you know WHO that is 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      All the gals sang the anthem. Indeed.

      Seems odd that one can’t ‘sing the anthem’ and still protest in whatever way they want otherwise.

      The shortsightedness of WHY there is even a national anthem is stunning. You never see other countries display such drama.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Arkenaten says:

      Her objections had nothing to do with not liking America.
      A little research would have quickly explained this for you, Julie.


      • I know of her objections Ark— quite familiar with her skills as well as objections— I just wish she’d seek a different platform and route— the World Cup is much larger than her disgruntlements and personal quest of change

        Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          the World Cup is much larger than her disgruntlements and personal quest of change

          Maybe …. but she is entitled to be respected for her position.


        • There is a tritness, Ark, when we turn attention from “the game” to our own personal pursuits. I feel very much the same when I watch American football, of which I love, and I watch the theatrics and antics when touchdowns are scored or tackles are made…contrary to what many players think, it is not about the single play or player but rather it is about the team that worked together to get the score or the play…too much “me” in the world.

          Let the soccer team focus on the game—not the one player who desires to swim upstream while using her postion as a player on a world stage to accentuate that swimming against the flow.

          Do it in a different place and in a differnt way.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Under the circumstances, I think she is doing a sterling job.
          If you have no objections to her lifestyle then support her or at least add your voice against the discrimination she and those like her are subject to.

          Liked by 1 person

        • you know that I don’t support her lifestyle choice Ark but yet I do not allow that to interfere with my support of her as an athlete…and it is the athlete I support…not the woman who chooses to live a lifestyle that is contrary to a heterosexual relationship.
          If she wants to be gay, fine…but don’t use the soccer game to make a political statement.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Spot on Jewels-
          Are u listening ark.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          If she wants to be gay,

          And right there is the type of uninformed prejudice she is subject to. The allusion that being gay is a choice.
          Do you choose to he heterosexual?
          Of course not!
          And where did she make any political statement?
          She simply did not sing the anthem. So what?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Strange is it not ark/ that the ‘opinion’ she shares- is the lone voice from the team!!

          It would be equally inappropriate if another gal on the team paraded their lone voice and campaigned about ‘straight marriage.’

          It’s called decorum. In this Megan fails.


        • Arkenaten says:

          It is not the lone opinion, as several team members support her but choose not to express their views the way Rapinoa does.

          Furthermore, straight marriage has never been subject to the horrendous type of discrimination that gay marriage has.
          In this Rapinoe is, in fact , the epitome of decorum.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sorry ark, but as the majority says on this thread, as Americans, you lose.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Yes, straight, fundamentalist Christian Americans.
          I don’t lose at all. You do, and the sad thing is you can’t even understand why.


        • ColorStorm says:

          What separates me from the dairy cow, the eagle, and the goldfish, is I DO understand- a courtesy given by He who made man in His image.

          You may understand this someday.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Rapinoe is an American, but first and foremost she is a human being and deserves respect. Respect that for millions is not forthcoming. You should consider this first and foremost.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Respect? Nobody here is not giving her that. If you read carefully, we are ALL saying that in THAT venue, she is well out of line. Period, end of story.

          She has herself disrespected the American flag with her selfishness, as good a player as she is.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Where did she disrespect the flag?
          She stood while Stars and Stripes was played.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Since u are not an American, I suppose it is difficult for you to understand how a person behaves when the anthem is played- (being that men died so she could play a game) reveals much more than their pet issues.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Again … where did she disrespect the Flag.
          Answer the question.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Julie did answer many times


        • Arkenaten says:

          No, Julie didn’t.
          Rapinoe stood, but did not sing. So, once again., Where did she disrespect the flag?
          Please have the decency to answer the question, CS.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sure she answered, as did I, as did T- not our fault u do not approve of the answers


        • Arkenaten says:

          Nope, she stood for the anthem.
          Again …. In what way did she disrespect the flag?
          Answer the damn question.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Standing for her own anthem you mean…….


        • Arkenaten says:

          And which anthem would that be, John?

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Thx but this is my last comment as I’ve already entertained the smokescreen.

          Ask any American veteran of war what they think of her antics.

          That said, and that should be enough, you are still straining at a gnat and missing the proverbial elephant which stares u in the face.

          You are missing the bigger picture between opinion and fact. God’s word laughs at opinion. The New York Times will be long irrelevant- God’s word abideth forever. That’s the main point here.

          Soccer is ancillary.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You have no idea what your god’s word is.
          And she stood for the anthem.
          You don’t see Formula One drivers sing the anthem so what exactly is your problem?

          And War Vets have nothing to do with anything.
          So, once again, where did she disrespect the flag?


  2. Loved this post, Colorstorm. So, “The Word” is a person, Jesus, as it says in John 1:1. Then the Bible is also called, “the word,” and lastly we have all of creation proclaiming His word. So that’s like a three fold cord of certainty, not resting on opinions.

    As to America and the flag, ai yi yi. Recently our governor demanded everyone raise the rainbow flag for pride month, which rattled most sensible Christians, but then there was this backlash, because now we have people unhappy with the US flag and the nat’l anthem. They don’t like seeing the rainbow flag connected to the American flag. So as it stands right now, many in our state are in a holding pattern, trying to figure out whose orders to follow, tradition, the President, the crazy Governor, or the LGBT lobby.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Tricia says:

    Well I had s mouthful of comments to offer, but Julie went ahead and said exactly what I was thinking only in a much, much better way. Why some can’t just let their egos stay silent for a minute is truly a good quesiton CS.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Arkenaten says:

    God’s word can be trusted, entirely, and win or lose, girls’ soccer is represented well this year, (except maybe for Megan)

    First, You have no idea what your god’s word is. In fact you have no idea what your god is or even if he exists at all.
    All you have are words in a collection of books written by men.

    As for Rapinoe:
    Perhaps you should understand her views regarding the anthem before you slate her?

    She is probably the best player on the US squad and they are fortunate to have her.
    The two goals she scored last night against the French were of the highest quality especially the direct free kick.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Nobody is doubting her skill as a player. I said as much.

      But it is the ‘World Cup’ not the Megan opinion tour. She could take a cue from her teammates as to how to behave and represent her country, skill aside.


      • Arkenaten says:

        Her position is based on how she feels the country is being represented by Trump and the way LGBT people are regarded.
        Personally I agree with her;
        Furthermore, I despise national anthems.


  5. Arkenaten says:

    I just noticed you did not respond to this: First, You have no idea what your god’s word is. In fact you have no idea what your god is or even if he exists at all.
    All you have are words in a collection of books written by men.

    Care to share the evidence you have for your assertion?


    • ColorStorm says:

      Of course I know what God’s word is. So do you. Only difference is you do not like what it says.

      God is not a man who lies. His word is good. Not a person alive can truthfully challenge the FACT that ‘in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth………..’

      That He made the KINDS, to reproduce, after their KINDS. Or perhaps you have found a lion who birthed an elephant? Yeah, didn’t think so.

      As to the accounting of dates, times, places, history, geography, science, architecture, botany, on and on, of course God’s word is good. I write about it in every post.

      As to evidence? Ha! The scriptures ARE the evidence.


      • Arkenaten says:

        No, the Scripture are tales – historical fiction and myth to be more accurate – and there is no evidence to support them.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Like I said ark, no sense in beating a horse………the scriptures testify to itself, you just do not like what it says, especially about you.

          God’s word is the ONLY source for proving in every way that God is good, and that man provides both vice and virtue, and that His every word is reliable, verifiable, provable, and trustworthy, as opposed to the charlatan acts of men..

          I say these things not to convince you, but because they are true, as many in the cheap seats read and watch from afar. At least some will see the complete consistency of a believer who argues without apology.


        • Arkenaten says:

          The Scriptures testify to myth. Whether I like them or not is immaterial. They are primarily myth.
          You may believe they are true and I accept this.
          And you can argue without apology all you like.
          I am merely asking you to provide evidence to support your claims.

          Perhaps it might be easier for you if I pick a specific biblical tale? Would you be prepared to provide evidence for one tale rather than many?


        • ColorStorm says:

          You just need to face yourself ark- and inquire of yourself:

          WHAT evidence would you accept that not only proves Daniel spent a night in a den of lions………..that he interpreted kings dreams…… and that his three friends were actual humans in exile… to the conclusion that the holy scriptures are true, and that there are many knockoff wannabe perverted attempts to put God in a corner of men’s delusions?

          What evidence do you demand that the scriptures do not already provide?


        • Arkenaten says:

          There is no evidence to corroborate your example, so we can assume this is a myth.

          I was referring to something a little more foundational to your belief.
          How about evidence for the Resurrection?
          Or maybe the Exodus?


        • ColorStorm says:

          There you have it ark.. By your own words do you pronounce the death knell to unbelief.

          ‘So we can ASSUME it is a myth.’

          There is NO reason to ASSUME……..just as you ASSUME that the female robin looks aimlessly for her nest since it allegedly moved locations overnight. Hope you see the impossible dilemma of your own predicament. Evidence? Ha, we got that.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Of course we can assume it is a myth. Just as we can assume Thor is a myth as is Poseidon.
          You surely don’t attribute any veracity to these claims, so why should one give any more credence to the tale in Daniel?

          Again, if you can provide supporting evidence then we csn consider this.

          I s for this reason I suggested the Exodus. This should have ample supporting evidence if it occurred and so should the Resurrection of Jesus –

          Why not provide evidence for these two pivotal biblical episodes?.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yeah ark/ John Baptist lost his head in a dungeon because of Thor, Goliath of Gath felled by David was just another fictitious Hercules/

          Paul the apostle spent his life and limb for a lie when he could have enjoyed the life of Riley-

          Scripture is ALL true. This is the point about this post precisely. You can have your opinions about the cup/ you can have your opinions about govt/ you can have your opinions about the Exodus/ it does not matter.

          The word of God needs no help from you or me to affirm itself. History is my faithful witness, and the future will agree as well.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You see, this is where you lose all credibility. We are having a reasonable conversation and immediately you get put on the spot you become all stroppy and retreat fundamentalism.
          This is why you come in for so much stick on the blogs of non-believers – you simply cannot provide any evidence to support your claims.
          So one has to ask why you bother dropping comments on the sites of non believers in the first place?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sorry ark/ I lose nothing by way of credibility or character. That’s the point, it’s not MY word that is on the table. I am just relaying information.

          I pointed out to you years ago the incomparable work of Dr. Alfred Edersheim, the Austrian Jew, who wrote ‘Old Testament Bible History,’ which monumentous work still stands unrivaled- a thorough and exact accounting of the Exodus, as well as the scriptural proof and modern day testament to the truth of God’s word.

          If his life’s work is not enough for you, then how can I possibly assist you? And please do not cry about how misguided and lost he was- about how modern Jews are more learned and advanced than he.

          A sanctified mind is no match for infidels. He has no equal, and I bless God for his work.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Again, your reference does not account for the advancements in archaeology and what the consensus now accepts.
          So what evidence does a 19th century writer bring to the table to refute the evidence of modern day archaeology?


        • ColorStorm says:

          You just don’t get it do you? Today’s ‘genius’s ‘ who discount yesterday’s truths are tomorrow’s fools.

          God’s word, while ridiculed by careless learning, is not subject to men’s opinions. Truth does not cate whether one accepts or denies it.

          What Edersheim wrote in his day was equally scorned. So what. Acts chapter seven Doug, Acts chapter seven, which so expressly answers all your concerns.

          Read what happened to Stephen- for telling the truth. And oh, as a sidebar, Saul ofTarsus stood by……..


        • Arkenaten says:

          Again … evidence please.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Acts chapter seven. Enough.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Evidence … not the damn bible.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Of a course you would be blind to the only evidence needed.


  6. Wally Fry says:

    “Ask any American veteran of war what they think of her antics” Well, thanks for asking! I will tell you all what I think. First that other dude, Kaepernick? I actually didn’t care one way or another about him. He exercised his rights, and the free market exercised theirs. No sweat. This one? Totally different. Like it or not, she agreed to accept the privilege of representing this country, and represent it she should. If she isn’t comfortable with what we do here, then she should not have agreed to represent us. No sweat right? As far as some others spouting stupid on here. Grow up, get a pair, and understand that some things are just bigger and more important than us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Arkenaten says:

      Who says she isn’t comfortable?
      And in what way exactly did she disrespect the flag or the US?
      Please be specific, Wally


      • Wally Fry says:

        Ark. Either you are dense or intentionally obtuse. I don’t expect you to understand things like respect or higher purpose since you have none higher than yourself. And yes you stone headed loudmouth, as one who risked his life for this country, I have a bit more to say than some blabbering fool like you. Run write post now so all of your suck ups can tell you how brave and smart you are.


        • Arkenaten says:

          How has you being a war vet got anything to do with Rapinoe’s choice not to sing the national anthem?


        • Wally Fry says:

          A whole lot more to do with it than some some rock head from South Africa lol but I notice you offer many opinions on it.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Ah .. so all you have to offer is vilification once more.
          You are a peach, Wally.


        • Wally Fry says:

          What no answer? You asked what my being a veteran had to do with this. I asked that same about a complete foreigner.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Your comment went whoosh.
          Please explain exactly what being a veteran has anything to do with a gay female athlete not singing the Star Spangle Banner.

          (Host note/ this is long tiresome. The sheer fact alone that ONE player is being talked about shows a much greater problem)


      • Wally Fry says:

        Btw, Julie has answered your question repeatedly. But as is typical if you don’t like the answer you claim none was given.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          No, she merely stated that she considers Rapinoe’s protest was out of line.
          Besides, it did not affect her performance as a player and she openly stated that she considers it a privilege to play for the US team and wear the jersey.
          Furthermore, there are plenty of sportsmen and women where participants don’t sing the national anthem, so what’s the big deal?


        • Wally Fry says:

          Asked and answered. Julie gave you her answer. I gave you mine. Don’t like them? Not many would care if you looked elsewhere for better ones.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You really do have anger issues, Wally.
          That temper of your is going to get you into trouble one day.

          As I said, Rapinoe is on record stating she considers it a privilege to play for the US and she s proud to pull on the jersey.
          Why don’t you calm down a bit and explain why you think this is such a big deal?


    • Arkenaten says:

      For what it’s worth, the entire US team are suing for gender discrimination regarding their pay.
      And Rapinoe is on record stating that she does consider it a privilege to pull on the US jersey and play for her country.

      And have you even bothered to watch her play football?
      In fact, have you even made the effort to watch a single damn game of the World Cup or are you simply piling on and whining?


      • Wally Fry says:

        Stone head. That is a stupid last sentence. Nope not watched a single game. I do know she is an excellent player. So what? You play and get paid by Team USA you represent the USA. You blabber about many things you don’t participate in. I don’t have to watch soccer to talk about it. Sheesh. Some people will say anything to avoid addressing what is said to them. Now, take a hike as I can do things way more important than talk to you, such as beat on my toes with a hammer.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You would not even be aware of her if it were not for this ridiculous controversy.
          The rest of your comment makes no sense in the context of the issue at hand.

          And if you don’t want me to start using a pejorative for your name then Ark will do, thanks all the same.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Ark. I will type slow. First you are wrong. I don’t watch soccer. That doesn’t mean I live in a cave. And that is exactly the point. You don’t address what is said to you but make the entire issue about a commenter. In context my comment makes perfect sense. Typical blabber when you don’t want to address what is said to you, you just declare it doesn’t make sense. No problem, as anybody with a working mind can see through you.


        • Arkenaten says:

          I always address what is said to me. Always.
          The issue is whether Rapinoe should have sung the anthem and whether the world cup is a legitimate stage for her to silently air her grievances.
          THAT is all there is to this.
          Maybe this will prompt a wake up for FIFA administrators as well as draw attention to the discrimination she and others face.


        • Wally Fry says:

          If she feels the US does not represent her then she can choose not to represent them. Protest by not playing. That I can respect. Rather like Ali did decades ago. He didn’t go running off to Canada but took his lumps. That’s how civil disobedience works. If you aren’t willing to pay the price for protest then you are just blowing smoke. Take the paycheck, then get with the program. Don’t like the program, don’t take the pay.


        • Arkenaten says:

          As the US is a democracy, and freedom of expression is valued then I see no problem with what she is doing.
          After all, there is a Christian preacher who is on record calling for the death penalty for gays.
          Maybe you would like to speak out against him as well, Wally?


        • Wally Fry says:

          Ark. Since you linked I popped over to your convention of stupid. Found this
          “Wally is under the impression that, as a Vet anyone who doesn’t stand and sing the anthem must be a degenerate, and I presume he feels the same regarding hand on heart stuff and espousing the pledge of allegiance?”
          I never said that, never even hinted at it, and you certainly have no way of knowing what impression I am under. I actually agree with Scottie. I absolutely know that i fought so even the haters could exercise the right to protest. Again, I never said or hinted otherwise. For you to say so is a lie. That makes you a liar. Of course that shocks no one. You are sad and pathetic


        • ColorStorm says:

          Doug thinks that if he repeats something it gains traction. He is unable, incapable, or unwilling to address a post as it was written. I used USA soccer to make a greater point; I even said it was a ‘digression,’ to prove how opinions are irrevant against scripture.

          Remember the pea shooter and the submarine…………..

          All paltry attempts where men will run out of breath to try to naysay God’s word. ‘In the beginning God………….’ are words so simple, so sublime, that puts men in a cave of their own ignorance by trying to say it is not true.

          So naturally the same men must twist words to give the air of credibility to their ragged arguments. And yes I’ll repeat: God has never lost an argument to ants.


        • Wally Fry says:

          I do remember the pea shooter and the submarine, of course! And or course, any real point of a post will be missed…on purpose

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          So if you have no qualms over whether Rapinoe or anyone else sings the anthem then what are you whining about?
          Your comments have a habit of being uninformed on bordering on ignorant I’m afraid.

          I absolutely know that i fought so even the haters could exercise the right to protest.

          Nonsense, What you fought for was nothing to do woth so called haters.
          And who exactly are these haters? Rapinoe?
          Don’t be ridiculous!
          What is the difference between a ”hater” and someone you might consider a degenerate?


        • Wally Fry says:

          Ark. Your comment was lie. I said or believe NOTHING you said, no matter how often or loudly to claim it.

          You are a liar.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Nope. No lie.
          Again, who are these ”haters” you refer to .
          Certainly not Rapinoe.
          Oh, and have you figured out what you fought for yet?


        • Wally Fry says:

          Yes. What you said in that comment is in fact a lie. You are, in fact, a liar. Does it matter to a liar what the answers to your questions are anyway? Now run off and make stuff up lol.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Again, I do not lie.
          So, who are these haters you were whining about and have you figured out what you were fighting for?
          Which conflict were you in? ‘Nam?


        • Wally Fry says:

          Again, you did lie. You sound pretty dumb claiming you don’t lie, when the comment you made concerning my words and what I think was a lie! I’ll make this easy. I didn’t say the things you said I did. I don’t think the things you said I think. I keep repeating that, and you keep doubling down on it. It’s a lie, and you are a liar. Now, I’m done with you, as it really doesn’t matter what any Christian says, ever, as you will gleefully make things up.


  7. Pingback: Good for you, Megan! – A Tale Unfolds

  8. Wally Fry says:

    In moderation again


  9. Arkenaten says:

    (Host note/ this is long tiresome. The sheer fact alone that ONE player is being talked about shows a much greater problem)

    Indeed it does Colorstorm. It shows that one person has the gumption to draw attention to the fact that the US is not representative of all who live there.
    When this fact can be acknowledged and addressed then maybe you will see people like Megan Rapinoe happily singing the national anthem.

    But I suspect that may just one bridge too far for most on this blog.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Megan hung her self with her own selfishness. For the last time, I used the games to make a larger point about opinions versus the stability of scripture.

      I also clearly stated the Megan show was a digression to the post.

      It is/was you sir, who is clueless as to the exceptional nature of the USA.

      I would be equally hesitant to lecture you on F- stops and aperatures. Take a hint.


      • Arkenaten says:

        You hypocritical oaf.
        Rapinoe forms part of a marginalized minority that is continually vilified.
        As I pointed out to Wally, a least one Christian preacher has openly stated the death penalty should be handed out to gay people, and as he is a leader of a church I wouldn’t be surprised if his revolting insane sentiments are not cheered on from the pews by a great many Christians.

        If you felt the ”Megan Show” was a digression then you should not have used her as a whipping post for your point on your god.

        It is/was you sir, who is clueless as to the

        And what exactly do you deem the ”exceptional nature of the USA”.


        • ColorStorm says:

          It is your last sentence posed as a question which is the reason why u are lost as fog in understanding both America’s stature, as well as the opinions of atheists who despise God’s word.

          As to Pino, she should stick to talking with her feet and not her tongue. Period.


        • Arkenaten says:

          It would be better for all if you answered the question.
          Seriously, what is it you consider the exceptional nature of the US?
          I find your statement somewhat baffling. How is the US in any way unique as t say the UK?

          As to Pino, she should stick to talking with her feet and not her tongue. Period

          That is you view, certainly. Do you believe the same verbal restriction should be enforced against the pastor who went on media stating that gays should receive the death penalty?


        • ColorStorm says:

          You may be surprised to know that I think ANY man who calls for the death of any with various sexual preferences/ ANY man, is hardly Christian.

          People tend to follow others who ignite their own ignorance, and use piety as jet fuel- all the while being blind to the nature of grace.

          Read the New Testament. Not ONE command to harm a sinner. Not one. Obviously, one who calls for ‘death’ is not getting his marching orders from the gospel of the grace of God, which is the only gospel.

          As to USA position, ever heard of ‘America the beautiful!’ The Star spangled banner?

          There is no nation on earth like the USA. Even Britain knows this.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Sadly, the view that this pastor holds is not a unique view among the religious.

          Read the New Testament. Not ONE command to harm a sinner.

          Other than those who you consider will spend eternity in Hell, of course.

          Your view of your country is no different than the view many others have of their own homeland.
          For interest’s sake, why would you think the US is better than South Africa for example?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Last line. Better?

          Are people pouring from other countries illegally to get into the land of the free?


        • Arkenaten says:

          As they are pouring into to South Africa, and to a lessor extent, England and France Germany Sweden etc.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Seems to be a plague of illegal activity eh? So much for the evolution of man which continually shows the regression of law and order.

          And to think there are actually people in this world who breathe God’s air and drink His water…………..who do not give Him thanks.

          What a waste of humanity.


        • Arkenaten says:

          I think you’ll find that many illegals are fleeing their own countries for reasons that have a lo to do with religion and gods. Consider Syria.

          What a waste of humanity.

          Maybe if your god had his act together from the beginning then there wouldn’t be any ”wastage”?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Let’s recap.

          World cup soccer’s outcome was used as a springboard regarding opinions which may be good or bad, compared to God’s word which is always resolute.

          Man cannot tolerate such exacting authority over him; man must at whatever cost, pretend to assume his intelligence and knowledge is greater than God.

          Pino was a mere ancillary opinion to cement the gist of the post. I happen to think it was a good opinion. I also happen to know God’s word laughs at opinion. It is concrete. Fixed.

          But if I were you, I would think real hard about the origin of life, and how God’s word explains it perfectly, and rebukes all false narratives.

          God’s word is one fine anchor. The clouds above testify to the beauty and harmony of heaven and earth. Then there is water…………….


        • Arkenaten says:

          Her name is Rapinoe.
          If her position was ancillary then maybe the first comment should have focused more on your god theme?

          And to reiterate: you have no more access to your god’s word or knowledge whether it is ”Fixed” than any member from any other religion.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Many have tried to imitate scripture. Many have tried to improve it. Many have tried to ignore it.

          To this day it stands. Perhaps you should research the work of the scribes who were tasked with the copying of the text, and their sacred attention to detail.

          They were not to interpret- they were simply to show fidelity to the text. The antagonism against it proves their work was successful.

          You and I will be dead and gone, and God’s word will remain, having lost no lustre or power.

          Light. Truth. Philosophy. Science. Vice. Virtue. Wisdom. History. Geography. Precepts. Love. Hate. Religion. False religion. Liars. Deceitful workers. Take your pick and read all about it.

          And oh btw, a tree is known by its own fruit, and that’s scripture too. Love that science.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Who has tried to imitate scripture? And why would they want to?
          It is rife with every kind of error across all known disciplines, as well as fraud, misogyny, gratuitous violence, murder,rape, incest, genocide,slavery.
          In fact, all things considered it is simply revolting.
          Furthermore, your god’s word will be eventually consigned to the scrap heap of myth and talked about as we talk about the gods of the Assyrians and the Babylonians.
          That will be a day to pop the champagne corks.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Who has tried to imitate scripture? What are u, an alien?

          The Book of Mormon, the Bhavadad Cheetah, the Gita, all books on ‘cosmic consciousness,’ all books on philosophy, lying science, magic, comedy, you name it, ALL disciplines try to supplant scriptures.

          It’s a fact of life, and your prolixity is enough proof also.


  10. Arkenaten says:

    ALL disciplines try to supplant scriptures.

    All disciplines DO supplant scripture, which is little more than myth coupled with fraud lies, and tales of heinous violence.
    Based on the numbers that are fleeing Christianity it would appear than scripture is the thing that suffers from prolixity, and I suppose we can include those who punt it ad nauseum.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Maybe u should listen to Degrass further, Nye the science liar, Harris, the ‘pick your gender’ clowns, etc etc.

      You lose once more.


      • Arkenaten says:

        I didn’t realise this was a win/lose conversation?
        Be that as it may …. not as far as evidence goes, and not as far as the vast majority of educated people across the globe believe and accept.
        So, one can assert without fear of contradiction that you and yours lose, John. Hands down.


        • ColorStorm says:


          There is more true knowledge and science in Genesis chapter one and the book of Job- than in all the books of the world combined.

          Emphasis on the word TRUE.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You see, and now you are waffling and resorting to rhetoric, a tactic you inevitably use when you have run out of intelligent things to say.
          In all the time we have chatted you have never ever not once provided a single piece of evidence for any of your outlandish claims.

          Stick to faith.
          Face it , John, honesty and evidence have never been your strong suits,


        • ColorStorm says:

          Thank u for the compliment ark. I tell the truth. The nature of God is that He cannot lie, so naturally I have a fondness for telling the truth also.

          A friend once said that ‘truth cannot live without warfare in the midst of a world away from God.’

          From the very first day scripture was collated, men have proved this correct. You will never find inroads on this blog- and it is telling that your own blog pals read here/ but refuse to engage- why?

          Because they have no argument against the God of heaven and earth. Call me a liar to your own shame.

          Heaven and earth is my witness, whereas you witness to the likes of Bill Bye the science clown. This is also the truth.

          Stick to your camera work, and leave creation to professionals.


        • Arkenaten says:

          As you have no means to determine whether your god can lie or not your comment is in effect a lie.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Can we agree that you used up waaaay too much time on your stubbornness, and that it would be best for you to continue your donkey like ways on your site?

          Tkx a lot.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Can you be honest for once and admit that you have no way to ascertain anything about your god, even whether it exists of not?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Last comment on this thread belongs to me. Please honor this.

          While you may confuse ‘gods’ with God, I do not. While you may cry for ‘proof,’ I do not.

          While you may ignore the testimony of nature and creation that proves there is one God, I do not.

          While you may lie to yourself about evidence, I do not. While you think entirely too much of your artificial intelligence, I do not.

          Now then, go USA women’s soccer against England.


  11. Assuming God is a man.


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