So God messsed up eh?

So saith many people, one of which I reference that brings this post to the light of day. Do visit that site and offer some needed balance. Let’s then dig beneath the surface to see if these gripes hold water, and proceed slowly.

Oh, for gods sake! – A Tale Unfolds (

1st on God’s list: make man. Uh, a big fat nnno. God created the heavens and the earth lllllong before a man with a shovel appeared on the scene. For HIS pleasure they ARE, and WERE created. Got that? They ARE. And oh by the way, the existence of LIGHT should give pause for serious contemplation.

Mighty Everest, the sands of Sahara, Alaska, the great circumference of the ice walls, the regulation of earth’s temperature, oceans, rivers, streams, the wildlife of whales, deer, bear, elephants, the elements of gold, coal, the beauty of pearls, the sun and heat, the moon and cold, fruit, were all a delight and absolutely perfect in form, BEFORE God made man.

People are entirely too selfish and have small minds to think man reigns supreme apart from He who gave him a brain. One only need to stand in silent awe before the Himalayas and the stars of heaven. Who are you little man?

2nd, 3rd.. Of course God then gave man a free will. Of EVERY fruit they may indulge, yet with a caveat. There is ONE that will ruin the day. A father gives his son free reign over his house, telling him to enjoy every room, every emolument, every drink, yet ‘do not touch the Rolls Royce in the garage.’ The Maserati yes. The Stradivarius yes. The Rolex yes. Everything in the house is yours. What sane mind could argue with a simple request. But nope, Junior not only steals the car, but wrecks it killing a family of four.

So the myopic says, ‘God’s fault, He knew the kid would would behave badly.’ See how this works? Commands are for our good, yet when we stray, somehow the Creator is charged with malfeasance. Yeah ok, sure.

4th. God favours one group? Were you paying attention to no. 1? God is sovereign and could have made the sky brown instead of blue. He could have given camels six legs. He could have made one legged turkeys. The very existence of Israel proves God can be trusted, and by comparison, we can easily see how many nations of the world despise not only that country, but Jews themselves worldwide.

The Israeli contributions to society by way of medicine, music, diplomacy, archeology, finance, technology, military, (not to mention one of the greatest air forces) universities, on and on, cannot be over emphasized. Truly, through this nation, decent people must agree, that ‘all the world shall be blessed.’ Scripture records accurately Israel’s failures and blessing.

5th. God never speaks? ‘It is not good for man to be alone.’ Ever read the book of Job? ‘Where were you…………when I hung the stars in place?’ Of course God spoke, and His words are recorded, just as relevant today as yesterday. God’s words have a way of silencing the arrogant, the stout, the stiff, and the proud, so it’s no wonder men bi*ch while they cite God with negligence.

6th. Slavery and shrimp? Once again we reveal the short-sightedness of midget minds. I recall Pharaoh having ‘slaves,’ and we know what that meant: death to you. Meanwhile, the blue collar slaves actually enjoyed a life where poverty was off the table, (remember after seven years a slave could stay on, being the life was good) and were better off than minimum wage workers today. Once more, and to be specific, this way of life was demonstrated through Israel, and was copied, although poorly, by many other nations.

Shrimp? So what, a dietary law demonstrating the bottom feeder, the vacuum sweepers of the seas, were not as good for the human body as other ‘clean’ critters. But a command not given to you or me, but to the Israelites under law. Remember, free will? Go ahead, eat all the shrimp or pork you want. It’s a free country.

7th. The death of the Lord Jesus Christ. I shudder at the ease of scorn in which the unbelieving mind traffics in the holy of holies. The loss of blood beginning from Abel speaks of life lost, and a violent death, because of transgression. In any reasonable household when things go astray,, there must be an accounting, a time to admit wrong, and to set things straight. The earth as it were, is not very good now as it was in the beginning. You may want to re-think the death, scope, and purpose of the only fit man who lived.

There has been a concussion of events through history where people have killed others in wholesale fashion, with zero regard for present or future ramifications. The provision by God when that good man Abraham would take a ram was met with these words: ‘God will provide Himself as a lamb….’ prophetic words which would quench every past and future infraction, and satisfy He who said: ‘the life of the flesh is in the blood.’

8th. As to God’s presence today? He is not far, and is easily visible to all who seek. He is as true today, He does not sleep, and He remains consistent to Himself.

But the best is reserved for last and scripture ever proves true, as to WHY two people having a brain, can come to opposite conclusions regarding these 8 short observations, and it is not a matter of intellect, but one that is much deeper, and more obvious. I say this not with guile in the least, but it is true regarding men’s thoughts of God:

‘With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward,’ And this of course is from the 18 of Psalms. No other explanation is necessary. Go to the mighty heights of k-2 and God is there. Go to the depths of Mariana trench and God is there. Go to any ICU hospital wing where death awaits and God is there. Go to any L&D where birth awaits and God is there.

These short answers to the poster’s complaints answer clearly WHY men make themselves larger than God. It is never a matter of not having enough information. It is however apparent that men simply do not like the information already given. It is not that God has not spoken, but that which He already and clearly said is despised. And oh, God does not make spelling error. He created the Alphabet. He is the Alpha and Omega. End of story.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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68 Responses to So God messsed up eh?

  1. Ark says:

    Thanks for the link, CS, and I hope those that do pop over are able to see the irony where you obviously have not.



    • ColorStorm says:

      Sure you’re welcome. No irony though, I call it clarity.


      • Ark says:

        Nowhere in my post did I suggest that making humans was first of God’s list. The post was titled God’s to do list.
        So you blew it right from the off.
        You prattled on about free will but made no mention of Yahweh committing genocide.
        I think that half he problem is you simply don’t read properly.

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Thx ark/
          I merely carried your idea to its logical beginning, that without God, man is president of the earth. His creation was long on the table before man- Still- not a word from you bout the wonderful creation you dwell in.

          But appreciate you capitalizing God-

          As to ‘genocide,’ who is the Potter, and who is the clay? But need I remind you of the great 120yrs of grace….. before it rained and rained and rained.

          So yes, you affirm my very last paragraphs re. froward/pure, and rest assured God is without blame.


        • Ark says:

          I merely carried your idea to its logical beginning, that without God, man is president of the earth
          You really must be reading a different post than the one I wrote.
          Nowhere in God’s To-Do list do I even make the allusion that ”man is president of the earth.”
          The entire post is a satire of the relationship between Yahweh and his creation of humans.
          Really, I am surprised someone as normally astute as you are unable to pick up on this.
          Perhaps you are irony impaired after all?

          Iam not disputing who is the ”boss” in the Flood narrative merely pointing out how barbaric Yahweh was. After all, he is portrayed as omnipotent.
          I have no idea if you are a father but surely you would not drown your children no matter how naughty they were?
          Wouldn’t you be regarded as a monster if you did?


  2. Oh, good grief! I’d make a comment over there, but it’s hardly worth my time. I wonder what possesses people to get up every day and reject God, declare Him incompetent, year after year?

    A bit amusing too, everybody serves something. Something or somebody will sit on the throne before you, that’s just the way it is. At the moment that appears to be Nan and her feelings around gendered language, forcing Ark to edit the word “mankind.” I enjoy the word mankind, but I do take note of the fact that God seems to have gotten that one right long before there was any controversy, “male and female he made them.” Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Apparently, God did not mess up on that one, Ark did. Nan did. The world did. God has had it right the whole time.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Yeah, I know what you mean. It’s almost like being in a lion’s den against the ferociousness of everything that is good.

      I notice too ‘mankind’ is all inclusive. Like the ‘chessmen’ on the board. The queen is a ‘chessman,’ a piece to be moved as is a non gender rook or castle, or knight, aka, the horse. Geez people, here comes a campaign against millenia old chess!!

      But that’s the nature of testimony right ma’am, we go where it may not be comfortable. And the ridicule, gutterish language, the dark matter of a heart that knows not left from right, is a field that needs us, anyway.

      Blessings back atcha

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ark says:

      You don’t make a comment on my post as you know full well you would be chewed up and metaphorically spat out, IB.
      And like CS, you are irony impaired.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ColorStorm says:

        I have to say ark that is funny. Combined, the commentators who have also leveled charges against myself, are a mere flicker of light against the wit and good natured lady of whom you speak.

        She has a house full of clocks she has collected and cleaned. 😂


        • Ark says:

          Well it is far easier to stand on the side-lines (your post) and throw stones than engage with the real issue, don’t you agree?
          In fact, some might call it cowardly.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Some may call it cowardly- others prudence.

          Surely you must agree that yours truly is mocked/insulted/ hit with language fit for two year old kids without a vocabulary- and you- you could take the high road and call out such nonsense- all the while I stick to facts- so I can understand why some would want to stay out of much.

          Me? Just happy to add daylight .


        • Ark says:

          You choose to visit and comment and I’m perfectly okay with this, but to date you have never offered a coherent argument in all the time we have known each other.
          Furthermore, most of those you decide to engage with are de-converts and almost all have suffered some sort of abuse at the hands of your religion and or its proponents, either when they were children or even as adults.
          If ever you wish to have an adult discussion on any religious topic and behave in a like wise manner then there is no reason why you will not be treated with respect.
          Try it sometime , you might be surprised.

          Liked by 1 person

      • Nah, not at all Ark. I just think you guys are kind of dumb and the sun is shining today.


        • Ark says:

          Yet you feel the need to sound off and pour derision about my post on (CS) John’s blog?

          What is patently more ”dumb” is devoting your life to a Canaanite deity, Yahweh, for which there is no evidence of existence whatsoever and for all intent and purpose has no regard at all for you.
          Not only is that ”dumb” it is rather sad.


        • No, I didn’t “need” to sound off on CS, I wanted and desired to do so. All you offer Ark, is perpetual darkness and chronic nihilism. It’s actually kind of boring.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          Perhaps need was not the most suitable word?
          I’m generally not that ”picky”.
          I am, however, interested in your assertion regarding my ”perpetual darkness” and ”nihilism.”
          Do you have evidence for this or is this simply a somewhat irate response to defend your belief in the Canaanite deity, Yahweh?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Well msb, these people need our sunshine. 😉

          But still agree, lots of dark matter.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Absolutely, they need our sunshine. It’s good to engage, sometimes! Nothing wrong with that at all. 🙂


        • Ark says:

          What sunshine is there in Christianity? The worship of a human sacrifice? Reverence of the instrument of Jesus’ brutal execution? That’s like wearing a sniper’s rifle as a symbol of one’s abhorrence of Kennedy assassination.
          I am sure a the symbol of the criss is just what Jesus would want to see when he returns!
          It is patently twisted and revolting.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Well ark, you are on the right track. Sin IS revolting- an insult to the court of heaven where no darkness can abide.

          Ever notice how rats scurry when met with unexpected light?

          The light of the world ( Christ Himself) brought to day the inclination of our hearts. ‘Away with Him!’

          Nothing revolting at all about Golgotha’s central figure. A wonder of wonders really that He who knew no sin would be made sin……


        • Ark says:

          Sin is a religious concept, a transgression against your god, Yahweh. I have no belief in your god and no need of religion.

          That you find worship of a human blood sacrifice acceptable perfectly illustrates why your religion is sick and twisted.


        • ColorStorm says:

          ark ,listen carefully.
          Courtrooms are filled with criminals. Whether you believe something rotten happened, hey, your choice, but the fact remains.

          As to blood, surely you can see the difference between the cold blood of the whitetail deer, and the leather which warms you because of that death.

          Try expanding your vision. Nobody around here worships blood btw.


        • Ark says:

          Try expanding your vision. Nobody around here worships blood btw.

          You worship a human sacrifice and believe blood had to be spilled for your salvation.
          Ergo, you worship a blood sacrifice.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Remember a fella named Abel? His death was so untimely- but spoke of something far greater than most people consider.

          ‘The life of the flesh is in the blood.’ But death is a temporary arrangement. Being appreciate of something and worshipping it is not the same doug.

          I have a wife. For God’s sake who worships things which are imperfect? So please do not try to tell me what/who I worship.

          I will say though that the world is filled idols- sports idols/ so called ‘stars,’ media idols, take your pick.

          Only God is worthy.


        • Ark says:

          I’m sorry, CS, but this comment makes absolutely no sense at all.
          You worship/revere a brutal execution from 2000 years ago which you consider was necessary, the spilling of Jesus’ blood, to ensure your salvation and passage to a place called Heaven.
          If your god was omnipotent as you claim then such a ”sacrifice” was completely unnecessary, so, yes, I am afraid your religion is sick and twisted.
          I don’ overtly blame you – although by now you should at least be questioning such motivation – but this is what lifelong indoctrination does.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Read the book of Hebrews to gain further context into WHY God’s wonderful creation speaks so clearly as to blood and sacrifice.

          That said, my last paragraph of the initial post still stands as to WHY people, having the same information, come to opposite conclusions.

          Light/dark hot/cold/ male/ female/ winter/summer/ birds/bees/ pure heart/ cloudy heart


        • Ark says:

          And who exactly makes themselves larger than your god, Yahweh?
          That is as ridiculous as saying some people make themselves more grand than Thor!


  3. you know, I’ve really missed you CS—but when you come back, you come back with a vengeance—thank the Lord!
    Good truthful words!
    And funny, our good friend seems to perk back up when you make your presence known 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      Tkx Jules-
      I must have a soft spot for atheists- or I am a glutton for punishment.
      Either way, there is nothing on earth that cannot be filtered through scripture, God, and common sense.

      But when I see error, especially that of the most egregious nature- it takes little effort to speak words of life.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s why you are a battle tested warrior and I am glad to be on your side— ultimately God’s side of salvation and righteousness— and yes— you’re both— a softie and a glutton 🤣 lucky for Ark 😇


    • Ark says:

      Oh, whenever I do a religious post he always turns up on my blog, Julie, don’t you worry!
      Within minutes of me hitting the publish button CS will be there, like a bad penny.

      I rarely comment on his blog these days as his posts have become more and more incoherent. However as he graciously reblogged one of my posts I thought I would do the courteous thing and contribute; a little salt to the porridge one might say?

      Hope you are keeping well over the festive season, Jules?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Doing our best— my husband and I did test positive last month but we’re fortunate that we only had a mild case of symptoms— that was with us doing our due diligence of masking wearing l, hand washing and venturing few place such as for groceries— crazy really how it works.
        But like I say, fortunate indeed.
        On top of the craziness we are packing up house and will be moving next month. I blame our son. They want to move at some point over to Athens ( home to my university UGA) since our daughter in law’s family if from that area— we want to be close to the grandkids so off we go—
        Hope all is well in SA and that you and your family are all healthy!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: WHEN THINGS GET A BIT CONVOLUTED – Citizen Tom

    • ColorStorm says:

      @ Ct

      1st, in order of priority, WP has made it increasingly difficult to respond to your posts. Many times I messaged only to have it disappear. So it’s not a lack of interest to be sure- frustrating.

      Collins reference to Jack Lewis (in the vid) as being foundational to his search for better answers was great. At the end of the day, we must decide what Kant observed re the starry skies and morality- and how Collins decided Christ only satisfies both. He is correct.

      I think the hearts desire to annul faith is proof enough that God cannot be erased from the conscience.

      To me though, as good as the content is- I raise an eyebrow when anybody speaks of 13. + billions of years/ I find that straining at evidence. Nobody knows- and we are more credible if we say so.

      It is sooo easy to defend God and scripture- that’s why I do it- so thank YOU for the right hand of agreement- and of course for the link up-

      All the best to you-


  5. Rudy U Martinka says:


    I occasionally include a prayer for Ark instead of trying to convince him to believe or trust in God which apparently has not had much effect based on his post that you linked….

    Someday he will understand though,perhaps not in this life but in the next.

    You are a Saint in my opinion to persist commenting with him though.

    Regards and goodwill blogging..

    If interested, I wrote aa post titled: Convoluted times in in our life…or? after reading Toms post and link to yours

    Convoluted Times in Our Lives…or? King Solomon Blog

    In other words, in my opinion, Ark’s beliefs and trusts in life are still in a convoluted state and perhaps only a miracle will have to happen for Ark to understand his needs to understand the explanation provided in “Tom’s post.

    However, as an old idiom can be up to this point be related to Ark.

    “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make the horse drink.”.

    Regards and goodwill blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ark says:

      I actually consider the thought of prayer plain silly to be honest, and in the instances of personal tragedy, where believers insist on praying to their god for those who have lost family and /or friends, I find callous and repugnant. Even more so when the tragedy involves the tens of thousands of small children who die each and every year from preventable disease or a natural disaster such as a forest fire or flood or tsunami for which Yahweh is, according to the beliefs of Christians / believers, directly responsible for.

      Your comment is noteworthy not least because of your condescension in sentences such as this one – Someday he will understand though, perhaps not in this life but in the next.
      Although I am an atheist and anti – theist, I am also a proponent of freedom of speech. Therefore, while I would not dream of asking you not to pray for me, I would ask that, if you are honest and as genuine in your approach to prayer as you would seem to believe that you at least provide me with evidence that such actions of your direct appeals through intercessory prayer, which you have obviously employed before, yes? – have been effective.
      Examples of a few – let’s say a round dozen, shall we>? – of the more noteworthy examples you have witnessed over the years will suffice.


      Liked by 1 person

      • Rudy U Martinka says:

        Regards and goodwill blogging.


        • Ark says:

          @ Rudy.
          Thanks for your wishes, but you didn’t answer my question.
          If you have enough interest in my wellbeing (thanks for this) that you actually pray for me then the least you can do is have the integrity to offer a few examples as I have asked for. Seriously, how difficult can this be for you?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Rudy U Martinka says:


          Why waste both your time and mine?

          As I commented to you since neither of us can prove whether there is or is not a God, and you have your set atheist beliefs, same as I have faith religious beliefs, it is pointless.

          Keep in mind that someday both of us will be experiencing our final hours in life, that is a certainty that we both are aware of and also pointless to prove otherwise

          Some religious beliefs explain when Jesus Christ was on the Cross, a thief non believer on a cross next to him recognized Jesus as a Savior and asked Jesus to forgive him for all his follies before he died.

          He forgave him and …“told the thief on the cross who believed in Him that he would be with Him in paradise?”

          If perhaps you do the same, perhaps he will forgive you too.

          However, I often wonder if our Creator will be fair and just in paradise and assign last minute death bed believers to have to wash dishes for eternity in exclusive golf clubs in paradise reserved for the Saints as their reward for the good works and examples of actions they performed in their lifetimes.

          You decide, if what I surmise may or may not be a possibility or something to smile or smirk about. But then again what if what I surmise is true and pointless because neither of us can ether dispute or prove also what I surmise.

          I will continue to pray for you to see the light before our limited time on earth expires so as to hopefully avoid either of us from arriving at the alternate destination to paradise for eternity.

          Regards and good will blogging.


        • Ark says:

          My request was not for evidence of your god, but evidence of examples of intercessory prayer.
          As I suggested, that you pray for me is indicative of your firm belief in the efficacy of prayer. YOu would have to be a fool if you believed contrary to this. In the same vein, if there was no evidence for prayer, it follows one would also have to be a fool to continue.
          I am not a believer thus I would not consider prayer as an option for anything.

          All I am asking are a few examples to demonstrate that prayer works.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Rudy U Martinka says:


          Here is a scientific article for people who criticize the power of prayer.

          Perhaps the article will help you, or perhaps an old idiom better explains why many people criticize things they cannot understand.

          Don’t knock it until you try it.

          Don’t take my comment about understanding personally.

          King Solomon observed many things in life 3000 years ago about human behavior and wrote this verse

          • He wrote, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Solomon understood that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the promises of God and their fulfillment..

          You choose your path and I will choose my path in life.

          I will continue to pray for both of us to hopefully meet in the same place when our time on earth expires, Since we both understand we have only a limited time on earth, we will no longer waste our limited time on earth to either quibble or criticize, we will instead experience “trying it instead of knocking it.”.

          Regards and goodwill blogging.


        • Ark says:

          The ‘feel good’ properties of prayer are not denied. Much like meditation.
          My request was for evidence of the efficacy of intercessory prayer.
          For example: Praying for the recovery of a cancer victim, praying for the regeneration of a severed limb.
          In case you are unfamiliar with the word/term – Intercessory prayer is prayer which makes an appeal to your god to intervene on your or someone else’s behalf.

          These are the type of examples I am asking evidence for.
          As I mentioned (I presume) you have been using prayer for a long time and unless you are simply indoctrinated into your faith you would have to be a bloody fool to continue with this practice if it did not work.
          I think it was Einstein who suggested: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
          I would not presume to suggest you are insane therefore you must surely have evidence of positive results of prayer.
          I would appreciate you sharing a few examples with me. Thanks

          Liked by 1 person

        • Rudy U Martinka says:

          Again, waste of time in my opinion.
          Regards and goodwill blogging.


        • Ark says:

          Well then , in that case, yes, I would agree prayer is a waste of time. I presume this is what you mean, correct?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Rudy is as level headed as they come- his ‘waste of time’ observations are along the lines of speaking to folks whose minds are mind up, regardless of facts, evidence, and history, etc.

          After all, his ‘Solomonesque’ approach should give you a clue. Perhaps he himself is an answer to your prayers also? Do you notice the manner in which people dialog with you, as opposed to the vitriol that some people receive at your site????? Colos###%%$$&&bag etc…..’Shi#74&@# storm…etc???
          As opposite as night and day. If you cant see it, then its no wonder you cant understand ‘waste of time.’
          Truth and wisdom have a distinct personality. Blogging reveals it.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          My mind can easily be changed. All I am asking for is evidence for the efficacy of his intercessory prayers.

          Can you see the problem with Rudy failing to provide a single example? I have asked repeatedly and yet he has not once been forthcoming.
          Is it any wonder why one who is a sceptic has every reason to doubt such claims?


        • Rudy U Martinka says:


          You realize you just contradicted your previous comment?

          “The ‘feel good’ properties of prayer are not denied. Much like meditation.

          Regards and goodwill blogging..


        • Ark says:

          Personal ”feel-good” properties and evidence that Yahweh responded to a prayer to cure a cancer victim are about as far removed from each other as any two things could get.
          So, I fail to see any contradiction?
          Again, will you please have the decency to provide a few examples of the efficacy of the prayers you have made to your god.


        • Rudy U Martinka says:


          If you ever witnessed a cancer patient die as I have. What became apparent after a Priest came in to administer a religious last blessing which greatly served to calm the person with the realization that his time on earth is soon to end, you will have witnessed the power of prayer first hand.

          The patient was a smoker who refused in his lifetime to understand the wise advice of doctors and scientific findings all his life, in a similar manner as the Bible gives advice and warnings of how vanity leads to folly, refused to understand

          Someday, as I explained to you, we both will be in the same scenario, and I hope we both have the opportunity to see the light before our time is up.

          As I said before, I will continue to pray for you to understand what you apparently have never come to understand. However, keep in mind, the King Solomon wisdom verse, as long as we are alive, there is hope.

          Regards and goodwill blogging.


        • Ark says:

          Once again, Rudy you are hand-waving and obfuscating.
          I am not disputing the calming effect some may feel regarding prayer ( and I too have known someone close who died of lung cancer because of cigarettes – although some would feel decidedly uncomfortable as evidence shows. I have asked repeatedly for you to provide evidence of personal examples for the efficacy of intercessory prayer and you have sidestepped the issue once again.
          I can only conclude from your behaviour that you have no evidence and simply lack the integrity to acknowlege the fact.

          Pray as much and as often as you like, but as far as your continual avoidance tactics go, I would strongly suggest that before you become disingenuous you ‘quit while you’re ahead’ as the saying goes.


        • Rudy U Martinka says:


          I had a grammar school teacher continually repeat this saying to students about quitting a worthwhile endeavor.

          If you don’t succeed the first time, try, try, try again.

          Anyone blessed with a soul is worthwhile in my opinion,

          And praying for someone in the dark, or your enemies, is also a worthwhile endeavor in my opinion.

          Another saying was “it ain’t over until its over,” which can be related to King Solomon verse as long as we are alive, there is hope.

          Regards and goodwill blogging.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          So you are going to steadfastly refuse to offer any evidence regarding the efficacy of your adventures in prayer?
          Do you really wonder why sceptics so often consider religious people dishonest?

          You are a living breathing example of this, Rudy.
          It really is quite loathsome the manner in which you carry on.


        • ColorStorm says:

          There is no need ark to cite Rudy as LOATHSOME- when he clearly is not- he has displayed patience with you re. your request for proof of prayer/answered prayer/ a subject which can not be exhausted in an afternoon of blogging-

          IF you believed in the testimony of scripture- you would know that no amount of dialog is necessary- the record stands for itself- DANIEL/lions- PETER/prison- STEPHEN-rock throwers- HANNAH/Samuel- ZECHARIAS/the Baptist- MOSES/Pharoah- etc

          … and the countless numbers of people who since then have prayed- and have received answers whether it be by word- deed/ or silence- while living in an age where heaven is silent (you should be glad) resting in the promises of God who is ever true to Himself- Who has been the Anchor- while unseen——- as paramount to a calming soul- and always gives grace to they who seek.

          So ask Him for this revelation since you so honestly seek. He does not disappoint. But there is this heart thing first.


        • Ark says:

          I am not interested in appeals to scripture or any of your pseudo apologetics or your defence of Rudy.
          It is me who has been patient and up to the previous comment respectful, while he has been nothing but dismissive. He has obfuscated and hand-waved every request for personal examples of the efficacy/veracity of intercessory prayer.
          One could be forgiven for thinking that perhaps belief in prayer is nothing but the claims of a delusional mind set or worse, plain lies.


        • Ark says:

          Oh, and I didn’t say that Rudy was loathsome but the way he is behaving. Please be more careful when you read , CS. Thanks.


    • ColorStorm says:

      It’s both easy and automatic rudy. Being struck with the wonder of God here in the hortheast via snowfall- a blanket from above spread over earth- to settle and quiet things- no covid false mandate to stay home………… a natural quarantine- yep, no effort to dispel the notions of life apart from a Creator.

      Convoluted? that’s a loaded topic, ha! tkx for visit.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Rudy U Martinka says:

        Your post is great in my opinion.
        Regards and goodwill blogging.


      • Rudy U Martinka says:

        I like your attitude, enjoy the snow and peace and quite it brings.
        Regards and goodwill blogging.

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Tks Rudy/
          Keep in mind too that many people read blogs, and some are interested from ‘afar’ as it were, and while they may not engage by posting comments, they are still ‘taking in’ the content- some may even change their tune/

          In addition- people notice the manner in which we respond- especially in the face of continual degradation, but I know of a fact it had nothing to do with us personally- it has everything to do with the Truth that some despise.

          But I luv the way scripture demolishes ‘science falsely so called.’ And I have no trouble saying so. 😊

          Liked by 1 person

        • Rudy U Martinka says:


          I sometimes wonder if certain people who continually attack faith believers are psychotically abscessed or Spiritually possessed..

          Many ancient beliefs prior to the science of psychology believed in an evil Spirit invading the belly of a person to control them.

          Fine line to consider about the truth when blogging and commenting with people to consider, I wonder?

          Regards and goodwill blogging.


  6. Rudy U Martinka says:


    Ooops spellcheck and my poor eyesight did it again.
    Should be obsessed not abscessed,.
    But then again, sometimes scientifically when a person suffers an abscess, or inflamed swelling, King Solomon would judge them to have a problem with vanity., a form of swelling of personal ego.

    Regards and goodwill blogging.


  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Regards and goodwill blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Colorstorm

    Your post in answer to Ark reminded me of a proverb.
    Yahweh has made everything in relation to its counterpart, and so the wicked man for an evil day. (Proverb 16:4)

    If interested in a Biblehub explanaton of this proverb,


    King Solomon, Free Will, Counterparts – Rudy u Martinka (

    Regards and goodwill blogging.


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