Color portrait

The dreaded Tell me about yourself…..Will I flatter myself here? No, heard it a hundred times from the devil, but ok, 6.3, 190 lbs, hazel eyes, long fingers, beard when I want, glasses, long gait, likes colors, but no pink! (unless of course it is the pink in a sunset, the pink spider, the pink on a baby’s cheeks…………maybe I do like pink!)

Ptg by Wolfgang Schweizer   (lapis lazuli)

Bow hunting motorcycling chess playing wood cutting Israel supporting nature loving God-fearing quiet thinking man, who was a painter for 20 years, but found more lasting satisfaction building stone walls.  Oh not that? You want to know what this site is, oops.  😉

Opinions, observations, doctrines, and unapologetic commentary,  all sitting on the top shelf and free for the choosing, but careful though, some objects are sharp while others are more delicate.

Seeing the colorful arc above inspired the post: ‘The rainbow of promise,’ for when I see such a sight, it is much more than a scientific or natural display.

Hearing about the fine achievements of man planted the seed for ‘Mr. Goodness on the prowl.’  Indeed I have my opinion, and you have yours; is it however my opinion when I say ‘In the beginning God?’

I have written elsewhere that drastic  disagreements challenge our thinking. If something is sure and true, it can withstand the most intense scrutiny. Truth laughs at the petty derisions of man.

Apart from biblical Christianity, all religions of the world are the same. (beryl)

The manner in which a man carries his points can sometimes influence his opinion to a fellow traveler.  But I also knew a good man who carried on his shoulders the weight of all his unbelieving brethren. He had an unequalled passion, but a misdirected zeal.

Unfortunately, this twin load cost him a good wife. The burden is not yours, nor mine, as we do not have the human strength; no wonder the good book says: ‘casting ALL your cares upon Him, for he careth for you.’  He has shoulders as wide as the horizon.

Amethyst  (amethyst)

I taught myself how to juggle using apples, and graduated to pins, scarfs, and just about anything I could hold. I taught the ropes to a younger man years later, and he blew by me, now being able to handle 7 or 8 balls. Wow. Why mention this?

We never know at any moment the impact our words or deeds may have on others. A simple seed planted could be watered by another, and grow into something beautiful. I try to write hoping no one is offended, but that is impossible due simply to our nature, and how people respond.

I worked with a group of men and women in a field that is primarily masculine, and once a day I would get wind of an issue or circumstance where a judgment was made without all the facts. A person was inevitably slandered because people took a piece of information and ran with it.

I commented once to a man  hoping he was never a juror where I was involved, as I would be hung before lunch, and long before my attorney was able to prove my innocence. People are lazy thinkers, but here at Word Press, I am somewhat impressed at the dignity that folks exhibit while disagreeing.

Some bloggers are tremendous at this, and it is remarkable seeing the restraint that they have while being mocked.  Seems they know the battle is not theirs.


(The link below was a whimsical post, but piggy backs on this theme  also)

A lighter side of life


and the winner is……………

The lighter side -winner revealed!


9 Responses to Color portrait

  1. Intriguing “about” page. I totally agree with your assessment of the WP community. I have met so many kind, generous and helpful people in this space. How long have you been blogging here? I’m eager to read more. Thanks for wandering over to my site…it led me right to you!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Colorstorm says:

    Hi Mmt-

    I think its been @ a year, had another blog elsewhere, but agree with you, WP is heads and shoulders in so many ways. Keeps you accountable, or should I say, keeps me. on my toes.

    It is interesting how he weave through different sites, landing upon places we never know, the word for the day is serendipitously. 😉

    Tkx for the follow, and surely we’ll talk again.


    (This ‘about’ page is one day old, you are the first customer, Yay!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. a gentle iconoclast says:

    Dear brother, I like this page very much.
    thanks for the visit to my blog,

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Shofar says:

    Yo! Like your new blog; it’s like getting re-acquainted! Enjoy your writing style very much! Shalom!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Colorstorm says:

      Appreciate the support friend.

      Yea, moved some things around here, trying to make the reading a little more user friendly.

      As to the content, well, that;s a different story. ha

      tkx Liz and God bless

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Colorstorm–I want to thank you for stopping by over on Cookiecrumbstoliveby and for wanting to follow along on my life’s little adventures— looking over your site, I see you are a man after my own heart—you a painter, me an art teacher, whereas I don’t juggle, I do however support Israel. I am a deeply spiritual Christian and I am made crazy by so much of what I see as the marginalization of A) America and B) Christianity—my cookiecrumbstoliveby was conceived after I retried from teaching for 31 years but still felt I had things to offer—wisdom, foibles, faux pas, adventures, opinions and much love—I thank you and I now look forward to reading of your adventures 🙂
    Blessings and grace—

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: People I Like (and some I don’t) – The Praetorian Writers' Group

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