Babel & the ‘unscheduled disassembly…’

Don’t know about you, but I am sick of hearing about/looking at Elon Musk. In your face daily as if he is somehow more relevant than bread.

Photo by SpaceX on

Did you happen to notice the latest spaceX launch and the subsequent ‘eXcitement over a blown up rocket? Truly it was pathetic to watch the people at ‘mission control’ staring at their monitors with elation and hysteria as they watched live the ‘rapid unscheduled disassembly’ (the sudden explosion and carnage) of the rocket.

You heard it. The voice of mission said ‘rapid unscheduled disassembly.’ What moron talks like this? It was an explosion you idiot. Talk about propaganda. In your face stupidity at the highest level. This is why I despise, no, LOATHE space crap. Then we have Nasa with a 67ish million dollar a day budget for what? To inspire the private cartoons like Bugs Bunny and the ACME tnt company?

This rocket was what 3 billion $, and people jumped for joy? Oh that’s right, job security. Do it again. ‘Learned alot’ said Musk as he prepared for another ‘test’ in a few months. ‘It was destined to fail, we knew that.’ Get ready. Trip around the moon, then to Mars. Blah blah blah. Not impressed.

Then there is always the damage on the ground that the eccentric zillionaire is clueless about, or simply doesn’t care. Broken windows/ cement chunks strewn about/ endangered birds in this part of TX have been affected by blast debris/ a minivan was destroyed/ not even to mention the real danger of elderly people going into cardiac arrest because of the unbearable blast sounds and a real threat to poor hearts.

By the way, the male/female team who broadcasts live these spaceX events are truly nauseating to the ears, to hear such worship of ‘space stuff’ that provides zero value except for a paycheck to employees. Sorry for such bluntness, but providing entertainment by way of high-altitude planes circling earth can be had for a few pennies at amusement parks.

So tell me if you disagree. What value or service, what benefit is there for supporting scrap metal falling from the sky, for supporting loud decibels which would alarm the deaf, for supporting tossed concrete, for damaged automobiles, for being a real threat to wildlife, for scaring the daylights out of the aged or infirmed, and for even thinking for a second that man has a right-at all, to erect the tower of Babel once more?

‘The rapid unscheduled disassembly.’ Ha! Such blatant lying is not worthy of serious academics. We have ruined the earth, but now we will ascend into the heavens! Yeah, good luck with that.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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21 Responses to Babel & the ‘unscheduled disassembly…’

  1. says:

    Thanks for saying what a lot of us are thinking. God is still in control of this planet and everything in the universe, no matter how much we think we can preserve it – improve it – or continue to ruin it.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Barabbas Me says:

    Another small failure for mankind, another perhaps giant leap for understanding why it failed and how to do it better next time. Failure is never the end of the story, or what was His Sacrifice on our behalf for anyway? Science, investigation and exploration are not for naught. The Internet and this WP blog being used to share the Love and Life of Jesus are a prime example. We try, we fail, we learn and we try again. It’s what we do. Cheers.


    • ColorStorm says:

      I think i explained how your ‘small failure’ idea is exactly the opposite. Windows blown out in YOUR home is small failure? Since when is your experiment ok if it damages my life and property?

      I told kathy that rocket crap is the magician’s act of the century, and I’m sticking to it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Barabbas Me says:

        Surely, you cant be that upset with the attempt… And failure unless it’s true that you yourself and your home and property was affected. Was it? I don’t know where you live. Otherwise, it seems pretty random for you to be so upset at something that doesn’t really affect you at all. Perhaps the attempt itself offends you or your position on “rocket crap” and you just used this opportunity to claim “victory” in the jaws of Elon’s “defeat”? That would be more petty and vindictive than I take you for. Must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. Lol. I’ll pray you have a better day.

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Upset? Don’t think so. Vindictive? Never. Sorry Bar but we blog to give voice to just about everything. And of course what he does is TX affects others, even in the N east.

          But yes, rocket crap. Billions of $ that serve nothing but waste and ego.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Barabbas Me says:

          So… dumb question probably, but which direction is North or South on a Flat Earth model?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Dumb quest? Nope.
          As a compass could only work on a horizontal surface, and one that has a fixed position: NORTH- all other points answer to north.

          Since the pole star is fixed- south can actually be in all 3 directions.

          ( ( a little off track per this post)


        • Barabbas Me says:

          What are the “all three directions” that south could then be? Could you detail them for me?


        • ColorStorm says:

          West, east, south-
          North is the only fixed position.
          Everything is south from north/ with degrees of 360 variations. This is how all true coordinates are measured.

          Cleveland is west of NY- but south of Canada, etc

          Cle is north of Cincinnati- but still s of North Pole/

          Once u get a grip on this- it’s easy to see how ships navigate w/ only one fixed point-


        • Barabbas Me says:

          So… you really don’t accept that the earth is a sphere? I always figured you were just trolling.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Read the account of Joshua re. the sun standing still-,and Hezekiah and the 15degree backward motion of the sun. If you are honest with self and scripture, you will admit eaarth is motionless.

          You can try to spiritualize all you want ( and most people do) but this is not a dream that Daniel needs to interpret.

          There is absolutely no reason to not believe what is plain, as it agrees with common sense, our everyday experience, and of course scripture.

          So yes, Mt Everest does not gyrate through ‘space’ to satisfy the high priests of unbelief, atheism, and lying science. I’m pretty sure God knows full well the mechanism of His creation.


  3. I rather enjoyed the gaslighting wording of an, “unscheduled disassembly,” probably because I equate those words with the Lord. Another way of saying “unscheduled disassembly,” might be, ” a sudden spiritual epiphany.” One can always hope, anyway. He really is the Lord of all unscheduled disassemblies, in the best possible way of course.

    I think Captain Kirk, Shatner, had one such moment when he finally went into space for real with Elon. “I discovered that the beauty isn’t out there, it’s down here, with all of us. Leaving that behind made my connection to our tiny planet even more profound.It was among the strongest feelings of grief I have ever encountered. The contrast between the vicious coldness of space and the warm nurturing of Earth below filled me with overwhelming sadness. My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral.”

    He’s all confused and trying to make sense of his experiences, trying to link it all to global warming, but he did capture something expressed by others too, this sudden keen awareness that this little garden oasis was made just for us, that this is what sustains life and sustains us, and that outside of this little oasis in the universe that protects and nurtures us, there is nothing but the cold darkness of lifeless space.

    What can I say, He spoke into the void, said let there be light, and then hovered over the waters, and here we are.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      Tkx a lot msb for the spiritual connections. You took a sad song and made it better….

      And that Shatner thing was pure photo op- a high rise ride like a plane. Space? Hmm. Not sure. But did the Creator give His nod of approval to go ‘where no man has gone before,’ when we have ransacked what is right in front of us, here on terra firma?

      Besides, something is creepy living in an environment where your feet don’t touch the ground. I guess that explains such awful comments as ‘unscheduled disassembly,’ as one cannot possibly be ‘grounded’ and be so stupid.

      But where are the PETA folks? Birds having their eardrums busted and nests blown apart by the blasts?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ark says:

    “High altitude planes circling the earth ”

    Say again.


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