Who is the great science denier?

Many say it’s yours truly, he who dares to oppose the pontificates of knowledge and science! Yep, the accusations are many, rest assured though, I take them with a grain of salt, and actually consider them as back-handed compliments. Without being unnecessarily wordy, take a look at these recent snippets from the article which came hot off the press today:

‘Scientists have proposed that the wreckage of a long-lost alien world is buried about 1,800 miles under our feet, reports a new study. The mind-boggling hypothesis suggests that strange anomalies in Earth’s interior may be relics of a world that smashed into our planet some 4,5 billion years ago, and that similar ancient remnants may lurk inside other celestial bodies.’

The study continues:

This was painful to read, fortunately much easier to demolish with a few observations, so pay attention to WORDS used by the ‘scientists.’

‘Scientists have PROPOSED.’


‘MAY BE relics’

‘ABOUT 1,800 miles…’

‘Mind boggling HYPOTHESIS.’

‘A world that SMASHED into our planet….’

SOME 4,5 billion”

‘Ancient remnants may LURK…’

To add further insult to injury, the moon is collateral damage from debris that ‘coalesced……’


Do my friends and readers see the mind-numbing cartoon implications of ‘theoretical’ trash talk which masquerades as science? Can you possibly take serious the words used that insinuate reality when they are nothing but guesswork? A moon that is the result of cosmic debris??????????? What rational mind could even suggest this?

I call this punk-and-junk science, which is nothing but sham theories and endless verbage, which emits blackness and calls it daylight. The self-admitted language of the academics is the very noose which strangles the science fiction of their assertions. Can’t stand it.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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9 Responses to Who is the great science denier?

  1. “Punk n junk” science, great term.

    Reminds me of the history channels with it’s ancient aliens series. Long story short, everything observable in the natural world that points to the existence of some kind of intelligent Designer can now just be attributed to ancient aliens.

    It’s an exceedingly annoying premise, but it’s also good news in the sense that at least there is some acknowledgment that observable reality points to an intelligent force outside of ourselves.

    I too hate the perversion of our scientific language, as in “potential hypothesis, possible theory, proposed fact, and may be.” The mainstream media often tries to speak that same language and it’s very effective at lulling the general public into accepting fantasy as established fact.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anonymous says:

    In the beginning – God started creation.
    the first day – light was created.
    the second day – the sky was created.
    the third day – dry land, seas, plants and trees were created.
    the fourth day – the Sun, Moon and stars were created.
    the fifth day – creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created.

    The scientists are speculating, however it is not so stupid when you consider the above is believed word for word. Now tell me indoctrination is not real CS?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sklyjd says:

    That Anonymous for some reason is actually me,???


    • Ark says:

      Yahweh made it all in his greenhouse in Heaven then afterwards took it outside to harden off for a few days( like we do with sensitive seedlings).
      A bit later he placed it in a nice cold dark spot in his garden( the universe to plebs like you and me) added a few suns and moons and wotnot and Bob’s your uncle.
      “It’s life,Jim, but not as we know it.”


    • ColorStorm says:

      Indoctrination eh steve? Yet, this stone age account speaks perfectly of 2023 in every way, telling of things impossible to know UNLESS divinely guided to write of such things, including the demolition of cash, and the introduction of a cashless system, all led by an evil leader so desired by the masses.

      But Genesis? Yep, true every word, and nature agrees.


  4. Barabbas Me says:

    I guess it’s true. One man’s “speculation” and “theory” is another’s “delusional myth”. Until of course… it can no longer be ignored and denied. Praying that more people have open hearts and minds to what God has shown us in nature and revealed in His Word and given us in Christ before they can “no longer deny” and have to bow with every other knee. “Embrace the Son and Live”- ps 2. “Choose life”- dut 30.19,20


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