High above earth, did the women complain?

In a day where political correctness was not even in diapers, we see a monumental feat of masculine strength and unequalled fearlessness as the Empire Building went up. Many legal immigrants no doubt, daring to feed their families in a country that provided opportunity.

But where were the equal rights groups crying for equal pay for equal work? Where were the OSHA ladies complaining about unsafe working conditions? Where was the committee of Hard Hats bitching that heads were not protected? Was the govt. group that wrote harness laws out to lunch?

But who were these men who for 1 1/2 years put their lives at daily risk? I’ll tell you. They were men. Walking tightropes of steel like they were walking the streets, climbing, lifting tons of steel, eating lunches high above New York. Where were the female counterparts though? Where were the women’s libbers? This short vid should forever silence the fools of ‘equal opportunity.

I dare the View, the morning shows, the night comedy hours, etc, to show this vid, and then try to defend equal opportunity crap. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion eh? Did you count the female ironworkers??? Need I say more.

Now a plain word to the crowd. No doubt you know I’m all in for women, but a rational mind KNOWS men and women are different. And btw, these men still live today, they just do not need the air time nor need to be photographed.

(Finally, I’m just really glad these brave men did not have to worry about a spinning earth under their feet to make them unstable….)

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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6 Responses to High above earth, did the women complain?

  1. Men are men. Pussies are pussies.

    Mother Nature speaks, her creatures listen.


  2. LOL! Oh my, that is quite the film clip, Colorstorm. I live in old town full of 100 yr old structures and we often joke about how they are all still standing. The two new government buildings all built to code and safety standards, not so much.

    Yes, men and women do have some differences! It’s really obvious to me just watching some of these clashes over transgender issues going on. Someone might be wearing a dress and doing a very good imitation, but they are still behaving and thinking like a guy.

    You see it in the workplace too, the way certain chores will just fall naturally down gender lines. It’s not that anyone is incapable either, it is just that some of our innate preferences and interests tend to show up.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Citizen Tom says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Day!


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