AI is old as the hills

Artificial Intelligence, more commonly known as AI, he’s been around since oh, let’s say, forever.

AI has a twin sister, she is called Atheism. To this day, pretending to be intellectual, but sounding like a broken trumpet on rusty wheels, a really annoying sound, they have a hard time discerning fact from fiction; maybe it’s the parents….

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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11 Responses to AI is old as the hills

  1. Citizen Tom says:

    AI is basically a marketing scheme. Computers are high speed morons. To get them to do what we want them to do, we have to tell them exactly what we want them to do.

    What is different about AI is that the programmer are try to get around the problem of telling computers exactly what we want them to do. The are trying to use statistical algorithms instead of detailed, specific instructions that let computers make intelligent choices. That requires feeding an AI computer system huge amounts of data. That is, an AI system can only make reliable “choices” because it has received feedback from the choices it has already made.

    AI is a cumbersome way to make decisions, and there is nothing magical about it.

    Liked by 3 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      When I speak of AI, I do not refer to computers as much as people who ARTIFICIALLY pretend to put themselves in seats of authority above their pay grade. Tyson, Nye, Harris, Hitchens in the ‘science’ realm, all fit into this AI auditorium, while the Creator is not even invited to speak.

      Remember Goliath of Gath?? He utilized AI, ie, his own limited understanding- and it did not end well.

      What we see today is nothing new, just a refurbished version of ‘knowledge shall increase.’

      I think computers etc, have made men actually denser- eating to gluttony without chewing the cud so to speak. Go into any store and teens can’t give change for a dollar.

      And the common atheist refuses to engage the God given brain. Pretty much the same.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Ark says:

        Whereas you , the common theist consider the earth is stationary and flat. A point of cringe worthy embarrassment for most of your fellow Christians who you interact with here in blogsville.
        I’ll venture that if you could talk to your god one of the first things he might say to you would be:
        ”It’s spherical, you bloody idiot!”

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Hmmm, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe evolution produced a wing of humanity who can NOW walk upside down on ceilings like an insect.

          Apparently I have been withheld that gift ………but I prefer to walk with my feet on the ground.


        • Ark says:

          ..feet on the ground, ….
          and you head up your backside , apparently.


  2. I’m afraid I have to disagree with our good friend, Tom. Computers are actually not high speed morons and we are in a lot of trouble with AI already. LOL, atheists are also not high speed morons, although that might be a good analogy? One could probably say that the problem with both computers and atheists is that they don’t realize they are morons. That might be what makes them so dangerous and irritating.

    Regardless, be of good cheer.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Hi msb-
      If a man says ‘there is no God,’ seems he is utilizing ‘artificial intelligence,’ to arrive at that conclusion, no computer needed.

      I point to blood with IRON, coal, gold, male female, men women, water, love, life, death, things impossible without a Maker and truth be told, every one knows this, but oh that heart how deceptive it can ve, whispering words of ‘evo’s the thing baby, get on board baby.’

      I don’t like the word moron, but as I told Citizen, people will walk into a brick wall to avoid real conversations, with electronics in hand, and have no clue how to behave in public.

      So I see lots in that AI buzz. Knowledge maybe, facts, opinions, but no spirit, no life, no true intelligence.

      Ever seen a vid of a Siri type voice- hate those things. Maybe I just don’t understand the ai thing , my guess is God is not impressed either.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ark says:

      Atheists are morons? Really?
      If for example, you consider what’s happening in Israel and Palestine the opposite of moronic, or believe the worship of a first century human sacrifice to be the act of a genius, then give me these supposed atheist morons every day of the week.


  3. sklyjd says:

    If any man says there are no gods CS he has in fact not been proven to be wrong and I doubt he will ever be proven wrong in a million years.

    You are not impressed by AI or computers and I understand that as you have no room for modern science in your idealogical lifestyle, even though you depend on it every day. Science is how we obtain knowledge of the world through observation and reasoning whereas theists assume they can access a deeper level of information that is not available by either observation or reason.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      How did blood appear? Water?
      How did ‘science’ play a part?


      • sklyjd says:

        The earliest known heart and blood vessels have been found in an exceptionally well-preserved fossil revealing that a complex cardiovascular system evolved as early as 520 million years ago. (Natural History Museum UK)

        Animals have evolved to survive and reproduce, and to do so they share common tasks that include the capture, ingestion, absorption and distribution of food/nutrients; the acquisition and distribution of oxygen for cellular respiration; and the excretion of metabolic wastes and undigested materials (National Library of Medicine US)

        Water molecules form in interstellar space by chemical reactions between hydrogen molecules and oxygen-bearing molecules such as carbon monoxide. The Solar System inherited its water from ice-coated interstellar grains in the dust cloud from which the Sun and planets formed 4.6 billion years ago. It’s thought that the mostly likely way that planet Earth inherited its water was from asteroids and comets crashing into it, and much of this water would have initially been added to the Earth’s growing mantle as it formed and was released from the interior by subsequent volcanic activity.
        (BBC Sky at Night Magazine)

        It is fine CS if you believe Yahweh created blood from the dust along with Adam and the water was part of Yahweh’s creation, however blood existed millions of years and water billions of years before he was created into a god, so how do you explain that?

        Liked by 1 person

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