My five fav words

Sure, I appreciate eloquence in its proper setting, words befitting of various emoluments, endowed with glistening tones, which appeal to the ear as well as heart, when in season, are rare jewels of stentorian delight, words that separate the thoughtless from the studious, words called upon to paint an image which no sepia can ever do, yet……

There are times when the simplest of speech is far deeper than Mr. Webster could ever take us, and if we paid attention, we would glean insight into the mind of He who created the alphabet, and learn of His delicate ways to get our attention, that we may then be prepared for far greater things.

A kindergarten teacher does not utilize what he or she may unfold to adults. No, first the small things, easy to grasp, like pronunciation, diction, ka at, ca, caatt. Catt. Say the ‘t.’ Cat. But to the same kid years later, he will be then prepared to understand and say ‘concatenation.’ Totally irrelevant or inappropriate to the 5 year old who can’t spell ‘one.’ So what’s the point? Basics.

As adults, we tend to forget the basics upon which all things are built. Which brings me to Genesis.

If God’s word was not inspired, there would be a much longer, a rather drawn out description, there would be prolixity to the nines trying to describe what God said in 5 easy words, yet deeper than any so called science peer reviewed paper could fathom or understand.

Not 5 words in Revelation, as symbolism is unnecessary, nor is this a university level thesis. This is basics, with language easy to entreat which everyone can understand. This is not a dream needing Daniel. We need no teacher.

So this Bud’s for you, Kraus and Nye, Harris and Tyson, Hitchens and all others who preach the gospel of accidental serendipity, and oh by the way:

He made the stars also.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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97 Responses to My five fav words

  1. Ark says:

    And there I was thinking those five words would be: Yahweh is all make believe.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Think of new sprouts in a garden bed. You don’t pummel them with water pressure as they are tender.

      This is my point about the five words. Light. Easy. The sprout of truth growing into something greater, just like a master gardener would ply his craft.

      True Genius in this most elementary of information.


      • Ark says:

        As I said …
        Yahweh is all make believe.


        • Barabbas Me says:

          and yet doug, are you so insecure that you have to continually S#!t on other people’s beliefs and faith to make yourself feel like a “Hero” anti-theist? Go find a good Muslim blog to try that crap on. I’m sure the reaction and response might be difference.. and perhaps more “explosive”. But no.. it’s only christians you harass. Bigot

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Good point re. mu-slim sites.


        • Ark says:

          I comment on Christian blogs as it is the religion I am most familiar with.
          As you believe that every non believer will be going to Hell ( or whatever personal interpretation your sect abides by) shouldn’t you be banging on every Muslim and Jewish blog you can find to save as many souls as poss. before Jesus returns?

          I don’t know about me being a bigot, but you are certainly a hypocrite.


  2. Barabbas Me says:

    My fav 5 are “but God, who is rich in Mercy…”. Ok fine… it’s more then 5. Sue me! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ark says:

      How about these infamous words…
      “His blood be on us…”

      I’m sure you remember where they are from, yes?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Barabbas Me says:

        So say we all. Amen. Ark is preaching? Lol

        Liked by 2 people

        • ColorStorm says:

          Even the wrath of man praises God.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Barabbas Me says:

          James does say the opposite though…


        • ColorStorm says:

          It’s all connected…..


        • Ark says:

          In actual fact I highlighted these from the anonymous gospel of Matt as some believe they have been one of the primary causes of misery and hatred toward the Jewish people; the ‘Christ Killers’ – being as they are considered the inspired words of your god, Yahweh.


        • Barabbas Me says:

          Or… some Christians, mainly RCC and lutherans, took the passage out of context to justify their own hatred and “scape goating” of Jewish people for their own problems. Nothing in the passage tells us to hate Jews or charge/punish them with the death of christ. Seems you’re Using the passage the same way as an excuse to “tar and feather” all Christians and Christianity as a whole. Illogical and unfair. Stop it.


        • Ark says:

          Hey, don’t blame me.
          Your religion is responsible and
          the maniacs who have cited this text as part of the basis for the anti Semitism that has plagued the Jewish people for millennia.
          What did you think was going you happen when that anonymous vile text ‘ hit the streets’?

          “Stop it”
          Perhaps you should use these words toward your fellow indoctrinated Christians?


        • ColorStorm says:

          He’s right ark. Neither of us here desire/ command/ approve the deaths of anyone.

          You are bARKing up the wrong tree.


        • Ark says:

          Oh, I’m sure none us want the death of others in our hands
          However, the vile bible text does not make this clear.
          Maybe it’s time well meaning Christians did something about it?


        • ColorStorm says:

          There is no vile Bible text, only vile behavior by men which warranted on occasion the interruption by a just and all holy God, whose creation will not be mocked.


        • Ark says:

          You are mistaken.
          Much of the text can be considered vile.
          It has elicited some of the most heinous episodes in our history.
          The verse in question has caused untold misery for the Jewish people and this fact should be acknowledged.


        • ColorStorm says:

          No ark. It is simply a recording of what was actually said. Indeed it was prophetic, as the nation of Israel has been beset by enemies on every side until this day.

          1948 by the way is also prophetic as to the regathering, something you may want to consider.

          Rest assured, God is not to blame. Why do you think Christ spoke of a hen gathering her chicks……. and you would not.’ Still, Israel WILL recognize Him who was pierced……// all written – all reliable/ all true.


        • Ark says:

          You consider the bible is the inspired word of your god Yahweh.
          Therefore, if you also believe these were actual spoken words at whose feet do you consider the blame should be laid for the heinous actions, including what was written by the likes of Luther, against the Jews by Christians?
          Why did it take nearly 2000 years for the Pope to repudiate the claim that the Jews were Christ Killers?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Was Pilate Jewish?

          Read Acts 3. Was not the indictment upon they who ‘desired that a murderer be released’ in lieu of Christ?

          And was it not mob rule when they said ‘away with him, we have no king but Caesar. Crucify him…’

          Seems there is lots of blame to go around, yet, all with the foreknowledge of God , as well as scripture. Men always focus on the wrong thing.

          One more thing. Christian’s do not kill Jews. I don’t care what politicians,, or religious people say. Did Christian’s kill Peter, Paul, John, or Jesus Christ?

          WHAT spirit animates such devilish actions? Rest assured it is the the Holy Spirit. See the riots today that produce mob rule and death? Same thing.


        • Ark says:

          “Christians do not kill Jews”
          The pogroms during the Crusades.
          The incitement by Martin Luther.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I’ll repeat.
          Christians do not kill Jews ark. Then who/ or what are they, is the better question.

          How’s this:

          ‘They went out from us, but they are not OF us.’ Counterfeiting has always been great for marketing.

          Scripture interprets itself and laughs at men’s lunacy. Just picture a judge who is well aware of the prosecution/defense/ jurors thinking, and who is way ahead of their faulty reasonings. There is always something they are missing to ensure wrong verdicts.


        • Ark says:

          Do you consider none who participated in the Crusades were Christians?
          How about Martin Luther and what he wrote?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Getting waaaaay off road here. Don’t have much use for some one who called James book an ‘epistle of straw.’ Or so it has been alleged.

          Maybe Luther would have been better served if he read my blog.


        • Ark says:

          I mentioned nothing about James.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Just pointing out that if a man is so wrong about something so simple, he is no doubt wrong on so much more.

          You can tell a tree by the fruit kind of thing.


        • Ark says:

          So you acknowledge Luther’s attack/s on the Jews probably helped fuel the anti Semitism and the violence against the Jews?


        • ColorStorm says:

          I’m pretty sure ark that the Amalekites needed no help from others in expressing their hatred for the Jews. Yes, the Amalekites live today, just hide and wear different clothes.
          So the antagonists of Israel are doing rather well in calling for its demise. Luther was responsible for himself. If people read and knew scripture, his words would have no say.


        • Ark says:

          Realised you were referring to Martin Luther.
          Do you not consider his tirade against the Jews helped fuel the hatred and the actions against them?
          Again, do you not consider any if those who participated in the Crusades ave the butchering of the Jews to have been Christian?


        • Barabbas Me says:

          Doug, what would you do if someone repeatedly and “religiously” as you do went to your blog and crapped all over your posts with photography and cake decorating? You prob wouldn’t like it or allow it for very long. You might even think they’re a bit “off center” and psychotic. You’d prob block or ban them, and for good reason.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          Well, this isn’t your blog for a kick off, and I don’t van people… Nod to Colorstorm 😉.
          Besides, how much of a dick would you look crapping on a blog full of cakes and spider pics?
          But feel free to trawl through my blog there are plenty of religious posts if you want to vent/ crap on.
          In fact, I am prepared to resurrect ( pun intended) a few religious posts just for you if you fancy your chances in the trenches?
          Just say The Word… oops, I mean the word.


        • Citizen Tom says:


          The pot calling the kettle black.

          When someone is born again as a follower of Jesus, the process of sanctification is only begun. The Bible says we still sin. We just don’t sin as much. It is irrational for a Christian to hate Jews. Jesus was a Jew. His Apostles were all Jews.

          On the other hand, Atheists have yet to get to first base. So, we had Pagans who don’t actually believe in God crucifying people to terrify them. In the modern era we have had Nazis systematically starving people to death and murdering them in gas chambers, and we still have Communists enslaving people and working them to death.

          Look around the world. Where Bible-believing Christians hold the least sway, that is where the people of this world have the most reason to sad and fearful.

          Of course, you will say something to disassociate yourself from the bad people. You are a good person, but that is rubbish. You cannot explain the difference between good and evil. All you can do is attack the Bible.

          Seriously, other than endless criticism, what do you have to offer?

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Tom, that’s a real good question, what have you to offer?

          The Lord said as much when he asked, why do you call me good? What’s the standard? Who decides what is good? Evil? If every man does what is right in his own eyes, he is the ultimate judge.

          Since we are all imperfect, that poses a huge problem. And yes, atheism is a huge problem. Its disciples say they are not religious, but too many have zeal greater than Mormons.

          But without hope, what is man who dies like a prairie dog with no epitaph. Sad.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          The ‘hope’ the religion of Christianity preaches is that of the afterlife.
          A nonsense belief indoctrinated into the credulous that has no evidentiary basis whatsoever.
          This religious indoctrination; that ultimately there is no </ em> hope without you god Yahweh/ Jesus of Nazareth has caused so much damage.
          Belief in the supernatural is simply ridiculous.


        • ColorStorm says:

          It’s kind of ‘supernatural’ that you put a lousy looking seed into the ground/ appears lifeless/ then lo and behold it rises from the ground-with a life so unlike the frail looking seed.

          People are frail. We were made from dirt. Seems natural that we go back to the ground….God is the master gardener and knows how to utilize compost. So supernatural may not be strong enough.

          And hope is not limited to ‘later.’ Faith, hope, charity. The greatest of these three is charity.


        • Ark says:

          You mentioned hope, I identified the indoctinated religious hope of the afterlife, a nonsense belief with no evidential basis.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I ‘hope’ the seed germinates……. it did. It does.
          Nature teaches tomorrow’s hopes every day.

          The alternative is despair. People commit suicide because they are hopeless. We hope our children turn into fine adults, not drug peddlers or living under bridges.

          Hope makes not ashamed. I hope you come to your senses and see God is good and His word is true.


        • Ark says:

          The premise of your belief of hope is different to mine …and others.
          Again, you mentioned hope in religious context and the primary hope of indoctrinated Christians is the hope of an afterlife, a nonsense belief with no evidentiary basis.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Hope is a large word. Applies to every facet of life. It is you who is putting limitations on the word as if its relevance is life after death only.

          Tell the larvae there is no hope that a butterfly will emerge. It is all connected. Tell people buried in an avalanche of snow they will never be rescued. Tell them to give up hope.

          So yes it is perfectly natural to hope to see loved ones who died at the age of 3 because of a drunk driver.

          Don’t be so quick ark to be a hope thief. Don’t steal people’s hopes. Hope is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s like the sun. I hope it rises tomorrow . There is a good chance it will….


        • Ark says:

          Context is king.
          There is no evidence of an afterlife, an idiotic doctrine for the insecure and credulous.


        • Ark says:

          What were the circumstances that drove you to confess to being a sinner, seek redemption via the blood of the character Jesus of Nazareth.
          Answer that question honestly then I’ll tell you what I have to ‘offer’.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          I read the Bible. I believed it. The Bible is a mirror. It shows you yourself. The Bible is a history book. It helps us to understand history. The Bible is revelation. It helps us to know our Creator.

          The Bible shows me myself as I am, too full of pride. I want to be god, the center of attention, but not one of us is worthy.

          Until we read the Bible, our history makes little sense. Until we see the Hand of God at work, we cannot, for example, explain Israel.

          The Bible shows us the love of God, what God calls important. Once we begin to understand the nature of our Creator, we begin to understand why we can only find happiness and blessings in the service of others.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          “I read the bible. I believed it.”

          I’ve read the bible and researched it against the claims it makes, historical and otherwise.
          I found it to be devoid of evidence.
          Your answer does not address the circumstances surrounding the reason you converted/ confessed and became reborn.
          Would you care to address this aspect of your conversion?
          For the record, atheism is simply the lack of belief in gods.
          Perhaps you would like to rephrase your question regarding what atheism offers?


        • Ark says:

          Maybe I misunderstood?
          You asked what I have to offer?
          Are you referring to me as an atheist or me as an individual?


        • Citizen Tom says:

          I asked YOU what YOU have to offer.


        • Ark says:

          Somewhat ambiguous but I’ll give it a go.
          I am reliable, resourceful a good dad and husband and neighbour ( so I’m told).
          I can cook and bake ( a few things)
          I don’t eat other animals, and I grow some of our own food.
          I can bang a tune on the guitar and on occasion take a decent photograph.
          How’s that to be going in with?
          Are you going to tell me the circumstances that caused you to confess and become born again?
          Simply reading the bible and believing it is a bit thin.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          Why were you created?
          What gives your life meaning?
          What is the difference between right and wrong?
          What happens when you die?


        • Ark says:

          I guess because my parents wanted children.
          My family, my work, are two examples. You can include the other things I listed as well.
          Seriously, are you truly asking because you don’t know.
          As with all life we decompose.
          Dust to dust ashes to asges etc…

          Please will you answer my question: what were the circumstances that drove you to confess to being a sinner and seek redemption and become born again?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Even your answer is biblical ark!
          ‘Ashes to ashes…..’

          God said ‘unto dust shalt thou return.’ Tkx for finally agreeing with scriptures truth.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          I chose to use a term you will understand. Compost would have been equally as accurate.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Even in your unbelief ark you are agreeing as to man’s lot. ‘For out of the ground thou was made.’

          So NATURALLY, shalt thou return. The putting into the ground is a planting as it were. You WILL rise again. He who made sand and dirt will have no problem gathering together His creation that we will finally face Him.

          Whether u believe it or not, every knee shall bow and tongue confess………

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          Well, as a gardener I understand the value of compost and am quite happy knowing my remains will go to enrich the soil.
          As for your religious nonsense..
          It is just that, nonsense.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yeah, maybe the remains will ‘evolve’ into a bird…… or a whale, or a dairy cow……

          You will run out of excuses ark before you find one single blemish in scripture.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          I don’t need to make excuses, that task falls to people like you and Tom.
          And while you are always grasping at straws, evidence supports everything I say.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Evidence ark?
          Do tell us then WHO was the first human, and HOW did he arrive, and WHY did he live, and WHERE did he live, and WHAT was his purpose.

          Please, just the EVIDENCE.


        • Ark says:

          There was never a “first human.”

          As for the evidence ….sigh.
          Go ask Francis Collins to explain the Human Genome Project to you.


        • ColorStorm says:

          What will u do when he admits he made a mistake???

          Never a first human? Ha! Yeah, men grew like tomatoes…..


        • Ark says:

          He has already been shown to be right and you have ignored the evidence in defense of a gross superstition and untenable nonsense.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Is he also correct when he says Christ rose from the dead- according to the scriptures???


        • Ark says:

          That’s a belief for which there is no evidence.
          Indoctrinated Christians are able to compartmentalize.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I’m glad I have the authoritative genealogies in Matthew and Luke – as opposed to the opinion of Collins


        • Ark says:

          Contradictory nonsense from anonymous text?
          Wow, you set the bar really low.
          What next, claiming you have discovered prophecy from a fortune cookie?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Do tell the contradiction? Can’t wait to hear some lousy interpretation.


        • Ark says:

          You know the contradiction so stop being disingenious.


        • ColorStorm says:

          There are potentially thousands who may want to see your alleged contradiction so name it.


        • Ark says:

          We are talking about the two geneologies in gmatt & gluke, yes?


        • ColorStorm says:

          I’m pretty sure I made that clear..


        • Ark says:

          Then you are aware of the contradictions.
          Stop being disingenious.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I’m calling you out. Others reading want u to point out a contradiction, as in 2 things not being true at the same time.


        • Ark says:

          Calling me out?
          That is funny
          There are two separate geneologies.
          Neither is the same.


        • ColorStorm says:

          That right. There are two. For distinct reasons.
          Did you ever look into WHY??? Once more, what is the contradiction?


        • Ark says:

          They contradict each other.


        • ColorStorm says:

          You are babbling. Any good court judge would say: ‘that’s nice. That’s your opinion. Name the contradiction or you easily lose this case. You made the claim. Now prove the contradiction as I have many cases today.’


        • Ark says:

          If the two geneologies are different then they contradict each other.
          I can’t type in crayon so you will just have to work it out for yourself


        • ColorStorm says:

          You gave ZERO credibility.

          A Jewish rabbi detested the New Testament as hearsay UNTIL he was stunned by the genealogy in Matthew. Son of David? Son of Abraham? Whoa!

          So, unlike you, he researched the matter, and found further credibility in Luke, son of Adam?????? Yikes!

          So his honesty paid dividends as he now saw the divine hand in both, and noted ( unlike you) WHY there are two, and HOW they corroborate every word of the Old Testament, and how precisely the names given, were verifiable, reliable, and true.

          So last time, what is the contradiction, since this learned rabbi ( and millions of others) have found none.


        • Ark says:

          Last time ..
          Two geneologies. Each contradicts the other.


        • ColorStorm says:

          This reply is for others since you refuse to see the obvious:

          The two accounts are unimpeachable in their history and merit. Read them. Read them both. Look for differences, ( clue Nathan)

          It is understandable why many dance around the family tree. This is why we have headstones, to prove dates and times of the departed. The history of scripture is the most accurate account of man and creation.

          No wonder the devil and his doughnuts attempts to raise doubt, as his hiss was so from the beginning: ‘ Did God really say???????” My paraphrase but that’s about it. He planted the seeds of doubt and he has perfected his craft over time.

          The genealogy of Christ is accurate, as son of Mary, son of Abraham, son of God.


        • Ark says:

          A contradictory geneology for a make believe character by anonymous authors.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I think the word you are looking for is ‘complimentary.’ Every person in the genealogies lived and died. That’s the point.

          A ‘contradiction’ would be someone swearing they saw u in S. Africa this morning, while others swear they saw u in London AT THE SAME TIME.

          This is the lunacy you are presenting. I understand the uncomfortable position that the accounts put u in. Facts and truth are killers to pride and rebellion.

          For thousands of years men have tried to tamper with scripture, trying to erase or changing words casting doubt. ha! It stands resolute.

          Fortunately the only book with no copyright (kjv 1611) has withstood these malicious attempts and remains the monarch of literary and historical excellence.

          While seedtime and harvest remain, God’s word stands forever. The earth shall pass away, but scripture remains. Of course. It’s reserved more so than honey.

          Tkx for trying to put a dent in that which is indestructible.


        • Ark says:

          Sorry, CS, I had the correct word from the beginning.

          You don’t appreciate the evidence right there in front of you, hence the need for all your pretzel logic.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          You are dodging as usual. You are afraid to admit to yourself that God exists. You want to be God. You want to decide for yourself the answers to those four questions. In particular, you want to decide what is right and what is wrong. So, you pretend there is no God. That way you can pretend the guilt you feel for your sins doesn’t matter.

          Yet without God you don’t have a clue. You cannot justify yourself. You cannot justify either your existence or your sins. and because the moral law is written on your heart you know it. Worse, if there is no God, then each breath you take doesn’t matter. Even though eternity is set in your heart, you have chosen to live as if the end must come. So, all you can do is pretend you are unashamed of your sins. With practice, how good have you gotten at pretending? Does the pretense seem more real than Hell, eternal separation from God?

          Years ago, I wrote this post:

          I am not very complicated. At least, I am not big on drama. As, I said, I read the Bible, and I believed.

          Do you want me to parade all my sins before you? Read the Sermon on the Mount.


        • Ark says:

          Why on earth would I be dodging?

          I am an atheist.Atheists have no belief in gods, your god Yahweh or any other.
          For you to assert I am dodging is tantamount to calling me a liar and fir that,Tom you can go screw yourself.

          The day you produce a single shred of evidence for Yahweh we might be able to have a very interesting conversation.
          Until then, all you have to offer is your continual pathetic apologetic whining.
          And on that subject…
          Every post you ever put up on your blog is a criticism.
          You whine in and on about your government,the schools, and the apparent terrible state of your country.

          And, yes, you can have the honesty to answer my initial question
          What were the circumstances surrounding you confessing to be a sinner, seek redemption and become born again.


        • Ark says:

          Still waiting for you to tell me the reason behind your


        • Ark says:

          Still waiting for you to tell us the reason behind your conversion. Are you able to show integrity and acknowledge the issue surrounding you being born again?


        • Ark says:

          Hi, Tom
          I am keen to offer an answer to your question what have I (as an atheist) got to offer).
          But first, I am still waiting for a response from you about the circumstances that caused you to become “born again” before I make answer.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Ct is smart not falling into your endless trap of irrelevance. His ques is stand alone –

          And the only true answer avail is ‘do good, love thy neighbor,’ excel in humanism, but this poses even a greater dilemma……..

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          In my experience converts all have some emotional baggage prior to conversion. I’m sure Tom is grown up enough he doesn’t need you to babysit his replies.
          As for me…
          I try to do good, my neighbours and I get on well, and I consider I am a pretty good humanist.
          Now why does this pose any sort of dilemma?


        • ColorStorm says:

          As far as ‘babysitting’ replies, no, happens everywhere, even on your blog, where I’ll say words to u, and 10 others chime in. That’s what blogging is.

          The ‘dilemma’ is one of right and wrong, things only considered if there is an ultimate arbiter. Humanism fails miserably in determining what is just.

          Court systems across the world proves this assessment correct. Btw, doing ‘good’ may require killing your neighbor who tries to kill your wife. See the dilemma?

          Liked by 2 people

        • Ark says:

          See where you are going.
          There is no ultimate arbiteras far as evidence dad revealed.
          Right or wrong can be a tricky one, I’ll grant you.
          However, evolution is your guide here.

          Yes I would do what it takes to protect my wife from an attacker,even to the point of killing.
          I see no real dilemma here as I am sure you would do the same.


        • Ark says:

          Scuse the typos ..


      • ColorStorm says:

        Don’t forget ‘and upon our children.’

        Spoken by fools.


    • ColorStorm says:

      True. I prob have a thousand fav 5’s/ but the eloquence of those ‘oh by the way……. also,’ is out of this world.


  3. Argus says:

    I’ve been away for a while, but now I’m back I discover that you guys are discussing much more like gentlemen—you know, manners, courtesy, and stuff … it’s rather refreshing.
    I have the feeling though that the subject matter itself will never be resolved this side of the great divide (that “undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns”). Certainly it cannot be resolved by simple rational logic, but I’ve seen enough ‘weird’ in my life to know not to have a shuttered mind, likewise.
    And now, to read this lot through from the beginning. Don’t wait up, there seems to be miles of it …

    Liked by 1 person

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