Finally, Utopia

‘A liberal paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive health care, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities and only law enforcement personnel have guns. And believe it or not….such a place indeed exists….’

Ah yes, spoken by one of a few unashamed American’s having a high level of influence while using astute powers of observation and common sense. Gotta love it. So sez sheriff Joe Arpeio, and where pray tell is this paradise of alleged repose and wonder?

‘It’s called prison.’ Well played Joe.

Read the first paragraph again and note that the value of such ‘benefit’ is reserved for the miscreants who have lived as leeches pillaging from the honest labor of others, or have proved they are simply professional lawbreakers of every stripe. True, some may be there unjustly, but the greater point is made that things ‘free’ are not free.

Hmm, sounds like the welfare state as well. Well played big government. Things ‘free’ are never truly appreciated, are never ‘free,’ and the novelty of living at the expense of others soon gets weary. Free education? Yeah right.

When was the last time you saw a squirrel gathering nuts so the turkey may enjoy his labor? Ha, yet the government wants the working squirrels to feel the lazy turkeys. (with apologies to foraging turkeys everywhere)

But prison is hardly the model place for Utopia now is it? Yet how many people have the government NOT put in prison who are walking the streets free from steel bars and locks, yet still lazy, accepting hand outs, stealing, and crying for all the FREE-doms they can get.

You know what busts my buttons? Seeing someone at the grocery store with 6 shopping carts full of crap, pull out some kind of govt. card, and swipo, thank you, while there you are, working till your fingers get raw, and having to decide between the peanut butter or the bread……….as your paycheck is rife with deductions to pad the pockets and lives of others. It’s a crime I tell ya.

Utopia. Prison. A way of life, an adventure, peace on earth good will toward men. With lasting emolument brought to you courtesy of liberalism. Good call Joe, and tkx for telling it like it is, and think twice about the prison ‘life’ you so applaud.

Image result for free

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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45 Responses to Finally, Utopia

  1. Yep, true words there. Well said, Sheriff. Everything is “free” in prison and most of your choices are made for you, too.

    It really is a crime that those who chose to work for a living, often have a lower quality of life than those who don’t. That doesn’t bode well, because eventually common sense, reason, survival perhaps, will compel the remaining stubborn holdouts to comply, to surrender. Sometimes prisoners actually re-offend because they don’t know how to survive on the outside, because they seek the familiar where at least their basic needs are met. We’re ruled by a meritocracy and when virtues no longer have merit, people stop pursuing them. Why work hard when it’s likely you’ll just be penalized for it?.

    On the bright side however, the good news is that Jesus Christ came to set the captives free, to heal the brokenhearted. Left to our own devices, I think society would have just collapsed long ago. We aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed when it comes to designing a system that works.

    Liked by 5 people

    • archaeopteryx1 says:

      On the bright side however, the good news is that Jesus Christ came to set the captives free, to heal the brokenhearted.

      And yet he wandered around Galilee, unemployed, often sleeping on the ground, and taking handouts from anyone who would give them. Great example!


      • ColorStorm says:

        It’s ok to NOT comment on something in which you have no interest or no understanding. The post as well as this excellent scriptural reference prove that there are a whole lotta captives behind bars……… well as who walk the streets, in addition to just as many broken hearted.

        Perhaps you are forgetting that this homeless man fed 5,000, then thousands more…..sleeping on the ground? So what, the dirt welcomed Him. Great example? Uh, now you are getting somewhere.

        Have you no shame arch at this reality? Is it not obvious to you, that you also can be both shackled by your unbelief, and so darn brokenhearted that you can’t see straight….

        If ms bytes wants to address this, super, in the mean time, hold your peace, because I saw your gamesmanship regarding this post at your friends place, and you wonder why you are on a leash.


  2. ColorStorm says:

    Meritocracy? Nice.

    Tkx for that addition ‘your choices are made for you too.’ Dang, those few words are stronger than the post. 😉

    But yep, forget the Navy. Prison can be a job, an adventure…………so many ‘re-enlist.’ Sad, but scripture speaks to they with in the bars, as well as others without. No place where man can hide, and no place where mercy cannot be extended..


  3. atimetoshare says:

    I think the idea of a prison for the elderly sounds really good to me right no. Just go right from retirement straight to jail. No need to work anymore. All the benefits you mentioned above. We might all become fit again, more educated and it would keep a lot of folks out of politics. Just kidding, of course. I love my freedom.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. a most astute observation—sad, but 100% correct and again, sadly spot on
    we are a nation in trouble that is to be sure!!~

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      Maybe if the ‘young people’ actually thought about the ‘value’ of a free education jewels…………

      Liked by 1 person

      • yes, well…it seems that now, those unpaid student loans…those that seemed like a good idea at the time, are what no one wants to pay back…and all now seek to be “excused” from paying them back—I think I’ve heard that a rallying cry of some of those campaign stompers…so everything is to be free…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh- and we might add all this free business rings a bit socialistic– yet how is the bill for all this free business paid for??


        • ColorStorm says:

          That answer is you know…well you know, BUT, reminds me.

          There is a solid gospel message between the cracks: Who can forgive so great a debt? Who can make the darkest ledger clean?

          Who can write with a perfect stroke: tabula rosa………on our account………. 😉


        • oh I knew you’d see that underlying thread—yet everyone else is jut worrying about what they can get for free—one thing comes to mind…GRACE

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Citizen Tom says:

    Reblogged this on Citizen Tom and commented:

    Offered without comment because what is there left to say?

    Well, may I suggest reading the first comment following ColorStorm’s the post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      Good one CT, sometimes less is more eh.

      I agree with you, that the twin peaks of the good Sheriff’s observations, and insanitybytess22 spot on insights, hit the mark rather well.

      Tkx for the heads up too.


  6. Tricia says:

    Very well said as usual ColorStorm. It’s interesting too as I was literally thinking just this morning how little we value freedom anymore in our society. I know so many good and otherwise intelligent people that are so willing to hand over their power to the government, and for what? Some sense of security from a blob of bureaucracy that never ceases to prove it’s ineptness?

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Maybe I can send you a few customers so they can appreciate your take on ‘freedom through empowerment……….’ 😉

      Your last line…..ouch! Well stated trish.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tricia says:

        Sadly I believe there are many who prefer not to be empowered. It involves too many of those pesky right and wrong decisions to be made….;)

        Liked by 2 people

        • ColorStorm says:

          Right and wrong? Ah, but who decides? Well, the prisoners may have a say as to the wrongness of their actions, and I’m guessing they did not need to read in a book: ‘Don’t steal your neighbors cow…………..’

          The conscience is a killer which demolishes unbelief at every turn. The word of God is a bonus. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

        • Tricia says:

          So true CS and a big bonus at that! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: My Article Read (2-25-2016) – My Daily Musing

  8. Arkenaten says:

    Excellent post, CS. And quite fitting when one considers that most inmates in the USA are Christian.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Maybe you should define ‘christian’ and see if it matches up with what scripture presents. Where is your evidence that these people turned to God from idols?
      Where is your evidence that these people have turned from darkness unto light?
      Where is your evidence that these people walked in newness of life?

      Evidence please.


      • Arkenaten says:

        Ah ..sorry.You are correct of course. Therefore, based on your criteria, rather than what the inmates declare themselves to be and state authorities record in their little books when admitting these criminals, I would have to say that you probably are not Christian either. However, if you care to provide evidence I am sure I would probably reconsider.

        Of you go, convince me.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I’ll simply rely on the wisdom of Solomon and say ‘cut the baby in half……..’

          There. Lovely evidence.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Sounds Christian to me.And evidence for your own Christian-ness?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Ah but to borrow from a minstrel, the answer is blowin in the wind……….

          As in John chapter three. But don’t be so quick to dismiss that which u don’t understand.

          As to ‘my’ christian ness? Let’s wait till someone else comes along and says how they were moved by the pen of another believer.

          But you also know it yourself. YOU are the evidence. YOU are the proof. Your antagonism`knowing that God is true.

          Now then, silence whippersnapper.


        • Arkenaten says:

          So in other words, you are the arbiter of your own belief and will get upset if I suggest you are a counterfeit christian but you will not accept such words of confession from people behind bars, because you doubt their sincerity perhaps?
          I have no antagonism against a Bronze Age man-made Canaanite deity, CS. How very silly.

          So bottom line, you are a hypocrite.
          Not that this is anything new.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:



      • ColorStorm says:

        Ah c’mon, this is waaaaay too easy. How many names do your want? Phoebe? Citizen Tom? Peter, James, John? Wally? Uodia? Insanitybytes22? Tricia? Is 53, Becky?Ancients, Paul the apostle, Louis, Madblog, on and on and on and on? For God’s sake the sunlight condemns you.

        Please do not embarrass yourself further. How many millions of names would drown you in your ignorance and insults…….

        And nice work, once more proving it is impossible for you to read and agree with the sense of a post without your usual shipwreck.


    • archaeopteryx1 says:

      A 2013 report released by the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons looks at all the federally run prisons in the U.S. — that makes up about 218,000 prisoners — and the inmates’ religious affiliations. The report determined that 0.07 percent – not 7%, not 7 tenths of a percent, but 7 hundredths of a percent – identify as atheist.


      • ColorStorm says:

        Identify? So what, you are an ‘atheist,’ and you are wrong about that.

        Atheist, unbeliever, professing religious person, liberal, not much difference is there now.
        Tkx for making my point.

        Apparently, crime pays.


      • ColorStorm says:

        For what it’s worth, if you have no clue what a ‘christian’ is, it would be highly unlikely that you would recognize a counterfeit……………

        But I close with this: Evidence? There is no ‘evidence’ on earth that will convince a stubborn heart in the face of infinite evidence already given and available to one and all.

        Kinda hard to ignore the evidence called life……………


        • Arkenaten says:

          So therefore, you have no grounds to doubt the claims of prison inmates when they say they are Christian and thus, the stats can be accepted as reasonable evidence of fact.
          Thank you.


        • ColorStorm says:

          How bout this: So then by their fruits ye shall know them……….’

          Thus do your own ‘facts’ tighten the noose of your own ignorance. Read the New Testament. Then decide if ‘Your’ prison inmates are model boy scouts.

          There appears to be no end to your idiotic projections, as to try to construct a ‘christian’ in your own image, but eh, no surprise here, you make God in your image as well. Nice work.

          Btw, have you actually READ this post as written……sure doesn’t seem so. Isn’t your blog more suitable for mindless gossip?


  9. Peter says:

    So I assume the only utopia better than prison is an army base where everyone has guns.

    If prison is so great why do they need walls and guards to stop people breaking out?


  10. Pingback: Does Society Still Value Freedom? | Freedom Through Empowerment

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