Random goodness

Ok I admit, I’m a softie for stuff like this. The thousands of ways we affect people without even knowing.  Yeah yeah some will argue that God is not needed to be human.  And I would say: Ah, but stuff like this simply displays His image.  He is good, thus are His creatures good, at the same time not violating the scriptural truth that ‘there are none good, no not any.’

Two separate issues.  And maybe an argument for another time.



About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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58 Responses to Random goodness

  1. The video is really very gross propaganda.

    Truth to tell, I do good all the time and if I don’t get punished for it, it goes unappreciated.

    Jesus was butchered for doing good.

    Grow up, People!

    It’s a hard, cruel world out there.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Tkx SoM. but I have to repeat what our esteemed friend asked: what’s eating Gilbert Grape?

      Geez. The point is simply how others are affected by our seemingly innocuous daily doings. It is not a treatise on the book of Judges.


      • Storm,

        That’s what I’m saying.

        My experience is that people just don’t really care.

        According to them, they are just too busy with their own life to give a crap.

        If you do good, do it because you are a disciple of Jesus Christ.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Wally Fry says:


      Seriously. How could you look at that and be so cynical?

      Oh..and FYI. Jesus was not butchered for being good.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wally,

        I am not cynical.

        I am just relating my experience out here in the hinterland.

        We no longer live in a Christianized society.

        Even the Christians are brutal.

        The video harkens to a time long gone.


    • Tricia says:

      I’m sorry SOM, but what? Do you really believe Jesus did the good things he did for accolades and not knowing full well the punishment he would be facing?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tricia,

        Actually I believe the opposite.

        According to the Bible, Jesus healed people who had faith in him.

        And he did not do miracles where people were hostile to him.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Soooooooo, the renewing of a mans ear named Malchus in that hostile environment (you know, lanterns, torches, and weapons, a true mob scene) was not miraculous?

          C’mon SoM, there are bigger fish to fry. The glory of God was revealed wherever Christ was. His moral glory was never hid, and miracles were simply a by product of His goodness.

          And since there were ‘many other things that the Lord did, which I suppose, if they were written, the books of the world could not contain,’ it would be rather shortsighted to assume He only healed people who had faith in Him.

          I would argue scripture presents the opposite, He is good like that.

          And the vid here suggests that when people see goodness, they think about it. Some even act upon it.


        • Storm,

          In that particular incident, Jesus corrected a gross error committed by one his Apostles.

          Even though Peter went on to deny Jesus three times that very same evening, Peter had already demonstrated tremendous faith in Jesus.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Just pointing out silence that you are incorrect when you say the Lord did not do miracles WHERE people were hostile to him.

          With Judas leading the charge, hostile is an understatement.

          Peter’s indiscretion was irrelevant to your argument. But as my post title suggests, it was a fine example of random goodness.


        • Storm,

          Peter had faith in Jesus. And Jesus did a miracle for him.

          Please read your Bible. You will learn that Jesus did not do miracles in places where he was not accepted.

          He instructed his Apostles to do the same thing. If they weren’t welcome, they were to shake the dust from there feet and depart.

          Storm clearly the Bible is nothing but a fairy tale to you.

          You pretty hallucinate whatever you need to keep the fairy tale alive.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I’m pretty sure Silence that you will not find many believers in this zip code that agree with you that I am brain dead when it comes to the scriptures.

          However, you may find a few dozen atheists with whom you can form an alliance. Oops.

          I just pointed out and PROVED that the arrest led by Judas was HOSTILE. The Lord performed a miracle. For Malchus.

          I repeat: what’s eating Gilbert grape?

          Miracles do not produce faith Silence. Period. The Jews asked for a sign, and the Lord said what? An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign………

          Scripture is enough.


        • Strom,

          You’re trolling.



        • Storm,

          Peter cutting the ear off of someone was much more than a mere indiscretion.

          Cut your own ear off and tell yourself you committed an indiscretion.

          Cutting someone’s ear off if brutality in practice.

          Jesus miracle in that case was for Peter who despite of his “indiscretions” was faithful to Jesus.


        • Tricia says:

          And the adulterous woman? Really no reason for Jesus to intervene. She’ll just go back to her old behavior anyway and not appreciate what Jesus did for her so why bother? Yet He did and indeed we should thank God daily for doing the same with us.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Tricia,

          Jesus was a rabbi. Morality was his business.


        • Tricia says:

          As it should be all of our business.


        • Tricia,

          Actually, I have found that a certain amount of wisdom must be applied before doing good.

          Even as a good Samaritan, we are opening ourselves to a world of hurt.

          But I have found that more often than not people become contemptuous of receiving help that they do not ask for.

          And for some, being naturally helpful actually excites their passion for greed and sadism.


        • Tricia says:

          SOM, I don’t disagree with a single thing you say about applying wisdom and discernment when helping others. I was responding to your original comment to ColorStorm which was:

          “The video is really very gross propaganda.

          Truth to tell, I do good all the time and if I don’t get punished for it, it goes unappreciated.

          Jesus was butchered for doing good.

          Grow up, People!

          It’s a hard, cruel world out there.”

          World of difference SOM between that and your last statement.

          Sorry CS for allowing my comments to drift off track. I will leave things at that.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Ah but trish! It is with great risk that you, Wally, ib22, Julie, and many others have publickly ‘come out’ (lol) and identified with the idiotic fella who chose a lowly lion avatar. Haha.

          It’s all good, your support, observations, humor, and consistent friendship is appreciated. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

        • Tricia,

          I stated the same thing two different ways.

          If you folks are really interested in the truth of the matter, it shouldn’t make any difference.

          This supports my assertion that for you folks, the Bible is just a collection of fairy tales.


        • ColorStorm says:


          Since trish has departed, take this too as a last word. Maybe you will pay attention and take heed.

          ‘US’ people do not filter scripture through our own bias. You have stated without reservation, that Catholocism is the benchmark for a person to be part of your acceptable kind for the sole rights in the understanding of scripture.

          Pure cultish.

          Fortunately, scripture itself disagrees with you, as does common sense, and logic. Biblical discernment as a gift goes a long way too. And for the record, you also may want to take note that others in fact give you the benefit of the doubt, even while you stick your head in the sand.

          And I think I have the spirit of God.


    • Wally Fry says:


      You said

      “Jesus was butchered for doing good.”

      That statement it Biblically false. Jesus was NOT killed for being good. You seem to have many problems with the theology expressed by almost everybody here. Perhaps you could explain the theology of THAT statement?


      • No, Wally.

        My statement contains the meaning of the Bible.

        For you and Storm and so many others, the Bible is just a collection of fairy tales.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Then defend it. You clearly stated

          “Jesus was butchered for doing good.”

          That is false

          “For you and Storm and so many others, the Bible is just a collection of fairy tales.”

          That statement would actually be false also, as I actually believe in the inspiration, infallibility, and innerancy of Scripture as the all sufficient guide for faith and practice.

          That is two false statements.

          If your first statement contains the “meaning” of scripture, then perhaps you should defend and explain it to those of us who lack your vaunted classical education.

          If you can.

          Instead of just spouting your nonsensical, repetitious about how the rest of us are stupid, hallucinating, and non believing atheist..how’s about you back up your “scriptural” assertions.

          I will help you out, if assistance from a semi literate moron such as me does not insult you.

          I will give you a hint.

          If Jesus died for being good, then we are all in a huge, huge pickle.


        • Wally,

          I don’t need to defend anything.

          When I try having a discussion with you or Storm, you start trolling.

          You can say anything you want, but talk, especially you kind of talk, is cheap.

          You are peddling a fairy tales, not Christianity.

          “If Jesus died for being good, then we are all in a huge pickle.”

          Ain’t that the truth.

          But even an analog clock is right twice a day.


        • Wally Fry says:

          So…if I understand you clearly, disagreeing with you or expecting you to defend your positions with actual Scriptural fact is “trolling.”

          Look I only asked you about that, because YOU SAID IT! Then when I ask you to Scripturally back it up, you accused me of trolling. Actually you are trolling yourself.

          If you didn’t say it, or meant something else, them TALK ABOUT IT. I think there is a very strong case to make that you dismissing every single person around you with condescension and insults is actually trolling.

          Bye, SoM.

          @Colorstrom, sorry I tried to clog things up with actually adult conversation, all I did is de rail this fine post.


        • Wally,

          You and Storm make good twin trolls.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Well, peace to you my friend. I just though one more shot at reasonable conversation was a good idea. It was not.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Wally,

          Trolling isn’t how civilized people have a reasonable conversation.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Well then crawl out of the cave silence. It’s actually a nicer place upstairs. Warm and all that……..

          Examine your first comment here and the tornado trail you have left, all the while people have been decent and truthful to you.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Your point is valid Wally. SoM makes mindless accusations, then tries the Houdini escape act.

          Ib22 is correct. Something is going on with our catholic brother.

          Geez, as if we are worthy of his scorn.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Yeah…I think she is correct.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Silence. Hove you been smoking dope or poppin LSD?

          Collection of fairy tales? Who has ‘hallucinated’ sinlessness to Mary, and elevated her to the fourth person of the trinity……….

          Check your boarding pass Silence, it is you who is headed in the wrong direction.


  2. oh I usually find that I find common ground and enjoy much of what our friend SOM has to offer here and elsewhere—but today’s overt cynicism is just such a part of the disheartening apathy plaguing us is it not…

    Yes it is a cruel world and we should put on our big boy / big girl pants and man or woman up…
    Yet there is more than mere callousness and an emotionless stiff upper lip ….

    I have seen this advert before, in snippets, as a television commercial, part of the “pass it on” campaign.

    As an educator, I can remember when our lower grade schools were including “Character building” into the daily offerings during the school day…and I thought it a sad testament that we were having to “teach” character ed…for as human beings who live in what is considered a civil society, we should not have to be taught how to act…or so we would assume and now merely hope.

    Yet sadly, we see that we do.

    We are currently living in a culture that is steeped in the acceptance of hate—hating those who disagree with us.
    Mean, cruel and vicious words are offered across the airwaves under the sick guise of humor.
    We laugh at words that are degrading to our fellow human beings because we are being told it’s all ok to ridicule because they are out of step, ignorant, stupid, idiots, on the opposite side of the fence.
    As we’ve become a dog eat dog sort of people…with little to no regard for our actions let alone our fellow human beings.

    When we find that we have become so jaded, so cold, so closed to watching something that should actually make us think and consider our own actions throughout the course of the day…have we not simply become lost ourselves?

    Yes, Jesus was ridiculed, beaten, spit upon, and brutally killed—and he was always aware of what would take place but it never once hardened his heart….
    quite the opposite really…for He was filled with compassion as his heart nearly burst from the heaviness of knowing and watching and receiving the cruelty that was part and parcel as he anguished over the blindness of those vicious actions…I suppose it’s the hating the sin and not the sinner way of looking at things from a higher perspective than my own …so yes, do good because Jesus did good and was our pinnacle example—but remember that He had compassion, even for the bad and the sinner and the sinister….
    not just because God told him to go and do good—it was done all out of Love and maybe that’s what is missing here…actions solely out of compassionate Love….
    Not merely a Godly stiff upper lip of resignation to do it and die…

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Wally Fry says:

    Reblogged this on Truth in Palmyra and commented:

    No words needed here, just read and watch the video

    Blessings and enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “The thousands of ways we affect people without even knowing.”

    Amen! I have been ready to give up on the whole of humanity more than a few times and yet God has always turned my eyes towards some secret goodness going on in the most unexpected places. So many people over the years who have no idea I was even watching. We affect people, our actions go out like ripples in a pond, and impact people we don’t even know are watching.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Tricia says:

    Loved the video CS, it really puts things in perspective. Whether I’ve been the giver or receiver of a selfless act, it has always paid dividends far beyond the initial event. That I know for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Blowin’ in the Wind | Freedom Through Empowerment

  7. What is the color of generosity? Selflessness?



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