More fruit loops

Congratulations johnzande. Yes it is perfectly scriptural to kick tail and take names, since YOU said this regarding a certain president named Donald Trump and ALL Christians. Got that? ALL Christians. Your words. You named him. You named others. You named me in that group of ALL. And by association, you have named ALL good people who I rub shoulders with, many of whom blog in this zip code.

Not sure you actually know any believers in your family, town, or wherever, (you know, not the once a year Reader’s Digest type like you who do not know Genesis from Revolution) but since you draw caricatures and malign people of faith using a pen with no ink, you no doubt are speaking of believers such as Wally, James, Mel, Tricia, ib22, Ctom, XP, Julie, -x, etc. etc, in your attempted demolition of God and people of faith.

Whether he is a good, bad, ugly, lousy, or even great president is not the point sir. What is relevant and moreso germane is YOUR assessment of good people, people who have never harmed a fly, people who have no mental health issues, and people who understand the allowable government of men, and people who understand the ultimate governments of God. But here ya go, your words, for you to choke on, and for others to see what the atheistic brain thinks of decent people, and I quote:

“and this human stain (Trump) still has their unwavering support. The hypocrisy is stunning, and they’re all just one bad idea away from picking up an assault rifle themselves and going on a murder spree.”

Did you catch that reader? Let me emphasize. ‘All. ALL. ALL.’ ‘ALL just one bad idea away from picking up an assault rifle themselves and going on a murder spree.’

This statement is from the life and times of pure atheism. Congratulations ye fine example of modern thinking, but of course, this be thinking without the brain attached.

In a court of law, any jury with half a drop of common sense would toss you 30 days in the hole for such stupidity cloaked as intellect. They may even forego the bread and water. Where is your EVIDENCE sir of such evil implications? Where is your chart that maps out such deviance of ALL Christians being ‘one bad idea away from going on a murder spree?’

I submit sir, that it would be equally egregious for a believer to say that ALL atheists are ‘one bad idea away from going on a murder spree,’ but this common sense no doubt escapes you, as well as the sad fact that you cannot understand how Christians are fair-minded, even toward criminals and atheists.

There are bad Christians compared to Christ, still, they would not dream of hurting a fly, and there are lousy atheists compared to Dawkins (lol) who would also not dream of hurting a mouse. Yes, there are atheists who murder, and there have been so-called Christians who have murdered, but to put them ALL in the same depraved basket is indicative of a mind gone sideways.

But fortunately for zande, he is not alone in his condemnation of good people, for others have also said with pure delight, they who have supped with him in heart and soul, that Christians (ALL) are retarded in the mind and should stay away from children, who at any moment could wipe out a town at Olympic speed with a gun, BECAUSE they are weak minded Christians.

There is the pseudo professor with superstitious taboos (who has said identical things), there is the guy whose cement ball cap whose weight has dented his skull to the degree rationale has gone on holiday (who has agreed with identical things), there are the women who boast of their knowledge of how temporal lobes work, and how the Christian is programmed like an unthinking computer, there are spineless booksellers who promote man as gods, there are swarms of others who say men had gills, but got tired of the seven seas, there are they who are so mentally challenged that they find ALL Christians as people needing a crutch, truly, misery loves company.

What sane mind on earth would suggest with such audacity that ALL Christians are but ‘a bad idea away from mass murder?’

Dear reader and Christian friend, THIS is why it is important to blog about the vigilance necessary to combat that depraved learning aka atheism aka stupidity, because it is contagious, and because they who cannot think an original thought on their own, need the comraderie of their own kin to justify their perverted views. Perversion, yes, and I say that with great restraint, for the insidiousness is far worse, because it is cloaked as INTELLECT.

Will zande apologize for his ALL Christians comment? Will his brethren side with decency and order and say: ‘zande, you have gone waaaay too far this time.’  I doubt it. At least not in public, but many will agree with me, for it is hardly a matter that needs determined taking longer than three seconds flat.


(PS- my computer may blow up if I link this source, but feel free to take the risk and pass along to any interested knucklehead who may benefit)    😉

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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54 Responses to More fruit loops

  1. Sheesh! That’s stooopid with 3 O’s. I too grow weary of all the fear mongering and hyperbole,the attempts to portray Christians as unstable and prone to violence. That’s just all wrong headed and it isn’t true at all.

    This point will completely elude the Zande’s of the world, but prior to the election of this president I was growing a wee bit concerned. There’s just something about record breaking unemployment and a crashing economy,high taxes, high prices,and a rampant unaddressed opioid epidemic that will eventually break people. You want to make it even worse, refuse to hear their concerns,and just call people who are suffering “privileged or racist or deplorable.” Not smart at all.

    Zande seems to think we’re ALL well off, living in gated communities or something. A whole lot of us where actually looking at boarded up factories, people sleeping on sidewalks, and the ravages of addiction. Not pretty at all. Things are starting to look up now, you see some signs of life,something more akin to hope happening. Be quite lovely if the Zande’s of the world would nourish that, water it, but that’s asking an awful lot of an atheist who has no idea how to focus on, “whatever is lovely, whatever is pure,whatever is Holy…”

    Liked by 3 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Some awesome insight there, tks. You are right, sad thing is, there are far too many like that who must have had miserable childhoods, who only saw evil in everyone and everything. Too bad.

      You and I had our share of misfortunes, but we learned to cultivate, to see that beauty in ashes so to speak.

      The sea of despondency was never meant to be a permanent home. Just ask anyone touched by the Lord’s favor.

      Just once would I love to see a professional atheist to say of a believer: you know, you are right. I messed up…..

      ….. but noooo, it’s like pulling teeth or asking for blood. Blood, now there’s a good topic. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wally Fry says:

    Sigh. Blood IS a good topic BTW, but even that one gets twisted in a circle by stoopidity.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Arkenaten says:

    If you have a beef about JZ then post on his blog, not mine.


    • ColorStorm says:

      But ah Doug, you were in complete accord, on your site if I recall.

      Release the Kracken! And let the chips fall where they may.


      • Arkenaten says:

        Then you recall wrong. I don’t have any specific views about Trump as President or those that voted him in over and above he comes across as a Nob.
        So go post on John’s blog.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I sympathize with you. It must be extremely painful to face the reality that a believer is correct.

          In a moment of unvarnished honesty you must at all cost wash your hands of the matter, like Pilate, you can find no fault with my scorching points. Tks.


        • Arkenaten says:

          That phrase is spurious, and I am calling you out.
          Identity the post and the comment where I was in ”complete accord” with ”all Christians” with regard Trump and the firearm claim or apologise and retract.

          You demanded James recognise his blunder on his hunter post and I agreed with you ( James would not release my comment) and now you are doing exactly the same as he.
          Again, identify the post and the comment or have some integrity and retract.


        • ColorStorm says:

          As you can see, I do not fear lame accusations; surely you will find no complaint from the other little apostle.

          And no, I’m not doing your research.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Then you are nothing but a cowardly liar.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Hmmm. I am the one who does not say: ‘there is no God………………’ So it seems you have no understanding of what lying actually is.

          I suggest you contact the other false apostle and ask him where he posted that. It may surprise you, as well as the others who chimed in and agreed.


        • Arkenaten says:

          I found the post, and John’s comment.
          Where is my comment that says I agree with him?
          THAT I cannot find. Maybe you just felt like adding that to boost your frail ego?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Good gravy doug-
          Pay attention to what I said. You do get style points though for trying to soft soap atheism.

          I would too if I were you. Btw, was the Baptist’s ego frail? He said of himself he was not worthy to unlace another’s sandal.

          Seems to me then that a broken ego is a good thing. But thanks for recognizing the insane view of the other guy which by default make you agree with me.

          That must be excruciatingly painful.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You still refuse to address the point, which makes you a coward and a liar.
          It must make you squirm when you get called out for your hypocrisy.

          You were quite within your rights to call James out on his Hunter post but having it pointed out to you …. well.
          You dance while the ice cracks beneath you John.
          You need to apologise and then maybe ask the right question.
          Perhaps if you do this I might answer your charge ….
          Until then …. you are simply a liar.


        • ColorStorm says:

          It is the content of this blistering post and my consistent testimony in 1. adhering to scripture as the bedrock of right and wrong, and 2. Pointing out the absurdity of baseless claims directed at believers and enjoyed by the pit crew.

          This post demonstrates both. If you think I will rummage through the thousands of threads to make you happy , forget it, as in your heart you already know, you have said things far worse regarding Christians.

          People who read this and are familiar with me, most certainly know I tell the truth.


        • Arkenaten says:

          And now you start the Theological Two Step.
          Well … makes no difference.
          Eusebius was quite happy to lie, and you are very much cut from the same cloth.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Hey ark-

          Don’t u think u would’ve better served to continue this at your place, where your support group can help you?

          After all, it’s where it belongs yes? Maybe all offenders can offer a word to console you for a lifetime of hardships at the hands of Christians. 😂


        • Arkenaten says:

          Hey, CS,
          why you finally show some integrity and skip the hand-waving and just apologise for your initial statement?
          Is the word ”sorry” not part of your lexicon?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Because my ‘initial statement’ is entirely accurate.


        • Arkenaten says:

          No, it is not.
          And I reiterate:
          You can dance on a pin all you like.
          You are being disingenuous.


        • ColorStorm says:

          And you have entered into a conversation and IGNORED entirely the HEART of my point, and by so doing have proved my premise:

          You are defending Zande here, as you have consistently defended him there.

          Release the Kracken at your place; maybe your friends and kin will surprise you when they agree with me as to the absurd notions that were asserted and agreed upon by all they who liked Jz’s mind numbing stooped commentary, in the which you have consistently pitched your tent.


        • Arkenaten says:

          If you’re confident, then why don’t you go whine over on John Z’s blog?
          He will allow your comment un-moderated and you can pitch your little protest at him over there.
          Or are you that much of a coward?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Surely you must know
          Doug that comment was not made at his place, that’s why, but you knew that already. 😀

          But maybe you will have the courage to allow the convo at your place, guaranteed to be a crowd fav. Your ratings will pop


        • Arkenaten says:

          Again, your gripe and the subsequent post was directed at JZ.
          Be an adult and complain over at his blog.
          Maybe you will entice him to contribute to your post?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Well perhaps we are making progress, one atheist at a time. There is hope.

          You can’t straddle the fence Doug. You know his commentary is disgusting, but you like it anyway; it would be too much if u agreed with a Christian.

          As to your assertions about moderation etc, you are guilty of butchering my comments to create a false narrative while u have free reign here.

          So who is the hypocrite….


        • Arkenaten says:

          Of course I butcher your comments.
          You lie and therefore my editing simply makes for a bit of fun.

          What I know is you tell lies and have not the integrity to recognise the fact.
          Post on JZ’s blog and I give you my word I swill link your post.


        • ColorStorm says:

          5 sighs.

          If you would have allowed my reply to HIM in the first place, we would not be having this discussion, but nice work in trying to derail my spot on observations re the mindless world views of the apostles of doom, they of whom you enjoy dining with.

          But link yourself.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You aren’t helping your case, John. Not a bit, in fact.
          Apologize, post on JZs blog, and you’ll feel much better.
          Telling lies is not good for your blood pressure and it makes Jesus sad.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Any RATIONAL mind has already concluded who the imposter king is….

          But thanks for trying to defend the incoherence of atheism and the character assassination of law abiding believers.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Not defending anything of the sort.
          You just have to demonstrate you have an ounce of integrity.
          So far you haven’t shown even a few grams.


        • ColorStorm says:

          In the words of the ascending emotion let loose by the colorful John McInroe on center court:

          Integrity? InTEGrity? INTEGRITY??? YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!!!

          You are so far in the pit Doug you have dug for yourself that all sense of context is gone. Zande needs you but you are failing him; Christians are good people and this disturbs you all.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Christians are good people and this disturbs you all.

          Yes, many Christians are good people.
          Many are not . Consider………………………………

          (EDIT: How do you like playing a game in which you declare yourself as expert? How do YOU like having your commentary butchered so it is unrecognizable? Appears Ctom is much smarter than me in putting a fork in such nonsense.
          You have refused such commentary on your blog which addressed perfectly the insanity of atheistic opinion, yet post here with utmost liberty. You have as yet to agree that my observations were accurate, and that you also have been found out, not only today or last week, but in your agreement with others, and your insane views of believers, scripture, and God Himself. I suggest you further this discussion at your place. And btw, I never knew a lion who lied, as it is not natural, that is reserved for people. Hilarious.)

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Citizen Tom says:

    Well, I kicked John Zande off my blog because he would not stop posting comments that he had to know were not true.

    Unfortunately, Liberal Democrats politicians and the Liberal Democrat news media smear their opponents all the time. What they have done to Donald Trump is absurd, which is why a little less than half the population believes them. I suppose that means there is still hope. Pray.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wally Fry says:

    I see Ark has let his panties get twisted yet ignores the entire point here.

    Clearly he supports what John Z said

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      I’ve had better conversations with brick walls; at least the wall doesn’t argue against the cement holding itself together, and it makes more sense by keeping quiet. lol

      Atheism’s children have the market cornered on dunce caps.


    • Arkenaten says:

      I do?
      I most definitely support John’s right to make his point.
      Where did I write/say that I concurred with this particular comment?
      Perhaps you can find my response that Colorstorm continually alludes to?

      You commented on James’ thread about the Hunter/Preacher.
      Colorstorm was absolutely right to call James out on his word usage and I thought exactly what he did when I read the post.

      So, Wally, let’s see you exercise the same standard and show Colorstorm where his error is.

      (CS sez: I just luuuuuuv how people try to pit one believer against another. This post here CLEARLY demonstrates when read without bias, and carefully, that I am entirely correct in my assessments. The length that atheists go to prove otherwise is staggering and merely strengthens my argument that it is alleged that believers are mindless morons. To ask for further proof, when the commentator’s blog is riddled with proof, is mind boggling.)


      • Wally Fry says:

        Don’t be stupid because you are not. This is not that post or are you confused. You concur by your office silence and that is fact. Like John Zande you will say anything or tell any lie to assuage your own conscience


        • Arkenaten says:

          No, I most certainly am not stupid.
          And I am aware this is not that post.

          I am aware of John Zs’ comment, and my response stands.
          I do not lie. I am not a Christian and have no need to do so.

          Now, are you going to demonstrate the integrity I mentioned and and point out to Colorstorm his error. Yes or no?


        • ColorStorm says:

          ‘I do not lie. I am not a Christian.’

          And with this, it is adios for today. You lose every argument with believers who are stout in faith, logic, reason, and common sense.

          Please make a post and cry how you were mistreated. (I could cite hundreds of your quotes where you have said things far worse than zande, and also agreed, but I follow my own advice, and do not play link-pong)


        • Arkenaten says:

          Very true. I have no truck with you or your ilk.
          You included me in your slating of John Z and his Trump/gun quote.
          This point is what this entire comment thread is about.
          And for this you are lying.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Included you? Yessir. And the pseud-professor who on YOUR blog also accused good blogging Christians (ib22- remember?) of the most hideous crimes; and the note woman, and gill, etc etc, just as the POST says, so no, it is far more worse than you like to hide. And I am most truthful to your dismay.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Your post was about the comment John Z wrote.
          Nothing more nothing less.
          What you wrote concerning me regarding John’s comment I took issue with and called you out.
          I stand by this


        • ColorStorm says:

          Ae you deaf doug? Do you read half sentences? Maybe you are blind in one eye, in which case I apologize for your sloppiness.

          Need I refer you for the third time to this, written above:

          ‘There is the pseudo professor with superstitious taboos (who has said identical things), there is the guy whose cement ball cap whose weight has dented his skull to the degree rationale has gone on holiday (who has agreed with identical things), there are the women who boast of their knowledge of how temporal lobes work, and how the Christian is programmed like an unthinking computer, there are spineless booksellers who promote man as gods, there are swarms of others who say men had gills, but got tired of the seven seas, there are they who are so mentally challenged that they find ALL Christians as people needing a crutch, truly, misery loves company.’

          Got that? ‘Who has agreed with identical things.’ And yes, some of these things are far worse. I suggest you take a deep breath and read your own blog.

          People who read this thread, and have interacted with you, will applaud my patience and concur with me entirely.

          Zande, you, the false professor, knowitalls, are all cut from the same tattered rags. But then again, perhaps God’s word is finding its mark upon your conscience.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Do you struggle with reading comprehension, perhaps? I have never claimed ”all Christians” in the manner John mentioned in the comment featured in your post.
          I hope this is finally clear for you?


        • ColorStorm says:

          I am tired of you embarrassing yourself. As stated, you have agreed with far worse.

          Or do you need reminded of YOUR commentary regarding your cartoon and depraved vulgarity in ascribing worthlessness to believers and Christ Himself? Enough said.
          Case closed.


        • Arkenaten says:

          No, I am not denying any of this. All I am calling you out on is you stating I agreed with John regarding his Trump/gun comment.
          Nothing else.
          I have nothing to be embarrassed about.
          You on the other hand should be because you tell lies.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Your friends are rather smart to not rally to your aid. They no doubt recall you saying and agreeing with far worse.

          I could cite reams of your two-tongued gamesmanship, and your loathing of scripture and believers, and your perpetual jokes of the mental status of good people…….

          Of this there is no where to hide, and for you to deny your confederacy with Zande, is laughable.


        • Wally Fry says:

          I take it back. You are in fact brain dead. I am sorry for your loss.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Brain dead? And this from the man who believes the world is 6000 years old.
          Well, I’ll take brain dead in that case.
          And I notice you are unable to respond honestly to the question.


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