Just when you think you heard it all…….

So this dude named Sam Smith has attracted the attention of the media, and all of a sudden  he is relevant in the eyes of perversion and decadence. Why? Oh Romeo let me count thy ways.

“Sometimes I feel male, sometimes I feel female. I’m binary. I’m neither male or female.”

Uh hello Sammy boy? Knock knock, anybody home in that brain? So what, I’m supposed to call you Sirless? Ma’amless today? What about tomorrow? SamShe? SamHE? You expect the world all of a sudden to cater to your daily whims, and curl under your idiotic desires?

For once I would love to see my blog pals from across the world and say, ‘You know what jack the barbarian, you know what ColorStorm, I can’t stand what you usually write, but I have to agree with you on this. It is stupid, and you make a fair point about the vile heart of man.’

But nnnnooooooo, I will be railed at as if I am not even-tempered or fair. But this is where we end up as a society when EVERY MAN DOES WHAT IS RIGHT IN HIS OWN EYES. Lost as humans with not a drop of reality remaining. You may want to call a plumber pal, or worse yet, give the hospital a shout and ask who your mother delivered.  Surely there is a record of your birth sex if you are not sure.

So once more does God’s word win the day, describing our society perfectly, and revealing the Creator as millenia ahead of men’s dirty doings. But if that’s not enough, we could always call upon common sense.



About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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44 Responses to Just when you think you heard it all…….

  1. limey says:

    How does his gender identification affect you CS? Do you spend so long thinking of all the ways he can be (…… EDIT: prurient innuendos deleted) …….that start to foam and froth out of jealous rage?


    • ColorStorm says:

      If you were not so shortsighted, it indeed affects people. But Tkx for proving my point. I love atheistic evangelism-

      Perhaps you missed the point made regarding common sense.


      • limey says:

        Who does it affect, and how?


        • ColorStorm says:

          I really have to waste my time explaining it?

          It affects EVERYBODY- just as the media pretends to not promote.


        • limey says:

          How? Yes you do need to explain it.

          It doesn’t have any effect on me, his sexuality is of no consequence. I don’t spend my time fretting about it.


        • ColorStorm says:

          No fretting limey? Yeah, I agree. It’s far more serious than that, that we as a supposed ‘advanced and cough cough evolved society’ have sunk so low-

          -as to have NO problem seeing or having to deal with an adult going into the public bathroom of his choice because he is ‘feeling’ female one day….

          The examples of HOW and WHO this affects are endless. It’s disgusting. Period.

          This is the lions den remember? I’ll tear this ignorance apart and sleep like a baby.


        • limey says:

          Oh the fear you must have over bumping into him in a bathroom.

          Personally I’d be more bothered by meeting a priest in one.


        • ColorStorm says:

          The difference between someone with a standard- as opposed to one who has none/

          I am equally reviled- I call it as it is- not as I want. The topic of the day is Sammy Smith- not Cardinal Palooka.

          He doesn’t even try to hide the stupidity. But thank you for proving the atheistic mind is incapable of reason.


        • limey says:

          How’s this for reason. He’s never going to meet you. You have nothing to fear regarding his mind or his sexual activity.

          The only reason you have for raging against him is down to your unhealthy obsession with things that are none of your business.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Read the comment of the guests here. Don’t pretend to be deaf


        • limey says:

          Your sycophants aren’t worth my time.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Thank you. Your compliments are seen beneath your scorn.

          Many fine people here will readily agree, not because of me, but in spite of you.

          They will agree, not because I need support. They will agree, because I am correct.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          Who does it affect, and how? Romans 1:18-32 explains quite graphically.

          We have “educators” and a mass media lunatics preaching what is good is bad and what is bad is good. To protect our children and our more easily confused neighbors, we have no choice except to point to the foolish people spreading nonsense and say what they are doing to themselves self-destructive, that their example is insanely wrong.

          The LBGTQ****** movement is especially destructive to children. You say it is harmless? Then why can the creeps keep their infernal nonsense to themselves? Why do they have to drag it into the schools and push it on five-year olds?

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Awesome comment Tom. Tkx

          Hope Limes reads it and thinks about it.

          Liked by 1 person

        • limey says:

          Your fundamentalist Religion is destructive to children. Maybe you should seek to ban that too.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I know its difficult for you limes, but TRY to stay focused. This short post is not about boys and girls and their religious beliefs. It is not about a math professor who wants to abort Arithmetic so he could feel good when he robs the bank and counts his money.

          It is about the freakish nature of humans who want to claim themselves as an IT, neither male or female.

          As to your absolutely stupid comparison with children learning what is right and wrong per scripture, ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ or ‘honor thy parents,’ are completely innocent precepts if a child grows up and murders his family, or decides to be like an albino deer: a freak of nature.

          Not seeing the obvious harm to society of catering to fools such as IT Smith…….is well, if it needs explained to you, then the cause is hopeless, and why don’t you then teach your own kids the value of being neither male or female?

          Didn’t think so.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          Your fundamentalist Religion is destructive to children. Maybe you should seek to ban that too.

          I don’t spend much time trying to ban speech or what people want to write. I do think parents should be in charge of their children, not government. Relatively few parents would be foolish enough to “transgender” their children, which ought to be illegal. Politicians, on the other hand, cannot be trusted.

          The idea that a five year old should pick his or her gender and start taking hormones is absurd, but that is where the politicians are going with this LGBT**** nonsense.

          Liked by 1 person

        • limey says:

          Sam Smith isn’t a five year old.


        • ColorStorm says:

          You have just identified a person who would be insulted that you called him male today, after all , maybe Thursday’s are girl days.

          You just do not get it. Truly the atheistic brain refuses to reason.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          Sam Smith isn’t a five year old.

          No. He is just a bad example. No one has called for banning him. ColorStorm just said we should call his example a bad example.

          If we want to know our sex, we look between our legs. Does that always work? Nothing always works, but it is stupid to run around making what is a personal problem into everyone else’s problem.

          What are we suppose to do? Gender choice nonsense, a thing only imagined and best ignored.

          If there are supposely seventy different genders, are we suppose to multiply restrooms so public buildings have a restroom for every gender choice? To what end? Sam Smith has already admitted he cannot make up his mind. If he doesn’t know, why should anyone else care?

          Smith should try looking between his legs. If is a eunuch, that is just the way it is. Still, he is the only one who needs to know.

          Liked by 1 person

        • limey says:

          That’s exactly the sort of binary thinking that is the problem. Rather than telling others to look between their legs, you’d been better examining what’s between your ears.


        • ColorStorm says:

          You expect 100 million people to cater to the brain-dead whims of one person.

          Use your God given brain. Just once. Try real hard.

          What would you think if Joe the English teacher was male on Mondays- and was Josie on Tuesdays complete with skirt- yeah, no trauma to the kiddie students eh?

          Wake up limes.


        • limey says:

          Errrr, Christians expect 100 million people to cater to the brain-dead whims of one person.


        • ColorStorm says:

          For third time try to stay focused.

          A hyena wants the animals of the plains to accept his ‘desire’ to be a camel.

          You really need to take a reality examination. Your inability to reason is proven here by every comment of yours, and confirmed by every reply of ours.


        • limey says:

          And you are the inconsequential rabbit foolishly trying to tell all the other animals that the camel calmly grazing nearby is really a hyena.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I’ll allow others to calmly dismiss your insane take on reality, for if u can not see the complete stupidity of a sexless human…. based entirely on ‘a salad bar preference……’

          Truly the ATHEISTIC brain is corrupt. This is a fact when you reject common sense.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          You cannot count to three. Male. Female. Eunuch.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          True Tom- you know, this is hardly even a religiously issue-

          It’s simple humanity

          Liked by 1 person

        • Citizen Tom says:


          “It’s simple humanity.” Yep!

          They try to make it all about religious fundamentalism and paint religious fundamentalism as bigoted intolerance, but they avoid discussing the issues. The engage in name calling instead.

          The behavior and the demands of the LBGTQ***** are wholly illogical.
          1. Sex is not love. Sex is using another person for the sake of our personal pleasure. Using people — fornication — messes them up emotionally, spreads disease, and results in abortions or births out of wedlock. None of that deserve the approbation of society.
          2. Same-sex “marriage” is not marriage. Just saying it is does not make it so. Same-sex “marriage” remains a sick fantasy no matter what judges say. Men and women in black robes are not gods, but they can be fools.
          3. Objective reality says we have two sexes, men and women. Anyone who is not one or the other is effectively a eunuch. The LGBTQ***** crowd wants us to accept a social construct, “gender”, as more significant than biological sex. If a five year old says he is a girl, we are suppose to believe what he says instead of observing what is between his legs.

          Those promoting LGBTQ**** “rights” are promoting an evil agenda, evil because what they want causes serious harm, especially to children. Children cannot protect themselves.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Reality you say? Hmm, Limey says what business is ours regarding ‘gender identification?’

          We only need ask WHAT gender is he speaking of when Smitty here wants neither male nor female?

          Talk about a few wires loose upstairs.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Remember that old Peter Paul Mounds and Almond Joy commercial? “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t. Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don’t….” Does he have nuts? Then he isn’t Almond Joy, he’s HE. Tough.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Good post, Colorstorm.

    If I may just address the peanut gallery, “It doesn’t have any effect on me, his sexuality is of no consequence.”

    Well, as small boy Sam was relentlessly bullied and abused, eventually had liposuction at age 12, and somewhere inside is still a wounded and broken little boy who was not allowed to grow into the fullness of joy he was designed to be. Everytime we say things like “his sexuality is of no consequence,” we are saying we don’t care about the evil that was done to him, that the abuse he suffered is of no consequence, and that his scars are now simply his very identity. In order to walk in a way that is pleasing to our self absorbed political correctness, he must now bully and reject that wounded boy within, deny what is good and true about himself, and deny the reality of his own pain and suffering.

    That is actually a very cruel thing to do to someone and I do care.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. I think to even find such a story in “the news” is absolutely idiotic— why is a persons confusion news???

    Liked by 4 people

  5. sue says:

    Dear Limey, any thug can put on a dress, and follow a girl into the women’s rest-room, bash her head against the wall and make off with her pocketbook. That’s how these gender games affect me. i am no match for even a 5 foot, 120 pound scrapper. Ya know, men are strong, women aren’t.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This whole movement is astounding. God created us male and female. That is it. It is, however, dangerous. I have some internet female friends who were sexually assaulted by these scum. It is sickening.

    Thanks for speaking the truth.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Tricia says:

    Well I have to say I agree with you on most things CS and most certainly do here as well. A little common sense never gets old, keep it up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      I’m not sure why anyone would disagree with this short analysis T.

      A person would have to be extremely selfish and half blind to go against the time tested male/female man/woman manner of living.

      As to other disagreements, I hope you remember 30 years from now, when you change your mind, how nice I was to you while you were pondering clutch like assumptions. 😉 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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