The Captains compass

There is nothing like the intricate workings of a nautical compass. It is a fine piece of machinery, tooled to precision, and the brass speaks of  endurance, reliability, and credibility.  The compass reveals truth, as it reinforces that which is.  Unfortunately, the nature of truth has many opponents.

A man who  cant spell ‘cat’ if you spotted him the ‘a,’ could be a wonderful singer, but would no doubt be a poor candidate for editor of a newspaper.

A man who thinks it irrelevant that a level be used in the construction of a building could be a fine bus driver, but not a good carpenter.

A man who sees no difference between east and west may be a fine cook, but would make a lousy captain on the high seas.

There are built-in disadvantages when the cat speller enters the bee. He is asked to spell ‘right,’ as opposed to ‘left,’ and gets angry when his rendition of ‘write’ gets him booted from the next round. He interpreted the information incorrectly, then blamed the judges.

The bus driver is far above his pay grade when he tries to teach the carpenter how to miter crown moulding, and the master sous chef sounds like an idiot when he tells the captain not to rely on the compass.

The speller had good intentions but was wrong. The driver was arrogant. The chef was simply foolish.  Now carry this thought to the appreciation, interpreting, and understanding of scripture.

The Captain who charted the pages of scripture has included aye the compass, so men and women are without excuse. There is no excuse to be lost, as it always points to truth. He has given the ability to spell ‘cat’ correctly, and he has given eyes to see the grand architecture of the Monarch of books.

Who dares to find fault with the Captain? Why all on board of course. Mutiny. The closet scholar who can’t spell cat, the bus driver who can’t pound a nail, and the cook who doesn’t know where the sun rises, all guilty of dereliction of duty.

They have formed an alliance, a confederacy of evil as it were, and why? Because they have questioned the character of the Captain, and they do not like the direction he is taking the ship. They are challenging his compass. They have  gathered together to find fault with the master cartographer, who is also expert in words, construction, and navigation. He is equally quite the food-smith for providing nourishment for the mates on their journey.

While there is plotting against him, the Captain bestows mercy and grace upon the miscreants. He is aware of all the intentional misspelled words which lead to faulty interpretations; He is aware of the scaffold being built that calls for his hanging; and He is equally aware of the most egregious acts of all: He is accused of having a faulty word.

An unbeliever pretends to be a master at interpreting scripture, while he is simply using a level that is broken. He is using a compass that points in the wrong direction.  And his charge? That the word of God is defective. Yes, putting God on trial for mans petty defects of misunderstanding and misinterpretation, then pronouncing  God guilty!

Man is casting aspersion on the God of heaven, daring to challenge Him by saying His word has errors or contradictions.  They accuse God of having a broken compass while they fabricate their own which points to the opposite direction: Themselves.

A man said that understanding God’s word is no different from understanding any book or magazine. Such a statement proves the absolute inability to compare spiritual with spiritual.

The word of God CANNOT be understood apart from the spirit of God, as this is God’s built-in fail safe. A proud heart and a haughty mind cannot see God’s perfect ways.

A person said the gospel of John is unreliable because the transfiguration of Christ is not recorded there.  Weigh this against all of scripture, and you can see this statement originating from the father of lies.  This omission is cited as a ‘contradiction.’

The ‘omission’ is inspiration. There are thousands of accusations like this, but when examined fully, and all evidence is brought into play, the light of day is shown, and once more proves that all men are liars.  God’s compass has no defect, as God has no defect. In Him is nothing but Lights and Perfections.

A man says Christ broke the law, by not allowing the woman to be stoned to death! (Strike these words from these pages)  He had no DESIRE to stone her.

Once more we see the unbeliever, who has no understanding of God and His ways, finding fault with the son of God who justifies freely, on the strength of His own intrinsic eternal perfection.

Indeed the law was given through Moses, BUT, BUT, BUT, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. They who desire to stone a sinner to death have NO understanding of the grace of God, which simply magnifies their own dark heart. The broken compass of the religious elders pointed to Themselves.

The law magnifies sin, and was given that the offence might abound, which it did. Christ Himself by virtue of who he is, stopped the abounding. (where sin abounds, grace much more abounds) He put in place the new covenant which did away with the wrath of the law.

To those of you who say Christ was just a sage, Who else was responsible for bringing Grace and Truth? He brought it, and it has been, and still is, here to stay.

The internet has actually made some people more thoughtless while having more information. The speed and the amount of information at your finger tips has created  a generation of people ‘sick on knowledge,’ who actually choke because of indigestion. The ‘cud’ is not chewed as it were. thus God’s word is dismissed.

Proof? When God asked  Adam: ‘Where are you?’ the answer involves the entire word of God, so when a person dismisses this question in 3 seconds flat, this is a pretty good indication that there is no real interest in knowing the answer. When Pontius Pilate asked the Lord: ‘What is truth?’ the deafening silence connects the entire warp and woof of scripture, but like Pilate, most will wash their hands of the answer.

Resulting in? The singer, bus driver, and the cook, all with agendas to disrupt, malign, and accuse God of errors in His word and in Himself, stating His compass is faulty, and creating their own compass made of warped wood which always points in the wrong direction: Themselves.  

And the Captain? He patiently endures the mutiny. What is His reaction with the mutants as they plot to throw him overboard?  He offers them grace. He is not like those men.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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77 Responses to The Captains compass

  1. Wally Fry says:

    The Captain never makes those three walk the plank so to speak does He? He just watches while they toss themselves into the deep…and all the time would pull them back in..if they just asked. Nice Brother, nice.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Yea remember the charge leveled during the time of Noah: ‘how could God allow innocent people to die?’

      Meanwhile, for 120 years he pleaded with them, just like your planksters, who up until the very end were offered grace…..until God shut the door.

      I’m afraid He is far more patient today, which means, the evil has only increased. But hey, that’s what He said already.

      Tkx W

      Liked by 2 people

  2. tellthetruth1 says:

    There are still those who say what you’ve written. That the Bible was written by mere men. Well, how come people are still being saved? would be my next question to them, if they’d listen. But of course, they wouldn’t understand, not having the Spirit. 😦

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:


      Mere men? Yes, and therein lies the genius.

      If it was a book ‘dropped’ out of the sky, the excuses would be eternal. There is a self proving (as you know) in the scriptures, knowledge will increase ie, mark of the beast, wars, rumors or wars, men loving themselves.

      The very opposite of portrayals if men were in charge apart from God,as it would be a picture that flatters man you can be sure.

      ‘All scripture is given by INSPIRATION from God…………. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  3. archaeopteryx1 says:

    The compass reveals truth” – Actually, a compass reveals nothing more than the strongest source of magnetism – as an expert in electromagnetism, you’d make a good bus driver.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Tkx archx1-

      Once more your unbelief both praises God and incriminates yourself

      ——————For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north————

      It is God Who created and controls all ‘sides’ of everything, including the direction of the compass.

      Thanks again, really, thank you. This should put a restraining order on all your vapid comments


  4. Immediately after reading your excellent post I read this quote by John Piper: “In verse 66 the psalmist prays that God would give him good discernment because he trusts in God’s commandments. That means God does not bless with discernment a negative attitude toward his word. If we trust that his words are the best counsel in the world, he will give us discernment when we ask.” Piper’s topic is, “How God Teaches the Deep Things of His Word” and he is focused on a group of verses from Psalm 119.
    The step of faith means we trust our Captain completely and absolutely; in storms, in calm, in the battle, in abundance and in want. He is completely trustworthy, He knows the ship, the seas, the skies, He has traveled the route before and can see what we cannot. He knows we are mere sailors, some with little experience, knowledge or courage yet He loves, guides and protects us.
    Thanks for writing, glad to be aboard…

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      Well Betts,

      You have won the ‘comment of the week award.’ Yea I know, its early, but your narrative of ‘trust in the Captain completely and absolutely….’ will be hard to top.

      Excellent words of truth, power, wonder, and grace.

      Aboard ? Awesome


  5. When Jesus saved that woman from getting stoned for adultery, by asking who was worthy to cast the first stone, I think Jesus already knew there was a lot of extra curricular humpin’ and a thumpin’ going on among the men of the community.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Not sure, maybe even they THOUGHT of such a thing, which would be equally incriminating, but its possible that the very smallest of their indiscretions,

      which they thought was small, was shown in their hearts, as being gigantic and repulsive.

      But yep, they crept away with heads low.

      tkx som


    • Arkenaten says:

      This is generally not considered authentic, SOM.
      Unfortunately Another problem for those who like to say the bible is ”god – breathed”.


      • Ark,

        The interpretation I gave of the adulterous woman is exactly authentic.

        I’m not you. I don’t make stuff up just to suit myself.

        The moral of the story is that if all the men were screwing around just like the woman, they had no call to stone her.

        Those men were doing what atheists do all the time: set standards for others that they themselves can’t and won’t set for themselves.

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:


          And if I can offer a half pence to keep in spirit with the post, the Captain’s compass pointed at they who accused; and herein lies the beauty of law versus grace.

          The law works wrath.
          the elders condemned

          Justified freely…
          the woman is forgiven

          (sorry for jumpin in)

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Well,pretty much every biblical scholar on the planet considers it is an interpolation, even your esteemed catholic buddies ( which is a surprise that you are unaware) so I’ll hang my hat with this crowd, thank you very much and join the chorus – ”Fraud”.


        • Ark,

          “Hanging your hat with the crowd,” is you expressing the herd mentality so typical of atheists.

          I mean, your urge to herd is powerful that you’ll even herd with a bunch of Catholics.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You will accept the scholarly consensus regarding the historicity of Yeshua ben Josef so why are you rejecting similar scholarly consensus on this pericope largely consisting of the same scholars I shouldn’t be suirprised.

          As for Herding …no sir. I simply evaluate the evidence and where I am unable to do original research , as I suspect you are unable as well – I bow to the experts.
          The difference being: I have no emotional investment.

          This is simply one example of a great many that demonstrate the shakey nature of the New Testament and the erroneous foundation it is built upon.
          Me, I ‘ll end up shrugging my shoulders and walking away.
          Your entire worldview is wrapped up in this nonsense so I imagine you will do pretty much anything not to have to face the truth/facts.
          And that has got to hurt.


        • Ark,

          As usual you are just making stuff up.

          The so-called consensus you feel so herdful toward is really a figment of your imagination.

          Liked by 1 person

        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          Are you still commenting from prison, SOM?


      • ColorStorm says:

        Just wondering ark if you actually read the post here.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Skimmed it. Not that much to hold my interest, sorry and all that. Nothing personal.
          But as is often the case, comments are more interesting – and revealing.
          As in SOM’s ignorance ( and subsequent defense of ) quoting the John passage.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sorry ark-

          By virtue of your own admitted negligence and apparent agenda by not reading this post,

          you have no right to ask for ‘links,’ which you know will simply serve as fuel for your baseless argument, as you ask for ‘proof’ regarding the scriptures in which you think the scriptures are absurd.

          Your demands are rejected.


        • Arkenaten says:

          So reading the post will ensure SOM …or you will provide said links, yes?

          If this is the case , and you trust me, then sure, I shall read the post. (or you can quiz me if you like. Can’t be fairer than that, right?
          Will you provide the links, before or after?
          Yes or No?


        • ColorStorm says:

          ark you just don’t get it do you,

          I suggest you wait until my next post arrives in the mail, it addresses some of your concerns.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Ah … so you are not a man of integrity after all.

          Hold me up for scrutiny yet defend someone such as SOM who tells lies.
          Fair enough.
          You wouldn’t know honesty if it bit you the arse.


        • Arkenaten says:

          I saw Law and Moses and Jesus and pretty much switched off after this as you are referencing a fictitious character and what is to be gained from that, in context.


    • Arkenaten says:


      The so-called consensus you feel so herdful toward is really a figment of your imagination.

      Really? Okay, no probs. I stand under correction, if this is so.
      My research says otherwise, but you are the Christian, so maybe my research was biased?
      Got a link for me to read so’s we can clear this up?


      • Ark,

        Your research has led you to preposterous beliefs like, “Hitler was a Christian, therefore Martin Luther is the Mother of the Jewish Genocide because all those Catholics disguised as Jews in the year 0 forced Pontius Pilot to crucify Jesus.”

        Or how about, “God of the Old Testament eradicated evil, but he didn’t do it Ark’s way (hold a teach-in with Secretary of State John Kerry while James Taylor sings, “You’ve Got a Friend”), therefore God is a genocidal maniac.”

        Excuse me, Ark. I hear, “The Twilight Zone,” theme song blaring in the living room so I’m going to go turn it down.


  6. Interesting, Colorstorm. When I was a little girl, we sailed from Hawaii to Alaska. We had a compass, but there was a tool box hidden under it. The iron pulled on the compass just enough to send us off course and way out in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes I think people are like that. We have so much iron in our head, it never occurs to us that we might be reading the compass wrong.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      This was a small craft? who was in charge of the ‘heading?’ Tell us more.

      Iron in the head?’ Too much. Sorry, already used up the ‘comment of the day award,’ but this is real good 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      • LOL, that boat was 52 ft. We had charts, a sexton, a compass, and my step dad was a really good navigator, so he couldn’t figure out what the problem was. We all made sure the compass stayed right on course, but when we started seeing arctic birds and ice bergs, we knew something was wrong. The compass was off by several degrees. Needless to say, it wasn’t the compasses fault. Nor the Captain’s. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Great report- tkx

          You got a story there I’m tellin ya. 😉 Looks like the makings of a fine blog tale,

          Yea, there is that whole trust issue: believing in that which is unseen…………….sounds like faith eh.

          No. Impossible. Who sets out on faith, trusting the unseen? We know faith is for the intellectually challenged, yea sure.

          Our direction is steady because His compass is perfect.
          tkx again for the wonderful color.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          Needless to say, it wasn’t the compasses fault. Nor the Captain’s.” – You’re right, it wasn’t – it was as I said (and CS scoffed at), the needle didn’t point “true,” as CS suggested, but to the strongest point of attraction, which he would have known, had he ever read anything besides the Bible.


        • The compass always points true. As you said earlier, “a compass reveals nothing more than the strongest source of magnetism.” The strongest source of magnetism is not always true North, sometimes it is a rather useless box of iron sitting between our ears. True North has not moved, the compass has not failed, we have simply failed to perceive and interpret reality properly.

          Liked by 2 people

        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          True North has not moved, the compass has not failed, we have simply failed to perceive and interpret reality properly.” – Learn science, IB, true north continually moves, imperceptibly perhaps, but it moves.


        • ColorStorm says:

          From this post:

          ‘They have formed an alliance, a confederacy of evil as it were, and why?

          Because they have questioned the character of the Captain, and they do not like the direction he is taking the ship. They are challenging his compass.

          They have gathered together to find fault with the master cartographer, who is also expert in words, construction, and navigation’

          ‘While there is plotting against him, the Captain bestows mercy and grace upon the miscreants.’

          Is there no end to your shame arch?.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          Is there no end to your shame arch?” – See what I mean? No facts, just platitudes.


        • The movement of true North is completely irrelevant to the point I made.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          True North has not moved” – “The movement of true North is completely irrelevant to the point I made

          Does that REALLY make sense to you IB? Are you saying you were trying to make your point using faulty (“True North has not moved“) information? What kind of point would that be? A faulty one!


        • Are you attempting to project your own silliness onto me or are you just incapable of understanding simple concepts? During the amount of time that we were off course, true North did not move enough to in any way influence the navigation. Obviously, neither the faultiness of the compass or the location of true North had anything at all to do with us going off course. Nope, it was human error misinterpreting the evidence and the perceived facts.

          Therefore, your lectures about true North and science are completely irrelevant.
          If my step father had been pig headed, he may well have ignored the ice bergs and arctic seabirds floating by and just stubbornly declared, nope, I know science, navigation, and true North and anybody who says differantly is a complete moron. In which case, we would probably all be dead, but hey, score one for science!

          Liked by 2 people

        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          You made the statement that True North doesn’t move – it does.

          …it was human error misinterpreting the evidence and the perceived facts. – I don’t see that, I see that metal attracted the magnetized needle, as it was a stronger magnetic force than “True North” – human error had nothing to do with it. The error lies in ColorStorm’s assertion that compasses are always true.

          And while we’re on the subject of absurd assertions, CS said, in his opening statement, “the brass speaks of endurance, reliability, and credibility.” How does brass speak of credibility? Does that even make sense? “It’s brass, so I believe it! If it were iron, or gold, or platinum, it could be lying – but it’s BRASS!”


        • Fascinating. So not only are you unwilling to recognize human sin, you also draw the line at recognizing human error.

          As to Colorstorm’s description of brass, I have a brass chandelier, thing must weigh 50 pounds. Every time I get up on a chair and decide to whack my head on the thing, I become keenly aware of it’s “endurance, reliability, and credibility.”

          Liked by 1 person

        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          And if your chandelier were made of any other metal, it wouldn’t be as credible?

          No, I do not acknowledge “sin” – sin is a religious concept, I acknowledge no religions.


        • “And if your chandelier were made of any other metal, it wouldn’t be as credible?”

          It would not. The credibility of pewter, tin, or aluminum, is simply not comparable to the credibility of brass.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I’m sorry I just had to tell ya,

          this is becoming INcredible 😉

          I’m out of duct tape….

          Liked by 2 people

        • ColorStorm says:

          ‘I turned….and being turned I saw….and his feet were like unto fine BRASS, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.’

          I’m liking the credibility of this brass arch- Give it a rest arch, even your friends in the bleachers must be weary of your pettiness…


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          I turned….and being turned I saw….and his feet were like unto fine BRASS, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.” – I didn’t know they HAD LSD in those days —


      • David says:

        “True North has not moved, the compass has not failed, we have simply failed to perceive and interpret reality properly.”

        If the purpose of the compass is to point to True North, and if the compass does not point to True North, then the compass has failed.

        But then again, I have trouble keeping track of whether on not the compass in question is supposed to be a literal compass or just a metaphor.


      • David says:

        The strongest source of magnetism is not always true North,

        Apologies for being too literal here, but if by True North you mean 90 degrees North, then the compass never points to True North. Instead it points to the current location of the magnetic north pole, a location that changes constantly over time. Again, I’m not sure that a compass makes a good analogy or metaphor here.


    • Wally Fry says:

      How do you think this stuff up IB? I am gonna go to Wal Mart and buy me an imagination.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. David says:

    “The compass reveals truth.”

    What is the physical truth that a compass reveals? What does an actual compass do?

    “He had no DESIRE to stone her.”

    Then why approve of stoning for over a thousand years? That’s a looong time to do something you have no desire to you, especially when you have absolute power. Very strange.


    • ColorStorm says:


      Who said the compass reveals physical truth? Did you read the post and comments? Did you read the part about God and the sides of the north? Did you read about questioning the Captain’s compass?

      As to your stoning, your perpetual questioning is now an insult to Eliza’s clear answer, and you merely repeat the stale mantra of not getting an answer you want.

      You will never be satisfied until you are satisfied with the Lord. You ask the wrong questions.


      • David says:

        “Who said the compass reveals physical truth? ”

        But you said “the (physical nautical) compass reveals truth, as it reinforces that which is.” So, I think that you said that a physical compass reveals physical truth. All I’m asking is…what is that truth?

        “As to your stoning, your perpetual questioning is now an insult to Eliza’s clear answer, and you merely repeat the stale mantra of not getting an answer you want.”

        As to my stoning? Freudian slip?

        I’m not responding to Eliza’s answer here. I’m responding to your statement “he had no DESIRE to stone her.” The data would suggest that your statement is inaccurate. This is not a stale mantra, it’s just what the data suggest. It appears that you are wrong.


        • ColorStorm says:


          You work way to hard fighting the obvious. You know that a compass reveals truth as to WHERE a man is going, as in, a Captain wanting to go from one country to another, or island.

          The truth is HOW he gets there, ie, the RIGHT way. So yeah, reaching a destination is physical. But I thought that was obvious and hardly needed explained.

          Desire? Yea, you will have to answer that yourself. It may help you to actually think about it.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          You know that a compass reveals truth as to WHERE a man is going” – Do you mean like IB’s compass revealed the truth as to WHERE she and her family were going?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Maybe you should read her reply again; the compass and the Captain were perfect.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          Maybe you should read her reply again; the compass and the Captain were perfect.

          “The compass was off by several degrees.”
          — IB —


        • ColorStorm says:

          I hope ib22 responds to you.

          Can you see anything except through the eyes of darkness?


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          My life is full of light, it simply isn’t the artificial light you live by.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sure arch,

          Your vision was just as good as the religious men who wanted to stone the sinning woman, and THEY walked away condemned.

          Its a good thing to be arrested by the Lord. Being behind bars with good eyesight is a good thing.

          Once more your ignorance and arrogance shines through.


      • David says:

        “You know that a compass reveals truth as to WHERE a man is going, as in, a Captain wanting to go from one country to another, or island.”

        You are aware that compasses can be in error for any number of reasons, right? And you know that magnetic north moves around, right? These devices do not provide absolute truths. So, maybe this isn’t the best analogy. That’s all I’m saying.

        “Desire? Yea, you will have to answer that yourself. It may help you to actually think about it.”

        Yea, well if I didn’t desire something, and I had absolute power, I don’t think that I’d do that thing I didn’t desire for a thousand years. That would make me look stupid or self-abusive, don’t you think?


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          You are aware that compasses can be in error for any number of reasons, right? And you know that magnetic north moves around, right?” – No, he has no awareness of either of those things, they’re not in the Bible.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Some people walk about seeking who they may devour…….

          You find darkness in every corner arch


      • archaeopteryx1 says:

        Sadly, he is right, David – Eliza is so heavily indoctrinated, that although she knows her Bible, she knows absolutely nothing about who wrote it, when, or why. She will die one day, expecting a resurrection that will never happen.


    • thetruthisstrangerthanfiction says:

      “Then why approve of stoning for over a thousand years? That’s a looong time to do something you have no desire to you, especially when you have absolute power. Very strange.”

      (I suppose it has something to do with a thousand years still being relatively short when compared to eternity……)

      Liked by 1 person

      • ColorStorm says:

        Cool truth-str-fic

        I was just visiting your comment over ib-

        thousand years is one day…..

        well played and true

        Liked by 1 person

        • thetruthisstrangerthanfiction says:

          Well, I admit it’s not an altogether illegitimate question, (that is, if you’re actually interested in hearing an answer, instead of just asking as a means of attack…) as to why God would’ve required such strict punishments in the Torah before Christ came. It’s a valid inquiry, but not a valid “inconsistency”, since it ultimately serves to explain the severity and seriousness of sin, which of course, is all-too-often not an answer than many people are interested in accepting….


      • David says:

        (I suppose it has something to do with a thousand years still being relatively short when compared to eternity……)

        Understood, but why approve of it at all if you “have no desire” at all? I would add that a thousand years is a very, very long time for humans, and it’s the humans who are living under a regime in which they get their heads bashed in. That’s roughly 50 generations of humans who live under a system of head bashing establish by someone who had no desire to head bash. Still seems strange to me.


        • thetruthisstrangerthanfiction says:

          Understood, but why approve of it at all if you “have no desire” at all?

          Well, the NT tells us that it was simply to communicate the equation of “sin=death”, which amazingly enough, even a thousand or so years of repeated practice didn’t appear to be long enough of a time to get that message across to Israel, who STILL managed to constantly veer off and go chasing after idols, having orgies under the “groves”, sacrificing their children in the fire to Molech, etc., etc….

          It wasn’t as though they lived in a “regime” where anyone might wake up and find their head being bashed in at any given moment, at the whim of the king… (as many totalitarian governments can be) It wasn’t like a ploy to trick people into deserving death, it was showing that we ALL deserve death. And it is death itself which is the true “punishment”, since the method of death hardly compares to the prospect of spending eternity in agony, apart from God, and Light, and Love…

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:


          Just some color

          The intent of the law was to magnify sin; it worked wrath. Why? Because it exposed the heart completely.

          The 613 cumbersome commands given to a nation, that proved ALL men as lawbreakers. The law was NOT made for a righteous man.

          If a man loved his neighbor as himself, he would not need to be reminded not to steal his cow.

          Loving God with all his heart soul mind and strength? Yeah, like somebody has done that. Oh wait, there was ONE who did.

          Soooo, David, you ask the wrong questions, Why concern yourself with stoning, when the greater egregiousness is blaspheming God..

          If you loved God like your neighbor, it would be a no brainer, and a non issue.

          In this sense the law is holy, just and good, because it did what it is supposed to do: glorify God and indict and protect man.

          Enter Christ. He loved God, and loved man perfectly, so He can do as he pleases, and what pleases Him is to justify freely.

          (He would have you see the arrow of conviction of the compass pointing directly at you, the same way the religious elders were convicted one by one)


      • David says:

        “It’s a valid inquiry, but not a valid “inconsistency”, since it ultimately serves to explain the severity and seriousness of sin, which of course, is all-too-often not an answer than many people are interested in accepting.”

        But if you’re an omnipotent god, then there are an infinite number of ways to “explain the severity and seriousness of sin” without bashing in heads. After all, after Jesus comes along, the head bashing ends, right? So, we had and have alternatives, right?

        So, maybe the head bashing really wasn’t necessary in the first place, especially if there really was “no desire for this.” Maybe it really wasn’t necessary to cause extreme pain and suffering by repeatedly hitting them in the head with rocks until their brains ooze out through their shattered skulls. For having sex with the wrong person.

        Or maybe this is just a human-invented punishment. Now, that would make sense.


      • David says:

        “Well, the NT tells us that it was simply to communicate the equation of “sin=death”, which amazingly enough, even a thousand or so years of repeated practice didn’t appear to be long enough of a time to get that message across to Israel.”

        Well, now it really doesn’t make sense. Jesus has no desire to do this AND it doesn’t work. And Jesus knows ahead of time that it won’t work. So, what’s the point?

        “It was showing that we ALL deserve death.”

        Ah, yes. No matter the sin, we all deserve eternal torture. Thank you. You’ve made life truly pointless and horrifying.


        • thetruthisstrangerthanfiction says:

          ” And Jesus knows ahead of time that it won’t work. So, what’s the point?”

          You are circling around a very profound truth here, much more than you realize….

          This same question could be asked of the entire “endeavor” of creating Israel, the monarchy, the temple, the sacrifices, the festivals, everything….

          You’re right. “It doesn’t work”. And that is the point.

          A point which, as the last sentence of your comment seems to show, is not one you are very receptive to. Without Christ, without His death and resurrection, then yes, life WOULD be pointless and horrifying. That logical conclusion is the same reason that people who rejected Christ’s message in His own day found Him offensive as well.

          It’s a pretty “all or nothing” deal, isn’t it..? At least you aren’t attempting to gloss over the severity of what’s at stake, as so many do…

          Liked by 1 person

      • David says:

        You’re right. “It doesn’t work”. And that is the point.”

        So, God established a system that “doesn’t work”, a system that God knew ahead of time wouldn’t work? That surprises me.

        “It’s a pretty “all or nothing” deal, isn’t it..? At least you aren’t attempting to gloss over the severity of what’s at stake, as so many do…”

        Right, and thus, life is pointless and horrifying.

        If one never existed, and if Christ never existed, then the probability of eternal torture would be exactly zero. If one exists, and if Christ exists, then the probability of eternal torture is zero plus X, that’s is, it is not zero.

        Given how amazingly, indescribably horrible eternal torture would be, any of eternal torture greater than zero is too high. The conclusion must be that it would be far, far, far better to never exist then to exist. Certainly, if you are correct, then I would far, far, far have preferred to have never existed.


        • thetruthisstrangerthanfiction says:

          I must say, I understand what you are getting at, and it’s something I would admit to having wondered about myself, many times. But you are making a lot of assumptions. Not about the horrific nature of eternal torture, on that note we are most agreed, but in terms of whether or not God really knew what He was doing, “setting it all in motion”, creating a type of being who was even capable of moral choice, of falling, of being redeemed…

          Many people point to the doctrine of hell as being the prickly pear in accepting the message of the Bible, I would say that hell is just a part of the philosophical gap that ultimately we as humans cannot fully grasp this side of eternity. I have wondered just as much, if not more, why God would create the moral being with free will, create the forbidden tree, and then allow the fallen one to waltz right into the garden, and deceive mankind, knowing ALL the misery that would ensue throughout history as a result. To me, that’s where the whole “paradox of God knowing it would fail” begins, and where it either comes down to simply believing that despite it all, somehow, God knew it was still worth it, for Him, and for us, because after all, even from the beginning, He was looking ahead to that cross….

          I don’t believe eternal torture is a given for anyone. It wasn’t even created for us, it was created for satan and his demons. He was the first one to question God’s intentions, question his justice, question everything… and so it remains today, we can choose to follow Satan in questioning God’s love and goodness, or put faith in the Gospel that says God has always known what He was doing, and has weaved it ALL together to work for the good of those who love Him….

          He loves you, and doesn’t want to lose you. He took the “stoning” for the woman, for me, and for you.

          Liked by 2 people

      • David says:

        “Why concern yourself with stoning, when the greater egregiousness is blaspheming God.”

        Umm, because it suggests that the there’s a problem with the Bible, and thus your concerns about a “greater egregiousness” are moot.


      • David says:

        “I don’t believe eternal torture is a given for anyone.”

        I take that you are not a Calvinist. Well, that’s one positive thing.

        I understand that you’ve had thoughts that are similar to mine, but I guess that we’ve just come to different conclusions. Anyway, I appreciate your comments.

        Liked by 1 person

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