With apologies to Dopey

Ok, you have heard, the emerald isle by popular vote has approved gay ‘marriage.’  I’m thinking the folks have made themselves sick eating too many ‘lucky charms.’ Yep, the leprechaun worked his magic, one where people can finally embrace the new dawn and the rising of  the young and the restless.

Image result for nuts and bolts

“With today’s vote, we have disclosed who we are: a generous, compassionate, bold and joyful people,” Prime Minister Enda Kenny proclaimed.

Excuse me? So the 750, ooo Irish who voted against the confederacy of a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, cannot possibly be ‘generous, compassionate, and bold?’

Kenny’s twin voice of ‘reasoning’  deputy prime minister Joan Burton, heralded such an outcome and said  the victory is a ‘magical moving moment, when the world’s beating heart is in Ireland.”

So here it is in all its colorless glory: Same sex marriage is Disneyesque, where magic and enchantment are paraded just like Snow White and her short friends. Poof! The ability to alter words and the agreement by the masses to celebrate the changing of a time-tested institution, in what was once unbelievable, is now believable and according to Ireland, has officially been made credible.

Same sex marriage is ‘magical,’ and this illusion is fueled by emotion and certainly not reasoning. What person runs to the dictionary to cut out the meaning of a tried and true word and replace it with something that cannot be? I’ll tell ya, somebody with a colorful hat and a wizards wand; for the sole purpose to justify a ‘lifestyle,’ then cloak it as freedom or rights. Newsflash: Do what you want, as a man or woman certainly may, but call it marriage? Please.

750,ooo people were not amused by the power of the wand, and have said ‘no,’ but they were outvoted, and herein lies the downfall of such things:  Majority rule hardly proves something is right.

Marriage is essentially the union of opposites. How many times do we need to repeat that the nut is not the bolt, but are perfectly matched when joined.  Two bolts will spend their days on the park bench, having awkward conversation as they may pretend that one is the nut, but no can do.

They are different ‘kinds,’ ahem, such as the male and female are different ‘kinds.’  Poof, ‘you two of the same are now married.’ Ah no, magical words maybe, cleverly spoken but no, not yesterday, not today, not ever.

Image result for dopey snow white

But back up to the prime ministers allegation. The giving of rights and approving same-sex marriage is proof of our ‘generosity and compassion.’ This is typical speech that hands out candy to someone who is starving, something that will never satisfy, will always leave a hunger, and is purely driven by an emotional appeal to the prurient, guaranteed to have disastrous results to individuals, as well as the island itself, (ahem, in time.)

But indeed a ‘memorable weekend’ for beautiful  Ireland, as this day will for forever be etched in the darkness of history. It appears Dopey is real…apologies little fella.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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51 Responses to With apologies to Dopey

  1. ColorStorm says:

    Surely jz you cannot be that blind. Anger? Hardly. Where is it inferred?

    As stated, the folks in Ireland have EVERY right to pursue whatever they wish, as do you or I. I dare say though you may have a problem if people wanted to change the ‘name’ of Spain to Cuba; you may challenge their ‘equal rights’ to change a wee and irrelevant word…………….

    Leave the word marriage alone. The post is rather clear.


    • Are you saying that in a secular state, which is what Ireland is, that any referendums should be limited to what the church(es) doesnt(don’t) oppose?


      • ColorStorm says:

        Actually rs. I am saying the institution does not have its roots in the ‘church,’ but is certainly modified by it;

        The strength of marriage is supported by nature. Tevye @ Fiddler on the roof astutely remarked: If a fish married a bird, where where they make their home…………?

        Even so, cannot two opposites be ‘joined together.’


  2. Handing out candy to the starving, that’s it precisely. There is cruelty there and so many people can’t even see it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Tkx insanitybytes22 for confirming this importance. All people thirst for something, and there is always someone nearby to peddle goods that sound good to itching ears.

      Btw, you’re talking to a previous candysmith, but hey, all things in context 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Citizen Tom says:

      That’s an excellent analogy, one I will have to remember.

      When two people of the same sex cannot possibly be married, where is the caring — the love — in telling them that they can?

      Lies lead to nothing but more lies. Consider, for example, the lie that is Socialism. With the failure of each Socialist program, the state demands more money and more power to cover over its failures. That’s why every Socialist state must eventually collapse into plain, ordinary tyranny. No government can tax the people more than 100 percent.

      How will the lie of same-sex marriage collapse? The fundamental unit of our society is the family. To sustain the notion that marriage is whatever we want to call it — that life begins whenever we find it convenient — we are pulling families apart. We are making the state instead of parents responsible for raising children. Hence, we are tearing our communities apart. The next generation threatens to become the lonely and savage people America has ever known.

      Liked by 3 people

      • archaeopteryx1 says:

        The next generation threatens to become the lonely and savage people America has ever known.

        I don’t know of any American generations more savage than the ones that annihilated the Native Americans and enslaved the Blacks.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Perhaps you are forgetting the millions who have been (are being) slain by ‘hand outs’ or egregious social policies which reward the lazy and they who never sweated to earn a crumb.

          The govts. would be much better served teaching its citizens the work ethic of ants.

          Perspective is a strange thing, the same way people chastise God for His ways…………


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          Perspective is a strange thing, the same way people chastise God for His ways…………

          Indeed it is, particularly considering that we know nothing about your god’s ways, only what mostly-anonymous, superstitious, scientifically-ignorant, humanly-fallible, Bronze and Iron Age men SAY are his ways.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Another cut and paste half baked comment; nothing ever new or creative now eh….Expected and predictable, so unlike the blowing of the wind……………….

          Perhaps though, in the spirit of the title of this post, you may want to offer an apology to the ‘bronze age men,’ for modern man is embarrassed at the junkyards of progress……………literally.

          You will never arch, in your entire lifetime, be able to offer one word of fault against the Creator.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          Thanks for your replies to archaeopteryx1.


          There has only been one perfect human being. So we are stuck with inexact comparisons and relative contrasts. Compared to those alive today, we can only guess at whether previous generations of Americans were less savage and less lonely, but I think we can make a pretty good guess.

          Did previous generations treat Native Americans and Blacks poorly? I would have to agree they did, but I fail to see how welfare has accomplished anything except to make Native Americans and Blacks dependent upon a certain political party. Moreover, the elites in this nation have designed illegal immigration with the clear intention of suppressing the wages of unskilled laborers. Slavery, in a seemingly more innocuous form, is still alive and well.

          I could go on, but the point is that every generation includes those who scheme to steal what belongs to others. What makes this generation distinctively lonely is that we have tried to institutionalize within the almighty state obligations we should each be taking upon ourselves as good neighbors.

          No man is an island, but unlike previous generations we set ourselves apart. Instead of our neighbors — those within our local communities — when we need help, we look to a distant and impersonal Federal Government, to politicians who sole interest in us is buying our vote. Does Obama, for example, care about you or me? Does he even know we exist? Of course, he does not. Perhaps that’s why Obama lies so easily to us. Whatever pain he causes his fellow Americans remains a distant thing.

          Think about that tale of The Good Samaritan. Those who passed the robber’s victim and continued on their way at least saw that man lying there. So they had to work to assuage their consciences. Obama and most members of Congress, on the other hand, spend most their time entertaining the corporate mass media. Our leaders in Washington DC rarely take the time to actually talk to us. Instead, they just posture and make promises they cannot and do not keep. With falsehoods, they campaign for our votes. To them our pain is merely hypothetical. That’s why they can pass so much legislation without even bothering to read it. After decades in Washington DC, isolated from their constituents, they don’t feel our pain. They just spend our money.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Citizen Tom says:


          Remember what ColorStorm said?

          Another cut and paste half baked comment; nothing ever new or creative now eh….Expected and predictable, so unlike the blowing of the wind……………….

          Do you even have a clue what he was talking about?

          Remember what were we debating?

          The next generation threatens to become the MOST lonely and savage people America has ever known.

          For clarity (since others might read this), I added the word in caps.

          So how did you respond to my comment? You went off topic. Instead of defending your original contention, that the next generation will not be as bad as those Indian killers and slave masters in America’s past, you actually started attacking this generation. Predictably, you attacked the rich, George W. Bush, and Republicans.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          Yes, I was responding to your rant about Obama and illegal aliens.


  3. violetwisp says:

    There’s a sloppy typo in paragraph 5. Unless ‘Sam sex marriage’ is what you meant. Your work so far, since I started following, seems of the sloppy typo variety. As much effort in the typing as the thinking…. 😀


    • ColorStorm says:

      Yes vw I agree, sloppy! Maybe in style but hopefully not in substance.

      tkx though


    • phadde2 says:

      In your last post did you mean to misspell Guatemala?

      Liked by 1 person

      • ColorStorm says:

        Well played Phadde2-

        I see typos all the time; (and of course i contribute many to the field) and I shrug it off as meaningless in the grander scheme of things.

        There is this straining at a gnat……………and that elephant swallowing thing……….

        Anyway, tkx for the vsiit too. 😉 😉


        • phadde2 says:

          I make errors all the time as well, which is why I usually do not cast stones. However, the above is simply an illustration that everyone is susceptible to making errors. Anything that I write for academic purposes I proofread over and over for an entire evening. Blog posts I usually look over twice and be done with it. I’m usually just trying to flesh out an idea to the world, so the content is the most important part, not the grammar.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          It’s ironic too, you are talking to a past spelling beesmith


        • phadde2 says:

          Eh, It’s not big deal anyway!

          Let’s face it, the real culprit to the problem is Microsoft Office. Since the 90s, I’ve never had to learn to spell anything. lol.


  4. xPraetorius says:

    Well said, CS! The nut and bolt analogy is apt. And your point about the ridiculousness of characterizing the “no” voters as not “generous, compassionate, bold and joyful people” is very well made.

    Mr. Zande at top poses a false question. The gay marriage movement was never about equality, or equal rights, but rather about money. At least here in America. Furthermore, it’s about extending recognition of an important status — “married” — to those who, self-evidently, would not qualify for that status, absent a political change.

    The extension of this is for the short, talentless basketball fan to sue the NBA for the right to play in the NBA. However, the institution itself — basketball — intrinsically “discriminates” against the less tall and the less talented.

    The state can “recognize” “gay marriage” all it wants, it doesn’t change the fact that a man can no more marry a man than he can marry a duck. Just as the courts might one day recognize the short, talentless fan’s “right” to play in the NBA, while being perfectly impotent before the rock-solid fact that they can’t make him a basketball player.

    All institutions are this way. No exceptions. All institutions grant membership only to those who qualify for it, and quite openly “discriminate” against all others.

    Extending recognition of a married state to people of the same sex is the same thing as saying that there really is no purpose for the institution of marriage at all in the first place. How can we know this? Well, it’s a teeny, tiny hop from yesterday’s vote, to two straight guys getting “married” for tax purposes, or two straight women, or a gay man and a straight woman (already happening), or a father and son, or a mother and daughter…

    All that Ireland did was to say that “marriage” has nothing pertaining to “family” in it, but is merely a financial arrangement.

    At that point, what could possibly stand in the way of polygamy, or marrying the dead, or marrying the alien you just know is living in your attic…? We grant seriousness to the patently absurd only at our peril. The “same sex marriage” movement should have been laughed out of the room at its first mention, for the patent absurdity that it was, and remains.

    Your post is spot on for the burgeoning “A Man Is A Woman Is A Man Is Something Else Altogether Whenever The Whim Strikes Him” movement as well.


    — x

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      No fair xp-

      Your reply here outdid the post in quality. Well done. 😉

      Some would take umbrage with you about the ‘duck’ analogy, but rest assured, coming to a town near you.

      With no standard, anything goes. Indeed, how can something be equal which is impossible to yoke?

      One may as well bind the ox to a canary; yea, good luck with that. Absurd? Yep, that’s the point.

      But your observation here:

      ‘——-The “same sex marriage” movement should have been laughed out of the room at its first mention, for the patent absurdity that it was, and remains———‘

      is awesome.

      Tkx again xp- and have a great holiday!


      • xPraetorius says:

        Thanks so much for your kind words, CS.

        One tiny quibble: if your post inspired worthy thinking from me, then the credit must go to YOUR very fine writing and thinking… though I do thank you for your great generosity.

        I love the ox-canary image… and can imagine celebration of that very absurd pairing being, somehow, the law of the land in a not-so-distant future.

        Best to you and yours on this very solemn holiday,

        — x


  5. We are a people of majorities and no, that doesn’t always make the subject of thevotes right—whatever those subjects may be—
    I for one have watched this vote with much sorrow.
    The leadership of the Irish Catholic Church made the statement that “it’s time the church has a wakeup call” now following the vote…
    Sadly they, The Church, lost the masses of the faithful in the decades of hidden pedophilia and abuse, which sadly took place in the country’s church run orphanages under the watchful eye of many a misguided and even sickly twisted religious.
    Sadly, in light of such abuse, the Church has lost its voice as well as it credibility—so perhaps the moral conscious of Ireland has been silenced. And the fact that Church leaders are now feeling that despite disagreeing with the life choice of homosexuality, they are allowing a sweeping vote to compel them to feel the need to jump on the band wagon. . .
    When there is a moral code, that for whatever reason, is swept aside by a large number of folks—it doesn’t necessarily mean the moral code is no longer viable, still not a tenant passed down to the created by the Creator nor something that means it should no longer be followed.
    That fact that the Church, who has always been the voice championing the importance of the traditional family as the lynchpin and underpinning of society, now feels that it must jump off the side of morality and the given Word of God in order to join the misguided majority, is exceedingly disturbing.
    God said “No” and we all seem to say “who cares what you say”
    So now that just makes the “No”— OK. . .
    We have those who have no need for a God, so they are therefore the god of their own lives and choices. We have those who do claim to be followers yet are convinced that God is a God of love and therefore that means any kind of love. . .Forget the rules, the Words, the covenants and the tenants. . .
    This isn’t me jumping on a platform of homophobia–I’m not afraid, not paranoid, not full of vile hatred. . .I simply don’t agree with the life choice as I think it flies in the face of God’s word. That’s just my belief and opinion—despite majority votes, as that is something, at last check, that I’m still entitled to, an opinion and belief of faith. . .and yes my gay co-workers and acquaintances are well aware of my beliefs.
    Oh and speaking of typos….they are sadly a part of my world as I think much faster than I type, don’t always catch them when proofing and blame a persnickety touch of a learning disability… so I never complain about another’s typos, spelling or grammar. . .just saying. . .

    Liked by 3 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Way to go jules-

      A buncha good stuff you brought here,

      Never was a big fan of majority rule anyway, and the idea that God approves everything because He is a God of love is proved faulty if one believes the scriptures.

      Yea too the ‘hatred’ thing; makes no sense; speaking what is true is hardly vile.

      I have said elsewhere by the way, that I was the last man standing at many a spelling bee, so its a little amusing anyway to be corrected for an error.

      The swallowing camel thing, I suppose, but no biggie.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. ColorStorm says:

    Perhaps some one else may like to say hello.

    (Your 10 other comments in the past hour are WHY duct tape comes in handy)


    • archaeopteryx1 says:

      The reason all ten of my comments have come in the last hour, is that as I perform triage on my email notifications, I tend to go from the most meaningful, to the least. Yours were concentrated on the bottom of my list. That should tell you something.


  7. Tricia says:

    I love your creativity CS combined with humor to produce such meaningful posts. I’ll be honest with and say that my thoughts on gay marriage differ a bit form what you might expect in that I’m ok with making it legal (I wish in fact the govt would get out of it all together) as long as the decision to do that comes from each individual state (here in the U.S.). In no uncertain terms am I on board with forcing churches to perform such services though, which is the ultimate reasoning of such referendums as is the false labeling of people against gay marriage as homophobic neanderthals. You watch, that will happen in short order and then the real showdown I think will begin.

    I spoke with dopey earlier, he is not at all upset and is in fact quite clueless as to any perceived offense from you. 😉


  8. ColorStorm says:

    You have yet to hear a compelling argument?

    Uh, have you read the post entirely? Nobody is denying anybody ‘rights.’ The issue on the table is the physical, moral, and spiritual impossibility of two of the same sex to be so entwined in the institution called ‘marriage.’ Get your own word; I have suggested a near cousin, perhaps the French sounding, le mirage.

    Nature itself sounds a bell of quiet protest, and nature is never wrong; then there is always God’s word, where ahem, His word is never wrong. Then there is the Creator, who by the way, designed the relationship we know as marriage; so yea, there is plenty of proof.


    • JunkChuck says:

      Mythology is irrelevant. I stand by what i said. Ideally, marriage comprises two inter-related components: legal standing and emotional bonding. To say that two individuals cannot, by virtue of gender, combine their lives in the first, legal sense of the word, is absurd. Business is business. The argument that two souls cannot entangle themselves deeply, meaningfully, and sustainably–regardless of reproductive capability–is at best a fundamental and disappointing underestimation of human capacity.


      • ColorStorm says:

        Of course you can stand by your opinion; nevertheless it will never change what is impossible.

        You can cloak the language all you wish, but the bolt will always remain the bolt.

        Two of a kind cannot constitute one-flesh; never did, never will.

        You dismissed the time honored meaning of the word ‘marriage’ to promote a new ‘lifestyle,’ as if a zebra has eyes for a tiger just because they both have stripes.


    • Ashley says:

      So may I take this to mean that since my last comment wasn’t posted, I am now banned from posting on here?


      • ColorStorm says:

        Ah the words of a novice. I’m thinking you ‘used’ the name/ word of someone who is moderated, hence your comment went to the shelf; and now you should be embarrassed for your false accusations which you carried to other sites, and your friends had a fun time in the sandbox. Happy now?

        Before you are quick to respond, I suggest you take another look at what I am talking about.

        Somewhat Dopey.


      • Ashley says:

        Good job deleting the other comment! You’re a model Christian CS


        • ColorStorm says:

          Thank you; as stated your footprints of deception left long tracks.

          Instead of continual kindergarten antics, and mindless chatter about THIS site at OTHER sites………….aw nevermind.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          “I have written elsewhere that drastic disagreements challenge our thinking. If something is sure and true, it can withstand the most intense scrutiny.”
          ~~ ColorStorm ~~

          “…speaking what is true is hardly vile.”
          — CS —

          TRANSLATION: “Unless it contradicts what I say —


        • ColorStorm says:

          Wow archx1-

          I am moving up in your esteem department. You quoted me; unfortunately what you bring as ‘true’ is leveled by the scrutiny of scripture.

          There are no dents in the anvil of time called the word of God. All the challengers hammers are rusted and useless. Yours is but one more.


      • Ashley says:

        Mindless chatter?! That’s your specialty! This whole blog is idiotic gibberish written by a delusional crack pot who can’t wait to get pats on the back from his flock of equally brain-dead ignoramus fans.
        You guys provide the fodder that makes enterprises like The Onion go-round. Keep up the good work!


  9. Pingback: WE ARE WHAT WE ARE | Citizen Tom

  10. violetwisp says:

    I was wondering if you have a post that explicitly addresses how you believe Christians who experiences same sex attractions should live their lives in terms of romance. I’d be interested to know if you think they should attempt a heterosexual marriage or just remain celibate.


  11. Pingback: what should a gay christian do? | violetwisp

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