To record the deed

If man is no different from beast, if man does not possess a spirit which makes him completely different from an animal, if death is the end of man……forever:

Why then and do pray tell, do humans NOT keep genealogical records for ground hogs?


Why then are not their life and times recorded from birthday to the day of death, complete with an epitaph and their own place of memorial? It only takes brutal honesty to face this answer; and the answer is clear as lightning, and as loud as a thousand thunderclaps. The answer crushes the human conscience.

The fact is, men are not broken up over seeing a dead coyote, or a varmint run over by a truck. There is an innate sorrow upon seeing the untimely death of a human, that which is incomparable to the death of a jackal, again a reminder, IF we are honest. The death of your child and the subsequent anguish is not even in the same universe as the death of your gerbil. It’s a fact of life, only the prejudiced and ignorant would disagree.

So let’s repeat for emphasis: if a man’s existence ends at the grave, why then, in every county building and Recorder of Deeds, are there NOT records for the dead hyenas, jackals, and coyotes?  Just maybe, the good book is correct, that man is in fact made in the image of God, and death is the temporary ending of what God began, just as He said, and just as it is written.  The perennial flower agrees with me too by the way.


Etc:  man is not the brute beast that godlessness would so love to enjoy, even though on occasion, man has in fact acted like the wild boar, but still, we remember all of mankind. The genealogy of man indicts once and for all the wicked and utterly depraved idea that man is no more relevant than a dead coyote.


About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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27 Responses to To record the deed

  1. KIA says:

    I actually do keep the dates of entry into our family and the passing away of all our our ‘pets’… Ie. Maltese and beagles


    • ColorStorm says:

      Certainly many people do, but you do see the larger picture correct, in that the County offices do not care?

      Furthermore, the post here is not really about pets, but about the spirit of man which is proven by records of the deceased.


    • Citizen Tom says:


      Ecclesiastes 3:11 New King James Version (NKJV)

      11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

      Do we have dominion over the animals? Yes. Why? Our Creator put eternity into our hearts.

      We can ask questions that matter, and we can strive to know the answers.

      There are four big questions in life.
      –Why am I here?
      –What is right and wrong?
      –What brings me meaning
      –What happens to a human being when I die?
      — List from Ravi Zacharias (an expert in Christian apologetics) who says there are Four Questions To Answer In Life.(=>

      An animal does not think about eternity. It lives in the moment. Because a man can contemplate the designs of His Creator and the life to come, he is more than an animal.


  2. KIA says:

    We even celebrate their birthdays


    • ColorStorm says:

      Do they blow out the candles?

      Liked by 1 person

      • KIA says:

        No. They eat the cookies though

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Yep, but apart from understanding. I really hope you got the gist of the ‘deeds’ though.


        • KIA says:

          I understood. But demonstrating a belief in an afterlife being fairly common to people does nothing to demonstrate the truth of that belief or that the Christian belief in an afterlife is necessarily ‘more’ true than any other version. It’s a shell game you’re playing John


        • ColorStorm says:

          The matter on the table is hardly Christian. It is human. It is man’s dominion over the beast of the field. ‘County records’ agree. But yes, Christianity is a bonus revelation.

          Since you pretend to be deaf when I talk to you mike, I’ll allow someone else to give you a dose of common sense.


        • KIA says:

          A common belief doesn’t demonstrate that belief to be true. ask a Muslim or a Buddhist how many others believe what they believe. Numbers who believe something to be true doesnt prove it to be in fact true


        • ColorStorm says:

          Mike, this post is not about knock off and wannabe religions. It’s about reality.

          But maybe you could answer the simplest question:

          Does man have dominion over the animals? (be careful that your answer is not too scriptural; you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself)


        • KIA says:

          No. We don’t have Dominion over the Other animals. We share the world With them


        • ColorStorm says:

          Congratulation mike. you answered. A paltry myopic and disenfranchised from reality answer, but still, an answer, so at least you get a thanks.


        • KIA says:

          By the way, some people such as vegetarians and vegans, are definitely ‘broken up’ about the torture, abuse and killing of other animals for our ‘food’ and ‘products’. It’s disgusting, cruel and barbaric. One of the clearest demonstrations of our great ape evolutionary ancestry


        • ColorStorm says:

          I thought that you just admitted than man and beast are co-equal in dominion? Seems rather strange that elephants don’t jump on 747’s and come to America hunting humans……….

          Then again, the common jackal doesn’t care what you think about where he gets his next meal, whether it be mouse, rabbit, deer, or man.

          I think you should forget about vegans,, and crusade against wolves. Killers doncha know. Or maybe they have not yet evolved….


        • KIA says:

          I still believe that there might be an ‘after’ after we die, but I don’t believe we can know for certain truth until then. Beliefs that are possibly unprovable can’t be used as truth claims.


        • ColorStorm says:

          God gave us a brain unlike four footed creatures who can’t hammer a nail. We have the testimony of nature, the word of good people, a trustworthy Creator, and the ability to reason. The person, worth, and work of Christ is enough. He has removed the sting of death, and proved the truth of hope. Your gripe against scripture is as old as time. (Hello? The days of Noah? Evil continually?)


        • KIA says:

          The other animals, of which we are one too, may all have different capabilities and functions and capacities from ours, and most do in fact have brains.. just not like ours, but that doesn’t make us or any of them ‘superior’ or in Dominion over the others.. ceratinly that can be demonstrated, and not by any divinity that can be identified or demonstrated to exist in actual reality apart from Faith and Belief.
          We as humankind are also animals such as they, with different ‘gifts’ and abilities, but not with Dominion, but sharing the earth with our brothers and sisters of other animal kind.
          Now THAT is humbling.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sorry mike, but reality must have escaped you. Deconning does not mean you have to leave your brain at the door.

          The implications of the Recorder of Deeds apparently escaped you.

          It would not kill you to agree that man does in fact, have dominion over the animals, even though you may not like the source of this truth.

          But as it is, you no doubt have your own quicksand which you seem to enjoy, because you get smothered every time you come around here.


        • KIA says:

          And I didn’t say we were coequal. Just that we don’t have Dominion over the other animals, one of which we are too, and that we share this earth with them


        • KIA says:

          … and of course you are trying to promote specifically Christianity


        • ColorStorm says:

          You forgot to answer the question. This is not your blog. You can’t hide. Unless you answer whether man has dominion over the animals…………… will have forfeited your hope in saying one more word. I do not play reindeer games mike.

          All sane minds would no doubt agree with my discretion. (if you would actually engage the brain, instead of instantly seeking to argue…………)


  3. Wally Fry says:

    Excellent question my friend.


    • ColorStorm says:

      I think so too wally. there is something unique about epitaphs as if to preserve the deceased. Why bother unless…… man is in fact quite the legend as compared to termites, fleas, possums, wolves, or you name it.


  4. Quite true, Colorstorm. We clearly “possess a spirit which makes him completely different from an animal.” There’s quite a bit of pressure in the world right now to blur those lines, so pets have become more important than children and in some places are perceived as having more value than people. Death, our acknowledgment of it and reverence certainly sets us apart, as does our shame. Animals do not experience shame, although some can learn how to imitate and mimic it. So we don’t run about naked, we experience shame, we record our ancestry, and we honor the dead. No other animals on the planet do that which sets us apart.

    Liked by 3 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      If PETA would show 1/5th of the passion toward the fetus of the human no longer wanted eh?

      So yes, those lines are blurred as you say, and in an ironic way, the coyote is in fact given the pre-eminence. Sad when you think about the connected ramifications.

      And of course, it is God and His word who have been reduced to ashes by pretended intellect.


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