They are soooo not worthy……

(just another post in the series of marking out the absurd view points of they who have no taste for God, scripture, and decent people of faith. I do not apologize for pointing out such things. If you are a believer, this should warm you, if you are not a believer, try to be honest with yourself when reading, and face the music.)

I have seen many things on the webtoobz, good, bad, and ugly, but this commentary here, by a former alleged Christian, and now a promoter of AtheistsRus, who goes by the name of NAN, says this mind numbingly imbecilic comment:  (and no, I am neither calling such a one bozo or an imbecile.)

‘Why should there be any contemporaneous records relating to Jesus & to Paul? Neither of these two characters was worthy of any note whilst alive.’

I dare you to read that paragraph again and tell me with a straight face that this observation comes from anyone reading with a drop of unbiased reading comprehension. ‘Not worthy of any note whilst alive.’

Really? From Genesis to Revelation, the central theme is the goodness of God above all creation, plainly stated in the only reliable account of man’s origin, history, and destiny, proven completely and entirely in and through the Lord Jesus Christ, who truly is the only FIT man who lived, and whose life was testament to the reliable written word of God, and whose death demonstrated that God is for us, we who are such misfits as perfectly proven by NAN herself with such words of dark counsel.

Let’s repeat for the third time: ‘Neither of these two characters was worthy of any note whilst alive.’  Love that King’s english. Hate how it’s used here.

So NAN, and all ye who may agree with her, did you talk to the woman at the well who had a bundle of husbands yet who received daylight to her unexpected yet yearning heart and without a fee? Did you talk to the man born blind who received sight and saw the color blue for the first time? But perhaps you are like they who also saw ‘nothing worthy of note’ in a blind man seeing, and you would also accuse he who now sees of being a liar? Perhaps you should talk to his parents to see if he was actually born blind, just as the others did, as they then choked on their arrogance, ignorance, and feigned interest in truth.

Perhaps you neglected to speak to Nathanael, you know, the one who thought he was alone under a fig tree, far, far from the eyesight of man. Perhaps he could tell you what vision you lack, in seeing this Lord, this one who was not noteworthy.

Perhaps you forgot to notice that the Lord as a young man, visited the temple at the age of twelve, asked questions and had answers that came from eternity, so much so, that the learned rabbis were stunned. Perhaps it escaped your notice that His understanding is infinite. But nope, nothing of worth, nothing at all. The ramifications of ‘How can David’s son be David’s Lord’ must have slipped your notice.

The raising of His friends brother meant nothing to you either eh? After 4 days, when the body ‘stunk,’ after there was full proof that death welcomed one more customer because of sin, Lazarus lived again, after all, One who was the resurrection AND the life, spoke to him by name and said: Come forth!!!  You see, we have eyewitness testimony which would hold up in any court, yet Facts are most troublesome to they with agendas, preconceived notions, or prejudice. Darkness rejects light at all cost.

But no no NANNETTE, nothing to see here, happens all the time, sure it does, just watch CNN, where all modern gods agree with you. That’s real news doncha know, good news even, the gospel of the decadent who boast of same-sex marriage and boys who want to be girls. Paul spoke of such treachery, but it was Christ Jesus who suffered for sins once, the just for the unjust, whose precious blood washeth away sin, but nothing of note or worth. Sounds rather devilish NAN and friends to say the Lamb of God is either a fable or a lie, but lucky you, many ‘enlightened souls’ just like yourselves have camped with you, and find fault in everything that Christ and Paul did.

After all, there are many who currently occupy the right hand of God, a place reserved for deity, by One who alone is worthy, as all heaven sings praise and all earth groans. Who is worthy NAN and friends? You? Me? Anybody dare to say ‘yes, me?’ No, every mouth is stopped before Him as every knee shall bow. Mine in thanks, but yours in hypocritical embarrassment.

You may have missed that: EVERY knee shall bow. It’s not a maybe, it’s not a possibility, it’s not even highly likely, it’s a fact of life, because the Creator has told us, and His word is also very good. But right, nothing worthy of Christ Jesus, He who knew no sin but was MADE sin, as the last Adam made right what the first Adam made crooked.

And of course the most spiritual man this world will ever know, Reb Saul of Tarsus, then the apostle Paul, was also worthless of any note while he was alive. He who was in the business of tossing into jail believers who had merely believed the record of scripture, because HE thought they were meshumed, traitors to the God of Israel, only to learn that it was HE himself who was antagonistic to the grace of God.

NO man alive could have dreamed up the content in Paul’s writings, speaking of this grace that makes the unjust just, speaking of this God who gladly justifies the ungodly, yet, without compromising His own intrinsic eternal perfection. Nobody on earth left to his own devices could have penned the letter to the Romans. Thank you Paul, and thank you Lord for this man who reveals more clearly your wisdom and glory, but right, nothing to see here….

It was told years ago how the elite of Harvard law were stymied at the powerhouse of logic found in Romans, but right, nothing to see here.

‘Now Saul was breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the believers………..’

‘There were forty men who conspired with an oath that they would not eat until Saul was killed………..’     (Hint: they did not starve to death)

‘Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels………………’

‘There are bodies celestial, and there are bodies terrestrial.’

‘Now the law is good if a man use it lawfully.’

‘Now the law worketh wrath.’

‘Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.’

‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’

Only a mind blind to history, the combined emolument of scripture, the life and times of the patriarchs, the epitaphs of men, the various St. Paul Hospitals, (inspired by the unnoteworthy apostle) the very words ‘mercy, grace, peace,’ words which when understood in the context of Saul/then Paul, would make any heart to sing, only a callous soul could say: ‘nothing of note in the lives of Christ or Paul,‘ and to any who holds such a myopic opinion, I would add, you may want to rethink such midget thinking, with apologies to Dopey, and revisit the holy scriptures, wherein lies the keys to life, and which reveals perfectly the wayward hearts of all men.

Unnoteworthy such as Christ of Paul? Yeah, I call that wayward.


Jesus who?




About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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57 Responses to They are soooo not worthy……

  1. Arkenaten says:

    There is not a single contemporary account of any of the tales as related by/about these two characters.

    Both are completely absent from the historical record.
    This is why Nan – and every non-believer – states that these two characters were completely unworthy of mention while alive.

    Everything they claimed for themselves or even deeds done as claimed by others have absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Uhg. Not only is that a silly thing for Nan to say, it isn’t even true. There really is a historical record outside of the bible even, that do mention both Jesus and Paul. Peter and Paul both have basilicas built over their tombs too, and while we cannot do dna tests to prove it, excavations have shown their very bones lay beneath.

    You said something important once Colorstorm, about the words and testimony of a good man being evidence. In our modern world of skeptics and cynicism we often forget that. We could try to reason that somebody stole Jesus’ body out of that tomb, that an elaborate and organized conspiracy was woven over thousands of years, that thousands of people gave their very lives to hide it all, that basilicas and churches were deliberately built over hoaxes, or of course we could just stop being so silly and come to terms with the fact that the “word of a good man” is enough and the words of thousands of them is an irrefutable army of “more than enough.”

    Liked by 3 people

    • Arkenaten says:

      I would appreciate that you identify this non biblical evidence for these too characters.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That info is easily accessible to you, if you actually hunger for it Ark.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          I have studies this material for a number of years and you are mistaken and the scholastic view and historical record backs this universally accepted scholarly view.

          So, I ask again.
          Please identify this historical, non-biblical evidence /record.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Your so called scholars who find fault with Christ or Paul? Where is my laff button.

          It is obvious your heroes despise scripture. God’s word is good; apparently you are not hungry for righteousness as the good lady suggests, or else you would not be harassing daylight.

          I suggest you reread this post and the premise by your friend of ‘nothing of note.’


        • Arkenaten says:

          For the record, Nan was quoting Ken.

          Again … please put aside your apologetics and the indoctrinated rhetoric and identify any evidence (contemporary or otherwise) where the character Saul/Paul of Tarsus appears on the historical record.

          Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      Triple like msb, and a great reminder of GOOD words, especially since ultimately God is good, and if the words of a good man are enough, how much more so God’s words.

      I love all the worlds references to places of healings, hospitals; St Luke’s, St John’s, etc etc, all inspired by the Great Physician.


      • Arkenaten says:

        And Disney must be testimony to the historicity of Micky Mouse and Donald Duck being real.

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          You provide a great service Doug. Comparing scripture and the life and times of the patriarchs, prophets, Christ, Paul, the gospels, epistles, and the verifiable accounts which are not doubted except by fools, with Disney of Rowling proves many things but one above all : you have zero credibility in the field of biblical expertise, but you have much skill in the realm of cameras.

          This is what is known as ‘being fair’ in the real world.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Sadly the only fools are those who consider the texts are innerent or hold any degree of veracity above historical fiction.
          Again … ’tis your blog.
          You hold the reins.
          Why not show your mettle and provide the historical evidence you claim supports the texts you so revere?

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          You just don’t get it Doug. The scriptures are enough.

          When a weary traveler grabs a Gideon bible, he is not interested in what others say ABOUT scripture, wherein may be stale bread, nope he wants food, and finds it in the Bread of Life.

          You should try it.


  3. Tricia says:

    I know many non believers who are educated on the historical lives of Jesus and Paul and they all believe they existed, I didn’t even think thinking otherwise was seriously thought. Guess I was wrong.

    You don’t have to believe int he super natural aspects of Jesus to know that he took the world by storm and completely upended the religious authorities in power at the time. That’s of course why they plotted to kill him and tragically succeeded. Paul of course was well noted even before his radical conversion which made him and his writings so, ahem, noteworthy.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Beautiful observations Tricia, more so because they are true.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Arkenaten says:

      Most believe there was an itinerant preacher named, Yeshua who crucified by the Romans for sedition. All regard the biblical Jesus is a fabrication., a work of narrative fiction.
      Most agree that 6 or 7 of the Epistles are regarded genuine – as composed by the same (Pauline) hand, even though they do have their own unique problems.


    • Scottie says:

      Hello Tricia . How then do you answer this?
      Which seems to make a lot of sense to me. Be well . Hugs


      • ColorStorm says:

        Hey Scott-

        Did your friend Doug/ark tell you to send this? Too funny.

        If you would think about what you are suggesting, each and every point is answered perfectly, but of course you would not like the answers.


        • Scottie says:

          Hey ColorStorm. I guess you do not follow my blog. Sad. You could find stuff there to talk about. This is from one of my posts.

          To your question , no Ark did not mention your post. I guess he did not feel it important enough.

          If you have answers for each point mentioned, and remember the bible is not considered a valid reference because the idea is very fact it says why is these things are not mentioned else where, which is a very big deal.

          John, I have always been fair with you, even though I often felt you were either a troll or a Poe. Give me the same respect. If you have an answer that is more than tripe, then please reply. If you want to dodge and shimmy and try to seem to answer with out really doing so, then simply let this die. I want to respect you , if you want me to respect your deity, you have to show that he is worthy. If you are not honest with me, you deity is not an honest character. You are now representing it. Hugs

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          No, I did not. Scottie is his own man, but I will admit it is rather funny.


  4. Wally Fry says:

    Sheesh let the cut and paste begin.


    • Arkenaten says:

      (EDIT: Doug, I put these three comments in one place for you, but take note: YOUR ARTFUL DODGING OF THE PREMISE OF THIS POST THAT CHRIST AND PAUL WERE NOT NOTEWORTHY, AND HOW YOU SOMEHOW DERAIL THE OBVIOUS, IS OTHERWORLDLY. I (WE) DO. NOT. CARE. WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT SCRIPTURE. Scripture defends itself, and the Most High has given us His word. Read the book of Jude regarding ‘raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame, clouds without water,’ take these words to heart and understand. The evidence you seek is the evidence already provided)

      And what cut and paste are you going to provide us with this time, Wally?

      To Tricia: The historical characters, if they existed, did nothing of note.

      The ….Jesus (to know) that (he) took the world by storm and completely upended the religious authorities in power at the time. is the fabrication the religion was built upon.

      To CS: There is no evidence to support the scriptures outside the arena of geopolitical historical fiction.

      If you have evidence to demonstrate otherwise, then please provide it.
      If you are unable, then perhaps one of your regular readers might be able to?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Nan says:

    CS … the comment you quoted was made by Ark … not me. In MY comment, I quoted him and added my own thoughts. Look again. Yes, I agreed with him, but please give “credit” where credit is due. I’m sure Ark would appreciate it.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Arkenaten says:

    Most creative, John. I quite like it.

    The biblical character Jesus of Nazareth and Paul of Tarsus were noteworthy, in the same manner that Robin Hood, King Arthur and Harry Potter were noteworthy. On this point I agree.
    But as verifiable historical characters, the individual to whom the 6 or 7 letters are attributed to does not feature in the historical record.
    Neither does the biblical character, Jesus of Nazareth.


    • ColorStorm says:

      My post addresses such myopia.


      • Arkenaten says:

        Your post is an illustration of religious indoctrination.

        Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          I’m sorry that is incorrect, would you like to try Sports for 200?

          Maybe you should reread the part about EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW.

          The truth has always been the enemy of lies. It’s not a good idea to be at odds with the Creator of hot and cold.

          Cmon, embrace the truth already and leave your arid and dusty and clumsy excuses.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You demonstrate the same Ken Ham style of silliness that mainstream Christians cringe from.
          If all you have is flowery rhetoric,
          then I’ll stick with proper Christians.
          At least they proffer more interesting topics for discussions.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sounds like a plan, but you do know I do not make excuses for scripture.

          I have heavens word on my side……you can keep the circus opinions of Nye and Harris.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You ARE an excuse for scripture, or at the very least, the reason.
          The perfect talking monkey, parroting gibberish dressed in a lion’s costume. A one trick pony, stubborn as a mule who thinks he is Balaam’s Donkey.
          You would have looked good mucking out the dinosaur pens with Noah’s kids!


        • Wally Fry says:

          Yeah for sure that string of insults is a compelling intellectual argument. Not. Then again when you have nothing of substance then smoke and mirrors works fine. Run back to the moron convention at your place and have a good chuckle


        • Arkenaten says:

          The thing of substance is called evidence, Wally. Something I suspect that even after these years of back and forth between us you know very well, but for reasons you probably feel uncomfortable with, you simply turn away from.
          Maybe if things get really tight for you – and I sincerely hope they don’t – but if they do, then you will realise that the greatest freedom is the freedom to accept responsibility.

          As for insults: They flow both ways – read your insults in this very comment.
          Dear John, here, prefers to couch them in his own special brand of rhetoric, but they are insults all the same.
          Ask Nan.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Untwist your panties Ark and quit acting like you feelings are hurt. And quit demanding evidence when you offer none. Your declarations are not evidence. They are just stupid repeated


        • Arkenaten says:

          My feelings aren’t hurt in the least. What on earth gave you that impression?
          I am not demanding evidence of you.
          The evidence is all over the place.
          Archaeology, history , paleontology … even in scripture itself, if you know where and how to look.
          The question is: do you want to see it?


        • Wally Fry says:

          Look rock brain. You confuse the fact that a person disagrees with you with a person having never considered evidence. They are not the same thing. Your void and incoherent world view has caused your mind to atrophy and die.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Isn’t you calling me rock brain an insult?

          Proper evidence should stand alone from opinion.
          So when I write that the biblical characters Jesus of Nazareth and Saul/Paul of Tarsus do not appear anywhere in the historical record that is fact. That is evidence. It isn’t opinion.
          And if you disagree with it then it isn’t me that is a ”rock brain” any more than when you disagree that the earth is no more than 10,000 old.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Here ya go Doug/nan/Scott

          All your answers in one place. Try to think rationally and not with your usual bias, and you may have a more harmonious outcome.

          Enjoy. God’s word! Always spectacular when understood.

          Marvel comics blowin in the wind


        • Arkenaten says:

          Enjoy. God’s word! Always spectacular when understood.

          Maybe if Christians understood it there would not be so many thousands of different Christian cults.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Hey its your picture.

          Read pebble head. In your view if a person disagrees with you that means they have not considered evidence.

          It’s not my fault your worldview is incoherent.


        • Arkenaten says:

          So should I call you ”unemployed blogger with a chip on his shoulder”?’
          After all … that’s your current ”picture”, is it not?

          In your view if a person disagrees with you that means they have not considered evidence.
          No, it means they have rejected the evidence.

          And there is no evidence of Paul in the historical record.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Please stop Doug. Your repetition of nonsense is tiresome.


        • Arkenaten says:

          C’mon, John, you always back off when you are asked to step up to the plate.
          And there I was thinking we were having so much fun.
          If you are going to start hand waving as per usual then, perhaps I should go back to watching my Denzel Washington movie?


        • ColorStorm says:

          If u notice, there are two groups reading this thread. One finds the content sweet because it’s credible, and has the backing of history.

          The second finds it bitter, not because it is not true, but because it is uncomfortable to be faced with absolute truth.



        • Arkenaten says:

          Excellent observation.
          I could not agree more.
          I only wonder why you and yours fall into the latter group?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Well now, I suggest you read the 38th of Job in the colorful language of the KJV, and try to answer the questions put forth to YOU.

          Be honest and try to give the Creator the courtesy of existing, and He alone has the right to ask such questions.

          Feel free to also consider the chapter and how Harris, DeGrasse, and Hawking would all stumble through…..if they were honest.

          One mighty God you must conclude, in whom are hid all treasures.


        • Arkenaten says:

          I think you would be better of helping Wally find a job, don’t you?


        • Wally Fry says:

          Yeah I’m jobless lol. So what? Oh yeah Wally is jobless so Christianity is false. That is stoooopid


        • Arkenaten says:

          I am not saying any such thing.
          I am merely responding to your continual insults after you ragged on me for supposedly insulting John.
          Your current work status and the claimed veracity of Christianity are not related at all.
          And I sincerely hope you do find work soon.
          Being unemployed is a bummer
          and I hope you find work ASAP.


        • ColorStorm says:

          This is hilarious Wally. Our visitors accept the words of 2000 year old historians who said these things never happened…….. because they did not write of them…..

          … but they reject the words of Luke who said they did happen. Seems a simple matter of not ‘Liking’ the ‘many infallible truths’ of scripture.

          Case closed. God’s word always has the drop on sinful men. Been that way since forever.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Yep the defense can rest on that

          Liked by 1 person

        • Nan says:

          And quit demanding evidence when you offer none.

          And pot calls the kettle …

          Liked by 2 people

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