The foundations of nature are secure

After all, ‘Doth not nature itself teach you? Oh yeah, but keep in mind, ‘The wisdom of this world is foolishness unto God.’ Chew on this dear friends. Is this limited to spiritual affairs only, or is this suggestive to be wary of the world’s politics, laws, commerce, history, astronomy, religion, science, and education? Indeed, all disciplines employing this ‘wisdom’ are but without form, and void of truthful coherence, unable of correct context. Sad but true.

Winning friends and influencing people? Not looking for allies here but you decide. This will seem controversial to some, aloof to others, and bizarre to even more, perhaps beautiful to others, but then again, that is the nature of any thing truthful.  These tenets are not new, nor original. They are at least 6 thousand years old, maybe older. I’m pretty sure these things can easily be proven without the scriptures, and have been, by many people and cultures using the skill set of logic, facts, and the most virtuous of senses; thankfully the scriptures affirm many things, of which true science is one.

I promised CTom  a follow-up post because of his excellent usual contributions, and his observation below needs further delineation, as the topic of the day concerns where we live as humans. But this is important, because we as believers need not share the faith of atheists. Do yourself a favour and take time to digest the whole. Ten thousand years of opposing views could hardly be settled in ten minutes.

Since the Bible is not a science journal article or text book, it is silly to go there expecting an education in science. God inspired the Bible’s writers to communicate with the people of their day, not with 21st Century scientists. So a large part of understanding the Bible is putting ourselves in the place of those who first read it. When we don’t do that, we must inevitably misinterpret the Bible. The Bible was written for us, but it was not written to us.  (CTom)

To this I say indeed it is not a science textbook, but God’s word never contradicts science either. But I completely DISAGREE that it was not written to 21st century scientists, as God’s word contains ALL that pertains to life and godliness. In any age, God’s word is not only relevant, but necessary, to either prince or pauper, rabbi or priest, college dean or kindergarten teacher, as it is spot on and incriminates man at every turn, while it also delights. The book of Romans could have been written this morning, just as Genesis. Without God’s knowledge of His own creation, we become the spokesmen of others imaginations. Too strong? I dare say not strong enough.

Which is more credible, the fact that God says the earth has foundations, or Degrasse’s opinion that it has none? (Ps. 104)

Which is more credible, the fact that God says the earth cannot be moved, or Nye’s ‘theory’ of a spinning, 67,000 mph orbiting rock?

Of God’s earth, we read: ‘For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.’ (Ps 24) When any architect plans his skyscraper, he must determine how he will found it, how he will stabilize it, and the fact is, the most important component of his building no one sees.  He establishes the building by founding it. Are we then by comparison that shallow in thought to deny the Creator His engineering superiority?

So God made man and woman. ‘Male and female created He them. He made great whales. He made the beasts of the earth. He made the birds to fly. He made the seeds within itself. He made the stars also. He made flora and fauna.’  Is this literal and true? Does this common language need interpreted or simply believed? Is this the dream of a king that needs the gift of Daniel? Or is it already clear as glass, just as the science of Genesis presents?

‘He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.’ (1 Chr. 16.30)  ‘Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm.’  (Ps. 93. 1) Is this literal and true? Or do buildings move? Is this language at all ambiguous? (How do you spell foundation?) To think this is mere poetry goes against every logical reading of scripture, as this truth is repeated over, and over, and over again. God then asks of man: ‘Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?’ Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner-stone thereof.’ Some serious construction it appears.

Yet, the talking heads of National Geographic, NPR, CNN, ABC, MIR, NASA, (I know there are good people in any organization) and every evolutionist and atheist on earth says that God is doing science all wrong, that IT IS moveable, that it is NOT firm, having no foundations, and that God’s word cannot be trusted, especially since it agrees with our daily perceptions, common sense, facts, and reason. God is somehow said to be unaware of His own blueprints.

I beg to differ, and wholeheartedly agree with God and His science, as opposed to the machinery, the Disney and cartoonish imagery of space, complete with goofy CGI images of fraudulent attempts to persuade. Toward what? Why? Well let’s see. Romeo oh Romeo, let me count thy ways.

The god of this world (if we believe such things) hath blinded the minds of them that believe not, and far too often, the so-called visions of ‘intellect’ and godlessness are latched onto by believers as sight, so we may maintain our positions in academia, society, or even among friends. WHAT modernist dare say publicly God created the heaven and the earth, and that He sustains it with equal ease as in the beginning? What fool would utter such nonsense? Hmmm?

What math teacher dare believe that the Creator of arithmetic is the Father of this exact science? What railroad conductor dare deny that the ground he is travelling over at 80 mph is stationary and does not move? What desert nomad and his camel need to worry that todays sand will be tomorrows shoreline because it MOVED due to the tilt and insane speed of the earth which makes both camel and rider dizzy?

So yes, every discipline on earth passed off as knowledge which leaves out God is riddled with contradictions and faulty logic. The smell test of sea level and a still lake exposes the corruption.  Our senses demand we pay attention and see the stillness of God. Water never lies. It follows the path of least resistance and always finds its level.

The internet has contributed to the dumbing down of people, with 100 million hits on ‘knowledge,’ and in a second or less we choke on the inability to process such information while pretending to know. Technology has its limits, and God’s patience is not forever; enter that attempt to oust God from heaven by way of the tower of Babel. The headlines: Science tries to reach heaven by bricks! Fools I tell ya.

It has been said that people ‘cannot defend a spinning ball,’  as if it cannot be defended, while others say  ‘defend a horizontal plane,’ as if that cannot be defended, and of course, both ARE defended, but both cannot be correct. And this is the childish myopia shown by they who pretend there is not merit in differing viewpoints. I have many friends with whom we disagree, while having the very best of friendships. I need not dismiss them because they cannot play chess.  And they need not dismiss me because they are better looking.

But the dead giveaway is in HOW people carry their points, as I am careful to observe the humanity or lack thereof, held by people who carry this view or that. Read the previous 2 posts and the comments. Nuff said.  Godlessness loses every single time.  The truth of God and scripture agitates the uncomfortable, while comforting the humble.

But the science of scripture? Of course it exists. Of course it is accurate, Of course it is true. Genesis lays the seeds from which all truth springs, and from which all life grows, both in the ground, and in the mind. If Chuck Darwin can find a flaw in the ‘kinds’ of  Genesis, surely his gripes regarding the ‘species’ are legitimate.  Ha!

Since the seed is within itself, Darwin fails, and fails miserably, as God’s science is far better than his. Since he could not put a dent in God’s truth, others would come along and try to invent their own science, but with pitiful results. God owns the heavens too, and He gave the sun its daily route, bringing heat and light, as well as the mission of the moon, to separate day from night, each having its own purpose, each not trespassing on the other’s daily circuit. This is observable. This is true science and needs not interpreted on chalkboards which erase God. Daniel knew this.

But where pray tell did the earth revolve, if the sun and moon were created AFTER earth. Did God forget something, or is our home just as He made it, and told us, that being immovable, firm, and like any good building,  having foundations, being founded upon the waters, just as our senses and the good book tell us?  No wonder the godless rage.

Do we really need MIR or NASA to tell us where we live, as if we are a dancing mass of accidental rock having no design or purpose, just lucky like other wandering stars?  Can we not agree as to God’s genius? Is it God’s idea that we must walk with crutches and sit under godless PhD’s before we can know WHERE we live?  The building blocks of God’s science are laid out in Genesis if we pay attention, and they are equally valid and powerful yesterday, today, and forever. This is why modern scientists dismiss scripture, not because it is not ‘intellectual’ enough, but because it is true, true because God is true. Sinful man MUST dismiss the Creator from  every discipline.

And this is the SOLE matter. I would rather listen to the opinions and testimonies of farmers, surveyors, botanists, bricklayers, coal miners, roofers, electricians, plumbers, carpenters,  submariners, aviators, physicians, gardeners, photographers, nurses, you know, people who actually LIVE in the real world, as opposed to they who concoct theories and assumptions inventing how water SHOULD act, as opposed to how it DOES act, based on facts, logic, common sense, and time-tested observations of daily, repeatable, and provable consistency.

In this, modern science is a huge fail. The so-called scientists of today are worshipped as gods yet they probably never picked up a hammer in their life. I despise the laurels heaped upon such men, because of our self enjoyed ignorance. We WANT a king, and we want that king to be our intellect, but we refuse to see that it is fallen, selfish and marred. We were convinced that scripture has nothing to say about science, because the voice of sinful men has infiltrated the scriptures, so much so, that we convince ourselves that the foundations of God are NOT sure, yet somehow, Darwin and DeGrasse are sure. Perish the thought.

And need I remind my friends, there is one thing God cannot do. He CANNOT lie. It is not that He can but chooses not too. He CANNOT, and when He says the earth is immovable or fixed, rest assured dear friend, He is telling the truth, and since this is a fact, then obviously the science of the world is corrupt to the nines.

Then again, maybe you have seen the earth move one inch, in which case you may want to question your senses. So yeah, we all defend something, it all boils down to what is worth defending. I think God’s word is that gold mine, as opposed to the fool’s gold of atheism and science falsely so-called.

Who care’s what the heathen think of us. They have already committed us to straight jackets for believing God created the heaven and the earth. They think sin is an illusion. They think Moses never lived, there was no Exodus, no town of Nazareth, no Mary, Joseph, no Christ, no death, no resurrection; the pattern of lying history spread by atheistic thieves is palpable to any body who can read.

So guess what? I do not care what the infidel thinks of my world view and science. I have logic, common sense, facts, my eyes, as well as the testimony of nature on my side, not even to mention the overwhelming affirmation of God’s word.  ‘It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. (Is 40)

There is a strong ‘pull’ like a tug-o-war competing for your affection, which requires an alert eye, because there is a roaring lion seeking about who he may devour.  We need not be his play toy or lunch.

Ps- If you have hung on and made it here, thank you; your time is the greatest compliment. And if you are an evolutionary atheist just waiting to pounce and prove my ignorance, can you at least wait before you send truckloads of junk mail? I am not interested in you trying to steer the narrative, and by so doing scare away all decent people. This is jack the barbarian, and I approve of this message.    😉



I am Jack the barbarian…….grrrr

Risky business these assumptions

Search and seek mission



About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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70 Responses to The foundations of nature are secure

  1. Arkenaten says:

    Yep … it seems official. You have finally gone round the bend.
    Good luck with a former professional such as Tom nodding in agreement with this post, or any one of your followers, for that matter, as surely none of them, even Wally will countenance a belief in a flat earth.

    Go and have a long lie down.


  2. Reblogged this on Talmidimblogging and commented:

    Another well thought out post. 😎

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ha! You rabble rouser, you! I definitely believe the bible is a science book,too. People far wiser then me have written entire books documenting that very thing. The bible does not contradict science at all. We people however have grown very modern in our thinking (or postmodern if you prefer) and so we try to put our faith in something concrete, analytical, absolute, rather then simply putting our faith in God Himself. Someone has recently reminded me of Isaiah, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.'”

    So there you go, God does what He wants to for His own good pleasure. Science is awesome,it represents our attempts to understand His design, but it is still not Absolute Truth, it is not where our faith should live. Had a darkly humorous conversation with someone about sailing off the edge of the earth. So maybe you would just get eaten by a sea monster or sunk in a whirlpool or caught in the Bermuda triangle, but does it really matter? I mean, you have just hit the edge of “your world” and sailed right off, either way, right? Our world definitely has some edges! Or perhaps you ponder the rapture? Makes no difference really whether Jesus comes down or you go up to Him, either way the meeting is inevitable, and our understanding of either science or eschatology, does not alter that truth or that outcome.

    And that is my real problem with some of our science worship, not all of it mind you, but some, we act as if our own understanding of science has the power to somehow alter the truth of God or what He choses to do for His own good pleasure.

    I also remember an article page from long ago,all these kids floating off the face of the earth, quite traumatic really, and the caption, “is the earth really fixed?” So there you go, let’s just terrify the young uns with tales of suddenly floating off into outer space, no longer tethered to a rock that’s allegedly hurling unrooted through space at millions of miles a minute. Sheesh. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      Thank you kindly for your attention and thoughtful observations. However it is with great risk that you dare post your defense of God and science, here anyway. lol

      After all, your neighbor across our fruited plane has already been dubbed king of the tunalicks…

      It has been said that we know .05% of what lies under the oceans, and that a few feet below, yet we pretend to ‘know’ using the same ‘tools’ of science, what lies above…………….to the sun and beyond.

      Yeah ok, and I built the pyramids. One thought about this so called smokescreen edge: Admiral Byrd in the 50’s was onto something, there is a reason there is an international treaty regarding Antarctica, a land mass so large……………….

      God wastes nothing, and ice reveals His glory.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Arkenaten says:


      Isn’t gravity marvelous!


      Yep … it seems official. You have finally gone round the bend.
      Good luck with a former professional such as Tom nodding in agreement with this post, or any one of your followers, for that matter, as surely none of them, even Wally will countenance a belief in a flat earth.

      Go and have a long lie down.


      • ColorStorm says:

        So kind sir- aside from your interest in having other believers align with you, and I certainly hold nothing against another, do point out, from this detailed post above, the single error in which you think I am deluded, and I adjure you to produce the proof where you have seen the earth move one inch.

        And please do not bring assumptions or hearsay. Keep your links to yourself, and other than FAITH, where has the earth moved under the hooves of a camel? Or are you telling us that you are living by faith alone……hilarious.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Tkx doug, but this is why your vid is refused.

          I have told you countless times that it is pointless to refute your ASSUMPTIONS with a thousand vids of my own. I have seen them, and they bare no relation to reality; pure speculation and guesswork. One vid of yours needs 20 more of mine. So what?

          Go ahead and dare to refute my points in the post. Find fault in my words if you can, but please do not send vids, as they are irrelevant.

          Show YOUR proof, prove the earth has moved one inch, prove YOU have seen it move- prove the sand under the camel’s hooves have moved.

          Hearsay will not do. CGI images will not do. Prove my words peccable, and that make atheistic science credible. Good luck with that.


        • Arkenaten says:

          If you cannot accept science then I have no interest in your idiocies any longer.
          And I note that Tom hasn’t turned up yet … or eve Wally!
          I wonder how honest they will be if they do deign to make a comment on this ridiculous post.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Fine enough.
          I do notice though that you have posted several attempts here, and still not one word of refutation against any thing I have said. Quite telling, but not surprising.

          Accusations yes, insinuations yes, but not one word of true disagreement. My post has quite the firm foundation, and like I said, foundations do not move, but maybe buildings do move in S Africa in which case I should apologize for my ignorance…..

          As to W and CT and others, they are adults, and good people, perhaps they just haven’t given the topic due consideration, maybe they have, but I am neither impressed or dismayed as to differences.

          What is puzzling though is how a person can go through life, and not see the Designer first, such as yourself, and then not look hard and fast at the engineering as detailed in scripture, but one need not a degree in Calculus to know he is a sinner. 😂


        • Arkenaten says:

          Aaww, shame. Do you find your (EDIT CHILDISH PRURIENCE ********.).hurts when you hear or read the word ”science”?


        • ColorStorm says:

          There is this thing called ‘opposition of science falsely so-called.’

          It is you who has not refuted ONE point I have made in the post. And rest assured , even your own brethren who profess faith in godlessness watch from the bleachers and are embarrassed that you cannot argue against one thing I have said.

          But your specialty is sleight of hand, distractions, and sideshows- look how your brother Steve has gone silent- the case is made- water is level- and this SCIENTIFIC fact is despised by the godless. 😊


        • Arkenaten says:

          I posted two explanatory videos which you refused to allow.
          Would you prefer a video taken from the Space Station?
          I am sure there are plenty.
          Or how about a video of one of the Astronauts going EVA?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Keep your vids-

          You mean the tin can that allegedly travels at 17,000 mph? ….while providing cartoon images?

          And just WHO IS gullible here? Count your comments. NOT ONE has refuted anything I have written, and I will repeat this so others may know your circus antics.


        • sklyjd says:

          I unequivocally refute just about everything you have claimed CS.

          This is because you discard 200 years of science and because you think there is a conspiracy by atheist scientists against God and so you fly in the face of all the facts, the truth and reality of human knowledge and emphatically refuse to take a look at what is indisputable evidence, therefore if that is not illogical, irrational, absurd and crazy or even un-Godly, I do not know what is.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Of course you disagree Steve. You, like so many others, need to be spoon fed your marching orders, and need to be convinced that what your eyes actually see, are but an illusion.

          Modern so called scientists have not a drop of common sense. Your frienddoug has brought up the magical ISS, as somehow proof…..

          Sure, go for it, 17,009 mph with nary a drop of evidence, but plenty of cartoons.

          It is almost embarrassing to be having this discussion, but then again, maybe u have seen the Swiss Alps move, or Detroit moving to Chicago……

          ….still, neither of you has brought up one point of contention, yet full of baseless accusations.


        • Wally Fry says:

          Great. You refute it. Will you bother to actually refute? Your lack of equivocation is actually not refutation


        • Arkenaten says:

          Seriously? Even you , Wally?
          Are you truly saying you believe the Earth – our home is stationary and flat?
          I know we will never see eye to eye on anything religious but this?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Wally Fry says:

          Um, no. I never said that. Read close rockhead. I have not said my views on this. I just want to see your boy refute it. Is your name Steve? I think not. Let him refute it. He said ne unequivocally does. I just wondered if he had something to offer besides his lack of equiviocation. I believe the challenge is to prove that YOU or anybody here has actually observed this.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Steve is capable of defending his views.
          I am well aware of your religious position.

          I am solely interested in whether you, like Colorstorm believe our planet is stationary and flat.
          Nothing else.

          And for the record, of course it has been viewed and documented. Simply Google a NASA video.
          If you know where to look you can find a live feed that shows you the movement of the earth but CS won’t allow any to be posted.
          So do you believe it is still or moving?



        • Wally Fry says:

          Great. My views don’t matter. Steve said he refuted it. I just want to hear the refutation. Quit bothering grown ups when they are talking

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Ah, so you don’t believe but are too embarrassed to own up.
          Fair enough, I understand.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Your middle name should begin with p, for petulance. The worst of bratty kids have nothing on you.

          Thank u though for proving my premise in the post- your ASSUMPTIONS are loud and clear, but your faith is soo great, believing something you have never seen, having not one drop of evidence, the very thing you accuse believers of, yet we have perfect evidence.

          The walking contradictions of atheistic evolution are stunning but not surprising. Read the post again, and address MY words if you can, and please stop playing your games.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Absolutely too funny doug. As if humans needed to wait until space agencies were formed before they could know that terra firma was not a topsy turvy amusement park ride, but you probably missed this, so from the post u are commenting on:

          So guess what? I do not care what the infidel thinks of my world view and science. I have logic, common sense, facts, my eyes, as well as the testimony of nature on my side, not even to mention the overwhelming affirmation of God’s word. ‘It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. (Is 40)


        • Arkenaten says:

          Giver Wally a hug and be at peace… you two most definitely deserve each other!


        • ColorStorm says:

          I will ask this of ANYBODY:

          Where have you seen the earth move inch except from the hearsay of ‘others,’ from alleged pictures/vids by professionals, which have been proven to be fraudulent by amateurs……

          The circus clown Nye says he sees curvature at three miles from earth, but balloonists see ZERO curve @ 128,000ft….

          Hmmm, something smells rotten in Denmark. Apparently you are extremely gullible, but in my interaction with millions of people, I have yet to meet ONE person who said truthfully they saw the earth move- unless of course you were on drugs while listening to Carole King: I feel the earth move under my feet; maybe she just thought she was riding an escalator.


        • Wally Fry says:

          That’s a great song btw

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Second that approval— now we have a consensus

    Liked by 2 people

  5. ColorStorm says:

    Ha jewels, good one, but let me remind you:
    God and one is a majority.

    And as an academic, do be prepared for the stone throwing coming your way because you did not say I was deranged for daring to hold a different viewpoint than the status quo, in this, good for you.


  6. sklyjd says:

    “Which is more credible, the fact that God says the earth has foundations, or Degrasse’s opinion that it has none? (Ps. 104)”

    “Which is more credible, the fact that God says the earth cannot be moved, or Nye’s ‘theory’ of a spinning, 67,000 mph orbiting rock?”

    It appears the world already knows the correct answers here CS. Ignoring the obvious is like putting your hand purposely onto a red hotplate or jumping from a 10 story building hoping to land nicely on your feet.

    “And need I remind my friends, there is one thing God cannot do. He CANNOT lie.”

    Mr. CS please let me remind you that there were men involved in writing the Bible. Maybe they heard God and wrongly interpreted what he said, or they just decided to make up what they thought was the truth, you cannot be certain of anything because what makes you any more intelligent or have any more knowledge than the rest of us on Earth? Are you God’s right hand man?


    • ColorStorm says:

      Ignoring the obvious steve? So maybe you can point out the obvious, without assumptions, by first hand sight by you of course, lest you be accused of believing through faith, that you witnessed the earth move one inch. When did this occur? Surely you wrote it down since it must be quite the spectacular event. Remember, no assumptions.

      But you may want to talk to a train conductor, ask him if he ever saw his train traverse a ball.

      As to men writing the bible, that’s right, that makes it credible and accurate, writing the text that was a message not their own, hence, inspiration.

      Intelligence? of course the more one agrees with God, the more scorned he becomes, (this is a proven fact) but all intelligence belongs to Him, as the testimony of scripture attests. But it would seem you are the intelligent one here, as being the only person alive who challenges and believes water does not find its own level. lol

      But tkx for the visit.


  7. Citizen Tom says:


    When someone chooses not to believe in a scientific theory behind orbital mechanics, I don’t get too excited about it. Most people would not understand the math and few make use the theory directly. When someone chooses not to believe the Bible, however, that is something to get excited about. We can’t do too much about it, but we need to always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks us a reason for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15). So I would much rather you believe the Bible than in orbital mechanics.

    Therefore, I am not going to debate whether the earth is flat or a globe that orbits the sun. I will just explain this point in more detail.

    The Bible was written for us, but it was not written to us.

    The Bible was divinely inspired, and it takes the help of the Holy Spirit to understand it, but we read it the same way, if not with the same degree of concern, we would any other book.

    Consider one of Paul’s epistles, for example. When we read one of the letters that Paul wrote to one of the early churches, it helps to put ourselves in the position of one of those church members. What challenges did these people face? What were the threats to their faith?

    These early Christians did not have the New Testament, and few could read the Old. What they had was the apostles and those the apostle had taught. Whereas we have the revelation of the complete Bible.

    1 Corinthians 2:1-5 New King James Version (NKJV)
    Christ Crucified
    2 And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the [a]testimony of God. 2 For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 3 I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. 4 And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of [b]human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

    We can read the Word, we can imagine being in Corinth, and we can see the record of what the early church accomplished. The Christians in Corinth saw Paul, heard him, were amazed by his many wounds, and they knew first hand of miracles he performed in our Lord’s name. If we are to fully understand what Paul meant for the Christians in Corinth to understand, we must try to put ourselves in their place. Because we can do that, because we can read and make sense of someone else’s mail, and need to understand and apply the lessons Paul taught, the letters that were written by Paul to the Christians in Corinth were preserved by God for us. Thus, those letters were written for us, but not written to us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      I expected no less than the fair reply. Well done. It is extremely important that our true fellowship is not in how much we agree as to the curvature chart, for the Lord did not say: Unless you believe in the globe theory, ye cannot see the kingdom of God.’ Or, unless ye believe that the sun stood still, in the days of Joshua, ye cannot be born again.

      Scripture, as multi layered as it is, addresses our deepest needs, and makes straight that which was once crooked. I am of the opinion, as I said at the outset, that scripture does speak to many needs, and while truly what is clear to me is not clear to you, and what is clear to you is not clear to me, we forbear; God forbid that we choke a man because he does not agree with us, as many a naysayer would so love to see believers as attack dogs, devouring each other. Nope, we can have the sweetest fellowship in that which we agree on, enjoy the same boat, yet still not see because we are perhaps enjoying something else.

      There are many things in scripture which I so enjoy, such as the cherubim, and I’m sure there are many others who have not thought so much, but I would be foolish to suggest that a man cannot be spiritual, even more so, if he does not see eye to eye on this or that. As you rightly allude to, all are not at the same mile markers in life, but the bottom line is not: what think ye of Degrasse or Whitefield, but, what think ye of Christ?

      People following along a thread like this should take note in how believers give each other the road so to speak, able to consider, weigh, challenge, don’t challenge, but there are no lines in the sand that I would ever impose on a man that would break solid fellowship, unless of course, there is out and out apostasy regarding the person, worth, and worth of Christ; we have precedence: what fellowship hath light with darkness? None of course.

      I repeat again too in case others may have missed: Tesla and Einstein disagreed greatly, surely others can cut us a break for not seeing eye to eye in things. I like that also re. not believing something: I don’t get too excited about it. It’s good to have not a rattled cage. lol

      As to the to us, or for us, plug your name in scripture every so often: What does it profit CTOM, if a man SAY he has faith and not works? or These three, faith, hope, and charity, which is the greatest of these CTOM? So in a way, it’s certainly written to you, and me, but in context, of course you are correct as to who it was initially written. There are primary, secondary, and tertiary applications.

      But tkx for the response, and all the best as we continue in the faith. Just as a sidenote, do think more on railroads and how they travel; the dynamics, and try to envision such trains traversing something other than a plane.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Arkenaten says:

      I hope you noticed, Tom that John not only rejected the NASA video but mocked it as well.
      Doesn’t seem to be the right behaviour from a Christian.


      BUT CHRISTIAN COURTESY? PERHAPS THE GRACE SHOWN YOU HERE….while yours truly is banned from your site?

      AS TO SPACE AGENCIES, there is plenty of info. for people to draw their own conclusions, but you fail in trying to put wedges tween believers.)


      • Citizen Tom says:

        @Mr. High Priest of Space Technology

        There are billions of people on this planet. Lots of those poor folk don’t agree with about one thing or another. I don’t have time to debate them all about everything.

        NASA is quite capable of defending itself. So if you really think they need to know about ColorStorm, call them, not me.

        Liked by 2 people

        • ColorStorm says:

          Truly hilarious. Tkx ct.

          Liked by 2 people

        • Arkenaten says:

          Wonderful! A carefully crafted theological two step.
          But it is revealing in itself.

          (EDIT: You have finally discovered that believers are well aware of your games. Toms answer was brilliant..

          Then again, you are blind to see that even an atheist can enjoy a Reuben sandwich while others do not berate him for not being vegan. It is truly sad that this needs explained to you)

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          ….relating to the study of the nature of God and religious belief.

          (EDITOR SEZ: Here we have more nonsense, as if atheists know what theology is, and Christians do not.

          I’ll go further. Theology is not the study of the POSSIBILITY of God. That is settled fact. Theology is not WHAT THINK YE OF DEGRASSE? But, WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST, WHOSE SON IS HE?

          A far better question than what ct thinks of this blogger.)


        • Citizen Tom says:

          I don’t think you understand the nature of the minor disagreement I have with ColorStorm. Of course, I think you are more interested in trolling us than anything else. Pathetic!


        • Arkenaten says:

          More pathetic than you supporting an individual who considers the earth stationary and flat?
          I don’t think you understand the nature of your own credibility, or lack thereof. You are more interested in defending stupidity than anything else.
          Pathetic is right.
          But as long as you stay away from children …


        • ColorStorm says:

          And you thus prove your fangs over something otherwise simple.

          Oh that you would be surprised how many of your elite atheist colleagues who disagree with you. Maybe then you would shut up. (Yeah, google that)


        • Arkenaten says:

          Really? Name one.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Have you ever heard the term stubborn as a mule? I would cite you as such, but then an apology would be in order to the donkey.

          And before you go into full ballistic auto mode…….and call me LIAR……… I’ll tell you again since you were blind to my last comment : ask around. Google can’t hide everything doncha know.

          But there are more important issues you should concern yourself with, the fact that Genesis 1.1 is true.

          And oh: He made great whales, birds, ox, lions, bears, and, He made the stars also.

          How dark is the human heart to disallow the Creator His very sovereignties.


        • Arkenaten says:

          So … name one.
          Off you go.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sorry Doug, but your frothy arrogance has robbed you of any dignity in conversation, in case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t your blog. I wrote the post. You have zero credibility in demanding parameters. None.

          You are making the claim that railroads can operate on a large basketball while the ball is spinning and orbiting simultaneously. You obviously do not know any train conductors, or maybe have never been on a train.

          Maybe write your own post proving it? At least you will have friends who will tell u how smart u are. As to atheistic stationary people? Oh yeah, they walk among you!!!!!

          This must perturb you that the heathen also love science.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Frothy arrogance? From a (EDITORIAL PRIVILEGE: ##}<^}#}%|!!;/^* mentally %%}#%]}#<|<!!)
          If this were a wind up I would award you a gold star and allow you Sunday off to attend your [%~^{^
          That you believe (%>}|<>*^!…..) it is all fact …

          I wonder if your groupies (#^{*^%?!,$@&)………………


        • Citizen Tom says:

          I am just not joining with you in pointless hatred. Think you got a problem I want no part of.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Problem? Smile?
          Yes, I probably have one or two. Receding hairline, not as many teeth as I once had …
          I am just curious why you entertain Colorstorm and his YEC flat earth fantasies?

          (CS sez: the only fantasy anybody is promoting- is not whether we move or are stationary- but that ANY man can deny God His creation.)


        • Citizen Tom says:

          Jesus just gave us a commission to spread His Gospel. ColorStorm is doing that. I try to do it as well.

          Are either ColorStorm or I perfect ministers of the Truth? No. Even the apostles remained human.

          When would I have to speak up? Well, the fact is that I already have. I just have not done what you arrogantly insist that I do, judge him.

          Romans 14:4 New King James Version (NKJV)
          4 Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.

          As far as I can tell, ColorStorm’s beliefs are basically sound. Who am I to make anyone’s life miserable just because they don’t agree with me in every respect? No one. I too am just a servant.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          It’s a good day in blogsville. Phoebe and Barnabas hold up a brother while exposing the rotten crutches of godlessness.

          Well done Tom- which of us is God and error free? But the opposers of God try at all cost to divide brethren- love the way you carry yourself and I’m certain you agree too with the good lady’s observation.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          The problem you refuse to recognize is not solely Colorstorm’s apparent willful ignorance but also that it actively contradicts scientific evidence which in turn contradicts your god’s laws of nature.
          A flat stationary earth is an impossibility under these natural god made laws as we both very well know.
          That the bible use analogy to convey messages is no secret, and even the character Jesus of Nazareth used parables that were not meant to be taken literally.
          Yet, here you are, tacitly offering support to a fellow Christian who is espousing an heretical view of the world created by your god.
          Not only is this a delusion it is also blasphemy as he would wish to spread this ”gospel” as if it were your god’s truth that the earth is flat and stationary.

          Thus you are in fact showing great disrespect by countenancing such heretical nonsense.
          Now of course, we both know that CS will now leap into the fray and denounce me, an atheist, for apparently telling you about your god when I don’t even believe in it.
          But that still leaves the fact you DO believe but simply refuse to acknowledge the heretical nature of what Colorstorm is waffling on about.

          (EDITORIAL ADDENDUM: I fear none of these lame charges. Heresy? To say as I have that water finds its level? Call me a heretic.

          To say the Suez Canal is dead level @ 100 miles with no locks, is heretical? Call me a heretic.

          To say that the horizon rises to the eye level of the observer, at ANY and ALL HEIGHTS is heresy, call me a heretic.

          That this poster ark, has not raised one contention in my post, YET brings one sideshow after another, is quite telling.

          I would remind all readers that He whose understanding is infinite, was charged with having a devil. Yeah, good luck with that.

          Being called a heretic by someone who neither believes God or scripture……geezo


        • Citizen Tom says:

          That is funny! ColorStorm has you so twisted into knots he has you defending the Bible. Sounds like progress to me.

          Go read the passage I lifted that verse from. Because we are just servants, there is no point in expecting everyone to believe the exact same thing. There are certain truths Christians are required to believe, and ColorStorm upholds those truths as far as I know.

          What are the truths that Christians are required to believe? Romans describes basic Christian philosophy. The physics of the earth does not seem to be of much concern. 1 – 3 John has much to say about apostates. No mention of a flat earth.

          When I insisted that everyone agree with me, do you know what happened? I got laughed at and lonely. Therefore, I decided to let God be God. His “job” was just too big for me. I am just a servant and happiest when I let God be God.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Arkenaten says:

    NASA doesn’t need to defend itself.Tom. The evidence speaks for itself.
    And there is NO evidence for a flat, stationary Earth.
    And you know this , Tom as well as I do.


    • ColorStorm says:

      You are THAT kid in class that just begs for attention by being the loud mouthed spoiled brat. CTom has already alluded to his disinterest in proving or disproving your views as well as my own views. Apparently, he, like me, is actually able to bear with others points of view without making a federal case. I told you, but you are pretending to be DEAF: if Tesla and Einstein differed greatly to the point that Tesla called his ‘theories’ nonsense, surely, you are not that dense to think that not even NASA engineers disagree………….

      Now then, regardless of that which you detest, we have this sure word from God’s building, and I am quoting from this very post:

      ‘Of God’s earth, we read: ‘For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.’ (Ps 24) When any architect plans his skyscraper, he must determine how he will found it, how he will stabilize it, and the fact is, the most important component of his building no one sees. He establishes the building by founding it. Are we then by comparison that shallow in thought to deny the Creator His engineering superiority?’

      Your argument is with God and scripture, not Ctom or myself.


      • Arkenaten says:

        I am not arguing with Tom, merely pointing out his disinclination to take you to the cleaners for your idiotic flat, stationary earth garbage.
        He has a technical background and inside is probably grimacing at your pathetic anti science nonsense.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Of course it’s idiotic. To you.

          You may want to ask yourself ( without being spoon fed HOW TO THINK) just what exactly was the earth orbiting around……..BEFORE the sun and moon were created????

          Try real hard to google the answer……..

          But I already said enough about it in the excellent post above; and it is obvious you have absolutely no answer other than to malign or accuse.

          You must know that I expose your sideshows every time. So. Here it is again, and try to think on your own without Tom, Zande, it anybody else to hand you crutches:

          What was the earth circling BEFORE the creation of the sun and moon?


        • Arkenaten says:

          Of course it’s idiotic. To you.

          Well, I do beg your pardon.
          Are you suggesting I throw away all the expertise and collective experience of millions of people, specialists in the relevant fields that has governed scientific discovery and exploration, that has also led to numerous discoveries in a variety of fields including medicine, solely on the say-so of a Young (flat) Earth Creationist?
          ´Surely you jest?
          Even Tom would not dare jettison such beliefs merely to satisfy your insane dribblings.
          And as he remarked.
          Let’s suppose you are doing this for a giggle…
          Oh, if only that were the case, John, right?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Tom suggested you phone NASA. My point of view is a threat to all agencies, but try not to be too disappointed when they tell you they already know I am threat to world peace.


  9. Well I hate to interject, but I think I would be delighted to sit on the edge of the flat earth with Colorstorm and watch the sunset, and perhaps discuss with Tom about whether or not we should actually notify NASA about this grave situation. I’ll bring some bread and wine. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Arkenaten says:

      It’s sweet that you respond this way.
      The difference being you are intelligent enough to know the earth is not flat.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Don’t you dare msb ‘hate to interject! Lol

      Spoken like true Phoebe. Love it. In all this, seems odd that while certain people love to rail, do you notice that the essence of the post is left untouched?

      It appears such a post stirs cages, not because it is strange, but it is darn near impossible to refute. 😂

      As if any ol monkey could have put together such a song.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Arkenaten says:

        Well, science made a monkey out of you.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Well then ark/Doug I’ll just have to be happy relying on my powers of observation/ common sense, nature/ logic/ facts/ and scripture, and I’ll also happily await the arrival of others who will perhaps also see- much to the dismay of the false gods Degrass/Nye/Hawkins, etc

          While we sip wine at the far corners….. lol


    • Citizen Tom says:


      Edge? What edge? With my luck it is an intelligence test, and I will fall off before I see it.

      Liked by 1 person

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