Love this burial

Don’t you so tire of hearing the age old charge that Christianity is the root of hatred and ‘death to the Jews?’ I do.

I believe that narrow minds are responsible for the perpetuating of such an idea. Not that said people can’t be smart in other areas, but insofar as this claim, the claim that a good ‘religion’ is the sole reason WHY antisemitism thrives and survives, I will instantly prove this narrative a simple dream of lazy minds.

But the real root is ALWAYS missed, and that is WHY a man seeks to kill and destroy another human being, regardless of the race. Which is worse, killing one man, or a hundred? The mother of Abel would beg to differ if you told her that her son’s killer would kill 90 more. So? I’m interested in MY son.

But it was the Creator’s initiative to call out a people for His name, whereby also the entire world would be blessed. Don’t believe this? Don’t like this? Too bad, as He made the garden of life and not you. Men are relevant, races are enabled and disabled, by our appreciation and association with the apple of God’s eyes: Israel. After all, we do read that God blesses them that bless thee, speaking of Abraham’s posterity through Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, then ultimately through the Lord Christ.

Which brings me to this. The promises of God arrived on time but to a people of stiff necks and cold hearts. The greater son of David had lived and upheld the law of Moses, but went further by revealing WHY the law was given in the first place, and for this, His life came to an abrupt end on Calvary’s central tree, but not before was uttered that eternal pronouncement: ‘I find in him no fault.’ (of course.)

THIS messiah could not have been, for HE charged us with disorder in the court! Surely the people of the book could not be guilty too like so many others who know not God! Uh, hello, that’s the point, there are none righteous, no not any, as the law said as much, but deaf ears pretended not to hear, and blind eyes pretended not to see.

But the contrite of heart heard and saw. Enter Pentecost, that Jewish feast, where Jews of every kind gathered; some were delighted, others mocked the delivery by a new man, Peter the apostle, who spoke words of truth and candor. About 3,000 as a matter of fact received this word gladly, and openly identified in the mikva, that ritual bath which they expressed before others.

All Jews. And they paid a price as they were harassed by other JEWS, for allegedly abandoning the faith of their fathers. But more. For the first EIGHT years, the Christian church was ENTIRELY Jewish, are you listening? Eight years. That is a loooonnnng time. The persecution of believing Jews was simply done by unbelieving Jews, so let’s bury here and now this NOTION that Christianity is the ROOT of antisemitism.

It never was. It never is. It never will be, but only in the minds of the careless. Need I remind you of the death of Stephen who while being pelted with rocks by the ‘lawkeepers,’ prayed for his ‘brothers’ because it was they who were really lawbreakers. Truth has this effect on people. Kind of like when I speak of science in ways that make people uncomfortable. It’s only the heart doncha know.

So no, the roots of antisemitism were never found in Christianity, and this thought will never be contradicted by facts or reality. Christians do not kill, neither are engaged in pogroms. But perhaps even a cursory look at the word ‘root’ will once and for all put in the graveyard the lie that Christianity is responsible for antisemitism, when I have proved infallibly, that the first examples of the deaths of Jews, believing Jews mind you, Jews in the church to be exact, Jews called Christians, were executed by JEWS.

The ROOT of anti-Semites was never grown and watered by Christians. The funeral is over, and all thoughtful people MUST agree with the facts of history.

And oh, then there is this: ye shall know them by their love one for another. Ahem, let’s take another look at Stephen and his behavior while being put to death……….by Jews………a Christian killed by Jews. Yeah, real antisemitism here.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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130 Responses to Love this burial

  1. Excellent CS.
    It does amaze me how people gloss over true history in order to create a false narrative—but aren’t we are seeing that unfold daily with the poor President?

    Yes, the baby church was made up of Jews, as well as some gentiles, who became the followers of another Jew.
    But this Jew, however, who they followed was more than just another Jew…and this is what was divinely revealed as they saw it with their hearts…that this son of a Jewish carpenter was in actuality the son of God…the Messiah.
    They saw and knew, without doubt, that this fellow Jew was indeed the Promised One.

    Yet we have sadly seen, throughout the ages, that some Christians thought blaming the Jews for the crucifixion and the death of Jesus was warranted. An excuse really to keep a wary eye the Jews.

    Pope Benedict XVI even declared that “There is no basis in the scripture for the argument that the Jewish people were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.”

    So those who continue to clamor that we are antisemites are beating a dead horse.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ColorStorm says:

      It’s funny jewels how/ if we had to pick some-one as a good example of semetisism- if could possibly be Peter- when tons directly by God to the gentile house of Cornelius.

      Surely Lord you got to be kidding!! A Jew- going into a non kosher home- with the gospel???

      Maybe prejudice is the better word/ but still/ he wouldn’t have much as lifted a finger to harm him/ theirs-

      Oh how facts and context relieves us of hearsay and bias.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Arkenaten says:

      Pope Benedict XVI even declared that “There is no basis in the scripture for the argument that the Jewish people were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.”

      Would that this statement was made often enough and loud enough through the ages?

      Noone said that you or the majority of modern Christians are antisemitic.
      The accusation leveled at Christianity and its ancestors is that Christianity and the doctrine of antisemitism as we recognise it can trace its roots to Christianity.

      The term ”Christ Killers” did not manifest out of thin air, Julie, and the accusation that ”The Jews” – a term used in a pejorative sense in several parts of the gospels, and especially in John,murdered God/The Messiah laid the foundation for the persecution and pogroms that followed.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ColorStorm says:

        ——The accusation leveled at Christianity and its ancestors is that Christianity and the doctrine of antisemitism as we recognise it can trace its roots to Christianity——

        And I have proved this to be incorrect in this very post- easily and truthfully.

        NONE can escape the fact that it was the human plague of sin that initiated the crucifixion.

        Whether it be the mob ‘away with him….’ or Pilate/ Herod/ the darkness of men was on display- and your term Christ killers’ is only misappropriated.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Theological gobbledygook – Sin- simply does not cut it, I’m afraid.

          The character Jesus of Nazareth was apparently crucified for sedition. Period.
          It was Christians (or followers of the character Jesus if you prefer) who leveled the charge of Christ Killers at the Jews and the accusation they were responsible for murdering God, the stigma of which has survived until now.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Let’s just stay on point regarding ‘sin does not cut it.’

          Perhaps you never heard or read: ‘Christ died for our SINS……………..according to the scriptures……………’ Have you never read the book of Hebrews, that illustrious book which lays bare all lousy claims, arguments, and settles once for all that yes, sin is a not a pretty word, I don’t blame people for avoiding it, no one gets off that bus with a free pass, yet, your ‘sedition’ claim, or others claim ‘blasphemer,’ or any one of a thousand wrong charges fall short of the reason WHY the words ‘away with him,’ are represented by every nation, kindred, and tongue.

          Thus the nature of scripture is unbiased to the good, bad, and the ugly. Fortunately, there is more, and it is always good, IF we believe the record. I believe it is incontrovertible. But you really should pause and think how the why the Jewish people persecuted their own/ from Saul of Tarsus, to Paul who owned his misdirected zeal- and this was long before the first pope ever donned his cloak.


      • Hi Ark—history does teach us that as the Christian Church grew, that there were some within the various churches who began to blame the Jews for Jesus having been Crucified — not every Christian nor every denomination, as the church began to separate into various denominations, but some were very focused on such a notion— Jewish “ghettos” were instituted in cities throughout medieval Europe but that went deeper than just a church placing blame— and so therefore such ‘ghettos’ were not new to the nazis as far as containing Jews to various areas of a city we’re concerned — Spain had such Jewish quarters in place during the Middle Ages as did other European counties—
        I think that Benedict made his proclamation as more of a historical statement more than anything else — it was a ‘ for the record’ sort of statement that The Church does not blame nor hold accountable The Jewish people given the fact that The Church was / is no longer still vocalizing Jewish accountability for the death of Christ.
        Yet I’m sure there will always be those nuts out there who will always believe such nonsense because we will always have those kind of folks living amongst us —

        To level blame at the foot of the Church for the various attacks on Jews down through the ages is not fair nor accurate as other groups ( Egyptians dating back to Ramses, Monguls, Moors and more recently, Nazis, Communists and Palestinians ) are equally pogromayically responsible— so not one group of people is the root cause of Jewish persecution—

        Jesus was a devout Jew— so I am keenly aware of Christianity’s Jewish roots. Something I greatly appreciate—

        Let’s not have a ‘jump on the Christians ‘ day shall we …for they/ we are not your root of all evils in the world—
        So then a perfect group???
        Heavens no— hence our need for a Savior— repentance is a life long endeavor —

        Move on Ark to something more beneficial for all mankind rather than playing ‘let’s bash the Christians’ — waste of time and good energy


        Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          To level blame at the foot of the Church for the various attacks on Jews down through the ages is not fair nor accurate as other groups ( Egyptians dating back to Ramses, Monguls, Moors and more recently, Nazis, Communists and Palestinians ) are equally pogromayically responsible— so not one group of people is the root cause of Jewish persecution—

          Yes, Julie I am aware of the history, but somehow I think you are missing the salient point, or maybe I am not making myself clear enough?
          Either way, what I am trying to explain ties in with the Pope’s apology. For if there was no culpability on the part of the Church there would be no need for an apology, now would there?

          So let me reiterate. And please pay special attention to the part in bold.

          Responsibility for the origins of antisemitism as we generally understand it, and especially in religious terms can be laid squarely at the feet of the Church and its doctrine, largely due to their labeling of Jews as ”Christi Killers”, and ”Murderers of God”. These terms were touted for centuries and are largely responsible for the ensuing persecution, and pogroms.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Fair enough … then ”Nah” it is.

          At least we have cleared up your misunderstanding regarding the origins of antisemitism as we know it. Thanks for the chat, Julie, I’m off to watch the soccer.

          Liked by 1 person

        • I fear it is you who are the wee confused one my friend but enjoy that soccer match

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          No, dear, but then I have no ”skin in the game” as they say and no need to defend the words of people like Chrysostom and Luther and the subsequent actions that ensued.
          We can even find the seeds of antisemitism in the gospels, for goodness sake.

          Again, such terms as Christ Killers and Murderers of God did not manifest out of thin air, now did they?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Soccer dear…musn’t miss the game


        • Arkenaten says:

          Finished. Manchester City won.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Well I hope you were pulling for Manchester


        • Arkenaten says:

          Shrug Wasn’t that exciting to be honest.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          You should take some time and read A. Roy Eckardt,
          He takes an even stronger view of antisemitism and includes the Holocaust and direct links to Christian responsibility-
          I’d offer a link, but well, you know Colorstorm and his view of links.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          (Christian response for the Holocaust…..)

          Now that’s a laugh for the ages. I already dismissed THAT in this very post, and rather easily. Now u know why it is absurd to include links.
          regarding things long been proven. Liars never cease.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Of course you don’t care what people say. This is why you remain in a willful state of blinkered stupification
          I am inclined, however, to pay more attention to those who are regarded as experts in their field, not wannabe apologists, such as you, CS.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Apologist? Me? Ha! I apologize for nothing. 😉

          But tkx for telling Julie that u never said Hitler was a Christian, (as many people do.) Some real progress here.

          To be clear, my ‘not caring’ does not mean I am unaware— au contraire, well aware. Scripture paints the only real account of what is actual, factual, and correct.

          The death of Christ was not an accident. ALL are culpable. And here’s an extra morsel for you: the men who nailed Christ to the cross were ‘doing their job,’ even unbeknown to themselves- and he who lanced the Lord already dead with his spear, were ’employees of the state,’ ie, God is well aware what men do, and He also knew the great pretenders would come along and think they were doing God a favor by trading on semitisism.

          Christianity is blameless, and may all lying rocks be buried.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Scripture paints the only real account of what is actual, factual, and correct.

          Then the text ”damns” you, as those who composed the gospels were adamant where lay the blame for the ”murder of God” – with the Jews.
          And it is this that the church and its proponents have grasped and promoted anti -Jewish actions and antisemitism.

          Denial of this is tantamount to lying.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I stand by the text. Completely. Entirely. From Genesis 1. to Revelation 22.

          Do you think that maybe on this point alone I am more qualified than most, SINCE so few do?

          From God’s promise long ago regarding the seed of the woman, confirmed to Abraham regarding ‘God will provide Himself a lamb………’ and not Isaac……… and proved again in the process of time through the Baptist welcoming the ‘lamb of God…………’

          ….while being true that Christ came unto His own, and that they received Him not, still, Herod and Pilate enjoyed a confederacy- no Jews needed to enforce their power-

          Perhaps a fresh reading of the New Testament would serve you well? The WHOLE?

          As far as your notion that the ‘church promotes’ antisemitism…….. ha! according to lousy opinions maybe, but never according to the scriptures.

          In a court of law, truth wins the day.


        • There is no real Christian culpability with the Shoah—- only that of a state run church body that had given into Hitler’s pressure to be state run or else— any Christian involvement was not as a collective body of approval as the likes of Bonhoeffer and others had left the state run Lutheran church forming an independent body in opposition to Nazism — and those soldiers and leadership still claiming to be a follower of Christ would have to deal with their own level of involvement and repentance.

          Hitler was not a Christian although he had been raised under the church but as he came into his own, he despised the Church as he considered true Christianity as weak— and it is widely known he tried to have a pope Prius VII assassinated. Hitler he embraced a hybrid of the occult mixed with nazi mysticism

          The Catholic Church along with other church bodies fought to oppose Hitler working alongside the underground resistance—

          Christianity has no responsibility or link to Hitler’s killing machine — and as I stated, those individuals who still claimed to be a Christian while fighting for Germany had to answer to God for their actions.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          I never said Adolf was a Christian, merely referenced Eckhardt.
          As an expert in the field he, among other scholars concludes that Christianity is directly responsible for the anti-Jewish sentiment /antisemitism that prevailed.
          A case can most definitely be made.
          The Holocaust aside, there is no doubt that antisemitism as we have generally grown to understand it, can be directly linked to
          Christianity – namely its doctrine and the sentiments expressed by notable early Christians such as Luther and Chrysostom.
          And it is a brave person who would attempt to make a case that such enmity arose out of thin air and not the belief that the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus of Nazareth/murderers of God.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Educated Christianity knows that we do not blame the Jews— a majority rejected the Savior in their midst but it was not them who killed him—


        • Arkenaten says:

          ”Educated Christianity” still considers a corpse rose from the dead so this might not be the best angle to take. Just saying.
          I am discussing the topic on antisemitism and its roots in 1st Century Christianity and the fact it endures to this day.
          You seem to be struggling with this fact, Julie.


          Liked by 1 person

        • Not struggling and yep— rose on the third day 🥰


        • Arkenaten says:

          If you are not ”struggling” why then are you having difficulty with the evidence regarding the root cause of antisemitism?

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          HaHA ark. You are talking to the most patient Julie.

          But the ‘root?’ It’s sin, period. But stop laying grievance at Christianity, as it is blameless.


        • Arkenaten says:

          So, with your continued denial you are basically lying.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Ark. Listen carefully. We are telling you that the hatred and killing of Jews existed loooonnnnng before Christ walked in the flesh.

          His death was a continuation of this proof- ie, the wars of the Jews, and Haman’s vile attempts in the book of Esther.

          Unfortunately. you do not associate with the likes of Uncle Mordecai, who was wise above most. Hadassah was quite the young lady, and was groomed in good graces, and paid attention to what was right.

          Christianity as you describe, is so foreign from what is good and decent………..for it IS good and decent.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Ark. Listen carefully. We are telling you that the hatred and killing of Jews existed loooonnnnng before Christ walked in the flesh.

          I never said it didn’t. But you are simply refusing to acknowledge that the terms ”murderers of God” and ”Christ killers” are wholly Christian terms and it is THIS that is the primary cause of anti-Jewish sentiment / antisemitism that endures to the present day.

          Any form of denial of this fact is simply lying.


        • ColorStorm says:

          And I am telling you without reservation that your term ‘Christ killers,’ are not, have not, and never will be laid at the feet of believers.

          ‘Religious terms’ maybe, just as ‘allahooey ackbarr’ is a religious term, but the proof is in the pudding so to speak. Try living off the nutrition from a picture of apples………

          I do not know why you cannot see this. Then again, maybe I do know.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Yes, they can … type Jewish deicide.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Well unfortunately for you I have the last word.

          The word for the day is BURIAL. I have proved through sound doctrine that your ref to wiki, leaky, peety, squeaky, and all the others, are nonsense.

          I as a Christian, have NEVER used that term that you so delight. Why? Because I take my cues from scripture, not from lousy INTERPRETATIONS of scripture.

          I know the record. I know the whole. The claim is BURIED.


        • Arkenaten says:

          I never suggested for one second that you have ever used it or ever will. Irrespective of the chasm between us regarding beliefs I hold you to a far higher standard than the likes of Luther, Chrysostom et al,
          and it is fair to say that, most modern Christians do not use such a term either.
          But this still does not detract from the term ”Christ Killers”, its existence or its very Christian origins and the long-lasting and in some cases devastating effects it has had regarding the enmity towards the Jews.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Devastating yes. Uncalled for yes. But not a term used by Christians who KNOW the scriptures and humanity’s place under the umbrella of a Creator and the sovereignty of God.

          Christians have NO enmity toward th Jews. How could they/we? ‘I will bless them that bless thee,’ God’s own promise toward the apple of His eye.

          A man would be stupid to argue with God.


        • Arkenaten says:

          And yet, the term derived from Christians and much of the enmity, pogroms and hatred shown toward the Jews through the ages can be directly attributed to its use.


        • ColorStorm says:

          You could accuse a soccer ball too I suppose of murder and be equally ignorant of law and fact.

          It’s kind like the charge levied at the feet of guns. They are guiltless, but miscreants and bastards will ply their craft.

          The grace of God as defined by scripture, and practiced by believers is as good as the sun.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Doesn’t detract from the history of the term ”Christ Killers” which derives specifically from Christians, and the fact that its usage and the ensuing violence can be blamed on those Christians who promoted it.
          And its legacy is still with us no matter the protestations of modern Christians and the Church.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Sorry doug. You have listened to the voice of opinion versus the voice of truth. Christians do not cite Jews as Christ killers. They must be something else then yes?

          Btw, have you ever ever heard of the predeterminate and foreknowledge of God? Ie, God’s sovereignty in allowing people to ‘do their thing,’ yet being fully aware of the end of that ‘thing.’

          Just think of your fav game on the telly, which you already saw, and know its outcome/ yet a friend is seeing it a day later- You know what happens, yet you say not a word/ nor do you/can you influence the results.

          God knows all about they who say ‘Christ killers,’ and I can assure you, He is not happy, but they play on.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Christians do not cite Jews as Christ killers.

          Most Christians probably don’t these days, but in the past they did, as history testifies.
          Surely you are not suggesting Martin Luther was not a Christian?

          Denying the evidence of Christian culpability is as ridiculous as being a holocaust denier.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I can’t conceive ANYBODY citing Jews as Christ killers…………..draw your own conclusions.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Christianity’s Understanding of its origins centers on the New Testament, particularly the poetic rendering in the gospels of the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus, which is traditionally known as the Passion.5 In the gospels’ rendition and as interpreted for centuries, the Jews are perceived as “the Christ killers,” a people condemned forever to suffer exile and degradation. This archcrime of “deicide,” of murdering God, turned the Jews into the embodiment of evil, a “criminal people” cursed by God and doomed to wander and suffer tribulation to the end of time. No other religious tradition has condemned a people as the murderers of its god, a unique accusation that has resulted in a unique history of hatred, fear, and persecution. When it came to Jews, the central doctrine of Christianity, that Jesus was providentially sent into the world to atone by his death for mankind’s sins, was obscured.

          It is true, as the laws declare, that in consequence of their sin [of rejecting and crucifying Jesus] the Jews were destined to perpetual servitude, so that sovereigns of states may treat Jewish goods as their own property.

          —St. Thomas Aquinas, 12742

          It is not just a matter of deportation. You will not die there of hunger and disease. They will slaughter all of you there, old and young alike, women and children, at once—it is the punishment that you deserve for the death of our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ—you have only one solution. Come over to our [Catholic] religion, and I will work to annul the decree.

          —Bishop Kmetko’s reply to Rabbi Ungar, who asked him to intervene with the head of state, Monsignor Tiso, to prevent the deportation of Jews from Slovakia in 19434

          Want the source?

          Game, set and match.

          Give it up, John, before you make yourself look ridiculous.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yeah, I am well aware of all your quotes. I could cite a thousand more.

          Maybe I should spell it out: I can’t conceive of anybody who CLAIMS to be Christian saying such things, as they must be clueless as to God, scripture, and themselves.

          Does that help since you are pretending to think I am vague.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Ah .. so now you are asserting the likes of Chrysostom, Aquinas,Luther were not Christians?


        • ColorStorm says:

          I am telling you that their ‘language’ is not indicative of biblical Christianity then or now. How could it be?

          I am more interested in my language than theirs. I can do nothing about Hitler or even Paul the apostle- I can control my own self though.

          Let me repeat: Christians are not responsible for antisemitism-

          I have proved it in the post- and upheld it in the comments.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Absolute rubbish!
          I am sorry, but I can no longer consider your replies are based on ignorance, willful or otherwise and you are now simply lying. The evidence is clear.

          In the late second century, Bishop Melito of Sardis had already
          converted the crucifixion into the archstereotype of the criminal Jews when he proclaimed, “God has been murdered; the king of Israel has been slain by an
          Israelite hand,” preaching that provoked massive attacks on Jews.

          Again, source can be supplied.


        • ColorStorm says:

          We can play link pong till the bats come home—- hence why I refrain.

          Since I give you the road regarding your darkroom expertise, and I would not lecture you in that which you excel/ why can’t you extend the same courtesy and consider that I know a bit more of my faith than you do?

          But more. I believe every word of it, (I have God’s word on that) while you believe none of it, therefore, I am on a more sure foundation to explain the why’s and what’s, and the who’s….

          God’s word stands unaccused, as I have said for decades. People? Eh, not so much.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Faith does not require acknowledging evidence that refutes your assertions.

          And now, once again, your flowery rhetoric comes to the fore.

          You have extended a considerable amount of bytes merely to be shown as behaving in a disingenuous fashion regarding the historical evidence supporting the Christian roots of antisemitism.

          Your god’s word has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
          For once, John,please display some humility and have the integrity to acknowledge this.

          And I have no idea what you are going on about re: my url.
          I use only one, and all my comments in your blog are moderated.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Once more and finally:

          There are no Christian roots of antisemitism. I have proved this in the post easily. It has thrived quite well long before and even to this day; ie, modern Palestine- no Christians needed.

          As far as bytes, others following along will applaud me for my patience.


        • Arkenaten says:

          No you haven’t and the evidence I have provided refutes your erroneous claims.

          The charges leveled at Jews as being Christ Killers is well documented and many Christian writers of the early part of the 1st and 2nd centuries wrote of the Jews complicity in deicide.

          The more you continue to deny this the more you present yourself as a liar.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Listen. I don’t stutter.

          Labeling Jews as Christ killers is not the fruit of Christianity. How much clear can I be.

          And who was it that actually tried to eradicate the Jews if not for Haman and Hitler? My interest is in the lying claim that it was Christians who inspired antisemitism.

          The idea is buried, as noted.


        • Arkenaten says:

          I didn’t say it was the fruit of Christianity. History records that the roots of anti-Jewish sentiment and antisemitism as we generally understand it can be traced to Christianity and many of its proponents.

          To deny this after the evidence you have seen and other evidence that is readily available if you choose to look suggests you are lying.


        • ColorStorm says:

          No. The roots of anti Jewish sentiment were doing fine long before the first Christian was stoned to death.

          Read the Old Testament. Read the history and fruit of Purim. And stop talking about lying.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Yes, I know and this has already been dealt with.

          I reiterate the roots of antisemitism and anti-Jewish sentiment as we generally understand it today can be traced to Christianity and the considered deicide of Jesus, which gave rise to such terms as Christ Killers.
          This is well documented and acknowledged even by Christians and scholars.
          Dominic Crossan comes to mind.
          And these anti Jewish sentiments were expressed by a number of prominent early Christians, such as Aquinas, Chrysostom, Luther.
          And others I have mentioned in comments in this thread.
          Why do you continue to deny historical fact?
          I know you are not remedial or an imbecile so what’s left? You are lying,?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Deny historical fact?
          Shall we talk of the first day of Adam and Evee? shall we speak of Noah and his sons? The deluge over a fruited plane?

          The erecting of the tower of Dubai, oops, excuse me, Babel? The deportation of the illustrious Daniel and his kin? His interpretation of dreams before the king, and a night with lions? What more shall we discuss re. history, so no, tis not I who lacks historical context.

          But perhaps we should await the arrival of the good lady after her med visit….. 😉


        • Arkenaten says:

          If you cannot be honest at least stay on topic, stop waffling and don’t lie.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I don’t think u are lying, but misinformed thus making you severely handicapped in your inability/unwillingness to see the larger picture of the worlds history of sin and its plaque.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Ah, and back to your fallacious claim of sin.
          This has nothing to do with the very real and documented fact that Jews were labeled Christ Killers which resulted in centuries of persecution including pogroms.

          If you continue to deny this on the back of the evidence then it is you, I’m afraid that is lying.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Now that is almost riotous! It is precisely BECAUSE of sin that a burial is even needed, so thank you for your unintentional and rather serendipitous observation. Love it.

          Case closed, according to the scriptures, fact, and of course history.

          (I’ll bet you a dozen Hasselblads that Julie will smile at this small comment.) 😉


        • Arkenaten says:

          Do you not read your comments?
          The charge of antisemitism and anti Jewish sentiment as we understand it can be traced to Christianity and the use of terms such as Christ Killers.
          I am surprised that you would continue to lie about this.
          Or maybe I shouldn’t be surprised at you lying?


        • ColorStorm says:

          They who made the claim of ‘Christ killers’ were spiritual dunces.

          Haman and his kin who tried to do away with Esther, Mordecai, and all the Jews was pure hatred. Easy to understand and hard to deny.


        • Arkenaten says:

          They who made the claim of ‘Christ killers’ were spiritual dunces

          That may well be the case, and allusion to this charge would include such Christian luminaries as Aquinas, Chrysostom, Luther and numerous Christian scholars, and church leaders across the board and through the ages.
          But at least you are admitting that the charge of Christ Killers was made against the Jews.
          That you may deem these Christians as ”spiritual dunces” or perhaps not even genuine Christians cannot redeem the fact that the charge of deicide leveled against the Jews and other vile terms has resulted in massive persecution through the centuries.

          But at least you have finally found the integrity to recognize that the term Christ Killers can be traced to Christianity even if some of those individuals were ”spiritual dunces.”


        • ColorStorm says:

          Aah but you went too far.

          The term Christ killers is not traced to Christianity. How many times and ways do I have to repeat this?

          It was a perverted response which is clueless to the grace of God, and I don’t care who said it/ then/ or today. It is NOT a response by people taught of God. Period.

          Christianity is as blameless as a Rock, even though there be many who abuse pebbles.

          How many liars would swear that Tiger Woods can’t play golf. False charges are a dime a dozen.


        • Arkenaten says:

          The antisemitic slur “Christ-killer” was used by mobs to incite violence against Jews and contributed to many centuries of pogroms, the murder of Jews during the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust.

          Source can be supplied

          The verse that reads: “And all the people answered, ‘His blood be on us and on our children!'” is also referred to as the blood curse. In an essay regarding antisemitism, biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine argues that this passage has caused more Jewish suffering throughout history than any other in the New Testament.

          Whatever the historical circumstances might have been, early Christian tradition clearly and increasingly placed blame for the death of Jesus on the Jews, decreasing the Romans’ culpability. In Matthew, the Roman governor washes his hands of Jesus’ blood while the Jews proclaim, “His blood be on us and on our children!”

          Mark Allen Powell.

          Enough now, John.
          History of this cannot be denied.
          Accept it and move on. Rather than hide behind a lie, be someone who recognizes the truth of this matter and do whatever you can to ensure it never happens again.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Oh man have you even buried yourself doug.

          [Used by mobs to incite violence…………’ Yeah, like the riots at Detroit were a bunch or praying Christians. Christians do not gather in mobs. They do not incite violence. They do not kill people. You are proving my point regarding sheep and goats, so tkx.

          Point 2. ‘His blood be upon us…….and our children……….’ What a prophetic mistake to ask for their own judgment, yet, I venture to say, they were willing to ‘take their chances,’ in other words, ‘we are so sure we are correct that we will roll the dice, because we know 7’s will not come up a thousand times in a row.’

          the blood curse? Yeah, wiki supports that, but Paul dismissed that quicker than a fried egg. Blindness is intentional, if it is willing. Be careful what you ask for.


        • Arkenaten says:

          I reiterate, you are making a fool of yourself. Scholars across the board have acknowledged Christianity’s culpability in this regard to the extent that several Popes’ have felt it necessary to go on record stating that the Jews were not responsible for Jesus’ death.
          No one in their right mind would make such a statement if there were not probably cause in the first place.

          Give it up, John.
          It’s done and you are only making it worse for yourself.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yeah I suppose you are correct. The Lord Christ was incorrect when He said ‘All men shall know ye are my disciples by your love one for another.’

          He was also in error when He said to ‘pray for your enemies,’ (strike these words.)

          Unfortunately for you, the word of God does not have a place in your heart, so your disadvantage is understandable.

          Christianity is NOT guilty in the least for any kind of antisemitism; I don’t care how many scholars, priests, popes, rabbis, PhD’s, BvD’s pastors, etc etc who say otherwise.

          I’ll honor myself by not quoting a hundred scriptures that prove this.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Then you are simply a liar …


        • ColorStorm says:

          Actually, the correct word is ‘Let God be true, and every man a liar.’

          I have told you the truth . Better question; what will YOU do when the finger of God is pointed at YOU?

          Will you run to wiki looking for one more perverted opinion, or will you allow Gods word to have its way in your conscience. See, this is how the gospel works.

          You come bringing complaints, and the heart of the matter is shown to you, so, whose son is the Lord Christ?


        • Arkenaten says:

          The gospel is not the point of discussion but the fact that antisemitism , and terms such as Christ killers and deicide as we generally understand it can be traced back to Christianity and some of its proponents.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Tkx ark, but it IS IN FACT the gem which reveals all lousy narratives.

          Take another look at the heading pic of the post: in loving memory. What do think that refers too and means?

          I set the correct context for that jewel and the sad fact that the despising of Jews was long in effect BEFORE the gospel even took root.

          Thus, Christianity, while used as a toy by unfit minds, is NEVER to be blamed for fires started by children who do not get their commands from the Creator of fire.

          But your insistence that Christianity is somehow responsible…………I would BURY this charge quite easily in a court of law, which I have already done.

          A Ferrari can never be blamed for the owners death when he willfully drove it over a cliff. Connect the dots will you.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Not once have I ever denied that there was antisemitism toward the Jews before the advent of Christianity.
          However, I have insisted all along that the anti Jewish sentiment and antisemitism as we generally understand it is because of the accusation of ”Christ Killers” and deicide and similar vile rhetoric as promoted by many , including notable Christians such as Chrysostom, Luther and Aquinas.
          It is because of such anti-Jewish sentiment and other doctrines that the enmity towards Jews has been carried through the centuries by Christians.
          And because of this several Popes have felt it necessary to attempt to correct this hostility by stating that the Jews were not responsible for the death of the character Jesus of Nazareth.

          Any attempt to deny the reality of this situation is merely disingenuous.

          Call it a day, John.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yeah I know, you have repeated this several times/

          And I’m telling you several more times that the SAME spirit that drove Haman to try his nefarious craft in the court of Esther…… the same spirit that thrives in Christendom/ NOT Christianity- take note: but it thrives and survives in Christendom, lower case, and a HOUSE of a different nature, which house was spoken of by the Lord Himself: one a great pretender, and the other the humble abode as it is called to be.

          Btw, Paul spoke of this ‘house’ also. You may want to consider that I actually know what I am talking about when it comes to articles of faith.


        • Arkenaten says:

          So, you are saying that, Luther and Aquinas were not Christians?,


        • ColorStorm says:

          My opinion is irrelevant regarding them. I am telling you what is good. If they were, one can only hope they were eternally remorseful.

          I would remind you that Peter the apostle was somewhat prejudicial before he matured in faith- it is therefore possible to be very ignorant of things until one sees the whole- if Luther held such views- he would have been rather immature- and I would be happy to point that out.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Agreed, your opinion is irrelevant.
          The evidence damns not only them but you.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Tkx ark- I’ll keep my Christianity which includes all true sciences-

          You keep your atheism and your unfounded theories.

          Still, at the end of the day, we have humanity in common and can be friends- it’s just that there is a more excellent way. It’s good to aspire to such a way.


        • Evidence shows antisemitism existed long before Christianity came on the scene— so to make Christianity out to be a root cause is blindly missing the mark— so yep— 3rd day rose — salvation has come Alleluia!!
          Off to a doctor appt— happy soccer


        • Arkenaten says:

          Again, you continue to avoid the point.
          Antisemitism or a more accurate term would be anti-Jewish behaviour/sentiment as we generally understand it, namely – blaming the Jews for the ”murder of God” and the label ”Christ Killers” is a wholly Christian concept, and it this that has been handed down from the 1st century.
          I hope you are now clear on this matter?

          This is what the evidence tells us Julie

          Liked by 1 person

        • Don’t think anyone can kill God— but His son who took on human form was crucified—and those who hated Jews came on long before Christianity— and like I say, alleluia and got to run 🏃🏻‍♀️


        • Arkenaten says:

          Yes, the term ”murderers of God” seems daft to me , but the slur exists, and it was leveled at the Jews. Look it up.
          There was hatred of the Jews as there was hatred for many people/nations.
          The Romans for example would extend such sentiments to almost anyone/nation that refused to toe the line. History is witness to this.
          But only Christians refined the hatred with their vile rhetoric and terms such as ”Christ Killers”, which has endured since the 1st century.
          Once again, such terms did not materialize out of thin air, Julie, and traces of this enmity can be found in the gospels.

          Continued denial of this is coming across as borderline lying. and I am wondering why you do not address the term Christ Killers and where it is derived?

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          (why are u continually moderated, unless u have multiple urls.)


        • In the immortal words of Tigger— ttfn


        • Arkenaten says:

          In the very mortal words of the character Jesus of Nazareth …. ( insert whatever words you like, Julie)


        • Well, I’m thinking ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do’— but Tigger was ‘tata for now’— as I’m currently sitting at the doctor’s waiting room—
          You know Ark, I think you’d be the most amicable person to sit and have a beer with if it just wasn’t for your infernal vendetta for Christianity — but again ttfn as I’m waiting to get called back….


        • Arkenaten says:

          Yes, I suspected you would pick this one. Jesus asking his dad not to be too cross with the Jews for killing him!

          This is blogland … you write, I write.
          Eventually such conversations will include phrases such as ”Remember when …” in reference to a time when humans once believed in supernatural nonsense, revered a human sacrifice and were considered sinners. All so very silly.

          Hope your gout get sorted, Julie.

          (u still havn’t told me why u still get moderated when I unshackled the chains……..) do u have more than one url?)
          And yes, I am quite amicable.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Here you go, Julie.
          This is courtesy of Wiki.
          Just type Jewish Deicide.
          And while the church has tried on several occasion to repudiate the charge of Jewish culpability the belief endures.

          Jewish deicide is a belief held by some Christians that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for the death of Jesus.[1] The antisemitic slur “Christ-killer” was used by mobs to incite violence against Jews and contributed to many centuries of pogroms, the murder of Jews during the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust.[


      • Citizen Tom says:

        Kind of funny. Someone who is guilty antiChristian bigotry is accusing Christians of anti-Semitism.

        The Roman Empire established anti-Semitism in the West in 70AD when they destroyed Jerusalem. Whereas Christianity slowly overcame the Roman Empire, the Jewish people remained pariahs.

        Anyone who has studied the Bible KNOWS there is no Biblical basis for hating the Jews. The Apostle Paul devotes much of the Book of Romans to God’s plan for the conversion of the Jews. Still, even Christians are human and sinners. That is why Christians point to Jesus Christ for our salvation. We are saved by His righteousness, not our own.

        Is the New Testament an anti-Semitic diatribe? A document written largely by Jews? Was Jesus anti-Semitic? Didn’t Jesus make Himself the perfect sacrifice by perfectly obeying the Old Testament law? He did that because He hated Jews?

        The Jews are God’s chosen people. The Bible makes it perfectly clear that persecuting the Jews is not a good idea. Unfortunately, until the invention of the printing press, few people had read the Bible, so hatred of the Jews persisted. We like an excuse to hate because we want someone besides ourselves to blame for our troubles. In truth, we are each our own worst enemy. We sin by choice.

        So, why do the Jews seem to be especially hated? Why is it difficult to find any people that has come into contact with the Jews who has not persecuted them? Why is it a mystery the Jewish people still exists? Maybe you ought to consult the Bible and find out.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          I have never said that the root cause of christian anti-semitism is scripture bible, although a case can, and has be made for this, buy scholars who are a lot more savvy that a bigoted fundamentally biased Christian such as you, Tom.
          As I have mentioned , the term Christi Killers did not manifest from this air and this is the reason why antisemitism as we generally understand it can be traced to Christianity (doctrine) and some of it proponents such as Luther, Chrysostom and even Aquinas.
          To deny this is disingenuous.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          The Bible is Christian doctrine. The ancient Romans did not need it to hate the Jews, and they would have thought you had lost your mind. Today’s Muslims don’t want anything to do with Christian doctrine, and many of them hate the Jews too.

          Is your anti-Christian bigotry fueled by Christian doctrine? Well, I suppose it has something to do with it, but the primary teaching of Jesus was that we should love each other. Love, as it happens, angers some people. Too often we would rather hate. You may wish to ask yourself why that is so.


        • Arkenaten says:

          The Romans ”hated” anyone that dd not toe the line.
          Historical evidence is your friend here, Tom.
          The Muslims are simply a ridiculous offshoot of your ridiculous religion. (in turn an equally stupid offshoot of Judaism)
          Where do you think they developed their backwards beliefs?
          Inherited drivel from the Christians with more bigotry, a lousy holy book and suicide bombers.

          If you had an ounce of integrity you would at least acknowledge that the anti Jewish sentiment expressed by Christians through the ages was fueled by the likes of Chrysostom Luther and their ilk.
          But alas integrity is a word you would even struggle to pronounce.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          The Jews had a distinctly different religion from the rest of the peoples of the Roman Empire. They resisted the rule of Rome because of it. Ironically, the Romans considered the Jews and Christians Atheists because they only worshiped one God.

          Islam has little to do with Christianity. Mohammed borrowed mostly from Judaism. Mohammed got mad at the Jews when they wouldn’t convert to Islam. He killed them.


        • Arkenaten says:

          … just as the Christians got mad at the Jews and killed them also.
          Perhaps you read different history books to those that actually wish yoo understand history?
          And if you do, you will find that, the antisemitism and anti-Jewish sentiment that has survived since those days has its roots firmly entrenched in the Christ Killer diatribe promoted by ….. Christians.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Good gravy. Show ONE command in the Christian book if living and instruction known as the New Testament where a believer is called upon to stone behead, or kill anybody under the guise of doing God a favor which your pet friend Hitler tried.

          Where in Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philomen, is a believer told to do the things you say they said and did?

          If u got your instruction from what Christianity IS , as opposed to what u THINK it is, you may then have a clue.

          Here’s a clue: G.R.A.C.E


        • Arkenaten says:

          which your pet friend Hitler tried.

          And that just got you banned from blog.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Don’t like your own medicine? You try to make Christians as equal to him, then cry when you are called for your vulgar references?

          Please, give me a break. Yes, he is a ‘pet’ reference used by atheists to malign Christianity.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          History is the story of a bunch of independent actors. If you push a storyline and find some actors who fit the storyline, at least for a time, does that prove the storyline? Only if you want to believe your own bigotry is justified.

          What you are doing is kind of pathetic. The Nazis and the Communists did similar things. Half the truth is a complete lie. Telling half the truth makes you a liar.

          You want to do something meaningful? Think about what you want to build, not who you want to tear down.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Such a great connecting observation regarding unfounded bias Tom.

          Tkx for thinking about it, and better yet, posting it here.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          You believe you are a sinner and need to be saved from your sins by believing in a human sacrifice that you are utterly convinced was Yahweh come in human form.
          A belief, by the way for which there is absolutely no evidence what so ever.
          But believed enough that Christians have persecuted and slaughtered their way across more than half the globe -and such slaughter in the name of your god has included slaughtering the Jews.

          Now THAT is pathetic.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Hey ark-

          Have u ever heard of a Christian strapping a bomb to himself and taking out a family at a bus stop that he doesn’t even know?

          Didn’t think so. Do u actually know any Christians- and not they who fit your warped narrative?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Did you forget about the Christians who burned at the stake thousand of women for being accused of witchcraft?
          Remember the Cathars?
          Remember the IRA campaigns?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Are you deaf or do u pretend to be dense. How is it that you, being a nonbeliever, act as judge as to WHO is Christian, while I, as a believer have never known one single person who represents that which u call Christianity.

          Perhaps you have confused the narrow way with the road to perdition.

          If you actually believed Genesis- then followed the history of men- you would come to see that God is ALWAYS good/ even if it does not suit you- and that the New Testament reveals Gods promises- Yes- He keeps His own word- just like I have BURIED false narratives in this post-

          It is understandable why you rebel- but pay attention to what actual believers tell you/ as opppsed to the Www.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          Your religion and it proponents condemn themselves all the time by their actions.
          That you inevitably refuse to face up to the truth demonstrates how much of a coward you truly are


        • ColorStorm says:

          Well one thing is certain ark- you would not waste such time and energy to comment on a site that you consider weak. Even you must admit to this careful point.

          You utilize this resource because it IS a voice of reason/ coupled with some of the finest Christians @ WP- who also are sound and secure in the faith- CTom, IB- Wally, Tricia, XP, Julie, Nina, Mel, Vincent, etc etc and can hold their own against Any atheist alive. Gods word is that sure.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Like a rogues’ gallery of indoctrination, ignorance, delusion and disengenuity.


        • ColorStorm says:

          And yet your insane viewpoints are allowed so they can be buried in the public domain. CTom is right.

          You are a great evangel for Christianity.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Only too happy to do my bit …


        • Citizen Tom says:

          Back to Mr. Evidence again.

          Could anyone except God give you enough evidence? Even Jesus’ miracles were not enough to convince some people. Why? I suppose the Word is not enough, not without the love of God.

          Still, such as you serve a purpose. Your hatred of Christians serves as evidence. When people see people persecuting other people for no good reason, they have to ask themselves as question: “Why?” When the persecuted refuse to renounce their faith, those watching begin to understand. Therefore, even though there is no reason to thank you, I suppose you help spread Christianity.


        • Arkenaten says:

          You can’t help yourself Tom, can you? Instead of ”manning-up” and presenting concrete evidence to back your claims to the hilt, which would once and for all settle any argument you pull out your ridiculous ”faith card” then run and hide behind it strong>every single time /strong>
          Yes, Tom, this is the epitome of pathetic.
          And no, I do not hate religion, but I do loathe it.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          You are the one with something to prove. You are the one with an axe to grind. I don’t have to justify hating or loathing you (a distinction without a difference).

          Know there is a problem with hatred. We don’t think clearly when we are filled with the emotions hatred engenders. I wonder how much that hatred prevents you from accepting the message of the Gospel.

          Anyway, you are just angrily repeating yourself once again. I have a post to write.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Arkenaten says:

          When you are prepared to acknowledge the truth regarding the” Christ Killer” jibe , and the root of the anti Jewish/antisemitism as we generally understand it today then we might be able to have an reasonable discussion .
          Until then ….


  2. ColorStorm says:

    Good stuff jewels, tkx for being a mister rogers like good neighbor. 😉

    Imagine Hitler talking to the apostle Paul about ‘love is the greatest of these three………..’ and Israel being set aside as it were but not forgotten; imagine the discussions about charity and loving thy neighbor…………..’

    I so tire of hearing that Christianity is ‘responsible’ for people killing others. I love the title of this post about the ‘burial,’ because this false idea is committed to the graveyard of nonsense by facts and history.

    A ‘rock’ is not ‘responsible’ for people being stoned to death or breaking windows. It has no life, is innocuous to blame, and is only an implement in the ‘hands’ of they who were responsible. Geez, why people can’t get this…………….


    • Arkenaten says:

      Here y’go C.S.

      A.Roy Ekhardt takes it further …

      The Christian contribution to the Holocaust ( Ha Shoah ) is transparent if still (immorally) denied. The people whom the Nazis saw as the Evil in the world had long been since identified by the Church as the killers of God, the Devil’s special agents and the contemporary, continuing Nay-sayers to the Truth of Christ. Helmut Gollwitzer observes that the so-called absoluteness of Christianity was eventually to spell doom for the Jews of Europe.


  3. Arkenaten says:

    Knock yourself out John. Why not do a blog post of your comments and complaints for the world to see, because they sure as Hades wont see the light of day on my blog.


    • ColorStorm says:

      For the WORLD to see?

      You mean the same world that scoffs at the Lord on high?
      Interesting how atheists pride themselves in banning believers who actually can speak with clarity- while believers give atheists free reign to make fools of themselves.


      • Arkenaten says:

        Want to see what Christians are like? Watch the movie The Most Hated Woman In America.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Never heard of it- why don’t u give a two sentence synopsis.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Madalyn Murray O’Hair. Watch it on Netflix.


        • ColorStorm says:

          I know of her- but u are providing no help for others who cannot see it-

          Most hated. Why. Surely u can offer a sentence other than her vocal atheism.


        • Arkenaten says:

          Look her up on Wiki.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          I am old enough to remember when Madalyn Murray O’Hair was alive and active. From what little I know, it seems the lady had sad life.

          Was O’Hair hated? Probably. Some people hate when pity is more appropriate.

          Consider the title of the movie. The title focuses on the hatred Madalyn Murray O’Hair brought upon herself. She angrily pursued her cause, and that apparently is what makes you proud of her. Curious reason for take pride in someone and make her your role model. Wish so many were not motivated by hate. 😥


        • Arkenaten says:

          Role model?
          I have no interest in her, only in the fact she highlighted just how demented and depraved your supposed democracy was/is.
          She seemed a bit off the rails in the film but then , she was a product of your country so perhaps this is understandable.


        • Citizen Tom says:

          If you don’t like my country, I am suppose to be upset? 🙄

          When someone insults me or something I care I about, I consider the source. Mahatma Gandhi supposedly found Christians disappointing. He thought it difficult to take Jesus seriously because Christians do not live up to Jesus’ teachings. Because Gandhi behaved so well, we are compelled to take him seriously, but you? With your rabidity? You need to take that plank out of your own eye first.

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          I’m not sure Tom why they who think the Bible is fiction- are so adamant in their accusations against God and scripture.

          Scripture reveals the origin of life, and the culprits who reproduced and at every turn proved they were both enemies of God and good people of faith.

          To be accused as we are of inciting riot and death, is beyond me. In this age of grace whereby heaven is silent, people with bibles in hand (atheists in particular) are blind as bats if they try to plug Christian doctrine into the life and times of Samson (bringing a building down) or King David and his wars.

          I am so thankful for the revelation of the grace of God, and that reminder that ‘an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign…..’

          Liked by 1 person

        • Citizen Tom says:

          Romans 1 describes the behavior. If we don’t choose to know and love our Creator, He leaves us to follow our natural inclinations. Our natural inclinations are scary. We have good reason to be thankful for the grace of our Lord.


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