Take the TRUTH test

In my never ending quest to speak of the almighty perfectness of true science, coupled with the infallible testimony of Holy Writ, I bring you this for your immediate consideration.

Forget the fact that coal, lumber, leather, diamonds, oil, blood, bones, fruit, fish, beef, herbs, and every other emolument that sprang out of an accidental cosmic duststorm………………there is always this:

When God made man, He said this with everlasting relevance which delights the honest, and causes scorn from the cheap seats:

‘In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread, till thou return unto the ground, for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.’

Thus saith the Maker of all that is, and to this day, men have been returning to the ground by way of that uncomfortable thing known as death. Some things never change, and once more the truthfulness of God’s own word is held in the highest esteem.

Oh evolution, where oh where is your answer to the science of life? Oh how thou art found weak and shallow of thought. Love me some true science, but love God’s word evn more.

About ColorStorm

Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.
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124 Responses to Take the TRUTH test

  1. Don’t be so quiet CS—your voice is needed!!


    • Ark says:

      Indeed! Considering Yahweh is always so quiet.
      ”Speak up that man!”


      Liked by 1 person

      • Hello Ark— hope all is good with you and your family

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          Back at you , Jules.
          We are all 100%,. Covid free and happy as pigs in a poke, thank the gods.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Good to hear Ark— us too— but I’ll drop the s in gods and capitalize the G 🥳


        • Ark says:

          There are plenty of nicer gods than Yahweh/ Jesus.
          Have you ever read Numbers, for example?
          Nasty piece of work old Yahweh.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Let’s just enjoy the day shall we ark?


        • Ark says:

          I usually do, Julie.
          But seriously, does it not bother you reading about some of the heinous actions of your god Yahweh/Jesus?
          Yahweh in his Jesus form was a ‘class act’ when it came to violence, wasn’t he?
          How about Rev 19:17-21? Gorging on human flesh at Yahweh/Jesus’ banquet.
          And of course, his cruelty really came to the fore after he invented Hell!

          Would you ever consider reading some of these passages and other passages about butchering innocents, sex slaves, infanticide, genocide, slavery etc to your kids when they were small?


      • Citizen Tom says:

        @Hi Ark

        You are an Atheist for peace? You throw rocks? Have you noticed that you live in a house made of the most brittle glass?

        The Bible is an honest history. That is why you cite it to attack Christians. But you don’t understand the Bible. That is why you can cite the Bible to attack Christians. You cannot see that each time you do you put your foot in your mouth.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          Help, Tom.
          Young Earth Creationists like you have the Silly Corner all to yourselves. Best I just tippy toe away quietly and leave you and the other Ken Ham fans to play with your toy dinosaurs and your Adam & Eve action figures.


        • ColorStorm says:

          2 key words here ark that you are missing. TRUTH and HONEST.

          God’s word is first truthful, which demands we are honest. There is no other history of man that has stood the test of time. Your dismissing of it does not diminish its lustre- and when understood properly, every word is good.


        • Ark says:

          In actual fact there is only one word and this is evidence: something you have failed to produce the beginning.
          But then, you’re indoctrinated so what do you care, right?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Btw, I have asked not only you, but Anybody- WHAT evidence is acceptable to you that proves God’s word is historically correct and matter of fact truthful in every respect????

          You remind me of that dude Goliath of Gath with a big head and larger ego who dared question the living God- Didnt end well.


        • Ark says:

          I consider it would be misplaced of me to second-guess your god on the subject of evidence to confirm his existence? I’ve always been assured he chooses rather than the other way round.,
          But I am interested to read what was the evidence that convinced you. That would be a good start.


        • ColorStorm says:

          The evidence has already been presented in this very post.

          Death. Unto dust thou art. Unto death shalt thou return? If you cannot accept this, I suppose nothing will even if a man rise from the dead……

          But it seems your issue is not with evidence, as millions have been convinced with less- but simple pride that One is actually greater than you, and that your life as the good book says, is but a vapor.

          But me? Knowing that God’s word speaks to the conscience, heart, mind, common sense, and that there is no other source material that speaks perfectly to the issues of life.

          And yes, as I’ve said a hundred times, scientifically accurate as a bonus. What else do you want.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          No, that is just a claim, and worse, a quote from a text with no evidence to support it.

          So, no evidence then.
          sigh ‘Twas ever thus.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Ha! You would also accuse a man a liar if he told you he was blind but now sees. You really are no different than every atheist who lived and died.

          History is on my side. Water does not lie. And God’s word is ever the same-

          Best regards


        • Ark says:

          You would also accuse a man a liar if he told you he was blind but now sees.

          Not at all. First I would never accuse anyone of lying without good reason, and second, his claim can be tested and verified.

          You really are no different than every atheist who lived and died.

          On the subject of atheism , of course not! I have no belief in gods. Period. This is based solely on the absence of evidence.

          History is on my side.

          This has no meaning in our conversation and is in likelihood wrong as well.

          God’s word is ever the same-

          If this is true, simply provide evidence. It is not a difficult request surely?


        • ColorStorm says:

          You do provide comic relief ark. Evidence you say?

          Yet here we are speaking of death AND lies……..

          Ever met a dog who lied? Things distinct to humans all verified and explained quite well in the monarch of books.

          Ever read it as if it was directed to you??

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          As per most of your dialogue you inevitably resort to drivel / borderline incoherency.
          It must be a component of your indoctrination.


        • Citizen Tom says:


          Help you? It is your foot.


        • Ark says:

          That should have been ‘Hello, Tom’, but in one sense it could be an appeal for someone to ‘Help Tom’ so I guess it works either way!


        • Citizen Tom says:


          Freudian slip, no doubt.


        • Ark says:

          Didn’t read the follow up I see.
          And can you seriously imagine anyone, let alone moi, asking YOU a Young Earth Creationist for help. Oh, the gods!


        • Citizen Tom says:


          You don’t need to worry Ark. I understand. Since you cannot admit you believe in God, what else can you do? You can only ask another human being, someone you deem wise and powerful for help. However, I must disabuse you. It is only through Christ that I can do all things, not of my own power.


        • Ark says:

          Hilarious! I wouldn’t come to you for advice on salvation even if my soul depended on it. That is if humans had souls of course.
          Oh, and Christ is a title, not a name . If you want to use the term then have the intellectual savvy to write the Christ..


        • Citizen Tom says:


          No one’s soul depends upon me, fortunately. It depends upon that Being you say does not exist.

          Christ is a title, of course, but you miss the point of the title. “God” is a title. With a small “g,” “god” is a category of being. Yet when we speak of God, there there no doubt of whom we are speaking. There is only one God. There is only one Christ. So, your quibbling is as foolish and pathetic as your assertions about God.


        • Ark says:

          Attila the Hun, John The Baptist, Edward the Confessor, Richard the Lionheart, Peter the Great….. Jesus the Christ.
          Do you get it now?

          I never miss a point, Tom, trust me. However, YOU do, and more often than not.
          To illustrate the point. Your god is called Yahweh. Understand?
          It’s right there in the bible.

          This is the point where CS leaps into the Reay once more to tries to haul your pathetic, Indoctrinated whining arse out of the fire.


        • Citizen Tom says:


          For someone who always gets the point, you are doing an excellent job of demonstrating human fallibility.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          For someone who never gets the point you are doing an excellent job showing the world how effective is religious indoctrination.
          How’s Yahweh, by the way? Did you two chat today?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Ark- you are the perfect specimen demonstrating the patience of God. Thank you for always proving the ever truthful testimony of holy writ.


        • Citizen Tom says:


          God speaks to you. You just don’t listen.

          Psalm 19:1-4
          English Standard Version
          To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.
          19 The heavens declare the glory of God,
          and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
          2 Day to day pours out speech,
          and night to night reveals knowledge.
          3 There is no speech, nor are there words,
          whose voice is not heard.
          4 Their voice goes out through all the earth,
          and their words to the end of the world

          You speak with the arrogance of the ignorant. I did not believe until I was in my fifties. I was converted when I read the Bibles on my own.

          Have you ever considered your own behavior? Where did you ever learn to so determinely strive to belittle others? What is the point?

          You have made it perfectly clear you want to force your beliefs upon others. If you put what you want into practice, that would make you little different from a Nazi or Communist.


        • Ark says:

          You consider your participation here and on your own blog exemplary? Good grief! You are an indoctrinated sanctimonious arse, Tom.
          Your words are just ignorant. You haven’t really the acumen or intellect for real arrogance. You haven’t the gumption to even attempt to provide evidence to support your silly blathering.
          I am entitled to question people like you who make unsubstantiated claims that are nothing but twaddle.
          A Nazi? Really? You are a pathetic little man who hasn’t the back bone to deal with reality.
          What was the issue that drove you to seek salvation Tom?
          So many of your born again ilk can’t cope and because of addiction, so often drugs, porn or alcohol they turn to the ‘Lord’ as a means to solve their problem, or at least suppress their guilt.
          I really don’t give a fig what you, as an individual wish to believe. That you feel entitled to take such beliefs into society and make demands upon legislators to favour your religion, is contemptable.
          That you wish to have kids indoctrinated with the filth of rigion is child abuse.
          And primarily for this reason, I’ll call it as I see it.
          However, if you feel you have a case for your religion, then provide some damn evidence.
          As the saying goes. Put up or push off!
          Do we understand each other Tom?


        • Citizen Tom says:


          “Thanks” for underlining the truth of my contentions. All you did was attack me.

          You claim I have not provided evidence, but whenever anyone provides you any evidence you just ignore it. All you do is ridicule.. That makes your ignorance willful. That makes discussions with you pointless. So, I don’t bother except to see if God has changed your heart. Maybe He will someday, as He did mine.

          So many of your born again ilk can’t cope and because of addiction, so often drugs, porn or alcohol they turn to the ‘Lord’ as a means to solve their problem, or at least suppress their guilt.

          What do you do with your guilt, Ark? You don’t have any?

          Contemplate why you call me weak. I conceded that I am a creature, that the Creator of the universe is greater than I and I need His help. Not believing the obvious — being oblivious to the obvious — makes you strong?

          Jesus came to save to save sinners. Until we admit we are sinners and repent, we will not accept His help. That is why churches are full of sinners. We have admitted what is true of everyone. We are sinners, and we need the salvation offered by Christ.


        • Ark says:

          whenever anyone provides you any evidence you just ignore it

          Fair enough. Let me stop you right there.
          Provide some of the evidence you have just claimed that I ignore.
          You have free reign to choose whichever evidence you think makes you case.
          The floor is yours so please don’t hand wave away this opportunity with some asinine fluff or a response with a quote from the bible..


        • Citizen Tom says:


          No. Instead of being the critic,, it is time you explained yourself. I will ask you questions.
          How did our universe begin? Did it just happen?


        • Ark says:

          I take it you have no e idr ce then? We can test this further.
          How did the universe begin? I don’t know. So, Tom, tell me, as you obviously consider you have the answer. How did the universe begin?


        • ColorStorm says:

          It has always been self evident. Never a matter of the mind but the heart. The Creator had put this imprint of knowing within you. It is your own battle where pride wins. Case closed. This is what CT points to in Romans 1.

          Undeniable. Factual. Demonstrably proven. On the beginning God. Period. What are you waiting for? Even a jackass is not so stubborn.


        • Ark says:

          Not interested in apologetic dribble. You have evidence, then present it.


        • ColorStorm says:

          The evidence is history. The scriptures provide the proof. What else are you looking for?

          You pretend to be greater than God ark. How’s that working for you? Don’t be like the common fool who lives and dies rejecting his Maker.

          Take the TRUTH test……


        • Ark says:

          Proof is for maths. Evidence contradicts every thing you believe.

          You pretend to be greater than God ark.

          I pretend to be no such thing. Stop being so pathetic, CS, it’s contemptible even by your standards.
          But I bet I could produce a better bible just by including ‘Laws’ forbidding slavery.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Tks for agreeing so to speak! Proof is the infallible conclusion that 2+2 equals four. And even though I spelled the letters of four….. instead of the number, you know what I mean.

          This is evidence of an argument that demonstrates proof. The introduction of death per this post is plenty of evidence. The conclusions are inescapable.

          You ask questions but avoid the only source that provides the correct answers. You have the likes of Degrasse and Nye on your side. I have David and Solomon on mine.

          Seems like an easy choice. For goodness sake, the book of Proverbs alone makes Tyson appear as a dunce.


        • Ark says:

          And we are back to you dribbling ….


        • Citizen Tom says:


          So, you don’t know how the world began? How about the creation of mankind? Where did we come from?


        • Ark says:

          So, you don’t know how the world began?

          Yes, I understand how the world ‘began’. You asked how the universe began.
          On this point, I think I will revise my answer.. The Big Bang as it is called is what is generally considered the beginning of our universe..

          How about the creation of mankind? Where did we come from?

          There is no evidence that Humans were ‘created’. Evidence tells us that evolution is responsible.

          However, as I am aware you disagree with this, are you able to provide evidence to demonstrate humans were created (by your god)?


        • Citizen Tom says:


          What caused the Big Bang? Can you explain the process of evolution? Why do you believe in evolution?


        • Ark says:

          What caused the Big Bang?

          Caused? This is somewhat vague. Can you be more specific with your terms Tom?

          Can you explain the process of evolution?

          On this thread? Unlikely. Will a link to a properly qualified individual suffice?

          Why do you believe in evolution?

          Because it is the best explanation of the evidence and nothing comes close as an alternative.

          Why do you believe Yahweh is responsible?


        • Citizen Tom says:


          You are claiming the right to impose your beliefs — your gods of sex, stuff, science, state, and self — upon others, but you don’t have the capacity to explain what you believe about the beginning of the universe and mankind. Instead, you refer to scientific theories you apparently don’t understand. You deflect.

          I hope you are beginning to see it is easy to be the critic and ask endless questions. It is more difficult to defend why we believe what we believe.

          What caused the Big Bang? Wasn’t the Big Bang the effect of some cause? What was the that cause?

          What is science? What is the significance of scientific knowledge? How do we know scientific laws can be trusted? If you are going to worship science and insist that everyone else do the same, those questions should be easy. I


        • Ark says:

          You are claiming the right to impose your beliefs

          No. I am asserting that beliefs should comport with evidence and this is what we should teach.
          For this reason(among many others) we do not teach our kids that the earth is flat.
          Neither do we teach that Thor and Odin are real.

          I have a basic understanding of the Big Bang Theory and a better understanding of Evolution.
          The evidence comports with known reality.
          I am not a doctor but based on evidence and experience I trust my GP.
          For your own benefit you should read from the relevant experts. Something I do not claim to be.

          So, once again., What evidence can you present to support your claim that your gods is responsible for creation including creating humans?

          Please don’t deflect as this will suggest you have no understanding of what you believe.


        • ColorStorm says:

          ‘I have a basic understanding of the Big Bang Theory and a better understanding of Evolution.
          The evidence comports with known reality.’

          Pay attention to your own words. ‘Theory.’ One that does not hold water- and btw- whales still give birth to whales and not ducks, per ‘after their kinds,’ per Genesis, according to the Maker of all that is.

          This is factual. This is science. That is why you loathe it- because it is true-

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          I will no longer respond to your drivel on this thread. You are patently ignorant of the terms.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yeah, after all, the ORIGIN of the species was dreamed up by Darwin…….

          Genesis is well above your pay grade ark- more true science there than you care to admit- but do have a good one-


        • Citizen Tom says:


          Where is your evidence? You state it exists. You state you understand it. Is it too much to ask for you to explain it. Put up or follow your own advice.


        • Ark says:

          Fossils are always a good place to start.
          If you know how to use Google this topic should keep you busy for a while.

          CS doesn’t allow videos so you will have to do a bit of research yourself.
          DNA is another topic you could research.
          Francis Collins accepts evolution and he’s a Christian.
          Any evidence you can offer, link to, to show evidence your god created humans?


        • Citizen Tom says:


          So, all you have is snark. In fact, your respected authority for the science of evolution is a Christian? Sad, but now it should be obvious to anyone. All you have is hot air.

          When you live in a glass house, you are in no position to throw stones.

          You call yourself an Atheist, but someone who says he does not know if God exists is an agnostic. That term is of Greek origin. It literally means without knowledge. We just verified that you are agnostic.


        • Ark says:

          What snark? How am I to know if you are capable of doing scientific research on the internet? The fact you ask for explanations regarding evolution suggests you are somewhat clueless on the subject.
          Furthermore, I offered up Collins because he was heading the Human Genome Project and as a Christian I thought you mind find another god-believer more palatable when it came to evolution.
          Obviously I was mistaken. I will learn for the future.

          Now this next paragraph is snark … here y’go.

          Unfortunately , Ken Ham while also a Christian, is YEC like you and he, like you, is a firm believer in the principle of ‘Goddidit’, who does not believe in evolution. So he is a waste of time.
          Almost like you! So much in common. Who would have guessed? Perhaps you could get a part- time job selling tickets for the Ark Experience and in you lunch break go pat the plastic dinosaurs?

          Anyway ….Moving on ….
          Would you like a non-theist as a reference to explain evolution for you. How about the late Stephen J Gould?

          You call yourself an Atheist, but someone who says he does not know if God exists is an agnostic

          One has to laugh art the way you try to put words in other people’s mouths in an awful attempt to justify just how weak your arguments are. And you accuse me of snark? Tsk, tsk. But how very Christian of you, Tom. I am just surprised you haven’t told me I am going to burn in hell when I meet Jesus in the next world.

          For what it’s worth …..
          I have no belief in gods, your god nor any other because of the total lack of evidence
          You see the difference , Tom. I don’t need to behave like a disingenuous Arsehat to demonstrate my position.

          And this is where you are supposed to leap in with all this evidence you keep suggesting you have for your god and yet, to date , have offered diddly-squat.

          And yet you are commanded to answer the non believer are you not?
          Would you like me to reference the specific verse in your bible or are you au fait enough to know it.
          (PS. that was snark too)
          I think the appropriate American idiom here would be: Go suck an egg?


        • Citizen Tom says:


          I have never claimed to be a Young Earth Creationist. Since things like the Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution cannot be proven, I regard those who treat hypotheses that are stilled called theories as facts dubiously. That is not following the science. They are simply adopting the conventional wisdom.

          Where is your evidence? Where do I lack evidence? That is where critical thinking comes in.

          Most ideas are bad ideas. Therefore, whenever we encounter an idea we have not tested, we must see if we can find anything wrong with it.

          Living in accordance with the teachings of the Bible has worked for people quite well for thousands of years. The history the Bible records has proven true. The prophecies recorded in the Bible have proven true. The Bible itself is a miracle, a library of books written over a 1500 year period by dozens of authors that is perfectly one work.. Men could and would not have written the Bible without the prompting of God.

          Therefore, when I applied the techniques of critical thinking to the Bible, I failed to find any fault in it. That is not true of what you insist I should believe. Hence, you have to use the power of government to enforce belief. That in itself is an admission of fraud.


        • Ark says:

          Hgp refutes the Genesis tale of creation.
          Archaeology refutes the tale of Noah and his ark.
          Captivity, exodus and conquest. Evidence refutes the bible tale.
          Half of the epistles are pseudoepigraphic.
          (fraudulent), as is the long ending of gMark.
          The johanine comma is an interpolation thus doing away witb any notion of the Trinity, which is a Church construct.
          Acts is effectively useless as an historical reference and most genuine historians consider it at best, historical fiction.
          On the other hand, irrespective of what you misundedstandingly think of the Theory of Evolution it is a fact as well as a theory and for your own benefit you should understand why it is regarded as such.

          Science works, and can be demonstrated to do so.
          Faith does not.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Hilarious ark. You appeal to Collins when he opines that Adam was not the first man, yet laugh at him when he confirms ‘other’ historical events. It’s extremely disingenuous on your part really to so use people.

          What will you then do when Collins comes to his senses and apologizes for ‘info’ he did not calculate.

          Adam lived as much as Christ did. For God’s sake our calendars are based on BC and AD.

          But tkx for not posting links etc. Appreciated.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Citizen Tom says:


          And so as one without knowledge you are once again in your comfort zone. You cannot explain what you believe, but you can happily condemn the imperfect knowledge of others.

          We are just creatures. Get use to it. The Bible is the Word of God. God thoughts and deeds are beyond our understanding. I don’t understand everything in the Bible, but what I do understand I believe.

          Genesis was written to the Hebrews just after they had been delivered from slavery. Those former slaves, whatever their defects did not expect to understand everything God says and does. That we do expect to understand everything just show how dumb we are.

          The Great Flood was actually a relatively minor event.

          Genesis 2:5-7 English Standard Version
          5 When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, 6 and a mist was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground— 7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

          And you think the Great Flood unsupported by science.

          When did God make first make it rain?

          Liked by 1 person

        • ColorStorm says:

          Certainly good points about rain Tom/ At least we have a sound explanation as opposed to the guesswork of they with tales from the crypt.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          I accept evolution.
          You believe in creation.
          There is overwhelming evidence for evolution.
          There is none for creation.
          Noah and his flood tale are myth.
          The Exodus as described is a myth.
          “When did God first make it rain?”
          You have evidence of your god?
          Excellent! Provide this evidence or at least post a link.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yeah ark, there is overwhelming evidence….. that your common dining table made itself for your pleasure. Your world view, as well as an attempt to defend it, then try to explain it, is an assault upon the human mind.


        • Citizen Tom says:


          You don’t want to believe. Note the revelance of the last verse.

          Luke 16:19-31 English Standard Version

          19 “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. 20 And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried, 23 and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. 24 And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’ 27 And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house— 28 for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ 30 And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ 31 He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”


        • Ark says:

          Seriously? You quote the bible to Me? Evidence, Tom. Evidence! Stop behaving like an indoctrinated, fundamentalist twit.


        • ColorStorm says:

          And therein lies the power that men despise. The word of God IS the authority. So naturally you would cry foul. Too funny.

          Remember when the alleged learned scholars tried to trap the Lord by saying the LAW said she was to be stoned?????

          Well then, what happened next was pure gold, and you should pay attention. First, He was silent. After they harassed Him further by their ‘superior knowledge…..’ He then said, ‘he that is sinless let him pick up the first stone.’

          Who now dared to pick up the FIRST stone????? Yet, here you are ark, like them, trying to peddle superior knowledge.

          So yes, our appeal is to the Authority well above man’s- and we know this, because history agrees. The account is undeniable, and the facts are infallible.

          So yes, there was an exodus, a flood, Daniel with lions, his friends in the fire, and a donkey who spoke.

          But back to the theme. DEATH. Quite the dilemma for the evolutionist/atheistic view-

          Gods word explains it quite well, so don’t ignore the facts of life, and sorry, CTOM has your number. Between the two of us, you have suffered a fatal blow by way of your tired arguments-

          Liked by 1 person

        • Citizen Tom says:


          The Bible is evidence. The passage I quoted pointed to your problem. Look up the definition of indoctrinated. You fit the description far too well.

          All I can do for you is pray.


        • ColorStorm says:

          You are right Tom/ people mistakenly assume indoctrination applies only to ‘religion’ yet many, as you said, come to the truth of scripture after an honest evaluation of the scriptures, and a candid look at themselves.

          The Bible satisfies the deep issues of life, and of course there are many knockoffs- it is all true from beginning to end- then you have Alpha and Omega.

          So not only is our testimony
          important to ark here/ but to the potential thousands who run across conversations like this- truth has a shelf life that lasts forever.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Citizen Tom says:


          Much is made of the distinction between indoctrination and education, but the educated are also indoctrinated. It is a rare teacher who does not tell students what to think about the subject they are teaching.


        • Ark says:

          😂 You are the epitome of one who has left critical thinking at the door.
          The bible is an anonymous collection of ancient manuscripts riddled with errors across every major discipline. It also contains interpolation and fraud.
          Most of the major themes are myth, including the Genesis tales of creation, Noah and his ark and Moses and the Exodus.

          That you accuse me of being indoctrinated for accepting evolution is risible.
          You probably wouldn’t be able to live the life you likely do right now if it weren’t for evolution, but sadly you are too indoctrinated to even understand why.

          The fact you consider the bible evidence of your unsubstantiated religious beliefs is pitiful but at the same time is the perfect illustration of how harmful religion is.

          I just hope you have little or no access to children.
          Go ahead, pray ’til your eyes bleed.
          Me, I’ ll be in my garden tomorrow transplanting tomatoes, and some squash seedlings and hopefully, harvesting a few potatoes.
          Let me know if your god sends you some manna?


        • Citizen Tom says:


          You are quoting yourself?

          I hope you enjoy your gardening. Gardening is a far more productive activity than trying to insult people who think vengeance belongs to the Lord.

          Gardening is also the oldest profession.



        • Ark says:

          Trying to be smug and condescending merely demonstrates your lack of intelligence in this regard and illustrates the point of what religious indoctrination
          is al about.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Why is it smug to draw attention to gardening as an age old profession. A husband is a profession too. Something that’s practiced.

          Care for the ground. Be professional about its purpose . Don’t abuse it. Send easy enough. Be honest though, you just do not like the fact that it was God who initiated first gardening, and once more goes to the HEART of this post.

          Until dust thou art, unto dust shall thou return. Like planting seeds for the last time. Deal with it. It’s peer reviewed even by dunces.

          And you Mary idea- trashed forever. Such lewd remarks I will not host.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Citizen Tom says:


          I am smug and condescending? Coming from you? That’s funny. Where is your evidence?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          Evidence that your smug and condescending?
          Good grief, you’re an indoctrinated, fundamentalist Christian!


        • ColorStorm says:

          You can never win an argument with solid believers ark. You rely on borrowed opinions from others who also have no use for God.

          The conversation is fast boring- Tom told you he became a believer well into his adult years but this means nothing to you.

          And your interpretation of ‘profession’ is lame/ In addition to my own skill set, some say I am a professional carpenter. So what if i do not get paid. There are greater satisfactions in life than a mere paycheck.

          And once more, unto dust shalt thou return. Evolution be damned.


        • Ark says:

          Again, learn correct English definitions, not colloquialisms. Having a professional attitude or approach is not the sanme as having a paid profession.
          Who is trying to win an argument?
          Your lack of savvy and indoctrinated religious outlook ensures any discussion on your blog will quickly see you and your fundy bloggers dig deeper holes for yourselves faster than if your chum, Adam had ten shovels!


        • Ark says:

          The gardening tale you describe is not a profession.
          Professions are paid occupations.
          Prostitution still pips it I’m afraid old sport.
          Christianity or at least the clergy/Christian Church have always pointed a finger at the much maligned Mary Magdalene who has traditionally been associated with / regarded as a member of this profession.


        • ColorStorm says:

          If she was a paid evening lady, what does this say about the men? According to the account given, the ‘learned ones’ were caught between the horns of a dilemma with the ‘picking up the stone’ thing. Their mouths were stopped.

          This is where scripture reigns supreme. It stops mouths. It gives answers men cannot tolerate. It incriminates yet can elevate.

          Their is not one good reason on earth to discount the ‘garden’ account in Genesis. It was actually very good. And a woman can be a professional quilt maker, and not make a dime btw.

          So yeah, no doubt Mr and mrs Adam were quite the arborists.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          The stoning episode is an interpolation.
          I never said she was a whore, the Church and your Clergy always maligned her.
          Profession means a paid job. Learn English.


        • Citizen Tom says:


          Adam lived in Paradise. Best pay there is.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          😂 You actualy believe that, don’t you?


        • Citizen Tom says:


          Yes , I do.

          Think about your response. While being blatantly smug and condescending, you are accusing me of being smug and condescending. You use the words, but you don’t seem to understand what they mean. If it is wrong for me to be smug and condescending, why is it okay for you to be smug and condescending?

          Your make personal attacks that have nothing to do with the logic of what you say you believe. You cannot even properly explain what you believe. So, who are you to criticize anyone for believing in Jesus? A font of secular wisdom? If there is such a person, you are not him.

          Is being ignorant a sin? That is something you will have to decide for yourself. Have you chosen to be ignorant? Willful ignorance is a sin. To excuse our sins, we choose to believe lies. The thief convinces himself there is nothing wrong when he steals. The murderer believes his victim deserves to die.

          Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living. If we don’t examine the assumptions upon which we base our values — if we don’t examine our self– we cannot grow in virtue. Since the pursuit of happiness is the same thing as the pursuit of virtue, an unexamined life is empty and pointless. Instead of hounding others, you would be better served if you became you own critic.

          What is it you believe? Why? What makes more logical sense than what you believe? If the alternative is better, why don’t you accept the alternative?


        • Ark says:

          The bible character Jesus of Nazareth is a narrative construct and a fool.
          The bible character Adam is a narrative construct and a literary tool of those who invented Yahweh.
          And you are a wilfully ignorant science denying Creationist.
          Throughout our entire dialogue, make that the entity of our blogging interactions you have never once offered any evidence for your religious claims which remain unsubstantiated apologetic nonsense.
          You banned me from your blog, the action of a rank coward, and resort to displaying your ignorance on the blogs of others just so you can try to make yourself look smart, an endeavor you fail at every time yo open a comrnt thread.
          The moment you offer just one piece of evidence produced in good faith, just ONEe, rather than the biblical drivel you spew out without a moments thought regarding what you are actually writing is the day I will sit up and grant you have attained a modicum of intregrity, and are exercising a degree of critical thought.
          ‘Til then, you are merely the indoctrinated dog-end of a revolting religion that is responsible for the extermination of millions and the corruption of even more.
          Thank the gods Christianity will eventually go the way of all those religions it exterminated.

          Have a day.


        • Citizen Tom says:


          I banned you from my blog for the same reason I use mosquito repellent. You are just hostile, and I tire of swatting you away.


        • Ark says:

          And yet you make a point of engaging me here on CS’s blog, which merely shows you are not only a liar but also a hypocrite … and a coward


        • Citizen Tom says:


          You are doing all the name calling. That makes you brave? Seriously? You are at best just trolling Christians. All I am doing is pointing to your behavior here. It’s absurd. You cannot even explain what you believe, but you endlessly demand evidence.

          Why do I occasionally engage with you here? To see if you have learned anything. You quite obviously have not.

          Anyway, if ColorStorm wants to put up with you, that is his choice. He is old enough and thickskinned. Your babbling — your hysterical shrieks for evidence — won’t hurt him.


        • Ark says:

          That you have a desperate need to engage me every time you see my Gravitar on CS’s blog tells it’s own story.
          If I were to expend the necessary time and energy and bytes to write a detailed explanation of evolution to an indoctrinated Creationist you would merely dismiss it so what would be the point?
          I could point to Darwin’s observations, or the vestigial limbs of whales to show they were once land animals or even the connection between vaccines and evolution and all you would do is reply with some regurgitated drivel about Yahweh and Creation.
          You KNOW evolution is fact, but you cannot offer a shred of evidence for your god, hence the by product of indoctrination – faith.
          Colorstorm used to moderate my comments but stopped after I began doing the same thing to him.
          Now he gets free reign to post what he wants.
          You on the other hand, refuse to allow me to comment on your blog because you are a coward and a hypocrite.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Having never met you- this is for your good/ maybe some day you will understand-

          CTom adds weight to my posts- he confirms what truth I write- your insulting of him is insulting to me- but I brush it aside because like many others- your issue can never be with us- but ultimately with God and His word/

          The mention of the ‘first’ rain you instantly dismissed. Why? It was relevant, and it speaks to the care for the earth. Ever notice the gentle mist that golf course superintendents employ for grass??? Enter the mist of Genesis.

          We tell the truth. You do not like the fact that millions of people agree with us, many who are well educated PhD’s- scientists/ MD’s/ male/ female/ representing all countries of the world/ some living posh lives: many in poverty-

          We speak what we know- and admit- unlike others- that we do not know how old the earth or universe is- we do know there was a beginning- a Genesis so to speak- and that scripture is the only source material that offers evidence leading to proof- we defend this easily-

          Personally, I have no use for K. Ham any more than Nye or Tyson- Each have their weaknesses- at least one has the guts to accept the scorn of fools-

          This discussion is important because you are a common unbeliever- and these words will remain for many bystanders to enjoy or despise-

          As to moderating- it was only because of the vulgarity which was sporadic- I never knew if it was ‘safe.’ I have said before I will not host Penthouse magazine material- You have come a long way in expressing disagreement without the salaciousness- and btw- how I endure the frank insults by MANY at your site proves I am the better person- and why moderation is an ok tool-

          Your photo work is outstanding- and I wrote a post about ‘faith’ in the darkroom employed by atheists- faith is a good thing when used property-

          But CTOM is fine by me- and is a huge asset to blogging- I thank him for being a witness to what I say- and to be fair, I suppose I should thank you for engaging as well-


        • Ark says:

          And just what is the point of this comment, Cs?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Yeah you are right- evolution makes you insignificant…… taking no credit for your accidental life, and if you hold to that, than you are just dust on n the wind.

          Me? I know better: unto dust thou art……

          Ad to the last comment, Amy body else would not ask for clarification-


        • Ark says:

          Oh, and I never say ‘that being does not exist’
          I do say that I have no belief in gods, your god or any other based on the complete lack of evidence.
          If you are going to try to be clever as least learn the correct terminology, okay?


        • Citizen Tom says:


          If you want to learn the correct termology, then read Roman’s 1.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Indeed. Such language as God’s work ‘clearly seen,’ and that men are ‘without excuse,’ laces the words of Paul leading up to a ‘guilty’ verdict by He with perfect judgment- but adding BUT NOW…….

          A then worthwhile looking into that wonderful BUT…… So yes, we have heard every gripe and lousy argument since hearing God is somehow unclear-

          Ark reminds me of Biden saying ‘we will win the VA election….. ignoring every drop of evidence that says the opposite.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ark says:

          Maybe you should read a book on evolution first, eh?
          Once you’ve done that and maybe learned something then we can compare notes on Rom 1?
          How’s that sound?


        • Citizen Tom says:


          The Theory of Evolution is taught in our government-run schools as an indisputable fact. The Bible is virtually ignored. So, I was indoctrinated in the Theory of Evolution by the state. I was not indoctrinated in religion by the state.


        • Ark says:

          No you were educated in the theory of evolution, which incidentally is the basis of so many things that make your life a lot safer and easier.
          Education uses evidence as its foundation.

          Religion is indoctrinated and in the total absence of evidence, relies on faith.

          That you are unaware of the difference illustrates the point more eloquently that could imagine.


        • Citizen Tom says:


          So, you have the right to choose what others believe because you “follow the science.” Such is the claim of every totalitarian dictator. They claim the right to educate the children because they best know the “truth” and they have the police powers to enforce their demands. Hence the expression “thought police.”

          If you actually believed the nonsense you spout, you would seek a competitive marketplace for ideas, an environment where each of us could learn and test differing beliefs. However, that isn’t what you want, and that reveals your hypocrisy.


        • Ark says:

          No, as I said, I don’t give a fig what you believe. I object when you try to impose them on society and the young and impressionable without any support from evidence.
          This is what genuine freedom is about.
          You should consider yourself very fortunate you live in a democratic SECULAR society that values your right to practice your religion.
          You could be living in Saudi.
          Children have a right to the same freedom but unfortunately they have people like you teaching them that evolution is false and because they are created sinners need Jesus to save them.
          That is abuse.
          So, where is your evidence?


        • ColorStorm says:

          I like that matter of fact observation CT/ It is an HONEST history. Just because we do not agree, or ‘like’ it, does not make it untrue.

          (Wishing u well in VA elec btw)

          Liked by 1 person

    • ColorStorm says:

      It’s not good to wake a sleeping lion who is hungry. 😂
      Hi jewels, all good, hope you too

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ark says:

    Did Yahweh have a similar chat to Eve informing her that she would once more become a rib in Adam’s chest cavity?
    ‘Cos …. ”from out of it wast thou taken.”

    I don’t know, really I don’t. You flat earth creationists. What a bunch. SMH

    And the Turtle moves.


    • ColorStorm says:

      Was talking bout insects last night per our topic now. WHY is man more valuable than let’s say a maggot? Or is he? Why?

      But it’s death as I have written that’s on the table. In this existence of so called billions of years, here we are, birthing and dying, per nature, proven in the good book.

      Just because you do not like it ark, dies not make it u true. Why are people put in the ground like a tomato seed, if not a picture of o new kind of life. Surely you don’t bury the tomato that will be??

      Once more, scripture has the last word. And your quip bout sea level?? Not relevant at the moment.


      • Ark says:

        Unfortunately just because you do not accept evolution does not make it fiction.
        Most of your Christian brethren and religious people in general accept it and Christians all reads from the same book as you.

        It might be prudent for you to address the issue why most Christians accept evolution and reject Creationism as per your specs before you try to ‘take down’ atheists, my friend.

        I’d be interested in your reason why you think most Christians are on board with evolution?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Tkx but here are the facts, per the meme at the top.

          I don’t try to ‘take down’ the atheistic viewpoint. It falls on its own, but I do stand up for the truth of God’s word, which is verified a million ways, every day.

          As to ‘Christians’ who are on board with evolution- let’s ‘take down’ Francis Collins, the pope of creationism and a friend of evolutionists. Quite odd really.

          Collins denies the DNA of Adam right- because it does not fit his worldview? Ha! As if there is no difference between the first man and one born through the woman?

          Sorry, he obviously is weak in the knees and holds his own ‘learning’ higher than God’s. I am not impressed, he could be a nice man, but he is a lousy voice for Genesis.

          Others follow his example, and it’s no surprise that they too find the ark of Noah, the Burj Kalifa of Babel just tales.

          Back to the point. Death, per scripture, in the ground, back to dust, from where nan was taken. Every funeral preaches and confirms creation.


        • Ark says:

          So Francis Collins is not a ”real” Christian as per your specs.,
          Got it in one.
          How about the hundreds of millions of other ordinary, run of the mill pew warmer type Christians who don’t have the educational background as Collins?
          Are they all faux Christians as well?
          Closer to home…
          How about Julie, right here on your blog. Where does she stand on your view of Creationism and a more literal (presumably ?) understanding of Genesis?
          May I ask her do you think?
          Will you?


  3. ColorStorm says:

    Ark, a believer is one because what he/she thinks of Christ. What KIND of Christian depends on how we view the warp and wood of scripture. What one loathes today he may love tomorrow. Sir Collins may change his mind tomorrow, what will you then think of him?

    Rarely will any of us agree entirely on anything. Christians are not cookie cutters. We are allowed to disagree, but the greater point is HOW we carry our points. Surely you still love your children in spite of the poor decisions they make? There is always the bigger picture.

    But more. Why do you enjoy the dirt and gardening so much??? A testimony to creation and the good dirt of the earth and your innate desire to create, per the creator.


    • Ark says:

      Ark, a believer is one because what he/she thinks of Christ.

      So, there are Flat Earthers(like you) , Young Earth Creationist, Jehovah’s Witlesses, Catholics, Orthodox, Mormons, etc all pat of the 30,000 different sects.
      What about Christadelphians? Do you consider they are real Christians?
      And why do you consider Yahweh/Jesus was unable to make plain his will regarding Genesis?

      So Julie (who I presume recognises that evolution is fact) is still a Christian in your eyes.
      Many YEC / Bible literalists I have encountered truly believe the rest of you are destined for that make believe place called Hell.


      • ColorStorm says:

        Not all are at the same mile markers in life. Surely agree. Rest assured though we all fall short in the love thy neighbor thing-

        Try to stay on point about the ‘return to the ground…..’ Tis the fact of life. If you address the importance of why mankind is greater than the maggot….. 90% of your objections and smokescreens would disappear.

        Many people have changed their minds over time with more info. or light. So it’s a good idea to give others the road so to speak. Perhaps your own mom is a ‘better’ Christian than me, living out her life the best way she can, latching onto certain scripture endearing to her. Same can be said for Julie here. But it’s a bad idea and poor taste to pit believers against each other.

        Also, the idea of How and Why God remains just- when others see Him as you do- through a crooked lens- answers itself.

        There is enough goodness in the opening 7 days of creation to outlast our gripes.


        • Ark says:

          But it’s a bad idea and poor taste to pit believers against each other.

          Strange you should write this as Christian have been arguing /fighting/killing /exterminating their fellows in ”Christ” from the very beginning Christianity was devised and laws promulgated and edicts issued.
          It is the hallmark of your religion and it is unfortunate history bears bloody witness to this fact.

          The ‘return to the ground’ claim is fine by me.
          Evolution works this way.

          There is enough goodness in the opening 7 days of creation to outlast our gripes.

          Evolution, CS. Please get it right, for goodness’ sake?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Get it right? Soooo, evo produced blood and gold?? How and why???

          Please, engage the brain and allow the marvels of common sense to find good soil to germinate. There we go again, the ground.

          As to the crusades, yep, many imposters and politicians-


        • Ark says:

          The term is evolution CS, not ”evo”.
          Let’s not denigrate the awesomeness of it, okay?

          How and why???

          The how is straightforward. You can research as well as I can.
          I imagine the ‘why’ is likely an ontological question?
          I think this might fall outside the purview of science.
          Perhaps you should consult with someone in the field of Classic Theism or philosophy?
          Prof. Edward Feser might be up your street?
          He’s a Catholic, but it’s all the same god right?

          Did I mention the Crusades?


        • ColorStorm says:

          Let’s stick with evo for my purposes in editing. Yeah, ok, gold was an accidental appearance as was the soft coal……. Oh please, in a could of law the case would be dismissed in less than 5 seconds.

          The judge would say: no evidence for accidental wonders. Then there is One above all……

          Crusades? Sure, you implied it, so I nipped it in the bud.


        • Ark says:

          You asked why? Remember? Read you comment again.
          That is an ontological question. Consult a philosopher or read up on metaphysics or some such. I gave you the perfect candidate in Ed Feser.

          Nipped it in the bud?
          Ah, surely you jest? Christians have been slaughtering each other since the first one mumbled, ”Jesus Christ, not that perishing Saul of Tarsus again!”


        • ColorStorm says:

          Truly hilarious ark. You will look up to Feser but reject He who created the grain. I’m gobsmacked at people’s willful stubbornness.


        • Ark says:

          You will look up to Feser

          Look up to? What on earth gave you this idea? I utterly loathe the man’s views.

          I suggested Feser for you as he is a Christian and he might be able to offer you a philosophical reason for ‘why’.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Doesn’t matter. You bring him up as an object if scorn, that’s the point. Shall we equally pummel Degrasse Tyson? Opinions are a dime a dozen from any corner.

          Scripture clearly states ‘For His pleasure they ARE, and WERE created.’ If men agree fine, if not let them remain ignorant.

          It pleased God to create gold and coal. It pleasedHim to make man above the animals. And yes, we screwed thi gd up. God is blameless.


        • Ark says:

          But it was men who wrote the bible. Ignorant men at that.
          You are asking the ‘why’ question.
          I am telling you this is an ontological question and outside the purview of science.
          It is outside Tyson’s field of expertise.

          Consult a philosopher. Feser is as good a choice as any.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Now we are getting somewhere. Men wrote the Bible. Correct. Yet, they were charged to write outside their field of bias or knowledge. They were carriers on Another’s message.

          This is why the scriptures are so relevant and never outdated. Daniel wrote of things reserved for another time. It was not for him to know. He did however interpret dreams where other magicians were clueless.

          Moses wrote of the beginning being not there. He was a scribe dedicated to the fidelity of the message. All 66bks. All of one.

          John’s revelation. Things did not pertain to him, yet his words are true. And yes, if something is true, there will be many knockoffs.

          There is no other source material that stands the rest of time- btw, the KJV 1611 has no copyright. Love that.


        • Ark says:

          They were carriers on Another’s message.

          Actually no. The method of how the bible was compiled is well documented.
          Again, your reply does not address the why, which is an ontological question.
          Find a philosopher.
          Don’t like Feser?
          Try another one.
          Bentley Hart, Swinburne, or Rowan Williams should fit the bill, and none of these are Catholic.


        • ColorStorm says:

          Plz don’t play dense. I told you WHY.

          For HIS pleasure they are….. and were…… created.’ I don’t need a philosopher of any stripe to say otherwise.

          And your first sentence lacks substance. I need not repeat.


        • Ark says:

          Now who’s being dense?
          What possible need, pleasure or otherwise – could an omnipotent deity want with gold or coal or similar?
          Lacks substance?
          Far from it my friend.
          We know how the bible was compiled and when, more or less.
          If you wish to assert this ‘Another’ then you need to be more specific and demonstrate with evidence how this was achieved.
          And a reply adorned in theological rhetoric will not advance this discussion or your cause one jot or tittle.
          Furthermore, if you don’t wish to consult a philosopher then you were silly posing the question in the first place, weren’t you?


        • ColorStorm says:

          God takes as much pleasure in creating precious metals as much as making an elephant. Point being, I mention ‘Death’ as going into the ground, while at the same time the earth holds many many other valuable resources.

          1st Corinthians speaks to the putting of things into the ground, appearing to be dead, ie, bulbs, seeds, etc, yet reappearing in a more beautiful form- so death is a temporary arrangement so to speak.

          As to WHY…… an evo/ atheistic viewpoint has no answer. Pretty faces are not a result of train wrecks.

          But people major in things 1% irrelevant, while not seeing the obvious 99%. Ask any farmer about the importance of good soil- he will speak truthfully, maybe even unknowingly, about God’s own handiwork in gardening.

          I dare say, there is more true science in God’s word if you would care to look. It takes a healthy dose of humility that the alleged geniuses that people admire- are really not that smart.

          As a matter of fact, God calls them fools. Not my words.


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